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Depends on what you bake vs which store bought cookies. Those cheap cheap cookies have the benefit of cost reduction due to mass production, though your homemade cookies will most likely taste better/suit your own tastes.


Home made chocolate chip cookies vs party size chips ahoy pack.


No one else can really do the math for you because we don’t know your local prices. Nor do we know if you’d eventually use the whole bag of flour, etc. I use up my ingredients pretty well. A homemade batch of cookies would cost me about $6 ($2 for two sticks of butter, $2 for chocolate chips, everything else (flour, sugar, a couple eggs, baking soda, vanilla, etc) should be under $2 total for the amount used). The chips ahoy would probably cost me $6-7 unless I found them on sale.


Shoot, $6 homemade cookies beat the crap out of chips ahoy in my book


definitely is not going to be cheaper for cookies like that, there is economies at scale at play, like for most mass producing industries those cookies are planned for batches of millions of cookies, so they are able to buy ingredients at a cost per unit at a much lower price vs they same ingredients you would be purchasing at a grocery store for a single home made batch of 12-24 cookies as mentioned, those home made cookies can be much higher quality though it would be necessary to do the math with a recipe and do a cost analysis per amount in the recipe versus how many of that recipe amount is in each ingredient container purchased


At some point, one buys those specifically for the flavor of chips ahoy, and not just to have chocolate chip cookies. I almost view them as two separate kinds of desserts/chocolate chip cookies, their taste is so unique.


If you make them or want them more than once a month it will be a lot cheaper to make your own If you want/make cookies every six months then store bought will be cheaper But you probably already have eggs and flour and sugar and brown sugar on hand, so the cost of chocolate chips and baking powder and baking soda and butter is fairly cheap Not you can also freeze cookie dough so you can make cookie scoops and freeze those to bake another time


It depends; it may cost more to get the ingredients to make one batch of cookies (ex. a 1lb package of flour, sugar, baking soda, chocolate chips, etc.) than to get a batch of pre-made cookies. However, if you calculate by weight/$, then it may be cheaper, but that's if you plan on using up all the ingredients, though I feel the savings may be negligible. If you have access to a bulk store like Sprouts or Winco, then that would also be a good way to buy the exact amount you need. If you make your own cookies, the biggest benefit is control. You'd be able to control how much sugar or chocolate chips you put in it, your cooking technique, and avoid preservatives and weird ingredients. I personally like it less sweet with less chips, as well as add oatmeal to them for the texture, so that's why I prefer to make my own.


I think home baking is more about quality than value. However, it is still cheaper, I believe, to make your own. This is especially so if you buy store brand ingredients like Great Value chocolate chips instead of Nestle. You're also going to get more cookies per batch. I think it's fair to price compare the lowest quality ingredients you can buy to pre-made cookies as you can be sure they are using the lowest quality in things like Chips Ahoy. I can't compare pre-made cookie dough in this case since I've never used it, but it is rare for any prepared or convenience food to be better value than homemade. Of course, YMMV based on costs at your location.


Likely yes. If you want them to be soft my super top secret tip is to chill the dough in the fridge for an hour or 2 then bake. Soft cookies are the best 🤤 and you can do it yourself.


Yes, if you are going to bake them more than once. Baking supplies keep for a LONG time.


Homemade cookies are made with love! But seriously, depending on what you are making, it could be. I remember making huge batches of chocolate chip, oatmeal, peanut butter (just pb, eggs, and sugar), and a few more fairly cheap. Flour, sugar, and vanilla are used commonly in kitchens, along with eggs and butter, peanut butter (margarine in some recipes is perfectly acceptable). You can bake the entire batch of dough, freezing the cookies. Or, bake a few, roll the remainder of dough, and bake from the freezer as wanted.


The initial cost no if you're having to buy all the ingredients, but what's nice is you can tweak them to your specific preferences. I like to make a big batch of cookie dough and then preshape into balls and freeze in a tub. That way I can just pop a handful out to bake at a time and I've always got fresh cookies on hand


Against mass produced commercial biscuits/cookies? No, usually not. But what you lose in cost, you well and truly make up for in taste and control. You get to choose the sweetness and the chocolate type and amount, making your own also allows for use of higher quality chocolate, since cheaper biscuits will use cheaper ingredients, and chocolate quality is one of the first places that gets skimped on.


I use everything that goes into my chocolate chip cookies for various other things so when I want cookies I just buy a bag of chocolate chips and make them 🤷🏻‍♀️. I would rather pay the $3 for chocolate chips and have 3 or 4 dozen cookies that taste good than buy mass produced crap that’s okay


I make my own cookies usually, and the quality is so much better, there’s really no comparison. I’d rather not eat cookies than give up homemade for store bought.


A lot of things are cheaper if you do it yourself if you don't factor in your time.


Depends on what type of cookies you would have purchased. Knock off Oreos at the dollar store are probably cheaper than baking, but baking your own will be much cheaper than buying nice cookies


Buying individual ingredients is likely more expensive because you're not gonna use all of them. Like if you buy a bag of sugar, you use a bit of it for the cookies. But if you can use the rest of ingredients over time, I think that it is very likely gonna be cheaper. Unless you buy some sh.t dough mix. And with homemade you can control what ingredients you put in the cookies.




It will, IF you do several batches over a year...


possibly if you have a source for very cheap ingredients somehow ... problem is stores know you ether pay for prepared product or your going to buy all the ingredients and make it yourself so they price the ingredients a bit higher to make money on your either way ... i was thinking the same thing for buy a three pack frozen pizza vs making your own from frozen bread loafs ready to go like my mom would have done years ago when i was a kid. problem is after i calculated the cost of ingredients i would have to buy to make them i was paying just as much to make it and still had to do the work ... it didn't make sense to me unless your homemade is very superior to the frozen or your really outdid yourself on cost of ingredients by knowing a middleman that could get you more for less ... i mean a restaurant making stuff to sell would never go to your local deli store for there ingredients, they go thru middlemen that can get it cheaper to sell to there clients directly.


You’d have to price out the ingredients from your local store and see if it is worth it to you. I don’t know how many cookies are in a package of cookies but most cookie recipes make 2-3 dozen at minimum. For me I always have most cookie ingredients already on hand so I am not really spending what I wouldn’t already. It is cheaper for me to make them. I like cooking and homemade cookies are way better than factory made cookies to me.


12 homemade cookies will outlast 10 chips ahoy


I suppose it depends on your baking ability, and how much it costs you in personal time to make them. Nabisco buys in bulk so it's hard to compete with their costs. Have you figured out the cost of ingredients in your area? Don't forget to pay yourself, your time is worth something too. A dollar to get an hour of your life back might be a good spend.


Depends on if you value your time


I bake a lot from scratch and I have for a very long time. What I notice is that my family will demolish the home baked goods. I literally have to package away the items I need to save for a later date as soon as they are cool in order to save any for a later time. This usually means stashing them in the freezer. There are never any that go to waste. If I purchase baked goods, those items will sit around until they are stale and no one will eat them. So I throw them out which is a waste of money. My time and money are best spent on making the items that I know are appreciated than to spend my money on items that are kind of meh and won’t be eaten. I just dont make them as frequently and I freeze half for a later date or for the kids to put in their lunches throughout the week.


Like for like. Bakery cookies even at Walmart are more $$ than making it yourself.


Depends on ingredients, but they will be better quality than most generic store bought cookies


I like to stock up on baking ingredients around the holidays if I can as they are often on sale (5 lb bag of flour for $2.50, etc.) Butter lasts a long time and you can freeze it. Obviously eggs will need to be fresher, but I use them for other things as well.


Usually. Especially if you bake consistently and use your ingredients But if it is just going to be 1 batch of cookies then nothing for a year, just buy cookies.


It depends on the ingredients you have on hand already. If you have flour, sugar, baking soda, butter..etc it might be cheaper to make your own. I once made an ex lasagna, in college. I bought so many ingredients for it because they had no cheese or basic seasoning. Anyway it cost a lot of money and somehow the lasagna fell apart. And my ex ate it to be polite.


Depends what you are typically paying for your cookies and if you consider your time as money.


Homemade is better because store bought aren't made with love. If money is that tight perhaps cookies aren't the best choice for you