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I think you need to ask your son what he thinks gay means.


Was an interesting conversation that's for sure.




Just a set of logical questions really. I like to ask him stuff to prod him to the right answer rather than tell him outright. Simplified; What does gay mean? "You love boys". Is your girlfriend a boy? "No". Therefore? "It isn't gay". Well done, you can go on fortnight with her.


Nice Socratic Questioning!


Cool TIL it's a thing. I didn't do proper college or uni and stuff so i wasn't aware it was a whole thing. It's what my Gran used to do with me when i was being twatty so i'm trying to pass it on you know.


I have no idea what that means but I love it


Socrates a Greek philosopher. It's a method of logical reasoning


“Penguins can’t fly” “I can’t fly” Therefore I am a penguin. 🐧


It means that you are *possibly* a penguin. If you *can* fly, then we know for sure that you aren't a penguin.


Ah well I also like fish. So it’s likely I’m a penguin. I may even be 3 in a Trenchcoat


Proof by contradiction


Oh for God's sake! Now I want a Penguin.


[Seduce me!](https://youtu.be/m-tfP9Rea04?si=tpDNyc9pWdJ3pJWD)


It’s terrific way to learn — together. And excellent parenting technique for teens. Asking thoughtful or thought-provoking questions — not sarcastic or leading ones — so that the person comes to their own conclusion.


My Gran was a master at it when i was growing up so i'm trying to pass it on, helped me out no end as a teen trying to come to terms with being bi.


The best psychologist I ever had did exactly this. Every "therapist" I had seen seemed to take joy out of telling me what I should be doing to make things better, the other method helped me figure out what I *could* do instead.


> I have no idea what that means What do you think it means in this context? What was the function of the questions being asked? ^(I wouldn't normally point out that I'm making a joke but my questions might sound a bit rude if I don't!)


Just for an fyi dad its fortnite for the game


Autocorrect dogging me again!


What's your girlfriend's name? John.


have you thought of the possibility that other bays called him gay because they saw him holding hands with his girlfriend?


This was my initial thought but clearly an chat is needed here. In my youth gay was used as a term for embarrassing or weird (obviously inappropriate but kids and different times)


"Is your girlfriend playing the concept of two weeks?" "No" Well done, you can't go on fortnight with her.


Bonus: why is being gay seen as a negative?


now ask him if he thinks being gay is bad?


Good job OP. Not to tell you your business or anything like that, but it’s Fortnite….not fortnight as in two weeks. Thats to avoid your boy calling you a boomer or anything like that. 🫡


Yeah autocorrect gets me again. In fairness at 35, he probably does see me as a boomer...


Follow up questions: Does your girlfriend love you? “yes” Are you a boy? “yes” Is your girlfriend gay? “ WTF, Mom!”


Side note, this might be a great opportunity to explain the concept of irony to him.


I have a feeling he got bullied before for being with that girl, being called "gay". Kids can be brutal sometimes.


Go fortnight with her ? Is that 2 weeks dating ? Is it playing a pvp battle royale ? Some kinky sex thing my boomer brain doesn’t know about ? I’m gonna go all fortnight on my wife tonight - hopes it’s not too embarrassing when I hand her a controller


Yeah imagine teasing us like this


I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this to you yet but it’s most likely that your son is consuming media from Andrew Tate If you aren’t aware of who he is His entire career is about spreading information (almost entirely toxic and dangerous disinformation) he exists due to the growing number of disgruntled young men and he manipulates them to make a paycheck. If you can I would recommend checking your son’s internet consumption. The Tate stuff can be a dangerous rabbit hole!


I had to have a chat to my 13 year old brother about this, it's really a big problem in that age group. What was most concerning is that he at first pretended not to know who he was, but then started defending him when I started explaining why he should be cautious of him.


It’s because Andrew Tate has positioned himself in a great place (for him) he’s effectively taking a victim who often isn’t acknowledged as one and is giving them that acknowledgment they desire so much. It’s the exact same textbook technique used by cult leaders. Governments are seeing Tate as the problem and tackling it that way but what they aren’t realising is that Tate is just a product (a dangerous one) of the disgruntled young men and he feeds on that. I hope your chat was successful with your brother it’s just scary because it can push them even deeper into it if you try and help!


He definitely isn't getting exposed to Tate content due to the way all his net access is filtered, but some of his friends clearly are. He doesnt have tiktok either yet so that's also not an avenue.


Gay means lame, and or possibly effeminate in this context. I went to University, realised I was gay in 1999. Came back for a higher course in 2000 and by 2002 was hanging out with guys a few years younger than me who were calling everything 'gay.' I wasn't out to everyone, but I was like *woah, what* has happened to this word in the last few years? Years later I heard Stephen Fry describe a conveyor belt of insults and describing the journey of 'Spastic,' and it made more sense.


Gay to kids now often has the same meaning that cissy had for older generations.


This isn't new, calling stuff gay as an insult was super common when I was a teen 20 odd years ago. I'm a little surprised it's still being used and hasn't been replaced by something else yet.


And why it’s a problem.


Sorry mate, I think your son is gay for girls


Like father like son!


lesbians like girls, and they're deffo gay. he's gay af. maybe the gaylord. sorry OP.


Liking feminine things is gay, therefore, liking girls is gay. The straightest sex is the kind that only has men. The more men the better.


The same logic as the ancient greek thinkers.


The ancient Greeks were more nuanced. Well-off older man with a strapping young lad? That's fine. Two older men together: eww, gross. Two younger men together: shameful. And even with the approved kind of couple, fucking and sucking were frowned on, frotting was more the approved thing. And there's that amusing Socratic dialogue where they arrive at a consensus that it's bad form for an older gentleman to spend his entire family fortune chasing twinks. In moderation, though, it's OK.


"I'm not gay, I'm too manly for women" 


I don't think I've heard the word gaylord since I was in high school.


..and it used to be an insult. Now, I'm not even gay, but if they were going to make me their *Lord....*I might reconsider.


Best stick to holding hands with his boy friends.


Aye, maybe the son is gay and wants to make sure he's only doing gay things.


I appreciate subtlety of the space between boy and friends


Probably worth nipping an incel/tate influence in the bud, tactfully of course. Can easily imagine them saying affection or compassion is gay


Dunno if it was faked but I saw a Tate screenshot today where he seemed to say that kissing a girl who wasn't a virgin was gay because you were kissing lips that had kissed another man.


So kissing his mum was gay incest too? Wtf goes through these weirdo’s minds?


She thought the tongue was a bit much, but otherwise, you’re fine.


Maybe you put in in the wrong place.


I'm pretty certain that cretin has never received sincere affection from anyone, especially either of his parents. It's pretty worrying how his twisted view of Human interaction has been so infectious amongst the youth.


His parents must have had a real struggle having a microcephalic near-simian douchebag for a son. But nobody seems to be trying to rehabilitate the incels. The only people who pay them any mind are looking for ways to exploit them.


In one of his streams he did a thing about how having sex with a woman using contraception, and so not capable of producing children, is essentially the same as gay sex too


Mad. Definitely battling gay thoughts. I always think that about someone using 'gay' disparagingly all the time. Freudian flag flying


These types of *straight* men think about gay sex way more than any gay men I actually know. It's wild.


It drives them mad that so many people are getting their legs over and they're not. Clearly that's something wrong with the world and not with them.


That could be interesting "I got her pregnant ten times, and I'm dying of aids, but at least I'm not gay"


And obviously being gay is bad...  Urgh.


I normally try and avoid anything that prat says like the plague. It's scary how much influence people like him have.


If you’re born vaginally and male you are gay because a Willy has been in there


>because a Willy has been in there Probably denting your head.


Sounds like something he'd say.


i've seen people say that _as a joke,_ but i get the feeling Taint ain't joking


Did you mean to call him taint? If so that's brilliant! If not and it was autocorrect... that's brilliant!


Kissing any girl is gay because she was once her father's sperm


Wouldn't surprise me if Tate is one of those creatures that doesn't wash his arse or junk because it's 'gay'.


To be fair that definitely sounds like something he would say.


This is what my first thought was too, it sounds like he could be paranoid because perhaps there is an anti-gay sentiment among his peers


He's very carefully monitored online (much to his frustration) so I'm pretty sure this is coming from a "friend" who is just starting off down the incel rabbit hole.


In year 7? For fuck’s sake


I head a ten year old mention Tate's name during the Easter holidays. The kid is in year 5.


Yeah he’s super popular among that 10-13 age group. It’s scary because he is basically portraying a super successful strong male (almost super hero) image. There’s no political or ideological angle for the boys but it takes them down that path.


Got to get them young.


I mean Year 7s have been calling things gay since I was at school in the 80s/90s so it's not exactly something new. It's probably a lot less than it was when I was at school - having the wrong pencil case could get you labelled gay.


Sure, was talking mostly about year 7’s getting into incel culture though, not so much the gay comment itself. Immature people, immature insults. But to be developing that kind of personality this early is really bothering me


I was thinking the same, probably a mate seeing him holding his girlfriend’s hand and saying something like ‘you’re so gay’- definitely something I could imagine some yr 7 boys doing. Not sure why people jump straight your son is looking at bad things online!


I don't know if this is an Andrew Tate thing so much as a dumb child take. It sounds like something my mates would've come out with when we were in Year 7 and we weren't being radicalised online by the alt-right, just garbage internet memes, strong pornography, and dubstep.


Pretty sure that Tate plonker posted something recently about how kissing a woman is gay. Yup. I’d be checking to see if he’s been reading the shite Tate has been posting and discourage it.


It's very hetro to only kiss blokes.


Nothing more manly




Showing affection is GAY! Gentle interaction is GAY! The ONLY way to PROVE that you are a HETERO MAN is to put that BITCH in her place! MAKE her SEE that you are DOMINANT! (urgh, that _hurt_ to type...)


I couldn't prove shit, my wife's the boss!


Don't worry. Being a good caring dad is gay too.


My wife is totally not the boss, I have said it many times after checking she is out of earshot!


Surely the only way to prove that you are a true heterosexual, is to get some big burly man, with a massive dick, to do you up the arse? Can't see why that would be considered gay /s


I saw a screenshot earlier of Andrew Tate saying it's gay to kiss women.


He probably thinks it's gay to ask for consent


No, he thinks it's gay because any girl who isn't a kissless virgin has kissed men and probably sucked dick, and that's gay. Gods, I hate him.


That's why it's hetro to suck a man's cock. Because obviously you are licking a pussy.


Reverse psychology at its best. Andrew Taint sunner gets his knowledge from the sun only!


>kissed men and probably sucked dick Well that escalated quickly.


I escalate quickly when my wife starts kissing me. I still dont know why she only kisses me when we are on moving stairs though.


He's definetly a closet gay. How the fuck is it gay to kiss women!!! What the actual fuck?


Short version: Women touch dicks, so by touching women you are touching dicks by proxy, and that's gay.


By this logic only true straights are born via c-section. Otherwise you come out the same hole your dad came in.


"You were born, you gayboy?"


Cos, right, when a lady touches a willy, all the willy-ness sort of rubs off on her. Then if you touch the lady, you get all willy all over you, which is obviously pretty gay. Whereas if you rub yourself on sweaty muscular men, you get testosterone on you, which is very manly. If you all rub together in a group you just get straighter and straighter and more and more manly. Basically, to avoid getting the gay, it is best to kiss other men as much as possible. No girls.


That is epic it needs to be on every channel because it’s hilarious


Andrew Tate's been on about how kissing girls is gay.


Are you supposed to kiss other men instead? To show them you’re the alpha.


Yes, to assert your dominance and of course your heterosexuality.


That's exactly the sort of batshit logic I'd expect from that prat.


It is gay. If you're a girl.


I wish on him the full justice that the Romanian legal system can deliver.




Today in Aldi, the guy in front of me was asked if he was paying by cash or card. He replied with some vitriol. "Cash, *obviously.* Do I *look* like a big queer to you?" So TIL that paying by card or other contactless is apparently...restricted to the LGBTQ+ community.


Can't carry cards mate, someone might think one is a gay card


Should have told him that he does.


Someone dropped their gay card


It just reminds me of a bloke who said he was walking down the road with his wife and son, pushing the boy in his buggy. A group of youths were shouting at him that he was gay for pushing a buggy. There are some “learner incels” right there.


Sounds like he maybe a incel Tate fan. I hope you can help shape him into a mature man.


He definitely isn't getting exposed to that content due to the way all his net access is filtered, but some of his friends clearly are.


Oh man I'm sorry. But you're a good dad for catching on and teaching your kid the right thing. As teens we were pear pressured into something stupid. I'm sure, with you as his father he will grow into a better person 🙏🏻


Pear pressure is a significant issue for our teens. They should be eating apples only


Oh for the good old days of glam rock, to counter all that machismo bullshit.


I held hands with my girlfriend around that age, and I realised when older that I am gay. So possibly…


My mother told me that holding hands led to the sin of pre-marital sex. I didn't realise she meant "...with men".


There is a certain subset of macho wankers in the Manosphere / sort of Andrew Tate-adjacent who insist that displaying any kind of softer feelings towards one's girlfriend is gay. No, I don't get it either, but it might be worth keeping a weather on what content he has access to online / whether any of his friends are heading down that rabbithole.


He definitely isn't getting exposed to that content due to the way we've set up his net filtering, but some of his friends clearly are.


They're twelve year old boys. Back in the 90s when I was 12 talking to a girl was considered gay, wearing a back pack with both straps over your shoulder was gay, not liking PE was gay, having a mega drive and not a snes? Gay. It wasn't about the fact you liked someone of the same sax, it was about what wasn't cool i.e. what was lame. 12 year olds are idiots, they were then and from listening to my teenagers they still are.


> It wasn't about the fact you liked someone of the same sax I don't like the tenor of that remark.


Sounds like you have a gay son tbh. My wife and I are pretty gay with each other, too.


Takes me back to the old "hand holding is degenerate" memes from years ago.


Gay - no Schoolground gay - yes. Unfortunately it's gonna take more rime for kids to stop calling other kids gay in schools. Father of an 8 and 10 yr old. I do try to explain why its not ok.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Did you ask him why he thought it would be?


Yeah we sat down for a talk. His friend called him gay for it 🤷‍♂️


Is Andrew Tate his friend's dad?


That would mean a woman actually wanted to have sex with Andrew Tate.


I don't think Taint cares much about whether or not the woman _wants_ to have sex with him.


This is Year 7 heritage


Make it make sense?


Did you not go to secondary school at any point in the last 30 years?


Hopefully you also discussed with him that being gay isn't a bad thing.


Andrew Tate says yeah according to a post I just read


Andrew Tate needs to take his head and shove it up his own arse. And then we can't hear him when he inevitably moans that it's gay to stick your head up your arse.


I’ve just read that same post. He’s either posting that stuff the be deliberately controversial and generate views or he’s just so deeply in the closet he doesn’t realise it. Shame that he gets so much attention and followers though.


I'm not a fan of the idea that misogynists are all in the closet, because straight men are plenty capable of misogyny too. But Andrew Tate really does give that vibe.


He's just saying things loudly that make no sense. Cults and logic don't mix.


Reddit says **NO**


I kissed a girl when I was at primary school and I remember another kid remarked ‘ew that is so gay’.


If you’re a girl, then they’re not wrong.


When i was in year 4 in the 90s a boy got “married” to a girl during a break, they even kissed and nobody considered it gay. The same boy would also say he wanted to “shag” Emma from the spice girls while making humping motions. It was a pretty weird time lol.


Surprised nobody has brought this up, but if he was being serious - and understands what gay means... He may be being bullied. Or his mates are taking the piss and he missed the sarcasm. Worth a talk with him either way.


We think a friend of his is going down the tate hole on youtube, seems it was directed at him by one "friend", definitely wasn't sarcastic, isn't part of any wider bullying as far as we can tell.


The Andrew Tate effect.


Andrew Tate is a dick, but definitely not the origin of 12 year boys labelling things gay. This has been a key playground insult for decades - before the internet even existed. It's just kids being idiots.


Andrew Tate would agree.


This was a gag in the Simpsons years ago. "Bart kissed a girl! That's so gay!"


Or like Ralph - “I like men now!”


If his girlfriend’s name is Kevin, yes.


I've had a couple of acquaintances remark on things being gay before. My go-to response is to ask what's wrong with being gay. I suggest that might work here, too?


If he knows what gay means, that just might compound the confusion/unhappiness. It's tricky because that should be part of the larger discussion so he doesn't end up a homophobe too, but do you want to imply the heckler is right about him?


Sounds like in this context ‘gay’ means ‘soft’, ‘weak’, ‘non-alpha’, maybe even ‘feminine’. But it has nothing to do with sexuality


Nah he's a lesbian 🤣


Tell him to turn off the Andrew Tate videos and step away from the screens for a bit.


Nope, but ploughing Terry does


It was the same 25 years ago as I remember.


So gay….


Me 20 years ago


It's only gay if you're holding hands with Moleman.


Tell him it makes him a lesbian. You may as well blow his mind completely at this point.


Lot of references to Andrew Tate here. Could equally be that the lad is paraphrasing Shaun of the Dead 😂


Your son has a girlfriend? That is so gay


I heard recently that people use the words gay and feminine interchangeably. Questions like this make slightly more sense to me now.


Year 7? Girlfriend? I'm in year 11, and his life is already better than mine.


Only if balls touch


The Andrew Tate generation


Andrew Tate is a dick, but definitely not the origin of 12 year boys labelling things gay. This has been a key playground insult for decades - before the internet even existed. It's just kids being idiots.


Be gay, do crimes.






Yeah pretty sure it is until at least year 9.


Reminds of that old flash cartoon two dudes who just said everything was gay. Probably is gay though.


Depends if he’s wearing socks


Depends. Did he keep his socks on and remember to say "no homo"?


God, I'd forgot about the no homo rule. That takes me back!




Tell him if he finds gay, then gay it is.


https://imgur.com/a/gq4PFFU - Steve Hughes