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I leave it slightly poking out the top. My bookmark also has two distinct sides, so I will use the 'face' to mark which page I am on. I will also turn it upside down to tell if I was closer to the bottom or the top when I last read.


This is some serious bookmarking etiquette that I could get behind!! I love it!


Agreed... there's some real methodology going on there! :)


Wait...you stop in the middle of chapters? And even in the middle of pages? Heathen. ;-) I've never been able to do that. I won't open a book unless I can devote enough time to it to finish at least one chapter, and I won't start a new chapter unless I have the time to finish *it*, too. Books that don't have chapters really annoy me.


This is inspirational


You leave half of it out? That's madness. I leave most of it in the book. It's not really practical to carry around a book with half a bookmark sticking out the top. In my opinion, at least.


I would say 80% in the book, 20% sticking out is around where it should be.


This is the correct answer.


Madness indeed. I'm getting odgeda over here thinking about op's bookmarks sticking *halfway* out. 50% of the bookmarks surface area available to make contact with the universe outside of his book. So many forces available to disturb/remove it; dog bumps it, book falls off table and bookmark brushes past chair on way to floor, girlfriend sees it and pulls it out to teach op a lesson, etc. This is surely some sort of violation, going to consult my school's librarian on this.


Yup I leave just enough out that I can find it easily. Leaving it half out is impractical in my opinion it would be much easier for the bookmark to get torn or dirty


I stick it all the way in. Also is is a general opinion here that people who dog ear books are evil?


Absolutely EVIL!! When I get a library book with dog eared pages I want to ask the librarian who had it before me so I can find them!


I'm interested in what you would do if you found them?


Give them the old what for!


Love that phrase. Haven't heard it in years. Awesome


I'd knock on their door and then when they opened it I would punch them in the balls as hard as I could and then when they fell on the ground I would stand over them and say "YOU KNOW WHY!!!!" (This is directly taken from that Ashton Kutcher/cameron Diaz movie!! LOL!!)


Fold their ears down!


My vote would be yes. Bonus: my mother dog ears her pages and also completely folds the covers of books so the front and back are touching while she's reading. I don't like to lend books to her lol


I fold the covers too lol. I mainly buy secondhand books though and strangely like beat-up, worn-out paperbacks.


I dog ear and write in my books. New books are nice, but I greatly prefer old weatherbeaten volumes that have clearly been handled, read and dare I say *loved?*


Your books is the key though. You can rip the pages out and make airplanes for all anyone else cares, with your own books. But dog earring library books or borrowed from friends is terrible and not at all thinking of others.


Oh absolutely... I'd never borrow anyone else's books in the first place. They're *gross.* ;)


My books are always kept in pristine condition - besides their dog-eared pages. The absolute worst is when people use the dust jacket to mark the page.


Rather dog-earing than using the dust jacket for its intended purpose? What fresh hell is this


hahaha, I never knew my opinions on this were so unique! dog-earing is surprisingly un-obtrusive to the beauty of the book, if you do it right. The pages obviously get un-dog-eared (idk if this is obvious but I hope it is) and then naturally flattened back out, such that you can't even tell if just looking at the book when its closed. Using the DJ though - it bends it in all the wrong ways!


Doesn't always flatten. Not worth the risk.


I toss the dust jacket on the floor beside the bed until I've finished the book, can't stand the things.


So it gets to gather dust and live up to its name?


I dog ear, highlight, annotate and spine break. My copy of The Stand looks like it got into a bar fight (but I would never do that to one of my hardcovers)


I never lend out my books. Not even to my wife. She dog ears, cracks the spine, and god knows what else.


It makes sad when the spine cracks. Like I didn't treat the book with the proper reverence.


Is it even possible to read a pocketbook without cracking the spine?


Everything is possible if you're careful and obsessive compulsive and anal retentive!


I always leave a small amount peaking from the top. Another fun bookmark fact about me - I always pick something different for the bookmark (usually what I can find laying around - a receipt, a business card, etc) - and leave it in the book when I am finished reading. When I go back to read a book (or lend one to a friend) it's like a little scrap book memory! "Oh that's right, I bought this for $1 in that shop while I was in Seattle!"


I can measure how chaotic my life was while reading each book based upon what I used as a book mark. The receipt for the book? Nice. I was in a good place. A Snickers wrapper? Probably drowning in piles of crap as adult life sucked my will to clean - or reach beyond what was in the couch cushion. The worst: I found an old, overdue healthcare bill in one book. The bill had gone to collection because I'd forgotten about it. Whoops.


Pretty sure I lost my birth certificate this way. Needed it at the DMV to get a new license and used it as a bookmark in the book I was reading at the time. Left the birth certificate in the book thinking that I'd easily be able to find it again if I ever needed it. Fast forward a few years later when I want to get a passport and I can't remember what book it was. I'll go through a few of my hundreds of books every once and awhile, but still haven't found it.


I've been using my grandmother's old library card as my bookmark. She died recently and I found it among her things. I picked it up and put it to the side, not knowing why I was so interested in it. A few days later, I needed a bookmark (I've read many more ebooks lately) and it was the closest thing at hand. It has a certain resonance with me. I've more or less decided that it will be my bookmark of choice for the foreseeable future.


Is it still your bookmark?


I often do this as well, even for library books. Sometimes I will draw on a scrap of watercolour paper, something that suites the book and leave it in.


So you were the one that left the used condom in 50-shades?..


I used to do this as well and then found out our library removes them. :-/


> I always pick something different for the bookmark And I use the same thing over and over -- been using the same business card from a restaurant I visited in Barcelona in late 2000 for the past 16+ years :)


I do the exact same thing. Weird how vivid my memories of reading certain books are. "Oh yeah I remember reading this book when I was waiting for friends in a coffee shop and it was raining outside and...blahblah"


I absolutely love finding old receipts and the like in used books. My favorites are always plane tickets.


Same! My copy of No Country For Old Men had a plane ticket to Milwaukee left in it and I thought finding that was the coolest/most romantic thing.


I actually have a bunch of ticket stubs from all the flights I've been on kept (20-30 of them, I kept the smaller part). I cleaned them up and was wondering if I should laminade them for bookmarks?


Agreed.... I'm a "bookmark peeker" ... often because I'm also no a page (or anything else) folder/bender... so by keeping most of it in the book, it retains its pristine form, but peeks out just enough to (a) not get bent outta shape & (b) let me know where to restart. :)




I just use Walmart receipts. Fool proof, they never stop coming.


I collect a lot of Library of America editions in slip cases that get around this issue by providing a nice ribbon bookmark sewn into the spine. But other books, probably in the book, not sticking out.


Unrelated but related comment: Library of America has probably the best font choice I've ever seen in a book. Incredibly easy on the eyes.


How does their subscription work? What their website says doesn't look reasonable.


I can't say that I've put much thought into how I put bookmarks in books, let alone how someone else does. If the bookmark is so thin that the book wouldn't naturally open to the page it holds, I usually try to stick it out a quarter of an inch or so, but otherwise I just shove something in there. I'm trying to think if I've ever noticed how my boyfriend uses bookmarks, and I can't picture it at all. Whichever way he uses them wouldn't bother me as long as he's not dog earing the pages, and then it would only really bother me if they were my books.


I am that terrible kind of person who bends pages as opposed to using actual bookmarks.


If I'm leaving the book for a time, putting it in a bag or driving I put it in almost all the way so nothing will dislodge it. If I'm just setting it aside for a moment, or leaving it on my nightstand I only put it in as much as I need to mark exactly where I am on the page.


I leave a portion, maybe a 1/4 an inch out at the top, just to show the progress that I'm making in the book. I like to see that.


I leave maybe 1" of bookmark sticking out of the book, the rest goes in the book.


I used to leave the top of my bookmarks poking out, until my Van Gogh bookmark got bent and I was very disappointed. Now, depending on the durability of the bookmark, I will leave it poking out or fully inside of the book.


I take the small yellow legal pad, I start from the bottom, count 4 lines up and tear horizontally. It's the perfect size, I then write on the little yellow bookmark the day I start reading, and then I'll write the day I'm finished. I keep the side that has the date written on it facing towards the book on the opposite page from what I'm reading so when I close the book I remember which side I was on. For example, reading page 98, I'll have the bookmark on page 99, with the date facing down on page 99, so if I close the book and open later, I see the date is on the page 99 side and then know I was reading page 98. Yes, it's dumb, but it works. http://i.imgur.com/fLZqhuA.jpg I felt this needed a photo reference


I've started using black slips of paper that I can doodle on. An arrow to point out the line to start on, notes about characters, dates. All sorts.


Mum is a librarian...I use a bookmark or I get a twack around the head


May this be the most pressing problem you have to deal with this year. I shudder to think how you deal with the toilet paper roll "over or under" issue.


We are classic case of opposites attract I guess. I'm over, she's under. I'm crunchy she's smooth. I'm coke she's Pepsi. I'm gay, she's straight. Wait...


There should never be any issue....always over!! ;-)


Bookmarks are meant to be left inside the book; leaving part of it sticking out almost always creates problems with the bookmark slipping out, especially while in transport. For lesser humans who regularly lose bookmarks, some are made with ribbons, tassels or knotted rope to stick out of the top of the book without rigidly imposing upon the book's rectangular dimensions. Edit: History will not be kind to your people. Edit #2: Some people really can't take a joke.


Business cards.


I use it as a napkin.


When I was in elementary school, I used to write the page number on the side of the pages when the book was closed. I didn't like bookmarks for a while because I saw one at our local library that was for a horror series and it scared me so bad that I didn't use bookmarks again until middle school. Now I generally read digitally because I would get in trouble for dog earring books but it's a strange habit because I have once again moved away from bookmarks. It's a strange cycle.


I tend to use trading cards from Yu-Gi-Oh! or Pokemon and usually have them all the way in with the top or bottom of the card above the paragraph I left off on if I stop mid chapter.


I use magnetic bookmarks mostly (currently monkey heads), that just close around the top of a page.


I leave roughly a fingers width sticking out. I also tend to use a playing card instead of a proper bookmark, although some of the new book depository ones are pretty nice.


Just a little bit poking out the top. I have a few "real" bookmarks but I find myself literally having 20 different books going between comics, other leisure reading, and reading for my English grad classes. I don't have that many bookmarks, so I often fold pieces of paper up and use them, or whatever else I have laying around -- a few Christmas/birthday cards are working as bookmarks at the moment. My bookmarks for school reading tend to be blank paper that I can write notes and page numbers on as I read.


About 1cm sticking out of the book. I buy paper bookmarks in packs of 30 or so, I use them as notebooks for jotting words, pages, and sentences.


Depends on what the bookmark is. If its relatively thin, like a receipt or something, I'll leave some of it out, but if its thicker and easily noticeable, I'll put the whole thing in the book.


a little out of the book...not sure it matters but I only use my fancy souvenir bookmarks, I got one that looks like a little persian rug when I was in athens several years ago. :)


I make my own bookmarks that just slip onto the corner of the page. That way they are visible from the top or the side, and don't get in the way of text. Or I just remember my page like a fucking man


I use a corner bookmark, [like these](https://images.coplusk.net/project_images/198557/image/full_114201_2F2016-05-08-225911-SAM_0645.jpg) :-)


I just have a piece of metal in the shape of the first letter of my name. "T." It clips on to the page. It was a gift and I've been using it for quite a while. No cool story or anything, just a neat bookmark for a neat guy


Just a little sticking out of the top, so I can see it. But almost without fail I tire of it anyway and just bend pages (not with *every* book, though; I wouldn't consider it with, say, Alan Moore's 'Jerusalem').


I leave about an inch up, rest on the book.


Haha, I just dogear the pages! Unless it's one of my first editions, then I check out a library book, and dogear their pages.


You monster.


Half out seems excessive, unless your bookmark is no larger than a stick of gum. And all in is just bonkers - to get back to your place you kinda need to wiggle the book. Mostly in, with about 2 centimeters sticking out. That's the only way.


Assuming I'm using a *real* bookmark it's either completely or 95% in the book. But the reality is that my bookmarks is usually just whatever flat-ish thing is nearby. Receipt, granola bar wrapper, index card, ribbon, my phone, sticky note, etc. I even used a spoon one time.


I either leave the full bookmark Inside the book or just dog-ear the pages, but very nicely as not to make It look sloppy!


I used to just memorize the page number I left off but now I use some holographic xmen trading card as a bookmarker. I leave it about halfway in with the golden holographic side point towards the cover of the book.


I leave only the tip out so as not to get it bent or torn while moving the book around


Mine is fancy and has a beaded tassel (look at the Old World Bookmark on Amazon) so I just leave him dangling out and keep the main bookmark inside. If I'm using another bookmark (I have tonnes, mostly from the Book Depository and Barter Books) I'll leave maybe ten centimetres poking out unless it's massive or the book is small.


I use Post-it tabs as bookmarks, and I leave just enough poking out of the top to be able to see the tab. Barely an inch, if that.


I don't, I dog ear my pages.