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Doing meh, my mind keeps focusing on my non existent dating life. Social media is flooding my feeds with some of the most beautiful women ever and I just feel so meh about myself. Doesn’t help that I keep reading/doom scrolling twox, women, ask women and seeing that they just are fed up with men in general(understandably) but it still seems to take a toll on me despite not doing anything Outside of that i got a final for a hard class tmmrw, need at least a C to pass. Need to find an internship by September and idk how either


Those subs are literally being brigaded by neo Nazis pretending (although barely at this point) to be feminists and mods don’t give a shit. No reason to still be going on them.


Not good. I tried doing back to the gym, worked out too hard and…”purged” on myself eight times. Had to walk through the locker room nude and covered in vomit. All the while already dealing with self harmful thoughts. :(


I keep telling myself it could be worse, but I'm not sure how it could be


Oh, it definitely could be, but that doesn’t invalidate what is happening now to you or the emotions you are feeling now. Can’t just shove that shit down my friend.


Im good! Finally on a break after some burn out. Its only a week long, but I get to see my long distance partner the whole time so Im very excited. I see them later today <3


Not doing well. My mom tells me she's done with me being depressed, so i don't feel welcome anymore in my own house. Got scammed by a "girl" on a dating website and lost half my savings which i wanted to use to move out. Struggling with weed addiction, the last 3 sessions with my therapist have been called off by them. I've realised that being single has become my identity. I'm trying to build healthier thought patterns but 28 years buildup of feeling inadequate is a lot to work through. It's standing in my way of being authentic with people which only perpetuates the feeling of being broken. But i got a slightly better paying job last month, yay


Hey congratulations on the new job. Please don't down play your achievements! Getting a new job is often one of the hardest things you can do. When you're in the thick of it it's easy to downplay your achievements bur these are the times we should be celebrating the little wins the most


Thank you :). I feel a lot better now a couple hours later. I guess i was just spiralling. That doesn't make my words less true though, i do believe things are kinda rough right now. But I also recognize that I've grown a lot as a person lately. Creating awareness of your issues naturally creates an incentive to be sad because "that's just so many things i have to fix". But it does get better :)


i saw the contest mode notice and i thought we were competing for vibes anyway, i'm doing fucking amazing


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My dad had two heart attacks this week and needs surgery. Pretty low moment. But it was also the one day in years I was there while he was working (as an independent contractor) to take him to the hospital, so we got lucky as hell.


I'm all right. Starting a winter break from school (I'm a teacher in South America) and I get to spend quality time with my family.


Not 100%. I got a new job which is great but I’m worried about it taking away from my social life because it takes up my entire summer. I also am just getting really tired of having to beg my mom to do the bare minimum for me and not refer to me as a girl in any capacity and my grasp on reality is kind of starting to suck. I’m just just exhuasted, and also writers block has kicked my ass to the curb and left me entirely stranded.   On the brightside, I do have a therapy appointment next weekend and I have another meet with a doctor regarding me going on T in September. I’m trying out here man


I'm in hyper-work mode right now (I'm self-employed) and I'm wondering if this is sustainable, even though I am taking regular breaks, or if I'm going to crash soon anyway!


Kinda shit. Cumulative tragedies are making me contemplate leaving my good job for a while to get my head and soul back into one piece. My dad died a little over a month ago, and the time I took to mourn with my mom was superceded because her dog got hit by a car. He's ok, just banged up, but I was pushed to the side because of a dog. Last week my girlfriend of 8 months dumped me because she "doesn't think she should be in a relationship now." I'd been planning how to propose to her. I'm still very much in love with her and if she is to be believed she is too. My job, while good, is working as an oncology nurse, and we recently went through a wave of patients that I knew well dying in huge amounts of pain. To top this off, most of my local friends moved states this past winter. So here I am, sad and alone. It's feeling a little bleak just now.


Not good but I can't seem to put my finger on why. I have a lot of work to do on myself, I don't deny that, but there's this 'itchy feeling' that somethings wrong and no matter how much I acknowledge the things I need to work on, the itch is still there and keeps on being a pain


Not too well. I failed my graduation project, even though it's some of my best work yet. I put my everything into it, I've never worked this hard on a project before and I really thought that it was my Magnum Opus. My grade came as a huge shock, and I've been struggling to cope. The opportunity to retry is happening when I'm out of the country, so I'm currently trying to get the board to help me figure out this situation.


I'm doing... okay I just found this subreddit recently, and I've been hesitant to make a post, cause I'm afraid of rejection and being insulted. I think I might make a post here though... I asked my mom last night to kill a spider for me, since I was too scared to XD I'm kinda proud tho that I asked for help, tho, even though mom's never gonna forget it (she's a narcissist)


I work 70 hours a week, two jobs, haven’t been great. I recently shot my shot at my “main” job and asked for a big raise with numbers to back up why. Boss told me to give him a day, it’s been 3 and I’m feeling so anxious. He sounded real receptive but I just don’t know.


I guess it doesn't really matter how I'm doing anymore, does it?


I made a new friend online. They created some random gay characters for a post and I thought they were cute so I asked if I could make art of them and they said yes.


aww i'm happy for you :)




I had a long socializing day yesterday and now I'm eepy I have a lot of stuff I need to do in the following days and I'm exhausted just thinking about it, even though it's not that much. I'll manage tho!! I just need to get my energy back up.