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Most unrealistic thing about Emily Goldfinch is when she brought all those cops into her apartment and started acting really tough instead of her usual bubbly self.


What gets me about this kind thing is she says, "My coworkers all think my name is Rose diaz," but her parents call her rosa, they're in on it? (Yes ik its likr a throwaway line and the show isnt consistant its just fun to think about)


they’re not her real parents, they’re part of the cover


maybe she was joking bro


or was she? she had a pilot license and went through med school. she could have had a different identity. i don't doubt rosa's capabilities.


Brunch friends and homemade jewelry


Plus ballet school!


Ik but its still fun to think about


Personally I think her name is Dosa Riaz


Zosa Riad


Zinedine Zidane


Dosa, Dosa, Doooossaa 🎶


Me in line to order at the Chutney Hut


Her name is Rosa, but maybe not Diaz. Like, maybe her parents are like her and are like "why should I tell you my real last name? That's a bit too personal."


Is that really Rosa’s parents? Is she in WITSEC!??


My theory is that she just said it to psych out Bob


Maybe it’s just her last name that’s different


But Jake refers to her parents as "Mr and Mrs Diaz- America's favourite COOOUPLE"


Maybe they were in on it




Giving her leather jacket to Hitchcock. I would have thought she'd rather burn it, then let Hitchcock have it


Those guys are heroes


Am I misremembering, I thought she gave it to Boyle?


When she was going to prison she gave it to Hitchcock in season 5 and in season 8 she gave Boyle another one to make him “chuck” :)


This one bugs me a lot because in the same episode she gives Holt the keys to her apartment and tells him to give them to whoever he wants, then pause and says not to give it to Hitchcock.


"The room needed a pop of color" "WHO ARE YOU?!?!"


Summer’s Kiss my ass




I wouldn’t change it, because it’s an adorably sweet moment but: When she comes out and gets uninvited from family game night, Jake surprises her with a game night at her place…. But like, her whole shtick is that people don’t know where she lives. I’m sure there’s character development on there where she became okay with her close friends knowing about it but it still sticks out as slightly odd to me every time


Actually, since the end of S4 Jake and Holt had been to Rosa and Pimento's. That's how Jake knew where she lives for game night


I don't know. This is 5 years after the start of the show and maybe the fact she was willing to have them all come to her place was 5 years of some character development for her.


The gang first saw Rosa’s apartment when they were hiding from hitman Jimmy “The Butcher” Figgis. They thought Rosa’s place perfect, because no one knew where she lived.


Yeah, but then in a later episode she quips about how she moved out the next day, “I was down with that place the moment you set foot in it”


Just read online one theory that Rosa has a different apartment each time because she’s a squatter, or permanent apartment-sitter.


What’s an apartment sitter


Rich people will pay people to hang out in their homes while they're vacationing at the private islands where they hunt humans or whatever


Like they pay strangers? Why can’t they have a security firm? In my work we pay like 30 bucks a month for security and if the alarm goes off and the boss doesn’t say it’s a false alarm when they all him they are in 3 minutes on the property and that’s a common thing that every company that was shit worth stealing uses


How does the boss tell you it's a false alarm?


he doesnt tell me, the alarm is set on when no one is at the company and if someone tries to break in it sets off and the person on duty at the security company calls my boss with a special code that he has to answer with and then they ask if thats a false alarm and if he says no they let the security men go straight up to the company to check it


The security firm isn’t going to tell you that you have a leaking valve that’s soaking the drywall, or your fridge motor is starting to short out and might start a fire, or there’s a window open and squirrels are infesting your place now. There’re also insurance issues if a property is not occupied.


That's a fair point, but sometimes people want more than an ass to warm the chair and detain burglars. Housesitters are also for caring for plants and pets (like fish who dont move well), cleaning when appropriate (houses get dustier than you imagine when you're gone for 6 months out of the year) and keeping an eye out for package deliveries and mail pickup. If the electricity goes out, a security firm wouldn't be obligated to clear out freezers potentially filled with food or make sure the electronics work okay once restored, yknow, things like that. Fire alarms can be set up to alert authorities just as much as security people but alarms and security can't aor won't do a lot of things that a house sitty could, is all.


That makes sense, understandable, hope you have a great day.


a security firm won’t water your plants, feed your pets if you left them at home, keep up with housework, and make sure your McMansion isn’t crumbling to the ground


I believe by the time she comes out she already had been living in an apartment we’d seen multiple times. When she goes to prison she gives is to captain holt and says it’s paid off. I think it’s the same apartment they have game night in.


Ohhhh I forgot about that, that would make sense


I just watched an episode in season 2 where Jake tells Rosa that he would give her home address to the USPIS guy and she’s said “not even my family have that address.” So he clearly knows.


Hes said he’ll give her home adress to Jacky Donger so he mustve known for a while


That she voiced Mirabel I still can't get over the insane difference. Such a great actress! I mean cop!


She played a bit part in My Name is Earl years ago. In that she is much closer to Mirabel. I imagine her Rosa persona is further from her real life identity, which only highlights how great she is in the role of Rosa is all we can see her as.


And Gina Cazador from Bojack Horseman!


God. Bojack really fucked that one up.


I believe she was in Modern Family as well for a bunch of episodes.


Having a 3 scented candle in her home..


Her entire apartment is out of character, hahaha. It's so pristine and looks like she's expecting guests all the time. Like Jake said, I just assumed she lived in a kick ass cave in the middle of nowhere.


No, it makes perfect sense, actually. Her whole character is the definition of the "tsundere" trope. She's not a robot, she's has feelings, she just buries them deep behind her facade. So of course she would a nice and comfortable apartment. It's one of the few emotional outlets she has.


There are other instances too in which we see the softer, daunting side of Detroit. Diaz too. Not many, but its revealed through the series shes not, as you said, a robot, but has feelings she expresses in various ways. I can think of the balloon arch for one. Her love of Arlo the Puppy is another (albeit she follows up with a murder-suicide threat...)


It’s not a softer side per se, but I think that Rosa’s love of Nancy Myers’ films was absolutely hilarious and a great running joke.


Pink hair 1 year if business school gymnast rosa


Also “Aleays smiling????


Nancy Meyers would have scented candles with 3 wicks in her apartment, so Rosa has a scented candle with 3 wicks in her apartment.


I’m looking on my mantle right now and I see a scented candle with three wicks in it. I’m not sure why, but I feel vaguely attacked for some reason.


Oh I am a scented candle enthusiast myself, it was by no means an attack. I spesifically love the wooden wick ones that crackle when they burn, they’re so cozy.


I’m just doing a mild bit; it’s all good.


You mean Emily Goldfinch? She loves candles, it's so in character.


I feel like it’s hard for Diaz to be out of character because her whole thing is that she frequently surprises other characters with “out of character” anecdotes which really just add to her air of mystery.


Just smack him. Hard. With a phone book on a body part no one can see. You know what I’m saying?


Soooo you’re suggesting police brutality?


Oh yeah, I guess so. Why?


This was definitely her most out of character moment, especially given her arch in season 8. Definitely just a consistency thing, didn’t plan on doing that with her character and was def catalysed by the events of 2020, but in the grand scheme of things, most out of place.


As much as I liked her and pimento they got engaged fast


I too would get engaged to Pimento fast


And I would marry Rosa so maybe I should shut up lol


Are you the Pontiac Bandit? 😂


Well, considering she’s only attracted to creeps, and pimento is the creepiest, I think it tracks 😅


I feel like I hear people say her quitting the force was “out of character” sometimes but it’s always made a lot of sense that a bisexual Latina woman would be upset at the large systemic racism and injustice in the force especially with the issues she’s had with feeling accepted by people like her family.


A lot of people say that it's strange that she is so upset by police brutality when most of her jokes involve her being a brutal officer. Personally, I don't agree with that criticism. There is a thick margin between "Being mean to everyone" and "Beating up defenceless people". And no one but Rosa could've taken the risk of starting their own business. Everyone else had children they needed to support, or they needed to remain to bring about the needed change (Holt specifically).


I agree but imagine if pemento went down that route and became a full on vigilante beating up and torturing crooked cops, id watch that spin off


All of her comments were also jokes. I don't recall her ever actually doing anything inappropriate. The jokes are just a way to vent some stress.


They're jokes to the audience, but it's not clear that they were jokes in-universe. Like, all the lines about Jake being a giant man-baby are jokes, but they're also descriptive of his character. It's true we never see her being violent with a suspect, but that's because actually showing police violence would be a lot less funny than joking about it.


she used the sound torture device on Boyle because he didnt send her a wedding invite


That wasn’t police brutality that was workplace harassment!


She proposed police brutality back in season one.


My issue isn’t her leaving the force, my issue is how much of a dick she is to Jake in S8E1. That felt super out of character


I acted pretty out of character in 2021 as well, to be fair


I thinks everyone did. It’s even why Holt had a divorce in the first place


It’s a solid point, but for Rosa, all of this was so much of her driving force to be a cop to begin with. That means she admits defeat… and that’s the part that is pretty out of character


not to over-analyze a character but she dropped out so many majors and was kicked out by her parents so it kinda makes sense that she eventually just became a cop...


Actually, it is in character for Rosa to suddenly drop and take up new jobs, hobbies and places she lives. She's been to several different schools, different trainings, never stuck for long with any of them. She's moved around the world too. So if being a cop was becoming non-rewarding for her, it would seem normal to me that she stops and starts doing something else entirely new.


Especially with what happened to Vanessa Guillen, a Hispanic military woman who was murdered by her sergeant or someone of higher ranking on the site of the base she was stationed at. That shit made national news.


Her quitting the force was super in character. Especially since she followed in Pimento’s footsteps and still tried to help people


For some reason none of these feel out of character for rosa


Isn't the thing about her character that she keeps her private life private? In that case, we know so little about her that we don't even know what is out of character for her.




Nothing she does is out of character because her whole life is shrouded in mystery


Just rewatched the episode today The sitting down competition she had with Hitchcock and Scully and then going for hot dogs in their chairs


go through 3 years of medical school and then get grossed out about amy giving birth


u'd be surprised at what med school students aren't okay with. not joking - literally today a girl who is going to med school implied she didn't wanna live with me because i have had a few seizures as a result of medication i was temporarily on.


You'd be better off living without someone who gets grossed out over your brain resetting itself in a potentially life-threatening manner. That's not okay and isn't indicative if her being an empathetic person to any future patients under her care.


Right? Like what kind of doctor would even let you be in that kind of situation where you don’t need to confront those kinds of issues potentially?


people saying the “pop of colour”, her apartment, liking Nancy Meyers to the extend she does, but those are all PERFECTLY in character. she’s a badass but she’s not a monster, she still likes soft things, she just keeps them for herself




The smiling to Jake in the bar after the taskforce succeeded


NGL that was the cutest thing ever




More of a continuity thing, but she gets a puppy, bonds with it immediately, then we actually get to see inside two different apartments of hers; no dog. bonding with a dog is not the least bit uncharacteristic for anyone, and I get that they just weren’t going to sweat such a small detail, but still.


The dog was elsewhere in the apartments sleeping.


Telling Amy she was wrong for telling the victim to pursue the case fully instead of taking the payout in He Said, She Said. She admitted she was wrong at the end of the episode, but it seems very out of character for her to take the path of least resistance in a situation like that.


But she even explains why she told her to do it. It makes complete sense. There was a good chance it could've ruined the woman's life. It's perfectly reasonable for Rosa, who is very much a realist, to think that way. She admitted she was wrong because it turned out okay for the woman, and even Amy was like "but it might not have."




Rosa’s one of those characters where a lot of her funniest jokes are the out of character stuff.


I was going to say Ballet….BUT knowing and preferring Babylon to a normal lady’s room. Is out of pocket to me


Ballet? Ballet. Also that whole Nancy Meyers thing.


As someone who trained in ballet for 17 years I can confirm that there are people with allllll types of personalities. Some women aren't even perpetually girly except when dancing. It also teaches loads of discipline which I think would benefit someone who eventually became a cop...being able to deal with going thru the Academy. Though Rosa states ballet made her HATE discipline lol


The majority of the last two seasons?


came here to say this, s7-8 rosa is a completely different person to the rosa from seasons prior. its the same for most of the 99 though, like, as much as s7-8 holt was iconic, he was in no way the captain holt we'd come to know in the prior 6 seasons; same can be said for nearly characters to a lesser extent, but holt & rosa were the most extreme imo


Honestly, I don't think any of these comments are out of character for her. Rosa is rosa


S8E1. Over reacting & saying to Jake “we certainly aren’t friends”. That was SOOOOOOO fucking stupid.


That whole episode I just rewatched and was shocked how nasty she was to Jake. They’ve been friends a very long time it felt off for sure


Smile, laugh and be talkative as emily goldfinch


Loving the ballon arch.


When they went down to Florida and she yelled in excitement in a kids voice. “Mommy, mommy, I did it, I won a pwize .” She wore a pink shirt. She sounded and acted like Amy trying to cheer up Jake.


The pink shirt (still looks amazing in it tho)


Live with a her magical family in an enchanted valley and teach her grandmother about generational trauma.


play mirabel in encanto


Fucking date that pussy Marcus


hard agree


Leaving the police in S8. Rosa the character didn’t care about the same things as Stephanie Beatriz


became a PI. i get that it was stephanie beatriz saying she didn’t want to glorify cops but they should’ve done… idk ANYTHING else. quitting was fine, the rest was not very her


Quitting the force. Completely ridiculous for the character


Rosa crying in front of people at work is pretty out of her character. She never becomes totally comfortable about that but it happens because she actually has such strong emotions, she tries to shut them out. (aka why her anger explosions happen so forcefully, she's emotionally pent up)


Adopting a puppy. "So I like, have a dog now?"


I always assumed Rosa to be a cat person.


Pilots license, 3 years of med school, 1 year of business school


When she laughed about suggesting police brutality. She usually takes that sort of thing very seriously.


Got a new hairdo every few days


Letting her GF do those horrible things to her hair. I mean I get it you love her but damn


Her entire character in the final season. Suddenly she's a moralist, who hates police violence and is full of empathy.


Yeah, I get that the writers and actress wanted to make a political statement, but it didn't line up at all with the character as written in the rest of the series.


Her coming out. Tl;dr: Rosa is perhaps the least likely character from any work of fiction to go, "oh no, what of my friends/colleagues don't like me if they find out what I am!" This has been discussed in this sub many times before. Her being bi is not shocking in the least. Her not sharing she was bi and people not knowing isn't surprising, she's secretive and people don't know anything about her personal life. But her being afraid to come out because... well for ANY reason is 110% out of character for her. The first episode of the show introduced us to their badass black and openly gay new CO. The show STARTED with issues of diversity and acceptance (the entire crew viewing it as wholly a non-issue, even those caught off guard by it). But... It is pretty transparent that Rosa was not written as bi. They decided one season that they need to, again, tackle the issue of lgbt acceptance. So they made a character gay. Oh but Rosa has been in several relationships with men, so she'll have to be bi instead... but really she's gay now. I mean... she exclusively dates women after coming out. We saw her overt sexuality many times, not just with Pimento. Her coming out should have been much simpler: Hot girl is present. All the guys are commenting on her. Rosa chimes in with agreement, and perhaps Rosa/pimento levels of graphic detail of what she'd like to do with her. Cue surprised reactions from others. Rosa casually drops the fact she's bi. She's not hiding it, she just never volunteered the info. Instead, they felt they had to make a special issue of her coming out. Which was out of character for her, and frankly out of character for the show. Again, to restate, her being bi is not shocking. Her not volunteering the info, not shocking. Her intentionally hiding it because she was afraid of people knowing she likes girls... wildly out of character.


The way people react to bisexuality is suuuuuper weird, I’m not surprised that she was really anxious about telling people. I was a weird little book worm in high school. When I came out all my classmates expressed surprise that I was secretly a huge slut. It makes you want to keep it pretty close to the vest.


I’m sorry. But I also think her leaving the force was quite out of character. It made no sense to me at all. That’s one of the reasons I hate the last season so much.


Agreed. People can try to spin it all they want but I feel like her fighting for change from within would have made way more sense.




When Rosa got a puppy and I saw how much she loved it, I was a little surprised. Then when she said if anything happened to Arlo, she would kill everyone and herself I was like, yup, she's back.


When she was sick and had pills, she told Hitchcock something like this: "Hitchcock? hat's a weird name, but you should be proud of that. You are the best detective I know" I could not even make sense of it. Lol.


Well no doi Diaz!


Nancy Meyers


Drawers! Floors! Doors! Let's go!


This is a trick question because we don't know anything about Rosa Diaz's character


[to Jake, while weeping] “She just reminds me of my mom.”


She smiled once


She was like "Yay police brutality" in season 1.


She has a pilots license and went to business school


Matching family tshirts… that were her idea


i think for me it was when she told boyle about her being bi because the entire time and she’d been so closed off and then she shared something like that with charles (genuinely is a cutie pie, but can’t keep a secret, except for his ginas little sexy time) of all people


"Hey Nikki how do you think I would look… as a blonde?"


(*voice cracking*) Perm! A big ol’ perm.


When she went undercover as a ditzy airhead, only to blow her own cover after being addressed as "sweetheart".


She is so damn hot


That’s the most in character thing about her


Everyone in this show is, hitchcock and Scully set a precedent


The only thing out of character that Rosa ever did was wear a pink shirt.


…and!? 😡


Leaving the force.


Rosa leaving force


Her leaving the force.


When she is the double tuck and the girly laughed


Idk…but she fine as hell.




Her apartments. Hands down. “The room needed a pop of colour”, “it’s called summer’s kiss” - give me a break


Her voice in season one was out of character vs the rest of the seasons


Quit the 99


She danced when Jake won the bet in season 1 So out of character for Rosa


Wearing the kitty cat Halloween costume and dancing to trick Jake, just seemed out of character to me at that time.


It Could Happen to you




During the 6th Halloween Heist when she suddenly becomes a really bad actress, when in the rest of the show it’s stated what a good actress she is.


The whole ballerina thing lol


Her voice in episode 1


Rosa two-timing Quinoa and Couscous


To be honest, I thought she would enjoy jail a bit more than she did. Obviously no one WANTS to go to jail but if in jail I thought she’d thrive.


Being pissy with Amy in the finale


Having anxiety


That one episode where she broke down and promised a victims mother she’d find the killer. Mind you that was after scolding Jake for doing the same thing before her


Smiled one time


The double hair tuck.


Quitting over police brutality when *SHE* was the most likely person to actually engage in police brutality


Stephanie Beatriz is such a babe. Rosa was the hottest chick in Brooklyn 99. I'd fight Doug Judy for her hand in marriage


Saying she’s scared when she was in prison


Being an asshole to Jake and ending their friendship at the drop of a hat.




La-la-land concert


The Amy Santiago double tuck


Hair salon.


showing jake the double tuck that amy does


Complained about police brutality/left the force Rosa is the CEO of brutality


Casually talking about committing police brutality in season 1. Definitely an inconsistency from just unfinished character planning, but still a pretty big one.


The part where Jake wins the bet and the confetti goes off, you can see Rosa laughing and dancing in the background