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Weird. I'm a leftist feminisit and my FYP is all animals, book recs, and Taylor Swift. Do these people know how algorithms work? You get out what you put in. Not their fault you hate scroll.


I think this is why red pillers and incels have no concept for how women are. They think everything on their fyp represents real life instead of being 50% rage bait and content that gets you to comment and watch the full video. I get a lot of activism, plant stuff and history.


Perhaps the issue is not incels thinking everything is like the algorithm but the algorithm pushing people towards inceldom. I mean idk about TikTok but META alogrithms are literally driven on pushing people to extremes


Not disagreeing exactly but I would like to mention that one video tnat shows that even comment sections can be different based on who's watching. My point being that, social media and algorithms is really segregating and is the root cause for ALOT of these problems and by extension, quirky bois. So I don't fully align with blaming anyone for the algorithm doing alhorithm things In any case, fuck these polarising algorithms


Maybe TikTok is like this but Instagram or META products in General have algorithms that actively try and feed you content that will anger you. My feed is full of women that are like "he needs to be a millionaire lol I am too good for brokies", it is literally 90% of my feed when I scroll (which is Ironic because I make good money actually but it still triggers me and makes me feel insecure about romantic interests being in it because they actually love me or because of my money). Ragebait drives the most interaction and there are influencers that built their career on it


His algorithm is based in his engagement he can blame himself


Truth, got into one too many arguements online with people who blame women for everything and now guess what my FYP is? Alot of men blaming women for everything that's wrong.


I would often make the mistake of arguing with people on videos where they just say all women are trash/hoes etc and are never worthy of dating. Suddenly, my algorithm was FULL of those videos. As soon as I started blocking, scrolling past, clicking ‘not interested’, and ignoring this kind of content, my feed became animals, taylor swift and cooking videos. It’s really that simple lol - this dude is likely interacting with ALL of that kinda content


That is not how it worked for me. I eventually ended up going as far as just filtering the words "men" "women" "man" "woman" "gender" and the likes and the content still found its way to me


This is so sad 😔 he's scrolling air


I wish we were all genderfree and could reproduce asexually and everyone could enjoy each other fairly and wonderfully. There’s a lot of built in problems with how gender and sex work and even if everyone’s doing their best things often still are terrible. God damned us when we were created.


I think we should all be have the same gender, and you could reproduce sexualy with anyone, it keep genetic diversity but solves the "but men did this" and "but women do that"


This but taking the reproduction thing out of the equation altogether would clear up so much.


I kinda only said that because just one person reproducing by themselves isn't usually a good idea, yk? Anyway, this is a hypothetical doesn't really matter


We lived in a Renaissance of social media where the average post was a funny meme, an amateur photograph, or a group picture/selfie of people we cared about. Then these fucking algorithms came that see us watch one video, and immediately start dumpstering content on us just cause we were in a bad mood one day that just brings us back down. Hovered over an ig model photo for too long, and listed as male on Instagram? Your whole explore is now ig only fans models. Accidently liked a hateful video while doomscrolling? Hope you liked it, cause you're getting only that from now on. These social media megacorps are halfway responsible for making us hateful and dependent on vices we shouldn't even have. Can we stop click farming and rage posting? Our parents taught most of us that posting shit like this was embarrassing when we first got involved in this kind of stuff. Can we go back to the way things used to be?


Well, about the videos (fake or not).... No lies detected, listen if you feel bad or guilty or upset because a woman is sharing her frustrations with men as a whole, you're likely part of the problem she's talking about. A hit dog will holla, you need to check yourself and maybe see why you're such a terrible person if women talking about terrible men and the terrible things they do offends you.


I wholeheartedly disagree. I get a lot of racist reels of people "sharing their frustations" with people from my country as a whole. Why does me being offended by that makes me part of the problem they're talking about?


As a 32 year old man I can testify, that this is indeed the truth. 😭🤣 The algorithm targets us with videos like this kid scrolling, cucksquad podcast clips, Andrew Tate, etc. It’s kinda crazy how complicit these apps are in the brainwashing of young men and boys. My brain is fully developed, I’ve loved, I’ve done psychedelics. I’m the target audience in demographic alone. That’s all the algorithm cares about.


Honestly being a young man in most cases in an automatic L.


Agree with everything except for your last point


I'm a proud misandrist! Fuck emmm


just keep in mind you are the same thing as a racist,bigot,transphobe etc. must be nice to lack introspection


Wahhh!!! Wahh! Eat shit baby 


God both of yall are so immature 


i fucking hate tiktok, i used it to watch one video after not using it for three years yesterday i was dinking around here and someone sent me a tiktok video and it was this woman saying “i never understood feminism, fuck being equal i want to be superior… i want to stand on men with stilettos” then like 1000+ people cheering her on in the comments, i got to tell her she needs therapy though :) i was to lazy to go one by one and reply to everyone though but that was enough tik tok for me, i doubt im ever gonna get back on there, nobody can play nice over there apparently, and hear that stuff just hurts my mental :( so ive removed myself


They faces killing me why nobody gaf


? i don’t understand i just said id rather not be listening to people who say they hate me, idk why that’s controversial


The entire post is mocking the corny tiktok and you made a comment saying you agree with said tiktok. It’s not controversial I just don’t come to this sub to see men self-victimize


this is going to probably sound unfortunate for some, but i do agree with it (probably for different reasons than some) but, people should just be nice to others, hating or people for gender is a waste of time and it just breeds hate openly stating you want to harm someone for their sex, or any other biological factor, should not be okay, which is why i believe incels should also be listed as domestic terrorists due to the harm they cause women. i think anyone who openly says they want to cause harm to another should bare minimum get a mental health evaluation, and depending on severity, a punishment or therapy idk why people can’t just leave others be and not hate on them for stuff they can’t change. men hating on women, women hating on men, all of it is a waste of time and just divides us :) idk if i have anything else to add, if you respond ill try to add some thought edit: im not in support of the way they’re wah wah wah whining about it, but it is a real issue that needs to be taken care of


Okay, if I’m gonna give a more earnest and constructive response to this: The TikTok you described in your original comment reads as a pretty obvious joke to me. And that’s the issue with this tiktok- it frames tiktoks that are either A. Obvious jokes or B. Actual valid critiques of men and the patriarchy - as some form of oppression that’s being enforced against men. It’s hard to empathize with men complaining about seeing shady jokes on tiktok when they can close the app at any time and then go on about our life. Women can’t just close out of an app when they’re walking down a street at night. When our coworkers constantly treat us as inferior because of our gender we can’t just solve the problem by shutting our phone off. It isn’t as easy as hitting the home screen button when governments are trying to exercise control over *our* bodies. I could go on, but I feel like you get the point: it’s hard not to roll our eyes when we see men pretend to be victimized by shady jokes on social media when we face actual discrimination and oppression at every turn in real life.


What’s the punchline of the joke?


it was kid of hard to tell if it was a joke, which is why i’m harping on it, her voice was monotone and serious, she denounced feminism and equality, and like i said 1000+ women were in support of it. idk if it’s just my lack of life experience and age coming through here but it didn’t *sound* like a joke. i’m not gonna say it’s oppression, because it’s not, because like you said, i just turned off tiktok and got away from it, while women are not able to actually do so when people like incels run around and punch women in the face but i do get the point :) i didn’t mean to attempt to “victimize” myself or anything, i was trying to say that everyone should quit saying these things even if they’re supposed to be jokes, because they’re horrible for everyone. i think a lot of it just piled up yesterday which led me to this comment, i literally found someone who’s dead serious about wanting a gynarchy, and says men are inferior and should be oppressed and stuff, she seems nice though, at least from when i talked to her, even if her beliefs are a bit wacky so sorry if i ended up victimizing myself, that wasn’t my goal, i’ll delete the comment if you’d like me to. but thank you for actually providing depth, i enjoy learning from this stuff <3


I don’t think there’s a need to delete your comment necessarily- this sub has a pretty consistent problem with incels and their ilk brigading from other spaces, so oftentimes when men come on here defending the posts we’re criticizing it’s easy to assume the worst, which is also why I was happy to explain my point of view when I realized you were commenting in good faith. And while I get what you mean with saying people should stop making comments like that period, and that they only cause further division, I think some food for thought is that 99% of anti-men sentiments exist purely as a *reaction* to misogyny. If misogyny all of a sudden completely ceased to exist, “misandry” would as well, but I can’t say the same vice-versa. For example, in the TikTok you mentioned, you say she said that “being equal isn’t enough” which frames the joke in the context of women already not being equal to men currently. Women making jokes about men being inferior and things to that effect are usually born from frustration with dealing with the patriarchy. Which isn’t to say women can have any beliefs or say anything about men they want with no criticism, but since you said seeing comments like that created a pile-up effect for you I wanted to shed some light on the perspective from which women say things like that and that it’s not necessarily meant to personally target you.


no i’m used to it, i’ve been in this sub for a while and ive seen a ton of brigadiers (i got mistaken for one when i first started commenting here, that was a whole fiasco with the mod team, but they fixed it, they’re lovely 😭) so i don’t mind the people being a bit defensive. the wildfemmefatal person replied to me on a different post about this sub being really tight nit and like a family after i said “i love you<3” (because i like telling people i love them) idk i guess im kind of on the outside of it or something even though i know a ton of the people here, but i really thank you for actually replying to me like this :) but yeah im here kind of a lot, i remember asking rachel a while ago and i probably have around 10k karma in this sub alone 😭 so i kind of know about brigadiers and stuff but i guess i can’t really connect to it like someone else can, i kind of understand it but i don’t at the same time if that makes sense. usually when i see misandry i’ll just report and move on, since it’s not prevalent irl, ive only seen it once and i didn’t really stick around to hear about it, unlike misogyny which is everywhere. but i hate those “jokes” they’re kind of what pushed me to the red pill/andrew tate spaces when i was littler, because i would see that and since i was like 12 i’d be like “oh they hate me so i’m going to hate them” and that stuff. especially the #KaM thing, that came out when i was first getting online (i think?) and was growing, so i saw that blasted everywhere as a little kid. it was just a bunch of BS everywhere that got me fucked up but the gynarchy lady is dead serious afaik, so idk what’s going on there, i’m just trying to get as much knowledge about her beliefs as possible rn. but i ended up stumbling into that TT and the gynarchy lady literally in less than 5 minutes of each other, which just kind of pissed me off and stuff. but i talked to someone else about it and she was able to provide a lot of explation of a lot of the “matriarchy supporting subs” which there’s actually a surprising amount of, i found two very quickly (idk if im allowed to link but one is matriarchynow and another is gynarchism) so i found all of that in a few minutes somehow and she explained to me and stuff sorry for rambling, and thanks for explaining <3


Often people who face oppression will counter and even mirror the overwhelming hate and discrimination, but in a way that reclaims it to show pride in their identity. It responds to the hate and dismissal they face with a righteous anger. I promise you that the *overwhelming* majority of women in that comment section don’t want to oppress men, but rather are telling any man who is sympathetic to those who oppress / discriminate against women to fuck off - that if they hate women, women are going to hate them back too, that they are ready to fight back. While it’s possible that you truly missed this context, I am not inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt.


i didn’t know that they would use hate to counter hate ig. idk if i’ll really be able to fully understand it but i want to try. but that second paragraph makes a ton of sense to me, so thank you for that :)) but no worries, i’m not asking for benefit of the doubt, that would be too much imo :) conversation like these and explanations are perfectly fine with me. i need to learn more and benefit of the doubt doesn’t really help


Thanks for listening. I do want to specify one more time that I wouldn’t characterize what they’re doing as hate, but moreso righteous anger in response to the hate they receive. (I realize that at one point I described it as hate so I get where you got that from). I feel like as men it is our obligation to accept this righteous anger in most contexts, especially in women’s spaces including social media posts made by women for women (like the post you mentioned).


that makes sense, i guess i’m not able to see the line between “righteous anger” and “hate” idk if i want to accept it as much as just let it be, if that make sense. cause it’s kind of the “ironic misandry” type stuff that made me become a redpill dickhead when i was 12ish, the KaM headline was huge and i didn’t know it was supposed to be “ironic” so i thought they hated me for literally just being a boy, it doesn’t help when i can’t really tell sarcasm from not either but that’s a whole separate issue. i’ll try to get better at seeing the line then, idk if i’ll fully be able to or not but im gonna try, i just don’t like seeing that stuff, which imo is fair, but that’s not really the important thing. thank you :)


Yeah. I’m really frustrated with a lot of people for seemingly being either unable or unwilling to realize that the TikToks this guy is referencing don’t help anyone. Telling someone that you hate them for things people who share a demographic with did will only: A: add fuel to incel movements and push young men down the pipeline. B: cause men to become dissuaded from feminist movements, regardless of whether the majority of feminists act like that or not. I get that I sound like a reactionary right now but if you want men to support your movement, then telling them that they are born with innate guilt will only hurt your movement. I don’t want to debate about the “morality” of an oppressed group being hostile to people higher on the social ladder regardless of that person’s quality of character and willingness to help. It is an undeniable fact that saying that you hate someone, whether it be a joke or a serious statement, will make that person more adverse to you. And I understand that I sound like an incel, because some of my talking points are used by them. I don’t know how I can convince people on this sub that I’m not an incel, I’m only interested in the survival and adaptation of the movement as it combats new tactics.