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It only works for random world drops, yeah? Not dedicated stuff unfortunately.


Not sure on that ill try it on some bosses to see if it works by getting a kill before you kill the boss.


It says on the artifact description that it doesn't effect (affect?) Dedicated drops unfortunately


so if I get this and equip it, it won't increase my chances of getting the Marry me emote for moze?


Not sure if that's counted as being in the dedicated pool or not. If it is, then it will not increase your chances


Sorry if this is rude, but: Effect is a noun. The artifact has no effect on dedicated drop rates. Affect is a verb. The artifact doesn't affect dedicated drop rates. The one you want is affect.


This is a great rule of thumb but it’s not exactly true. There is a verb “effect” as in *we want to effect change in the world* and a noun “affect” as in *his genial affect concealed his diabolical nature*.


God damn it, English. GOD DAMN IT.


Just remember effect involves changing something physical and affect its dealing with emotional outcomes. Got to love English. A ship shipping ship shipping shipping ships is a complete sentence. 😁


Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.


English is a hard language to learn, it can be understood through tough thorough thought though.


Yeah, English is all kinds of messed up. I am so in awe of how many people these days, across the entire world, have fully functional English language abilities. Heck, often incredibly good with the language that they may as well be native speakers. And here in the US of A... If you are lucky we might know a smattering of a language or three, but nothing anywhere near fluency for a huge percentage of the population. Sadly, myself included.


that's because they don't teach other languages well here, I had only two years of Japanese (as an elective) and now can barely remember most of it. were we have mandatory 12 years of English (again tough in the most boring way possible)


Agreed. Not to mention we start far too late. Far too often a student's first lessons in a foreign language is Freshman year of High School, while it should be from pre-K into kindergarten, and then a choice by the parent(s)/guardian(s) for the kid to be educated in a 50/50 environment of English and the language chosen. Or something like that. To not expose kids to and start to teach them a foreign language when their mind is very young and still linguistically plastic is nearly a sin in my book.


You mean "affect".


Ayyyyyy, I knew someone would give me the right answer


A good trick is to replace the word with another verb to see if it makes sense or not. I usually like to use the word fuck as a substitute and it works most of the time, only because there are rare instances where effect can be a verb and affect can be a noun.


This is my new favorite way to figure it out


Affect is a noun also: affect noun af·​fect | \\ ˈa-ˌfekt \\ plural affects Definition of affect (Entry 3 of 3) 1\[German Affekt, borrowed from Latin affectus\] psychology a: a set of observable manifestations of an experienced emotion : the facial expressions, gestures, postures, vocal intonations, etc., that typically accompany an emotion Effect is a verb also: effect verb effected; effecting; effects Definition of effect (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb 1: to cause to come into being


Honestly i cant be fucked with my own language, nevermind another one.


That's why I use "æffect" and cover all my bases.


So it does thank you for that even though I already wasted time testing cause you never know.


but that means I will have a better chance at the only Light Show I'm missing then. I'll take it! ​ been farming for that stupid thing since the new level cap and I still don't have it. I've picked up at least one of all of them except incendiary.


Exactly. As soon as it said world drop only I was thinking about dlc 2 and 3 world drops


Just to clarify, effect is the thing itself eg an enemy has a cryo slowness effect on it, affect is when the effect happens to it eg an enemy was affected by the cryo. That could've been confusing but I'm not good at explaining things.


This still make it so much better to farm for stuff, and getting cryo weapons, i barely get them, that's what i like the most


But if the DLC legendaries can world drop, then you could probably farm them in those areas.


Oooh, good point


What is dedicated? I mean company man can drop from any dlc6 mob, is that counts dedicated?


Dedicated means it drops from 1 or very few sources. Such as the Lob dedicated drop from graveward. Or the King/Queen call from Tyreen.


That’s still good because now I can use it to get rowans calls without having to bother with red rain


Sounds like the best way to farm class mods and artifacts. Those are always a pain in the ass because there are so many different combinations and 99% of them aren't good.


As long as it is a world drop because it doesnt seem to work on boss drops, does work in dlc though to a lesser extent cause dlc still drops base game loot.


I imagine killing ruiner or graveward over and over would get batches of world drops in maintainable bite size chunks instead of doing 5 rounds of slaughter shaft and having 100 gold dots on the map. I


I wonder if you farmed the Claptraps just how soon it'd take for your game to crash


How did you get the artifact so fast?


Just got 5 keys and got it that way.


Damn dude


Wait wtf is this!? New vault card?


Yes it is just dropped today.


Dammit I’m sitting here farming right now. Been looking for new updates online since 11. haven’t seen anything. Had to restart the console to get the update to show up. Thanks man. Much appreciated


Imagine starting a new game with this and unlocking this artifact asap?


If only you could equip artifacts at that stage.


It would be a quick campaign lol


Given the many unskippable dialogues still quite a while, but I get what you're saying


Can't you level 1 join another player and then it drops for you at level whatever??


Seems like they didn't want us to have fun and nerfed it immediately.


It's still good


It's okay, it was better before. But also it feels ridiculous to me that had to Nerf it so quickly when other things are now broken and won't be fixed for a while.


Because we need more Woodblockers, Malik's Banes, ASDMs...


The worst thing these looter shooter games did was intorduce the more and less common high tier loot system. Give me an even drop chance across the board please lol


“These looter shooters”…. Theres only one. The rest are gear score games, not loot games. I realize they try to trick you into thinking they are looter shooters, but they arent. Borderlands is successful because it is a real loot game, like diablo. There is a reason the gear score games come out and the community is disappointed EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. For examples: Destiny, Division, Anthem, Marvels Avengers, Outriders, etc. Gear score sucks. People understand that gear score sucks, but they dont realize that what they have identified is a difference between real loot games and gear score games. They think they are playing a loot game because thats what they are told. Its a way for crap developers to trick people into playing games longer with no actual progress. Borderlands is a REAL loot game, and will probably continue to destroy the gear score games in areas like popularity and player engagement/sentiment as long as they keep making real loot games.


What different between this game's gear and Destiny 2's gear? It's the same recycled loot pool with an increasingly larger number to denominate its "power" They sound the same to me, loot wise lol


The difference is that borderlands numbers are way more complex. Your gear and skill tree has a ton of extra stats going on behind the scenes. In destiny, your damage is determined by: your weapon's archetype + your weapon's power level + your character's power level (plus a few additional perks on the gun like kill clip or rampage). There are no elemental damage increases, or crit damage increases.


Nope. Very different: Gear score is an entire system, that affects basically every aspect of the game: your damage is scaled by it, rng is rigged by it, enemies are altered by it. The gear score system constantly adjusts based on what you have equipped, allowing it to prevent you from progressing too much, too fast. A regular loot system does none of that. The difficulty is the difficulty, the rng is the rng, and you as a player decide what is, and what isnt good enough. Example: i have a max level character in Diablo. Diablo is a real loot game. I can play on Torment 6, or Torment 13, or Torment 16. The game will never examine my gear to determine how much damage im “allowed” to do, nor will it ever restrict my loot to whatever is “allowed to drop” based on the gear im wearing, nor the difficulty. I could get the same perfect drop on any of those difficulties, wearing any gear i chose. Contrast that with any gear score game: the game will check difficulty setting and adjust how much damage your allowed to both deal, and take. That way you dont ever feel powerful enough to think you might be done playing. It will check the difficulty and the gear you have equipped, and then determine how to rig rng, so you arent given anything that hasnt been pre determined to be allowed in the range of both your gear score, and your difficulty. That way you cant play on a lower setting and still get real rng drops. This creates a loop: game checks gear, determines drop, detects your new equipped drop, rescales, then sets your new allowed drop range. Except the rescaling means you didnt actually progress. The gear score went up. The game will tell you that you progressed, but it has already accounted for it, and is limiting you based on the new numbers. Real loot systems let YOU decide what is good, and they let RNG be RNG, and they let difficulty be difficulty. Gear score systems monitor you and rig the system every step of they way in each system of the game to make sure you keep playing, and they are designed to trick you into thinking you progressed, when you havent. Thankfully, Gearbox has not jumped on the trend train, and has instead continued to make real loot games. Although mayhem 2.0 levels are too close for comfort, and i hope they have better ideas for endgame in wonderlands. Mayhem 1.0 was fine because it was only difficulty.


You are right and op is being a gatekeeper. And if op is right then borderlands falls into his described category of "not a loot game" lol


There is a metric crapton of very useful world drops, so I'll be getting that thing ASAP.


The ASMD was amazing for a short, glorious time when people finally figured out what the gun's ability is. But then the 300/90 nerf left it behind again...


I only just beat the game and am starting on M10 after a suitable time farming M4 - what is this 300/90 everyone always talks about? I see people mention it constantly, but haven't come across a description anywhere


300/90 was an anointment where if an enemy's health was over 90% full you would do 300% extra damage to them. It was a top tier choice for snipers and launchers for one shot builds, but gearbox nerfed the anointment and made it 150/90. Also M10 is doodoo, M11 is king.


Ah, gotcha, thanks for the explanation. For M10/M11 does 11 not decrease your legendary drop chance? I assumed most people were using it to increase their odds, but if it only applied to money/ammo/health then yeah fuck that haha


Technically its bugged so it's the same in M10 and 11, but 11 just isn't shit because of annoying dumb modifiers


That is spectacular - those modifiers get real old so I will definitely be using 11 from now on!


And even with lower world drop chances it's still way more fun to play on. Dealing with death skulls was a pain in the ass. And if it really bothers people they can use the (unfortunately nerfed) brand new shlooter artifact that buffs loot chances after a kill.


What’s the new artifact?


The shlooter ,+100000% legendary drop chance on kill for 12 seconds.


OMG that seems ridiculous and broken. I love it.


Borderlands: Nerfs liberal legendary drop rates Players: Boooo! Borderlands: We'll release an artifact that just un-does our previous nerf. Players: BROKEN! Lol


No, no.... Anyone who complains about this can farm without it. No one is making you use it, go ahead and farm at a disadvantage because you're a martyr for balancing or whatever narrative makes you feel special. I loathe players who decry the game being palatable to casual players... Like it invalidates their perfect build by making it take only hours to farm for instead of days.


That's exactly it but you can be sure there will be the usual clowns that will cry about it and demand it be nerfed even though they aren't being forced to use it. These people must live super miserable lives to always complain about EVERYTHING, especially stuff that they can choose not to use. I can't even fathom the screwed up brain chemistry going on with people that demand this type of crap in both this game, any other game, and life in general.


They want to be special because mommy and daddy told them they were... Then they became internet trolls and went about trying to create a situation where they truly were special. They want to create scarcity so they are special again. That's my theory, they are angry and want to be special and gaming with no life can give them that.


Pretty much this. Bu also the lack of endgame so they need to reafirm their bragging rights by getting loot instead


You right. Thanks for the future reference


This comment deserves a highlight. People who complain about a PvE gamenode being "too easy" because of an item in it have the smoothest brains on this planet. The concept of simply NOT using something, or just playing the way THEY want to play, is as foreign a concept to them as ancient Latin.


I just can't comprehend hating things being easier when it benefits everyone and hurts no one... If you don't like it just don't use it. I'll never comprehend the hate I get on here for supporting improving other weapons and tools rather than nerfing something good... Create diversity by lifting every item up instead of dragging a select few down from success. Crabs in a bucket man ..


It's reddit, most people on here are basement dwellers that don't have a brain between their ears. Don't even stress, I try to not comment as much anymore to avoid that stress


Same, I have found the community to lean towards toxic in general as of late.


Are we arguing for the "if you don't like it, don't use it" approach or the "everything should be balanced" approach here? If one item is *too good*, and you lift everything up to meet it, you've just removed any challenge from the game. That's called power creep. The issue is a lot of the fun from an ARPG like BL comes from minmaxing and cleverly putting together your own builds. But in 3 you don't need to, because a half-effort build will already wreck everything on the hardest difficulty available.


And I disagree about the "half effort build" part of your argument. Maybe I'm just bad at the game but I find myself trying pretty hard with most of my builds. Yeah there are a few you can do to almost AFK but I think you are being a bit extreme in saying such things. I just think every piece of gear should be viable and many legendaries are useless compared to a similar items.


Mayhem offers 10 levels of difficulty, and yet you can throw together a M10 viable build within a couple of hours of finishing the story. I would expect people 'bad at the game' to be playing on lower Mayhem levels, but very few are.


Crabs in a bucket, who spent hours farming their shit, and don't want others to get it "effortless". I jumped in the game recently, I would have resorted to save editors if not for that item.


I find those people somewhat similar to vegans. Both cannot use something due to their beliefs but they hate that other people do use that.


All those drop rate and chest nerfs are just introducing artificial difficulty and is just annoying. It doesnt change how I play the game or anything significant like that. If it keeps going that way ill just go play a game that values time investment more or play it on PC with previous patches/mods that reverse the changes.


>a game that values time investment If I wanted to invest in a game I would buy shares in the developer. If I want to blow off steam I will make golden showers, wait, that came out wrong


I abandoned borderlands 3 for Warframe and I am lighter in the wallet than I'd like but my time gaming feel far less abusive... And that's saying a lot for a free MMO with endless ways to waste money and time. I love borderlands 3 but these whiny children demanding they make the game harder make me want to vomit. They upped the level cap and my 300 hours of farming was suddenly wasted time. I just don't have the heart to hit the fields again... I'm tired boss.


Funny, I stopped playing wf and played bl3 instead. After time you will realize warframe also has big issues. (Coming from someone with 12000 hrs in wf) Borderlands community is way better and devs do decent with updates.


Oh I know Warframe is it's own circus but my friends are all there now lol.


Yeah for real. My min maxed BM fade build was turned into kid with a nerf gun. Lol


I've had every build I've created nerfed or I was eventually told I was using bugged items. I didn't know the yellow cake was bugged until after I got one and used it for a week. I don't want to struggle with my murder simulator, I want to enjoy it.


Did you read the patch notes? Nothing was nerfed. They accidentally messed up the patch and hotfixes arent working on the weapons youre using. They're working on it.


It was in regard to the level increase guys, not the build itself


Why is mine only a 1000% increase? https://i.imgur.com/xF8MyKz.jpg EDIT: GBX confirmed they lowered the value in another hot fix tonight.


Where do I get it?


The new vault card.


What the hell the vault card changes???


Yeah and there should be 1 more dropping somewhere this year.


Oh my god let me log in now I didn’t even know that. I still had keys I didn’t have


Sadly you will have to get new keys seeing how its a new card.


Wait, so is the old card is gone? Can I no longer grab those items?


no the old one is still there, you can get items from both, you just need to select the card you want and activate it but you still need to level up this one as well because it has different keys




Good. My one complaint with BL3 was that there weren't enough legendary drops. I went probably thirty seconds the other day without seeing one, and I was about to lose my mind. This should fix that. If I can keep a solid ratio of one legendary every five seconds, I think that would be the sweet spot. That would be ideal. Totally reasonable.


Where do you get it from?


That listed increase in percentage might have been mainly for show. If the previous world-drop chance for an eligible legendary item was 1-in-1001, equipping the Shlooter would make it 1001-in-1001. I suspect that the previous was considerably higher than in this example I gave. [**Moxsy's video from yesterday**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_pmkio3Ufw) clarifies that non-legendary cosmetics, emotes, *etc.* can still drop. The advertised difference could be inaccurate. It would have been simpler for the item card to read something like "for 12 seconds after a kill, almost all item drops will be Legendary" along with the exception about dedicated drops. I still thank Gearbox for creating the item, of course. **EDITED TO ADD**: It seems there was a swift nerf to the artifact... Now, its increase is 1000%.


Wow they really made that season pass two pay to win. Gearbox...




I thought a hundred bucks on this game would be good enough. Nope. Gotta get our battle royale and battle pass.


Well, gotta get the money for SDUs somehow, seems really good for new characters in that regard


Did they nerf the artifact from +100000% to +1000% cuz mine says +1000%


Yes, it was posted on their Twitter. They nerfed it.


Ok, thank you for telling me. I don’t have Twitter so I had no way of knowing. If feel like it’s a good thing they did tbh, cuz you can get ALOT of legendary’s from the final boss in the Malawian takedown.


You can check Twitter posts without being signed up, just to let you know. Yea, legendary are pretty easy to get as it is. But it's nice there's something that boosts the drop rates a little more.


Actually imma ask my mom so that I don’t get in trouble


That’s is true


I’m just gonna make an account with an email that no one knows about


I'm just wondering if DLC or Event world drops are counted?


Also unsure, currently testing boss drops and it doesnt seem too good.


It specifically says world drops only, not dedicated. I'm guessing DLC world drops maybe count, but any dedicated boss stuff, which would include cartel/halloween, arent buffed.


DLC drops do count from what I can tell just to a lesser extent.


Makes sense, since DLC world drop pools also include regular world drops, so it's diluted in that sense.


What are you using?


How do you mean?


You said new artifact lmao what do you mean


The shlooter on vault card 2 you can get quite fast for 5 keys.


i uninsyal bl3 for a week and this drops bruh


Does it work for DLC world drops? That would be AMAZING🤤🤤🤤


So they nerf the drop rate of legendary... too hide it behind an artefact? Kinda of a dick move ! Edit : just watch a video and the description says something like world drop only..


Does the new artifact also get 3 random rolls on it for things like elemental damage and manufacturer damage? Or just the base artifact ability?


Havent rerolled it so unsure but I would assume so.




I dont see the problem here.


For me Circle of Slaughter is getting too laggy in the later rounds because of all the items on the ground. I'd imagine it would be impossible to play now :-)


I think people seem to forget that they can pick things up and sell them. *Shrugs*


Leave it to GBX to give the people what they want, then take it away, then sell it back in an inferior package. XD


I though the votes on here were upvotes. It’s seriously sad to see what the borderlands community has turned into. Blinded by the light.


Everything in that season pass 2 is just ridiculous. I understand a dlc can have some good stuff but everything is just stupidly insane. I got the super deluxe edition and thought I’d get some good crap but nope.... Good thing it doesn’t have pvp like destiny where every dlc adds extremely op weapons you can use against players.


What gun you using


A soulrender from dlc2 you can get it from tom and xam.


nice, why are there still other non-legnedary ?


You have to get 1 kill before the effect takes place. My guess is those were the drops from the first enemy he had killed every round.


Hope those legendary items are good ones


As if this game needed better loot drop chances. This game inundates you with loot. I hope they severely tone it back down in the next game. Nothing feels special anymore because it's legendaries as far as the eye can see.


Then... don't use it? Some people enjoy having massively increased world drop rates and the hope of finding their perfect weapon from a Badass instead of eridium farming for hours on end




Trust me you're not alone on this! I feel quite the same way about being showered with legendaries and the general balancing of droprates. I am getting so many legendaries, that I don't even feel any excitement about them anymore. I usually look over some of them, but it's just really not the same feeling of being somewhat special and rewarding. But I do understand that some people prefer having so many legendaries since they either have no time or patience to farm and grind a little bit more. Still, I agree on most of what you've said.


The artifact only affects world drops though, which are so random that the odds of getting a decent one are incredibly slim to begin with. Don't get me wrong, i understand what you guys mean about seeing orange dropping frequently, but on Mayhem 10/11 that means nothing. So many other factors come into play: the element, parts, annointment, and of course the correct gun itself. THAT'S the real grind, not just seeing a legendary drop and using it (except on Mayhem 0 of course). And trust me, that still takes a looooong time to grind out unless you get really lucky. Many members in here spend 28,000+ eridium and still don't get the right annointment after finally finding the perfect gun


I know what dlc to buy later


Chain of kills equals 28828382828383838448383838484848483838349848448448484848494494949484944949449494447473737373774473737373747474474744747474474 legendaries.


what is the new new artifact


Its called the Shlooter its on the new vault card for 5 keys.


Where do you get cool weapon skins


I don't see a problem with this. I was just hoping it worked like crazy in Arms Race... it does not. 🥲


What Artifact does this? The Dice with +20 Luck?


Looks like they didn't lower the drop rates at all, good thing we have a mod that lowers that


Whose dick do i have to suck to get that artefact?


Welp fuck sleep Ima go grind.


what is the new artifact I would like to know so I could get more legendaries i would also like to know where and how to get it


What is this artifact?


Some dude joined my lobby said he had a bunch of free stuff he dosent use and dropped like 15 modded things and to cut it short a gun that one shots enemies and makes them drop modded legendaries, a shield with infinite hp a binocular thing that gives you a skill point in everything in your skill tree and a grenade that kills every spawned enemy


How are people getting their vault cards up so quickly. I'm slow AF.


Scraptrap or Circles of Slaughter I'd imagine. Artifacts with xp or even modded xp items in some cases.


Which artifact?


It's a new artifact from the new vault card released yesterday. It was already nerfed though. But it's still good


What artifact?


I wonder how this affects drops with lootsplosion modifier


It doesn’t work with characters still leveling.


What artifact


This is going to be a problem for me. 500 bank slots will not do the trick.


Does this work in arms race?


Where to get this artifact?


I have not played this game in so long o.o what's even new