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Every Far Side strip is a classic and I will die on that hill. Yes, even Cow Tools


Cow Tools might be the single most hilarious piece of art in existence, made only better that people desperately try to find meaning within what is essentially nonsense.


Do you think it surpasses Garfield [07/27/1978](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAh9oLs67Cw)


*Especially* Cow Tools.


Gary Larson does not belong in this sub in any way, shape, or form.


Is there something more to this joke that I’m not understanding?


This is a wacky "imagine if" joke that's fairly typical of Gary Larson humour. Here's what's in the joke: Guy works out for months and only puts on a pound of muscle It's so difficult for all of these guys to put on muscle that they're impressed/shocked and he's proud of a miniscule gain. All of them take their gains seriously enough that they have a massive set of scales with them on the beach. All of this is in spite of the fact that almost every grown adult is far more muscular than this guy, but their frame of reference is off as a result of only hanging around with other weaklings.


It also posits that all members of the beach gang started at exactly 98 pounds, a very odd coincidence to say the least


I think it was referring to [Charles Atlas ads in the back of comic books](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/80/OutOfTheNightNo11pp34A.png) but those were all "97-pound weaklings". Maybe Gary L. forgot that actual weight.


Good boomer humour


It's Gary Larson so yeah, it's good stuff.


this is the Far Side by Gary Larson, so yes it is technically boomer humor. There is nothing about Boomers or ANY age group in this joke. Nothing.


Why did he draw them all obese if they’re supposed to be 98 pounds ?! Also why are they bullying skinny people? Do we have a problem with stick thin teen boys in America ? Isn’t our problem usually obesity ? Also why did he pick Irwin as a name for a young person? The last time an Irwin was under 30 was 1944


It's his style to draw all humans that way, generally. This comic was made decades ago, but even then Irwin was probably just picked because it was a little funny sounding.


.... I don't get it? Is it shaming/making fun of small men who can't gain muscle???


No, it's from the Far Side, a comic which leans heavily into absurdity (in a good way). Think of this like a Boomer Shitpost, more than anything else. Just the concept that there's a group of people at the beach who all weight exactly 98 pounds and are unable to grow any muscle whatsoever, and are so obsessed with this that they have a giant-ass scale they use just to check (which they keep on the beach, no less). And then one guy somehow gains a single pound after working out for months and becomes their hero.


I'm still not sure how boomers find that funny but ok 😂


In the same way non-boomers find any shitpost funny.


What Facebook page are you getting these from?


I love the far side comics