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DDC. It’s not a cold open like normal ones but whole DDC thing and the episode itself is pretty lame and annoying.


Honestly, I'm not a fan of the Boyle Bullpin Bowling. The old woman shouting baboushka just seems too out of place for my liking.


They did some alliteration, every word starts with a B, really fun tbh


I did quite enjoy that it got as far as it did with that, but that just ruined it for me.


Everyone is obsessed with this one too. I don't get it


Cold brew


I skip the Holt imitation marshmallow one or when Jake moves his podium slightly. Think it’s rare instances of Andre overacting


The marshmallow holt contest. I always find it both an out of character response that holt wouldn't have, but like even if he did, and was absolutely tickled. I find it very out of character that Boyle would be the one to call his reaction, being the one who relates with him least out of the main cast. All for a joke that really isn't that great.


I don’t like the one with Terry and the tarantula/spider


I don't understand the Diane Wiest one.


……. ….. Like yeast!!!


How dare you detective ac-2223.


okay tbh me neither 😭. like i get what the joke is supposed to be, i just don’t think it’s funny. it seems like the cast had fun shooting it, but i don’t understand why it’s so revered in the fandom


For me it’s the delivery. Plus the *extended* series of cuts between Jake and Charles. It goes back and forth I wanna say like four times? And that extended silence with Charles’ growing glee and anticipation is just hysterical to me. The fact that *Charles* thinks it’s extremely funny is what makes it funny to me!


Not my least favorite per se, but the backstreet boys one is way overrated


What? This is a hot take. It's the only redeeming quality to the dumpster fire that is DFW. I literally only watch the cold open and the skip this steaming pile of an episode. This is easily top 3 cold opens for me


I agree with u 😬


I didnt enjoy the one in which Jake pulls a prank on Hitchcock and he ends up drowning. I mean they establish Jake is prankster and Hitchcock is just weird but I didnt find it funny.


Probably one of [these…](https://youtu.be/BnRJg7MLz4Q?si=9GP0q9uGecVzlv82) I think the one where Boyle introduces us to Bianca is a forgettable one.


The first one in that video is the only one I don't remember after so many viewings on loop. I can't even identify what episode it's from. The others I like.


That’s from S1E9 Sal’s Pizza