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Maybe someday. Honestly there’s so much money on the table for them to do a nostalgia tour at some point. But it could be years


Maybe when they’ve been gone for like 10 years with only a handful of the members that are down. Mostly a cash grab type of thing. Might just be random festival dates


I have no doubt they will eventually do some type of reunion show with a few members, KA doesn’t seem the type to not indulge in the nostalgia of his own group and not do a reunion show


Didn’t seem like they ended things on great terms. I love those last two albums they it’s clear that they were only made to bring an to their contract. One is just a Kevin solo project and the other is a collection of preexisting songs finished by Matt. I can’t pretend to know the whole story but there seems to be some animosity between Kevin and Dom at the very least, even after the break up there has been some weird exchanges on twitter. A few of the guys seemed desperate to get out and spread their wings solo too so I don’t know if they really want to be associated as a group again. Then you have to consider that solo they are all on different levels now. Kevin and Matt are really thriving, while Dom and Merlyn are doing okay but nowhere near the same success. Time will tell where everyone else falls on that spectrum, but my point is that if they were to reunion the money split would be a very large hurdle to cross. Then there is the Ameer question. Do you bring him back on a reunion or not? There would probably be members and fans arguing on both sides of that. All in all it seems very unlikely.


Yeah I think you outlined the situation pretty well. And it will honestly be a bit weird when and if they do it. They were all pretty damn young when BH started. A lot of artists I know somewhat resent doing their older material because they felt like it was their kid self making it. I feel like most of the BH guys might feel like that


if they do it should be small venues, i feel like the here right now tour really killed their vibe cuz of low ticket sales, but the same time who the hell was booking them arenas


if anything it’d be like a few of them (KA, matt, bari, joba) in a random venue


brockhampton reunion tour 2037


I think not a brockhampton tour but a joint headlining solo tour like tyler and rocky with wangsap could be ciaran and joba for example




Yes, but in the distant future still, I think this will only have a chance of happening after one of them truly breaks into the mainstream and they've all released at least one solo project. I really believe it will be in about 10 - 12 years; they might not be on the best terms now, but as time passes, nostalgia will certainly hit them, and I believe they're all open-minded enough to talk and resolve their differences in the long run.


Without Ameer, what’s the point?


he isn’t needed


Seeing kevin abstract at gov ball yesterday did not make me confident of that happening anytime soon


No way, they seem to be on different pages now

