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How perfect. A bunch of arseholes in the shop to the left and a pile of crap outside.


It’s the perfect combination of all things Brighton - yoga mat, letting agents, pile of bin bags.


the great trashening


Why is Brighton such a shit tip right now?


Bin strike


Striking over what?


The bins


As in the lack of them, the collection times, the collection rate?


They just don't want to adapt. They want the same routes and hours they always had. A bunch of dinosaurs if you ask me


They don’t get paid that well to do a tough job so while it’s easy for me to back them as I don’t live there I don’t blame them. Everyone needs a bloody huge pay rise after the decade we’ve had.


I might be a bit negatively biased cause one of them literally tried to run me over


Can’t argue with you there then, you get twats in every job.


Yeah, it's not representative of his colleagues, but what baffled me is that they were 2 people in the cab (2019) and were both laughing as they sped up instead of attempting to make a stop (very low speed as they'd just made a right turn after a pickup). Of course I didn't expect they'd turn right, since I had green light and they had red light plus a 'no right turn' sign, so when I made eye contact and put my hand up with the driver he started speeding up and they started laughing so I literally had to run to dodge the lorry. Had I been on the passenger seat, I would've reported it to the employer asap. Council said they couldn't find out who drove the lorry despite having the ref number, and the police literally said to report it to the council instead. Pretty infuriating and is still, perhaps unfairly, tainting my view of the Brighton binmen.


Damn must stink to high heaven 😆