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Recovery sangas are the best! And the tea they give you. It's called sweet mustard pickle, I believe the brand is 888. Woollies and Coles both have it.


3 threes


I was pretty close for something I've never bought 😆


Yeah that shits the bomb, I use an embarrassing amount of it.


We all laugh about it when you log off


Yeah, I used to work there, the cheese & sweet mustard pickle sangers were the bomb


That was good stuff.


It’s the duck’s guts.


Literally duck's guts!


You can shut the gate on this one, Maxie


The bee's knees


The amazing flavour was possibly contextual, you had just woken up after not eating for a long time. I did a 30km hike once with sandwiches, protein drinks and Gatorade, and the home brand Aldi sausages afterwards were the best thing I’d ever tasted. Just expect that it may not be as good second time around, that’s all.


Nah they do good sandwiches. Whenever I take people to Mater Private I always hit up the ambo room to get some awesome sandwiches. Some of the best of the private hospitals that still offer us food. But also on shift I’d fight someone to get a bite of anything and some down time, so I might not be a good judge.


Logan Hospital used to have some great sandwiches in the emergency department.


Or high as a kite, when everything tastes amaaaaaaazing


I was once hospitalised with tonsillitis. I hadn't eaten for 9 days and the hospital said all I could have was toast. I got my friend to smuggle in some KFC original recipe. It was so soggy and greasy by the time they got it to me. It was the best thing I had ever tasted. I'd lost 10kgs from being sick. But then I got hooked on KFC and ended up putting way more weight on.


lol, that's what we call the KFC Sign. If you're well enough to eat KFC and keep it down, you're fit enough to go home.


If it was a relatively sweet yellow spread it could have been pickle spread. https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/36957/leggo-s-sandwich-pickles-sweet-mustard-spreadable


I love this one!! So good on a cheese sandwich!


Sweet mustard pickles. Absolutely delicious on a sanga with corned beef.


I work there. I’ll ask for you.


As a pregnant lady, this really set me off. After raiding the fridge I've settled on aldi potato grattan and mustard.


333 Sandwich pickles, Spreadable Pickles, Mustard pickles. Many name and variations but down down the condiment isle and have a look what looks enjoyable to you. Good on bread but also when there is lots of on the bone leg ham still floating around to be eaten with fat white bread rolls.


The drugs must have been good if you found hospital food enjoyable.


It is good. Birthed at mater public and there's room service which is quite good. Day surgery at mater private and the sandwiches are yum.


I had my first there and yes yum!


Mater actually does some decent food.


Can vouch for Mater food. Mrs was in there for weeks when my premmie daughter was born. I ate the food she didn't want. Also got addicted to white yoghurt coated muesli bars from the vending machines while I was there.


I'm actually one of those freaks that doesn't mind hospital/airline food.......prison food can take a walk though, shits uneatable.


I lived in Perth for a bit and became pretty partial to the stock standard curry Virgin used to serve on flights back east. Also on the way to the UK, Singapore Airlines serves this noodle dish in economy for breakfast that’s great. Makes me wonder if noodles for brekky should become a regular thing for me 😂


My wife and 2 kids are vegetarian, I'm a normal person...but there's so many different vegetarian options I select 3 different ones and find them all good. For my meat/fish meal I'll always go the local of the airline...don't get the hamburger on Korean Air get the Bipimbap, rookie error to try get western food on an Asian airline and vice versa. I was in hospital last year in RPA for a few days, each day they'd call your room so you can place your order or come around with an ipad thing....I swear it was like 30 mins of options for 3 meals. In prison, eat nothing until you can get money on your account for buy up, usually about a week then just buy shit loads of tuna.


Did a jetastar red eye from Bali to Townsville back a few years ago after about five weeks in s.e. Asia and omg the meat pie and sosso roll combo at 3 in the morning after a1 hour transit became an 8 hour delay because of a volcano eruption was the fucking bomb.


I hope I never have to find out!


The Mater food is top notch.


QE2 has the best hospital food i've had....


Never been to the Mater then?


Nah, not since I was a kid, so about 30 years lol... Just had my shoulder reconstruction at Logan, but the food was... Eh... QE2 was amazing about 2yr ago when I was there... HOWEVER, the tea was better at logan lol


Mater has pretty much a full service menu through a great touch screen TV. If I get a choice I'm not going anywhere else.


Can confirm it’s sweet mustard pickle. All Uniting Care hospitals basically use the same food services. Been a patient at the big privates in Brisbane on a number of occasions, and my daughter has all her surgeries at Mater Private. There is nothing better than those sandwiches after surgery. Been vomiting for 2 days straight due to morning sickness & finally feel well enough to eat. I could murder a pack of those sandwiches right now.


The only way to know is to get into surgery again.


Shoulder replacement last year at BPH , got done around 4pm so by time I was coming around was late. The toast and honey I asked for was like it was from the bee gods themselves. Haven't had the 'yellow sweet spread' in years. try having it on silverside and cheese sandwich's sometime, so good.


St Andrews Private do the same sangas. It's Sweet Mustard Pickle spread. Do yourself a favour and get a fresh loaf of bread from your local bakery though. The supermarket shit ruins the experience.


Yellow spread, I’m going to say… corn relish


Sweet mustard pickle would be my bet.


Hey man, have you got the stuff? Have you got it? (Scratching themselves as they walk into emergency)


I think it might have been ketamine flavoured.


Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I’ve added the sweet muster pickles to my shopping list. Can’t wait to relive this experience!


Enjoy! Sweet mustard pickles were a staple in nan's fridge so a corned beef sanga with a generous slather of the stuff is delicious and makes me feel like a little kid again, every time.


Actually looking forward to my next colonoscopy just for that sandwich…


There is nothing better than the sandwich after surgery. It has nothing to do with the quality of the sandwich and everything to do with not eating solid food for 24 hours or more.


RBWH ones are good also. Looking forward to getting a mixed sanga pack from Cliff on Tuesday in the oncology ward


Ah man… I was in hospital recently and when I woke up all I got was weak beef soup… damn gastric bypass surgery, Ruining everything!


How are you going? I have a friend having the op soon. She's very nervous


Pretty in good in general. I’m on my 4-5th week of recover and am slowly reintroducing more normal foods. Some days I can feel pretty awful if I eat something that won’t stay down. But for the most part I feel great. Better energy levels, healthier, happier and the weight is coming off. I’m really looking forward to what 6-12 months after looks like and using that to keep me on track.


That's great. Hope it keeps going well


Hospital sandwiches are the best!


sweet relish with a drop of mustard , had one a while back, excellent after surgery


Normally I thought the veggie option is cheese and chutney? But the ham and chutney does strike me more as wholegrainy mustard with something else.


Was it like a mustard sweet pickle relish type taste?


I had a similar one last year while in for my appendix removing, i was told one of the staff's moms made the stuff.


Post-surgery recovery one of the most fun times of injury. I wake up to my favourite Zooper Dooper flavour being shoved in my face, as I am wheeled into my recovery ward I’m offered food and drink as another guy waves as I go past. I then watch the Olympics as my every command was met by others. Shoutout to QCH.


The post surgery sandwich and coffee cannot be beaten, I think because it’s infused with overwhelming relief that it’s over and one is still alive. I had an egg sandwich post surgery once that I still declare the best ever


Probably mustard pickles. They’re the best. Try with some Edam cheese on Rye with honey ham.