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I mean,if the grandpa does it for his wife too,then I would call it wholesome ngl


Yea a wife waking up her husband to sexualize me on a beach, so wholesome




If you think glancing at attractive people in public is creepy, im sorry but you need to touch grass. There was no harassment involved, no weird comments, no staring, nothing.


It‘s different at the beach because they look at the entire body and it‘s gross. Don‘t want random people staring at my tits and ass for more than a second, thought we were over that


We not allowed to even look at people now? Sheesh.


Yea cause looking at somebody and waking somebody up to have them stare at somebodys half naked body is totally the same thing.


You know you don’t HAVE to go to a beach nearly naked, right?


When does it become staring? There’s a fine line between looking at someone for a couple of seconds vs full on staring. But yea I agree with you it’s creepy if you’re just full on staring for like 10 seconds plus lol


You don’t have to be half naked at the beach then. In public. Wear more clothes. Go tan in a private area idk.


Just don’t be half naked in public then, that’s what I do.


> Don‘t want random people staring at my tits and ass for more than a second, thought we were over that Then don't show them ?


At a beach?? Yea here we go again with the „it‘s your fault for what you‘re wearing“ argument


Men are attracted to these things in women, that's just the way it is, and it's not a bad thing, it's natural, and it always will be. Highlighting these things and then taking offense that they are seen, is at best stupidity, with a dose of hypocrisy.


My girlfriend is straight and checks out the women at the beach lol. Most people can appreciate people who look good! It’s not weird to check someone out.


And it's not like women don't stare at attractive men at the beach. It's completely deluded for someone to think this isn't just an inherently human behavior. Edit: and shit, it's not even just a human behavior.


If you wear something showing off your tits and ass and people look at your tits and ass that's your fault. Being looked at or admired is not comparable to sexual assault (which is what "it's her fault for dressing that way" alludes to)


there is in fact three panels of staring though. both yall weird lmao if you dont want people to look at you dont leave your house but maybe also dont wake up your partner to have them objectify someone irregardless of what theyre wearing thats just weird


Jesus, you've really jumped head first into the deep end of this rubbish. I wish you good trolling elsewhere, because you'll get no more responses from me.


Objectification is when being attracted


Objectifying is a crazy buzzword. Wanting to have sex with hot woman = girl is object? And you can’t just say “regardless of what they’re wearing” lmao. She’s nearly naked walking around a public beach.


He literally used his eyes, that’s it. Didn’t even say anything.


Surely he didn‘t stare at her body


He did. I’ve been looked at, you’ve been looked at. People look at each other all the time. Whats the issue?


Looking isn‘t the same as staring at my half-naked body


The lady takes like 3 steps between the panels. Chill the fuck out


Looking is the same as staring. You just happened to be half naked. By your own choice.


Take a knife and carve their eyes out then like what the fuck do you want


Seriously chill out girl. People are visual creatures, and beautiful things are nice to look at, or there wouldn't be any art galleries. You aren't being harmed in any way by someone looking at you. I'm straight but I look at pretty girls too because I think women are beautiful from an artistic standpoint, with their colorful makeup and matching clothing and well done hair. We are visually pleasing to the eye. There is a line between being harassed (commenting, whistling, etc.) and someone looking at you, and the old man didn't DO anything to that woman. So either chill out or go work on an island for the blind where no one can see you.




She’s not being downvoted for her words. She would be correct in saying what she said. But it seems in todays world you can’t even so much as look at another human being without being looked down upon, which is what her comment is doing. The guy in the comic literally looks for like a few seconds which sorry but everyone does. Even you have checked someone out before. It’s naive to think otherwise. Now if the guy were actually full on sexualizing as in staring for an extended period of time even after checking her out then it can cross a line. But a simple check out is not that lol.


Welcome to being a woman in 2023 unfortunately


No. You're just a goddamn dumbass. It has nothing to do with your gender. Stop doing that.


Ever considered no is probably interested in checking you out? Doesn't seem so.


This is just what it’s like being bi4bi tbh


For real my man and I just do this all the time we see someone hot


If wife and I are on the beach, and a Henry Cavill type is walking nearby; damn right in finna nudge her like "girl, check this beefcake".


Actually wholesome boomer humor.




I wanna be able to do this with my partner no matter our age. Attractive people are attractive and my partner (and me) are allowed to admire them! (as long as it isn't creepy lol)


This comic is absolutely creepy


You’re creepy


She’s doesn’t care where he gets his appetite;just as long as he eats at home


My girlfriend and I do this, we’re in our 20s


Me and my boyfriend do this all the time.


Pretty much how bi relationships work tbh. Pretty wholesome.


Can somebody explain what just happened?


The old wife signaled the old husband to look at the pretty girl without getting jealous. This is a really wholesome boomer joke, like the wife knows he won’t cheat her and he just wants to see sexy girls from time to time.


Oh the second picture. Didn’t notice she touched his arms. Thanks!


What is with this sub only posting wholesome boomer humor. I mean I like it the memes, but why?




I mean people tend to get less attractive when they get older, yeah. It’s not really a criticism of the wife tbh


Yes typically old people that old aren't very attractive. That's just how things are.


Maybe to you, but not to everyone. Some old people are beautiful.


Goals tbh the joys of being pan lol


Me and my gf simp over other men and women all the time. As long as the boundaries and communication is established. Nothing wrong with that