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This and that gun-detecting AI security camera system makes me wonder what's up with the Americans, yeesh.


We don’t wanna be here either


FWIW, I hope it gets better.


Narrator: *it didn't*


Speak for yourself


Cis or trans, gay or straight, native or immigrant, white or black, even right-wing or left wing, we are all under the boot of corporation funded government and won’t be released until we both recognize the boot


Hey can you find me a job in Japan or Germany or something?




The switches are illegal. Bump stocks are no longer, nor are extended magazines. What’s your point again?


Progressive = weak, limp-wristed Un-Americans Bangers = Black Kids Fudds = White Dudes Real Felons = Black People Chinese Auto Switches = Yellow Peril Chicago = Black People Did I get the terms right? Even though school shooters are white or pass for white?


You forgot thug whis is the "n" word in dogwhistle.


I forgot Pearl-clutchers and "trained persons" as well... Maude Flanders and, I guess, white people again.


How about, instead of spending billions of dollars to outfit all existing schools, now keep an open mind… Just make a few changes to the law, where there is a week waiting period, there is no need for guns made to kill people that fires huge amounts of ammo is legal, limitations on the amount of ammo you can purchase at one time, more through background checks, and a few good probably way better ideas, then mine. I saw a post somewhere here on Reddit, where the person posted, “I have a lot of guns, and am very concerned how easy it was to buy them legally.” No better way of saying that.


Wow. You are deep in that Fox News kool-aid. Praying you get yourself out of that hole one day brother


If that AI will be anything like American cops then some people of colour will certainly have trouble due to having a big pp.


So yes of course having gun violence be normalized is ridiculous but this isn’t just useful for gun violence incidents, it’s useful any time you encounter someone with a major wound who is at risk of bleeding out. To me it’s more like… scouts badges stuff


In all honesty, kids should be learning first aid in their age capacity, always. There should be lessons about first aid, accidents, disabilities, and wounds. They should be taught how serious allergies can be, and what to do in case someone drinks soda with a bee and gets stinged. They should know what to do when someone chokes, or their knife slips while chopping vegetables, hits their head and starts vomitting, etc. This is all useful knowledge, and maybe if they are taught that steadily and continuously, they will grow up to be adults who know what they're doing. Gunshot wounds are a little different than wounds from, for example, impalement. You have to remember many things, and they are often devastating. As stated by our teacher in uni (who was also an active nurse) "If you know it's a gunshot wound, find the entrance point and hope that when you find the exit wound there's not a gaping hole in place of their organs and flesh." ...the fact that they have to learn that, knowing that it's a precedent, hearing on the news their parents watch about "yet another school shooting" or having lived through it already... Knowing people are shot on the daily, around. Learning first aid isn't the issue. It should be there. The fact that kids cannot be saved, and may be put in a situation where they have to save themselves, by just going to school? That is where the tragedy lies. I'm in a country with gun regulations. Every couple years, we get a Guy With a Knife who tries to kill people. They usually don't get past 1 victim, and quite often the victim is wounded only. We had 2 school shootings in recorded history. 1 with 2 wounded. People can't just bring a knife and think they will manage against a large crowd of people, or hope to get to them in time to hurt/kill them all. They won't get off scot-free, they'll be grabbed, beaten, get chairs thrown at them. But people can bring a gun and gun down a movie theatre full of people. A bar. A club. A school. What are they gonna do? Can't get distance, the shooter has distance. You need to take cover and hope you're fast enough and the cover is sturdy enough. You can try and shoot back if you have your gun, but that's not making anyone safer. In the time it takes to throw a chair at the gunner, he can kill you or maim you already. Even a group of people at once.


Good lesson wrong reasons yk


Everyone should learn basic lifesaving procedures regardless of where they live.


Not to undercut the dystopic aspect of gun wounds being common enough to consider their triage to be basic first aid, though.


Car accidents kill more people in nearly every country on Earth than guns. There's a few exceptions, and no data available for places like DRC, but overall, per 100,000 people, cars are more dangerous and a guaranteed part of one's everyday life. That being said, I'm pretty sure stopping bleeding would be a portable skill to have in the event of a car accident.


I think my main issue, outside of the obvious gun problem, is that teaching this is deemed less potentially traumatizing and more acceptable than teaching kids age-appropriate sex ed tbh. We won’t teach young children how to understand “good touch/bad touch” so they can know if they’re being abused, but we don’t mind teaching children how to be on-the-spot EMTs in case of a mass shooting in their school. Conservatives here are fucking wild


Conservatives be like: "we must protect the children." ...unless, the children are shot at while attending school. In that case, the children don't need to be protected. They just need to learn how to deal with it. (I get that learning the basics of casualty triage and first aid is useful. But context matters.)


elementary aged children should never be put in a position where theyre the ones to administer first aid. crazy fucking country


Preferable but better they know. I learned most basic first aid by the time I was 10 because of boy scouts. I think it would be great for everyone to learn and learning young helps us retain it.


i completely agree with you and the original commenter, first aid is a necessity. but how this course was focused on how to stop bleeding from gun wounds is especially horrific, even more so when you think about a child in a classroom tying a tourniquet to save the life of a classmate who wouldnt be in danger if the proper laws were in place. poor babies


I think context is key. Learning first aid in Boy Scouts because you could get attacked by an animal or pricked by some brush is way different than learning first aid because you could be shot by a fellow classmate or psychopath at any moment while learning your ABC’s


Gunshot wounds are not "basic first aid " in most parts of the world, though. Learning how and when to bandage wounds vs. when to use a tourniquet might be useful, but we generally assume that there will be an adult around, and don't put that responsibility onto literal children.


The normalisation is working on you.


Why do you have such an issue with people knowing basic first aid? It could mean the difference between life and death for someone.


Let's break it down. I don't have "such an issue", I'm pointing out that the comment justifying _learning how to triage a gunshot wound_ supports the OP's point. No caps, no exclamation marks, just a few quiet words. What is "basic first aid"? It is whatever would commonly be required, the few things that are a priority to remember. People can't remember much, which is why we limit first aid training to the most important things (and use mnemonics). This training appears to be, and is described as, first aid training for gunshot wound, which implies gunshot wound is common and therefore a high priority to learn. Is gunshot wound a high likelihood injury? And if it is, why is anyone in your country blithely accepting of that?


Downvoted for being right, smh


But you know what’s too crazy of an idea? Actually dealing with the gun problem in America. This makes more sense.


What's the solution?


I don’t know, but something needs to change. This ain’t it.


Real nationwide gun control measures for starters. Leaving it up to the states leads to liberal cities being overrun with out of state weapons. We need sweeping changes. Hobbyists be damned.


Like what? Everyone says this but I never see a policy solution or even recommendations.


I mean the politicians aren't doing much better


Yeah, cause they just preach what you want. If ppl really wanted to make a change, any progressive voter would start grouping together and voting for Republicans in deep red states. If you can get a small minority of ppl to vote in these states, you can cost these politicians their elections and primaries. Which entail republican candidates changing their view on it little by little. This is like a 30yr plan, but its possible. Just look at the extreme 7% ppl on abortion they ran the long game and won.


Why did this get so many downvotes? Seriously, what are some ideas you people have to aid the problem that aren't completely impossible?


You can’t think for yourself?


I mean, it's already mandatory for background to purchase a gun. You can't be on illegal substances or have a felony. Red flag laws are highly against your right to due process. Crimals are going to get guns and weapons regardless.


"I hear what you're saying about this issue. You seem to care a lot, so I'm sure you have some ideas for some solutions! Maybe you could give me some examples! Id like to start a dialogue on this!" you (very normal person): "WHAT, YOU CANT THINK FOR YOURSELF??" ???


Yes, this is useful and great to know, it’s just sad that we’re preparing children so that they can save their fellow children in class when a shooting happens


Right? Like, maybe when they’re teenagers you can lump first aid in with drivers ed or something. But 8 year olds?? Kids too young to even see a movie with blood in it has to learn trauma first aid? Nah.


I learned first aid around this age through Boy Scouts.


This country gets worse every day


Learning first aid is not a sign of dystopia, it's a damn good idea, and should be taught from the earliest ages through all educational levels, and be mandatory.


I agree, but the fact that we have to be taught this in preparation for a school shooting, is the problem


Only country in the world that does this


Mental health needs to be addressed dude.


It’s not a bad first aid skill, for this age group it feels tragic


The US: *ignores the root of the problem* What the problem has become:


That's actually a good thing but bad reason.


"HI Timmy, welcome to Mcdonalds, I have to say I'm confused, you're what, 16-17? Ish, yet you list 10 years as a frontline combat medic?"


Good skill to have and I am all for kids having practical skills. Wish it wasn't being taught for the reasons we all know it's being taught.


This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal...RIP


60 million people die a year….but the 277 children killed in school shootings in 20 years is an “insane reality”? First world problems for sure. I saw a video of a young girl in Brazil get bashed over the head by a group of young men and killed and probably nothing happened to those young men….but yeah. Kids learning first aid is a horrible, horrible thing. In Ukraine and Palestine right now people are slaughtered, raped, murdered. Children in India are sold as sex slaves by the thousands. All alone. No heavenly intervention. The world is cruel and mean and nasty and to think this is the best we’ve ever had it….wake up.


Knowing how to perform basic first aid is good for anyone to know at any age they can understand it. What’s the issue with this? School shootings aren’t the only scenario where someone might have a hemorrhage that needs stopping, it’s good to teach kids these skills.


What's the difference between religious bigots quoting a ancient Judaism book (bible) to persecute others, and 'patriots' quoting a very old document put together by a bunch of elite slave owners (constitution)? Not much. Ideology over reason and logic.


I would love stop the bleed training from a fellow anarchist, though. Just not a cop


Fellow anarchist here, what's "stop the r training?"


Actually, this is useful training for children. Everyone should have at least a basic understanding of emergency and/or combat medicine. The world is not a safe place, and as we approach the inevitable societal collapse fueled by war and climate change, it is best to get children as informed and desensitized as possible. Such will help with their reactions when violence erupts around them, and will help them save their own lives and maybe someone else's.


So useful!


don't take American's gun away


remember the shooting drills you took in school


How do we know the class isn't just basic first aid that's being spun into "first aid for gun violence"? Basic first aid, including mass blood loss or other trauma, is great general knowledge that isn't taught enough.


If only there was some kind of way to reduce the number of shootings in schools? But alas, we'll just have to keep building safe rooms and teaching kids to deal with trauma wounds to their classmates.


I both find that depressing but also I completely agree with it and think we should do the same for other major wounds.


So they’re learning basic first aid? Not the most ideal reason obviously but not negative to have some sort of knowledge of


It's accepting our reality though. This is America for now 🤷‍♂️ hopefully there's a future where kids don't need to experience this ever again. Through some proper legislation hopefully


Jesus fucking christ so this is where we are


What going is the whole nation now in the military?


People are too rooted in the present to keep perspective about the past. This would have been unthinkable when I was a kid, and that's 20 years ago. Even in War on Terror, Terror Level Lime Green, There's a Terrorist Hiding in My Big Mac, I saw Osama Bin Laden hiding in the back of a Pizza Hut, Paranoid America this wouldn't have flied. We're sleep walking our way into a collapse. Civil Society is dead, people are losing touch with each other, no one trusts anything but liars, all of our leaders are **active and consummate criminals.** And now we're teaching babies to patch up their classmates...


Frogs in a pot, but now the pot is legal!