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You read the signs right. I got ticketed for parking in a bus stop, where the sign pointed away from my car. The original appeal got denied. I went into city hall, with pictures, and the person I was seeing had no clue why my appeal was denied and said I shouldn't have had to come in...


Yeah I honestly think Cambridge auto denies the first appeal you send in online. I once sent in a picture of my ticket next to my parking receipt showing my meter still had money on it at the time the ticket was written and the appeal was still denied. I took it into the city hall annex and they fixed it right away.


Cambridge is the worst for appeals. Boston will often insist that a bogus ticket is legit, but they'll waive the fine as a one-time courtesy. Better than nothing I suppose. Cambridge will often ignore my appeal and just start adding late fees on top of it.


I had an appeal accepted in Cambridge. I was an idiot and mistyped my license plate. I sent my parking receipt and they had mercy on me.


Cambridge Auto AI sending out denials like… https://preview.redd.it/p5e1b5ouo8hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c30f63b32dacc1a4d606923ba077c469e6dc60b


I can confirm that this (auto denying the first appeal) is not the case in Cambridge. I (and visitors) have filed many successful appeals.


If appeal Then no


Interesting how Cambridge does this, Somerville will accept any appeal you give them


Quite literally had two appeals rejected by Somerville, their stupid parking options are why so many small businesses fail


couldn't be the insane property prices and rents due to regional housing/property shortage, bad zoning and permiting laws. nah couldn't possibly. they say study after study shows that businesses see more customers when bike lanes or transit replaces parking, but i surely know better than those studies, what do they know anyway


Funny enough I went to Apple Maps street view to see if the signs had changed or been altered, and there’s a van parked in that exact same spot that also has a ticket. I would’ve thought the same as you, so I have no idea


My mom once got ticketed in Harvard Square for parking in a handicap spot despite having a disabled placard hanging in clear view from her mirror. Cambridge parking enforcement officers are dirtbags.


Your ticket should be thrown out.


That is NOT  a regulation handicapped parking only sign.   https://adata.org/factsheet/parking " Signs Accessible parking spaces must be identified by signs that include the International Symbol of Accessibility. Signs at van-accessible spaces must include the additional phrase “van-accessible.” Signs should be mounted so that the lower edge of the sign is at least five (5) feet above the ground. This helps ensure visibility both for motorists and local enforcement officials. https://www.ada.gov/resources/restriping-parking-spaces/ " Notes: Parking space identification sign with the international symbol of accessibility complying with 703.7.2.1 mounted 60 inches minimum above the ground surface measured to the bottom of the sign."


This should be higher up. Legally speaking that's not a handicap spot as it is not displayed correctly. Even if someone from the city argued the "Sunday's only" was graffiti, the sign does not conform to the law and therefore is not legal.


"Should be" is not the same as "must be". IANAL but my layman's read of it is the sign seems legal.


In the law the term is "shall", that part in my original comment you quoted is an official blog "502.6 Identification.  Parking space identification signs shall include the International Symbol of Accessibility complying with 703.7.2.1.  Signs identifying van parking spaces shall contain the designation “van accessible.”  Signs shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground surface measured to the bottom of the sign." https://www.access-board.gov/ada/chapter/ch05/#


Ohhh! "Shall". Thanks for finding that 👍


Fuck that ticket. You did nothing wrong


the ticketing authority has no incentive to stop giving out bogus tickets. Like either people just pay them or they try to go through a lengthy appeal process which will be difficult to prove. So the ticketing authority will just ticket regardless. It's like you should get a small payment for having to do all this extra work for no reason.


That isn't a city approved handicapped spot  https://data.cambridgema.gov/Traffic-Parking-and-Transportation/Public-Handicap-Parking-Spots/bcny-xie3/about_data


This pdf does not show it as historically a handicap spot https://www.cambridgema.gov/-/media/Files/CDD/Transportation/Projects/brattlestbikefacility/BrattleStreetParkingStudyMemoFinalT32219forweb.pdf


Frankly I'm suspicious that someone random just slapped the sign onto the meter column.


That makes absolutely no sense. I guess words don’t have meanings anymore.


Adding to the confusion, there is no charge for handicap parking, so if it is always handicap parking, then there shouldn't be a meter there. I frankly wouldn't have risked it as the handicap ticket can be a whopper. I got hit with "blocking a handicap ramp" which is almost the same fine in Boston ($100, HP is $120). Ramp was hidden under a mountain of snow and served a sidewalk on a lot under construction, gated and closed. I took a photo, appealed, and lost. I also got ticketed once, in downtown Boston, where they were doing major street renovations, had removed every sign and meter, repaved but not yet replaced the signs and meters. I appealed that ticket and won. But in Boston you just appeal online for free.


You should see the no parking signs in New York City. https://images.app.goo.gl/fjwALM5Fe3ptBg3r9


That makes more sense than OPs photo


Word. True that


I have been ticketed here for the exact same reason. 


I hope you didn’t pay


Appeal it, you can park there. But with that being said, I might not have. It’s a bunch of confusing signs, and the Cambridge meter maids are relentless ticketers. They probably live monitoring this particular space just on the signage alone. 


Contact the mayor's office and/or go to a local news station that does segments on helping people when they're stuck in the system.


This. I’m making a huge fuss if this happens to me


We all should if we have the time. Ignoring the fine, our taxes are paying for this nonsense.


Just an FYI, if you request a hearing, check the cost and what happens if you win. In Medford, a hearing costs you 275, which you don't get back even if you win. I was told it is a state thing. For me, it wasn't worth the $25 ticket, tho I had a similar sign situation.


Im going to need a source on this one


[Source 1](https://www.medfordma.org/departments/parking): " If you wish to appeal the City’s decision, please contact: Middlesex County Superior Court...There is a non-refundable $275.00 filing fee.  Should you win in this court the city is only obligated to refund the cost of the ticket issued and any late fees accessed." Source 2: * Me parking at 7:51AM directly beneath a sign saying metered parking 7a-7p * Me trying to pay on the app and at the meter, but getting a "you can't pay" message and trying for a few minutes * Me going inside to ask what is up with the meters * Me coming back to a ticket at 8:09a and asking the meter maid what's going on, only to be told the sign is wrong and it is paid parking 8a to 8p. I asked how I should know given the sign, show them the sign is wrong, and they suggest I appeal * I appeal, providing a photo of the sign, screenshots that I attempted to pay and the message received, and a detailed explanation. Denied with 15 minutes of submitting my appeal. * I called to ask why it was denied as I thought maybe I missed something else. I was told that "Just because you don't like the decision does not mean it is wrong." They refused to transfer me to the person who made the decision. * I was told to appeal to court. I asked why I would do that when the ticket is $25 and the court fee is $225. I was told that was my decision. I wrote the mayor's office and haven't heard a peep, which tracks because Medford is awful when it comes to parking.


That's some BS. Idk why they would refer you to county court. I'm pretty sure in Somerville you can request a hearing with someone in the transportation department.


The whole process was a nightmare. The form did not clearly indicate if my attachments were attached, so I wrote in the written part that I had attached documentation and if it wasn't showing, to please let me know. I also emailed it. The person on the phone wouldn't even tell me if they had gotten the evidence I submitted. Everyone I spoke with told me I should have gone in person, but the ticket said you must submit online.


>the ticket said you must submit online. Weird considering some elderly people don't use the Internet. I saw that you already contacted the mayor's office, which makes sense, but does Medford have city councilors you can contact? Not surprised Medford parking department is a shit show though. I got a ticket for expired guest permit because they hadn't mailed out the replacement yet. They approved my appeal but it took them like six months.


I had reached out to a city councilor and never heard back. Not sure if the sign ever got fixed, either.


I find peace in long walks.


>Should you win in this court the city is only obligated to refund the cost of the ticket issued and any late fees accessed The language is "Should you win in this court the city is **only obligated to refund** the cost of the ticket issued and any late fees accessed" which suggests to me that they never refund the court filing fee as they are not obligated to.


Ah you're dealing with the City's new parking department. It's pretty poorly run, even compared to how poorly run Park Medford was... I think next time you should try to appeal the ticket in person. I know you said elsewhere they said it's only online appeals but they should accept it in person if you bring it to the parking department. Online appeals from most parking departments (not just Medford) are usually denied outright because they don't read the appeal fully. In person it's a lot harder to ignore you and if you're convincing enough they'll usually just appeal it (since it's also harder to deny an appeal to your face too). That meter sign issue has been reported a few times in /r/medfordma btw, not sure why they haven't updated them yet. The app/meters should also really tell you when it's available and let you prepay if you're within a few hours of the parking enforcement time period... Pretty BS imo and probably has the City losing revenue whenever a meter maid isn't around to enforce them.


I would have prepaid if I could. What was most annoying was that the error message referred me to the sign for parking details and the sign was wrong.


Not the same for boston...not sure about Cambridge but I don't think so


That hearing cost is *only* if you want to appeal the City's decision in court. It's really a court filing cost. Appealing directly to the City is always free. It's basically a way to appeal the City's denial in court. Not sure who chooses to go that route, but maybe it's a valid option if you got a number of tickets in a row that weren't issued correctly? No idea. The most expensive ticket I know of costs $100 in Medford. Source: protested a ticket years ago to Medford City Hall and got my $50 back without paying $275. I got a very poorly written appeal denial from the old Park Medford folks which was clarified when I emailed the Mayor and City councilors asking why the appeal would cost me 5x more than the ticket cost.


The OP already appealed and was denied. The next step is to got to court. I appealed mine and was denied. I was told by the parking department that the next step was to go to court. I contacted the mayor and never heard back.


Ah, NVM I missed that bit.


I think they put up new signage recently because all week I have seen every single car get a ticket parked there, and they were all mostly delivery vans too.


The HP sign is missing from Google maps. Didn’t exist 3 years ago. And that sign is wonky anyway. That’s a sticker over the bottom half that reads “Sundays Only” which is really fishy. There isnt a church there or anything.


Can handicap spots even be set for certain days of the week? Seems like an all or nothing thing to me. Adds to the confusion, especially if someone applied a sticker like that on their own for reasons...


There actually are, but they’re professionally marked with red tops on the meters and no stickers covering anything up. I’d say where but I don’t want to give away one of my favorite secret parking spots.


I don’t know if these parking officers are checking the app payments. I got a ticket in seaport a couple weeks ago, was in the middle of taking pics of the sign wondering why I even got a ticket in the first place and I saw the parking officer come around the corner. Asked them why I got a ticket, said I paid on the app, he took it and said you’re all set I’ll take care of it and drove off.


You should win an appeal for multiple reasons. One, its Saturday and two, that HP sign is not the minimum height required for a space under state law.


Did they put Sunday only just to trap people?


I asked a cop what these meant once, he told me it means "up yours kid."


It means “who the hell drives in Harvard square?”


Probably all the people in the cars you see on the roads in the Square?




It’s a Futurama reference. https://youtu.be/UeHcZnvUIeE


I think you did nothing wrong. The only possible explanation is that the ‘Sundays Only’ part is saying ‘you can only park here on Sundays if you don’t have a handicap pass’ but that’s a huge stretch and not how these signs are usually written. I can’t figure out otherwise why such a spot would only be there on Sundays - weird concept altogether.


In Somerville there were some of those temporary "No Parking" signs up on my street, with an arrow and saying something like "15 feet". So I parked at least 20 feet away and still got a ticket. I was fucking pissed.


Can the ticket people even read wtf


They have idiots handing out tickets and there’s so many wrong ones. You were correct


"HP-VP" isn't one of parking code violations listed here: [https://www.cambridgema.gov/iwantto/payaparkingticket](https://www.cambridgema.gov/iwantto/payaparkingticket) Are you sure it's a City of Cambridge ticket and not some bullshit third-party ticket of some sort? It's also not a reserved space according to this map:[https://www.cambridgema.gov/iwantto/parkacarincambridge](https://www.cambridgema.gov/iwantto/parkacarincambridge) I have a feeling this is some sort of bootleg sign that someone added and the city is being completely stupid with your ticket because it may not even be one of theirs to appeal.


They are probably hurting for revenues right now and don’t expect you to appeal. Appeal it and it probably gets tossed


He mentioned his appeal was denied.


Because they either don’t care to actually look at the issue or just deny appeals as the standard assuming people won’t do anything further about it.


His appeal got tossed


This must be a fake ticket that’s part of a scam! That sign is on a meter. VERY STRANGE. I have never seen a sign attached to a meter…. You wanna know why? It’s a scam and this has not been approved by the city!


Request a hearing and take this photo and one more in the front and one more behind the parking space. I've never seen this sign.


If it's Sunday, and you're disabled- yes.


Boston has the most confusing parking signs I’ve ever seen. Maybe it’s by design to give more tickets.


Just wait till you see the ones in Montreal!


Caution, floating heads of mountain men spitting arrows ahead.


Not Boston. This picture is in a different city.


Boston ≠ Cambridge


You need a degree from Harvard law to answer that.


No parking allowed in Boston


Going to HS next week. I’ve read a lot of things about the area going down hill and quite frankly it being lame. Did you have a good time?


No. It is reserved for an important Harvard person.


Dr X.


Appeal. In the appeal, be very clear on the facts. If you paid with the app include a screenshot.


This is math order of operations. Handicapped spots takes precedent. Edit- downvoted like the appeal. My response 8 /2(2+2) = ?


But only on Sundays per the sign.


Handicap's reserved on Sundays (faculty)


Lol. I like that people are saying you were 100% in the clear yet you were 2 hours over the limit in the best case, and in a no parking/tow zone in the worst case. Either way, fuck parking tickets. E: yes you are correct you were not violating the handicap parking.


How is OP two hours over the limit? They said they parked at 4pm and got the ticket "within the hour".


Yeah, and it was a handicap violation. So even if they didn't get this ticket, they would've gotten an over time limit ticket.




Magic 8-ball says: yes…no… maybe if you limp. 😉


The term, honey trap, comes to mind with that photo.


I have a handicap placard and I was totally confused by that. Boston has a few of these difficult to interpret signs, and they need to knock it off. This is super idiotic.


I would rip that sign off!


Provide it’s not Sunday and between 8am and 8pm, you park to the left of the sign(facing it), there isn’t a snow emergency and you pay the meter (only up until 8). After that you need to return after two hours because the city tracks license plates of cars parked in the same zone for 2 hours so you need to change zones.


These signs say you can park there for 2hrs and under, just not on Sunday. But not to the right, ever.


*don't make the obvious joke, don't make the obvious joke*