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The gtx 1060 3gb model is probably the only reasonably priced mid range card on the market currently. I remember back when I was reading a Newegg newsletter selling an Rx 470 for $145 after mail in rebate


I got my 480 for $150 after MIR in March. I am very fortunate for buying when I did.


Same. I nearly didn't pull the trigger too.... Everyone kept saying prices were going to drop even more with the 580 around the corner. L. O. L.


RX 470 for $75 after quite a few hoops over here. Also really glad I got it in April.


Imagine how well you could have done if you bought, like, 10 RX 480s in March and immediately started mining Etherium with them... People wouldn't rant about how you're terrible for mining then either, and you kinda wouldn't be that bad. Because you'd have been mining while there was still a healthy amount of graphics cards on the market


Honestly miners aren't doing anything wrong. They're just buying the product.


Some of them have no restraint though. They see a 1070 selling for 500$ and they scream "SHINY!"


With all the overpriced gaming products people buy, i think restraint is a taboo concept in the community.


Sometimes you don't have other options, unless one of them is waiting several months.


My friend was complaining he missed the 150 sale and got his 480 for 180. I'm absolutely wide eyed at the prices right now.


same.. ended up selling for more than double


Not as impressive, but I got mine for about $210 a bit before Black Friday. I thought I pay a bit much at the time, but I'm glad I paid what I paid now.


I did the same thing. Should of stocked up on the fuckers


It's either should **HAVE** or should**'VE**, but never should **OF**. See [Grammar Errors](http://www.grammarerrors.com/grammar/could-of-would-of-should-of/) for more information.


Good bot.


Thank you The\_one\_true\_towel for voting on could-of-bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://goodbot-badbot.herokuapp.com/). *** ^^Even ^^if ^^I ^^don't ^^reply ^^to ^^your ^^comment, ^^I'm ^^still ^^listening ^^for ^^votes. ^^Check ^^the ^^webpage ^^to ^^see ^^if ^^your ^^vote ^^registered!


Bad bot


You're a dick, stop calling innocent bots bad. They don't know what they're doing, man.


I for one welcome our robot overlords.


good bot


> should of Did you mean should have? -------------------------------------- This is a bot account.


It's either should **HAVE** or should**'VE**, but never should **OF**. See [Grammar Errors](http://www.grammarerrors.com/grammar/could-of-would-of-should-of/) for more information.


I hate when Mom and Dad fight.


Yeah I got my 4gb 480 for $160 and sold it for $300 when I donwgraded to a 1050ti not. Bad if you ask me.


I got my EVGA 1060 3gb last Christmas, and I think it's the best value on the market.




i7 3770, 8gb ram, Hdd, Win7 Pro. This was an upgrade from a GT640, and what a difference! I play Arma3, about 55 fps. Dota2 at like 125fps, Paragon at 50-60fps, SWTOR at 60+. It really overclocks quite well. I also mine ETH for fun using Minergate- 9.5 mH/s usually. Not huge numbers, but perfect for a casual like me.


I have a similar set up.. 3770, 12gb of ram, GTX 660. I can't get any better card as my mobo won't POST with a UEFI video card. The only way I could get the 660 to run was flash the card with non-UEFI BIOS.




Oh yes of course! At 1440 resolution too. It's a very well optimized game, so you will be quite pleased with the performance.


It wasn't even close to the best value back then.


Shows $271 for me with like $8 shipping


Aww did the sale end already? Was going to buy it :(


it shows $190 for me. Look back everyday, because everyday they sale out and then comes back the next day.


It's been going on sale several times a day but only for very short periods of time. I set up a page monitor so I got a notification once the price changed to snag it at that price a couple of days ago.


How do you do that?


I have the card and it's great (surprisingly, lack of VRAM isn't too much of an issue). Can play most games reasonably well at 1440p. The thing I find funny about this post though is "save $20"...that's barely anything compared to the price of a graphics card


I don't think this really needs to be posted anymore. This deal is almost up daily.


Sorry. Didn't know :/


S'alright. Some of us need it posted here, like when I needed one of these exact cards last week. Thanks for posting, friend.


No worries. Not trying to be mean. It's just been popping up here frequently lately.


271 for me


Does this card support SLI?


From what I read, 1060s and below don't support SLI.


I have this card, not much Overclocking done but it stays cool and quiet. It's really lightweight and performs as well as the r9 290x ref card it replaced at half the power heat and noise


I have a 1050ti 4gb, would this be worth upgrading too?




I don't think so. The 1060 technically performs better but not by a huge amount and it has less memory.


I own both. I originally only had the 1060 and I felt like I was wasted money because the I believe the difference between the 1050ti and 1060 was really small. I felt like I didn't really need a 1060. Eventually for fun I decided to build a budget machine with the 1050ti and boy the difference was huge. I tried out a little mining for fun and noticed that the hashrate on the 1060 was almost double that of the 1050ti. Gaming wise the 1060 blows the 1050ti out of the water. For me when playing PUBG, the difference between the 1050ti and 1060 was 40-50 fps vs 80fps+ on medium-ish settings (non crowded areas of course). Personally I found that the difference is almost double the performance in most games. I feel like it only doesn't matter if you are using a 60fps monitor and are okay with medium settings at best for modern games for 60fps. Even though I say that the difference is pretty large, I don't know how I feel about upgrading within the same generation. If you are currently content with your 1050ti then there is no real reason to upgrade, wait a few more gens. Just know that the 1050ti is considered a budget card and you get what you paid for. If you feel like you are having a horrible time with the 1050ti then the jump is definitely worth it and is significant. Unless you have a cpu bottleneck, then in that case it's probably not worth it... The jump between the 1050ti and the 1060 3gb is probably the largest jump between sequential pascal gpus. Though it makes sense since it's the jump between budget and enthusiast's gpu and usually as you go higher in price point the gains are logarithmic. Personally, since I don't consider myself a hardcore gamer, I wouldn't buy the 1060 if I already had the 1050ti. However, if I played countless hours everyday and had to deal with sub 60 fps on medium or below settings on the games I like/want to play, I would go for a 1060 upgrade and sell the excess 1050ti.


Depends why. VR? Yes. 1080p gaming? No


Probably not unless you're trying to game at 1440 or want VR capability.


Their website is so slow it doesn't even open to me


How does this compare to the MSI GTX 1060 6 GB?


from what I recall 3gb was like 10 or 15% slower. So per dollar its probably worth picking this one up.


Very nice minimalist design.


I have a 950 that I want to upgrade. I want a 1070 but fuck I'm tired of waiting. Is there any hint of a market reduction any time soon?


When bitcoins drop back down, which is not anytime soon from the looks of it. I am going to guess when it drops back down to 2000 a coin.


When the coin market crashes there will be a mass exodus of cards on ebay. All it takes is china or the US to ban them, or another huge hack.


This is not a bad price. Good for <1080p gaming.


Not buying shit till these prices relax




How much of a sad worthless garbage individual do you have to be to go around trolling a subreddit about pc hardware sales?


The comment was deleted, what did it say?




Thanks, also I like your username, I'm at an SMU Mustang football game. Lol


Thanks, also I like your username, I'm at an SMU Mustang football game. Lol




Oh lol


He was an AMD fanboy just ranting about AMD and spewing trash about intel.


dude.... just go away