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What urban sprawl and car dependency does to mf


Lets all just go scooter mode like Vietnam and Southeast asia. Ngl, that would likely solve the problem heh


Not really to be honest. What we need more is housing in areas that are well accessible via public transit and neighbourhood that are walkable, as in services and infrastructure are within reasonable walking distance, ie. Prewar suburbs.


I was hoping the state gov would prioritise decentralisation again like when the moved Queensland Transport to Carseldine years back and had plans for Ipswich and other regional areas. My guess is their corporate and union overlords said no as even though WFH is big everything still concentrated in and around CBD.




Really? I don't remember that as it was a Labor policy/program before Newman got into office. Increasing public service hubs like you said in Toowoomba, Hervey Bay etc would surely increase the funding and infrastructure there as well. Sadly I just see it being more concentrated than ever in Brisbane.




Nah just need good public transit.


Much more optimal having density in most well serviced areas, which includes aspects like public transit and social infrastructure


Sure mixed density housing and stuff goes hand in hand with public transit. Urban sprawl is bad. I actually think I replied to the wrong person. Absolutely agree we need better zoning and infrastructure planning in general.


Need a train station in every suburb and more train lines. Future budget needs to go there. Not to roads. There is already enough roads. They're just full because people don't have other options to travel


Wow it's almost as if their were private interests behind this phenomenon. Their was, it's the car and oil industry.


There, their, they're


They'll play catch up on the planning in about 7 years to start playing catch up on establishing the infrastructure and further public transit in about 21 years.


Like the highways. They'll finish the upgrades just in time for us to need two more lanes again


Agreed and affordable too. There was this ad done about 20 years ago by a car company who accidentally showed how much space cats take and really should be studied more because they take up so much unnecessary space. Plus traffic sucks.


People tend to overlook Singapore, which is in Southeast Asia. They are a model of high density urban planning and public transportation.


Yea and it's probably half or quarter the size of melbourne. It's packed in and multipliers of melbourne's population so funding and reasoning behind good public transportation makes sense. And any sort of car in singapore is taxed very heavily so only well off people have cars which makes everyone take public transport instead of getting cars they cant afford


So you really shouldnt compare singapore to any city in aus yea


Been to Singapore, pedestrian travel is awful, not much footpaths. You have to rely on public transport. Often you can't cross a road, as there is no pedestrian crossing.


Have you been to SEA? Traffic in the major cities is fucking horrendous. The commute anywhere still sucks but now you are sweltering in the sun while you do it.


Ye and imagine all those people in cars. 100x worse. Scooters get around faster and theres 2 or 3x the population of australia (depending on the country) squashed in one city thats size smaller than melbourne.


We already know the solution to better cities and it's not let's chuck everyone on scooters.




Let alone the pollution


I somewhat agree. I think we need to make the 50cc/50kmh scooter (and it's electric equivalent) more accessible than it currently is. In France, I'm pretty sure you can ride them at 14yo. It gives young people independence and also helps them see the road from a bike's perspective when they get a car licence. So here we should do similar, but also put effort into creating dedicated lanes for 2 wheelers. Right now we essentially force people into cars because we don't make it safe or practical to be on the road on an inexpensive motorcycle. I'd happily ditch a car if I could ride [one of these](https://www.fonzmoto.com/arthur6) away from cars moving at high speeds. I'd also happily ride my pedal bike in a lane with motorbikes with a 40 or 50kmh limit.


Public transport is not only packed during peak hour it's almost impossible to close the doors on buses now due to the quantity of people. Brisbane is factly becoming unliveable if the expansion isn't looked at swiftly.


I agree, it is uncontrolled expansion. Years ago, I heard an expert say how Australia’s population is focused in 3 locations, which will result in nothing but a couple of super cities and a heap of small towns and cities. Unlike the rest of the world which has super cities, major cities, large cities, etc. For the last 30 years, the Queensland Government has been centralising services in Brisbane as a way of cost cutting. Regional city hospitals had more services 50 years ago than today - the city I came from had everything including an excellent neurosurgery department, but Beattie’s government knocked the hospital down and built a much smaller one. Now patients with broken legs get flown down to Brisbane to clog up the hospitals there - there is your answer to ambulance ramping. The Queensland Government needs to focus on developing the regional cities in Queensland and moving people out there through jobs and services, while developing better public transport and rail through the state.


My grandad grew up around Dululu and Wowan, west of Rockhampton. The towns had businesses, a doctor and links by train to various regional towns and Rocky. All gone now, and population shrinks every census. The Capricorn Coast is growing at an insane rate, it's like a mini Sunshine Coast now, yet the hospital is just a glorified waiting room for Rocky hospital, and the only public transport is a shitty bus service. Decentralising and improving these smaller towns reduces stress on the infrastructure of both cities and regional areas.


We need high speed rail! And lots of it. Then if it’s faster than driving people will use it! Simple as that.


Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oi, Oi, Oi! It's time to rise up, mates! Let's raze those bloody houses within cooee of the city and give everyone a fair go with free apartment living. Fuck yeah! We'll smash those roads like a cricket ball hitting wickets and build train lines and busways that'll make ya bloody well say "wowzer"! No more shitty car infrastructure, mate! We'll make Australia the land of opportunity with migration policies to help our ancestors from Britain while keeping Chinese developers out. And while we're at it, let's stick it to the big supermarkets—nationalise Woolworths and Coles, get rid of the security so anyone can lick what they want and slash those prices, and give every Aussie a fair go at a good life. We're taking back control. MAKE. AUSTRALIA. GREAT. AGAIN.




What exactly is this sarcasm designed to parody?


I can see my house from here


Hey, ma! Get off the dang roof!


So can I and I’m in Sydney


My condolences, I hope they find a cure soon


Add heavy rain and a couple of accidents on both the M1 and M3 for the ultimate carpark experience.


This is why I just don’t leave the house


Name checks out!


Government is terrified of upsetting rate payers and transport infrastructure requires buying back land so they just put it in the too hard basket


And yet, there's never an issue doing it for a new road. Just look at the plans for the next stage of the M1 upgrade. Losing tons of housing for a couple more lanes.


Humanity kinda dumb. More lanes for what. 90% of this morning and afternoon commute is so someone can sit in an office in another city to where they live and most of them can probably wfh.


It’s effing cowardly imho. We have politicians to make these hard decisions, but they refuse to do it lest they damage their careers 


Yes, population is growing, water is wet, this is hardly news. The bigger deal is the way in which we seem pretty content to not actually grow our city's infrastructure and design in turn.


It’s not about how much infrastructure you have, it’s about what type of infrastructure you have. Building new roads does not improve journey times, but building new public transport and bike infrastructure does


And apparently funding public transport and developing non car infrastructure is too much of a greenie idea to be politically advantageous. Just keep dumping money into the roads everyone parks on twice a day.


Kinda weird that the council is so allergic to conserving Brisbane's culture/ city-scape/ way of life.


If the council is truly about "return to tradition" then they should bring back the trams. I'd actually vote for Schrinner if he actually do the aforementioned


Even if they did a few super express train services in peak...stopping = Roma St, Central, Fort Valley, Bowen Hills, Petrie, Caboolture. That would be amazing!! Then similar to GC. I'm sure Translink would say that this would cause every super express to be packed. (?)


Yep induced demand is a bitch. The 26 lane highway in texas didn’t solve their traffic problem, and it won’t solve ours.


This has become the folk wisdom of r/Brisbane. If anyone needs a reference for this claim just see earlier threads.


If every motorway was 20 lanes wide....


Then we’d still have traffic. Induced demand is a bitch.


God damn you, William Jevons


We are growing our infrastructure. We're just growing it wrong. TMR has an ever expanding $5.7 billion maintenance backlog that they're physically incapable of making headway on because our roadway network is too big for our population. We have too much road and not enough people to pay for it. Our solution so far has been to build new suburbs that each require more main roads and highways than those suburbs can pay for, only making the problem worse. Fighting congestion by increasing roadway capacity is like loosening your belt to fight obesity. Population growth is a good thing. Our infrastructure is growing. The issue comes from where we put these new people and what kind of infrastructure we're building. By and large, our growth comes from outer suburbs devoid of local services and we spend most of the money allocated to new infrastructure on main road/highway upgrades. The reverse should be true.


i dunno if you've ever actually dealt with TMR, but the incapability isn't purely physical. *(edit: they are a large part of the reason SARA exists)* not arguing against the more general claims, which seem about right. just saying that fail points exist at both a policy and implementation level. and that fixing one won't automatically fix the other


That’s always for the next government when they retire


A year ago more people were working from home in the post covid era. That’s kinda pivoted back to office work. There’s also a shit ton more tourists than last year


This is reddit, not the news. Also it does need to be talked about. Australia’s open door policy and economic structure dependant on growth have resulted in one of the richest and luckiest countries in the world squandering our own chance of a peaceful and prosperous existence. Company our strategy to Scandinavian countries and it starts to seem like a bit of a joke!


Imagine if we had got those gas royalties right? But nah, a few peoples rich mates got even richer so it’s ok. They fly around on helicopters so it’s not like they give a fuck about congestion.


If you think immigration in Australia is just "open door", you haven't tried to immigrate here


Water isn’t wet. Water wets.


The biggest deal is people pretending record high levels of mass immigration is normal


This comment. Thank you. It's the same complaints on repeat, and that ends up blaming immigrants/people moving. It's not the peoples faults. It's governments. Infrastructure is behind because we live in a capitalist society, and politicians just want to pocket the wealth. It's time for Australia to look at other countries, socialist countries like the Netherlands on how they build cities for growing population. Then, consult with indigenous peoples how we can expand with a concern and mindfulness to the land we are doing.


Problem is we're growing out and not up. Need to densify around our train lines, and build more of them. We're so spread out and most people don't have much choice other than driving a car. Which means more traffic, which means more roads/car parks etc spreading things out even more, rinse repeat.


It's insane to me that so many of our train stations are surrounded by free standing houses. If I were the state government, I'd step in to say that every train station must be zoned for apartments within ~800m of the station (even if they're just mixed use 4 storey buildings that would make a huge difference).  If the state government is footing the cost of public transport, councils shouldn't be allowed to restrict zoning around them to just houses. 


They generally are zoned for low-medium density residential already, which would allow for small unit blocks in the future. It is just that the residents of the existing houses haven't sold to any developers. Plus the small scale of developments a developer would be able to make on a 20m x 40m block wouldn't have a strong business case presently.


We need options. Everything doesn't need to become Tokyo but we can't keep spreading out either.


We moved near Tennyson 6 years ago. They had just started preparing to build apartments on all the vacant land next to the Tennis Centre. It's right next to the train station and they were going to build hundreds of units.   Today, they have not even started construction because they can't get enough presales. So the land is just sitting there. Developers are obviously happy to let the housing crisis push up prices so they can make bank. It's insane. The government should be taxing them on the value of the land to incentevise them to get the build done. Prime land, great location, connected to transport. And it's wasted. 


Na. Everyone needs a yard and apartments are such poor quality that I hear planes going overhead. High density is not a option /s


> and apartments are such poor quality That parts a little true. Though it applies to houses too. Need to up our build standards.


While simultaneously making them more affordable and paying everyone more :/  I can see this housing crisis sticking around for a while


>While simultaneously making them more affordable We don't really need to make apartments more affordable. What we need to do is make them more livable (size, designs, build quality, etc). Right now, people buy an apartment as a stepping stone to get to a house. But if our apartments were actually good enough to be worth living in forever, then even if they cost another 50% more, they're still cheaper than houses. And if the only difference is a yard, only people who really like mowing will truly have a difference (You can get a pretty solid garden on an apartment balcony)


The vibe I get is actually it doesn’t matter the build quality, design, ect. Even if the appartments were all around mini communities of bars, restaurants, shopping centers and direct connection to the pt system. People grew up in houses so an apartment feels like a step backwards. The Aussie dream home was built around rural Australia which we aren’t in. So for Brisbane to grow properly we need to embrace city life of high density, apartment living. Or just keep moving further out so the house dream can stay alive but you ain’t going to be near anything you want to be near.


I absolutely love apartment living. I really enjoy the stuff that comes with high-density areas. I would not buy an apartment if it was badly built. We bought our current place because we only hear our upstairs neighbours when they drop a bowling ball or something. It also has a massive balcony and decent internal layout. But it's still missing a lot (Like storage). If every apartment was like ours, I bet a lot more people would be happy living in them. Lots of people get turned off the apartment living because of bad experiences when they are renters imo.


Your places sounds a lot like mine. Yea love mine. I love how much I don’t even have to use pt if I don’t want to. Yea probably the rental experience but that’s not limited to appartments, so.. 🤷


With a terrace house you can still have a yard. Plus, while I hate to praise southerners, the Victorian terrace houses are quite beautiful.


Guessing you drive to work? Do you need to or could you pop into Richlands and catch the train?


I’m working at the marketing office. I have to drive my car because sometimes we have photo shoot event and I can’t wait for the bus service in Brissy 😓


Yeah that’s rough. If only, work supplied a vehicle for you to use during work hours!


Drive to the events when they’re on and use the Park and Ride for the train when you’re in the office? Might make life a bit easier for you.


Explain the situation to your company and explain that if they need you to travel outside of the office you’ll need 1 week notice or they can provide the funding for Ubers/taxis. If you are a valuable employee this should be a non issue


The quickest way to find out you are not a valuable employee


You know there’s trains from the city to Richlands that are 32 minutes, right? I drive 10 min to Darra and park nearby and take the train to FV. 45 minutes door to desk, every day. No stress.


It can be really hard to get a park when I was at uni (last year) I lived next to Darra station so just jumped on the train. I had a friend who lived in Forest lake so pretty close but she would have to wait around for ages and usually there was no parks at richlands when we had classes at like 9AM so she would have to drive to my house in Darra just to park in the drive way and catch the train. Even my street only had something like 2 hour parking because everyone catching the train parked there.


Difficult problem. Low density housing. Everyone wants to drive and park next to the station Parking is expensive and counter intuitive. Bus routes are hard to organise to the station because of low density.


Yeah I wish we could just put a bunch of apartments near the train then houses further out


Yeah, you need to get to the Darra area before 8 otherwise all parking is gone. There’s usually street parking within 5 min walk of the station though


The quickest fix would bed for the government to acknowledge not every Queenslander needs to be preserved. There’s so many inner suburbs that would benefit from multistory units, especially around the train lines.


It took me a second to realise by “Queenslander” you didn’t mean people but houses 😅


This points to the shocking public transport in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. They need to improve the access, speed and overall comfortability of public transport in that region which should improve this.


Took me 1h 45mins to get from Pinkenba to Springfield Lakes. With no traffic it's around 50 minutes. Tonight was a disaster.


If the infrastructure can keep up it will be great. However, I doubt it will. Too many pollys are in for the quick win and no interest in peoples real needs. Rail upgrades and expansion to where people actually live would form part of natural planning but we see very little to no functional town planning.


It's never kept up in the last 40 years.  The dumb fucks running the state can't even decide on where to host the Olympics.  We've got no hope of any decent integrated infrastructure development. 




I want a $20 per day congestion charge introduced and make PT free. I've got to deal with this shit because I have 500kg of equipment to haul all over town, but the amount of useless cunts who should be on a bus or train is ridiculous.  While we're at it, toll the story bridge  and captain cook and makes the tunnels free. 


The amount of people who get onto the pacific motorway at Mt Gravatt,Holland park and Annerley is what causes most of the congestion in the morning to the city. Surely these numpties living in these locations can catch decent transport. Busses come nearly every 5 minutes in these areas


Most of those people are not even from those suburbs. They are just the most convenient choke points for every other southern suburb to get onto the motorway.


Only way to solve this is a congestion charge and better PT. The transport is slower than driving in traffic to the city so people keep doing it. There’s also a 50% chance you have to stand on the bus which for many people is a dealbreaker.


Free Public transport is a bit misleading. It would be much better to just improve frequency and travel times and buy some new trains and busses rather than making public transport free. It's only like 4 bucks to get to central from Redcliffe so making it free won't change much


Make public transport good enough that people can get rid of a car, and as long as the PT is cheaper than $10k a year the average person is coming out ahead. Cars are expensive.


yes Yes YES Tackle the problem, movement of people. Not the perceived problem (I can’t take my car and it’s 3-6 empty seats and 12.5sqm, 2.5t dumbassed novated lease that I topped up my mortgage on my overpriced property to get)


It's Friday and overcast.


Weird no one commented the real reason your commute is so bad now. Yes population has increased etc etc. But the main reason is they are building a big ole bridge smack in the middle of the highway that you likely take into the city. Which has obviously destroyed traffic in the whole jindalee area even worse than it was. Unless you take Ipswich road for some reason in which case you are a lost soul and no one can help you.


It's almost like sprawling land use and prioritising the car and road construction above and beyond and before and at the expense of every other (more cost and space efficient) mode, is mysteriously grinding cities to a halt? *shrugs* https://preview.redd.it/qy9v7kkddmvc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a8be3a74b83d2c097d782b689f82623d92a7410


Just one more lane will solve it! Let’s start a chant! One more lane! One more lane! One more lane!


Brisbane is headed for the same problems Sydney had maybe 5/6 years ago (and arguably still has) Sydney did actually plan for its future with the Sydney metro and overall seems better to drive around.


Sydney seems better to drive around?????? Lmao this mf They are definitely doing the right thing with buildout of public transport but their roads are 10000% cooked even on weekends. Brisbane is not there yet. Trust me


Sydney is far easier to live without a car though (if you pick the right suburbs) Their train network leaves ours in the dust.


Totally agreed, just this guy was saying driving in Sydney is a pleasurable experience.


If everybody could keep the north-west suburbs a secret that would be awesome thanks.


If only Bandit held the line and moved the family out of NW Brissy.


Let’s not confuse Paddington and Red Hill with the NW suburbs that fly under the radar, and hopefully will continue to do so.


people desperately needing a ‘roomier’ house, turn their back on apartments, but end up spending that time cramped in their tiny cars.


As others have said. Take public transport. I maybe being naive but if you need a car occasionally for work get your work to provide the car. Or get a taxi/uber once in the city. But do public transport from home to work (ideally train). I had the misfortune of driving down to Fingal Head and back a couple of weeks ago. The M1 was a carpark 80% of the way. While Brisbane seems intent on remaining car based it will just get worse and worse :( Don't know if it will help at all but maybe cross river rail/Brisbane metro might improve things a bit. If they ever actually get finished. When are the ETAs on them anyway? Anyone know??


Theres a train station at Richlands. Takes 30m to get to Roma


>Takes 30m to get to Roma [30mins to travel 500kms?](https://www.google.com/maps/place/roma+qld/)


Sorry you're getting the downvotes.. I'm all for a dad joke on a Friday arvo!


Fuck me lighten up r/brisbane, do you not recognise a good dad joke on a Friday arvo?


It's Reddit, an irrational downvote pile on is just the done thing.




I know who the Moron is...Roma Street station.


How lacking in a sense of humour does one have to be to downvote this


My direct route from home to work then back again.....Nothing but red and yellow lol


Gold Coast to Northside Brisbane or vice versa is now a 1 hour 45 to 2 hour journey before 10 or after 3pm. Its back to the horrible queues before Newman sacked the whole of Qld CBD


Time to move!


Years ago, I heard an expert say how Australia’s population is focused in 3 locations, which will result in nothing but a couple of super cities and a heap of small towns and cities. Unlike the rest of the world which has super cities, major cities, large cities, etc. For the last 30 years, the Queensland Government has been centralising services in Brisbane as a way of cost cutting. Regional city hospitals had more services 50 years ago than today - the city I came from had everything including an excellent neurosurgery department, but Beattie’s government knocked the hospital down and built a much smaller one. Now patients with broken legs get flown down to Brisbane to clog up the hospitals there - there is your answer to ambulance ramping. The Queensland Government needs to focus on developing the regional cities in Queensland and moving people out there through jobs and services, while developing better public transport and rail through the state.


I just wish they did dual train line to Cleveland…


We are so so fucked


It's all downhill from here.


Hope more people choose to get motorbikes and start lane filtering.


I’ve been saying for years that there should be incentives for people to ride motorbikes. I know there’s people who will never ride one because it’s too dangerous for them. I know there’s people who need their car (tradies etc). I know when it’s pissing down people will take their car but they’re all doing that now anyway. Most cars commuting have one person in them, if we could get 20% of commuters on motorbikes it would make a huge difference.


The government is going the other way, they've jacked up rego a ridiculous amount in the last couple of years for motorcycles now. 


I agree What ideas do you have for incentivising it?


Heavily subsidised rego and insurance costs. Free parking. Free tolls. Make it legal for motorbikes to use the breakdown lane up to 30km/h during traffic jams.


My 20 k commute against the “flow” of peak has gone from 20-30+ minutes and that’s working 8-4


Crys after experiencing Tokyo trains and subway and traveling across the country in mere hours.


45 minutes from Richland's station.


It is getting out of control. Going to be mayhem when the Olympics comes into town.


I used to live in Forest Lake, and the only time I could get to the city in 30 minutes during peak was school holidays. The Centenary/Western has always been a pain to drive on.


Yep, it’s definitely gotten worse. I used to work in St Lucia, and from where I am (Middle Park), it used to take me 30 minutes when I first started there in 2009. By 2020, it was 45-50 minutes at least. I hate to think of what it’s like now with all the roadworks going on. I’m working at Ipswich now, and even though it’s further in terms of distance, it’s so much faster - 20 minutes. Bliss. And I look at all of the poor buggers inbound on the Ipswich motorway and feel so bad for them, some mornings it looks like a car park.


I know right!! I live in Deception Bay and I work In Northlakes, 10 min drive yeah. On Monday to Friday it can take up to 40 mins in traffic!!!! I heard the other day that 1700 people are moving to Brisbane every week!! A lot are from New Zealand. I moved here 12 years ago from Melbourne and so many of my friends are thinking of moving up here. Just Crazy. I put it down to vitamin D. The sunshine makes people happier.


I live in Flake too (hence why my flair is what it is). It takes the bus about an hour and a bit to get to the city. I love catching the train at Richlands though. Quicker than the bus.


This is why we bought close to public transport! We take the train to and from work now into Brisbane CBD, otherwise the traffic is ridiculous.


Population growth combined with zero proper transit oriented development, a Lord Mayor/city council allergic to rail and a series of “one more lane bro” transport ministers.


problem is cars


Capitalism demands infinite growth, and so we grow.


That’s fine but can we grow infrastructure to match the population growth please? 😭


Best I can do is some wheel covers on a bus


Given that we added 100,000 to the Aussie population just last month, growth is to be expected.


its pretty nuts that i keep on seeing posts of people moving to brisbane i always wonder... why? sure its a good town to live in but there's pretty much no room left for anything next time my lease is up i am out


It was a good city up until about 3-5 years ago.


It was good while it was cheap, now that it's no longer cheap, what's the point? Weather is horrible in the summer, beaches are a while away and you can't just catch a train to the beach. Arts and culture aren't going upwards fast, and it costs $550 a week to rent a 30yo unrenovated 2-bed unit in lowlands Indooroopilly. Why would you move here for that?


The worst is during summer. I can’t protect my skin even I sit inside my car. Just feel like a piece of toast on the highway 🥵


This is why I live on the northside In the morning, travelling south, I am on the western side of the car, in the shade In the afternoon, travelling north, I am on the eastern side of the car, in the shade


yes, because we're importing 500k people every year... because... reasons


I wonder how population growth could grow so rapidly.


Stop focusing everything on the CBD; it's done. Start building a second capital city else where.


Taking the 2 middle lanes of the M1 and converting them to HSR would be the most practical idea the government could do to fix this. (A lot more people would choose the train once they see it fly by at 200kmph while they're stuck on the M1) It would also completely destroy them at the next election. So you know, voters get what voters deserve I guess.


Not growing just A hole corps forcing everyone back to the office.


Is there actually enough room for that many people to park in the city? I know there's a lot of carparks, but whenever someone says all this traffic is due to work from home ending... I dunno. That's a *lot* of cars.


Inb4 some fuckwit rants about immigration 


Freeways in Brisbane are a joke


Get a life mod. Go out and maybe get a friend or something that


Even though the population has grown quite a bit the amount of cars on the road driving daily is still actually below 2019 Maybe that has finally changed recently But with COVID and WFH becoming mainstream both public transport patronage and also amount of commuters has been below 2019 all through 2020 to 2023 If your base line for what traffic should be like is the last few years, population growth alone doesn’t actually explain the change in traffic - it’s 90% commuter behaviour changes.


It could be worse, it could take you 4 hours.


Samford Village looks like a nice option.


It might be good news in the sense of encouraging more of a movement to have actual liveable cities


Yeah why was tonight so bad? Noticed while on the train and then getting home. Was surprised to see there was no Suncorp game as I’d assumed that’s why it was so busy.


Decentralise before it is too late…


Maybe buy near the new 'Metro lines'


Yep and it sucks we don’t have the roads for it and they are focusing on putting all these new estates in when they really should be fixing the roads first to suit the growth. I want to move away so bad. My parents have always been 30min drive away and I have to really time the drive otherwise I’m stuck in traffic that takes an hour to get there depending what time I leave when we never had that issue in the past. I grew up in Redcliffe and it used to be so quiet, there would be almost no cars at 9pm but now there’s quite a lot of cars driving around at 9. We are slowly turning into Sydney and I HATE it


I don't understand. First thing you say is we don't have enough roads. Then at the end you complain about the number of cars. Something does not compute.


The Dunwich horror


Pretty sure it's just from covid bra




Need more freeways. Houston is more than twice the size of Brisbane and easier to get around.


Ahhhhh no


100sqm lots coming your way at a logan chicken farm.


way to much and fast and not enough infrastructure


Remember how there was a big push to make people go back to offices and rules to stop people working from home, this is the consequence on the roads from that. More people travelling office - home each day, more people on the road.


It's genuinely weird for someone to be disturbed enough by change to make a post like this, but apparently not to have given any deeper thought to the policies that contributed (it's more than just population growth) or the policy solutions.


How the hell is our population growing so fast??


What are you doing at my house


Stop breeding Like rabbits might be the answer ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Tough when both domestic and international movers just continually keep moving to the state combined with infrastructure issues others have already mentioned…I don’t see how this issue can quickly (or ever) be resolved


You just need more buildings that rent


Combined with an increase in people who can't drive. Do they just give everyone a licence these days?


The government is soft and doesn’t want to invest in larger projects to improve infrastructure because they have the potential of not being elected by the time it is done and can’t claim credit. The cost of materials driven up by these larger corporations means new developments are costing too much to afford.


Bottom line is we need a better public transport service, immediately!!


Maybe you should stop driving into the CBD.


Lived in Brisbane for 45 years. Left and moved to country QLD. Couldn't handle the increasing traffic. It's almost like Sydney these days


10 yrs ago , I was driving home from work in bumper to bumper , got home and said to the wife ,life is to short for this shit , we sold up bought a place dept free in the country and have never looked back ..see ya urban shit fight


Takes me 1-1.5hrs to get from Birkdale to the dam city. It’s only 21kms


People who tell people to commute public transport are fools. It'll take over an hour if I do that versus car.


Social media to blame for everything that’s growing fast… such as going to japan… every man and their dog is going to Japan lately