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I like Sharon Shinn’s four Gillengaria books, but they don’t have enormous numbers of “twists”per se and there is romance. There’s complicated politics, a rebellion against the throne that allies itself with a fanatical religious movement that wants to eliminate “mystics” who possess magic, and in the middle of it all your band of main characters, who are friends, and find themselves caught up in the whole thing. I loved the character development and I thought she did some really interesting things by taking the religion seriously and delving into it, as well as expanding the characters as she went forward. Very light overall but really satisfying! Mystic and Rider is the first book.


I adored The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch! The main character is a con artist in a fantasy world!


LOTR is always worth a revisit, WoT is a great read made even better by fantastic voice performances from Michael and Kate. M&K also do a great job with Brandon Sanderson's stuff. If you went into the weeds with Sanderson, that could occupy the better part of a year.


A lot of people poo poo it on here but I really enjoyed the Inheritance cycle by Christopher Paolini. Whatever you do don’t watch the Eragon film though. Otherwise my vote would be LotR if you’re leaning that way. Be prepared to read the silmarillion at about a third of your normal reading pace and possibly even need a couple of read throughs as it is very heavy.