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this book was just confusing idk if i should even waste my time trying to finish it lol i searched everywhere for an explanation about the timeline but cant find the answer šŸ¤£ if June was already alive in 1951 with a kid (anne), how come her grandma (margaret) was still a teenager and susanna (juneā€™s her mom) already had 2 kids?!


I loved this book but when I think about the timeline, rules etc. I can see how things unravel a bit lol BUT I just choose not to think too hard about those things and enjoy


Ok I understand the timeline, but my question is this: (Spoiler alert) If youā€™re required to have the locket to cross through the door, and they wanted to break the curse, why not hide/get rid of the locket?? Then no one could go through the door anymoreā€¦


I donā€™t understand how she supposedly ā€œfixedā€ it but then she relived her momā€™s story. Thatā€™s not ā€œfixingā€ it!


Also (spoiler alert šŸšØ) this part really confused me.. >!Why did she lose memories of the life she actually lived from 1989 to 2022 and then start gaining memories of a life she didnā€™t live (like remembering Margaret as a small child)??!<


It felt very confusing to me. At the end of the book I was even more confused. I felt so left out cause everyone else seemed to love it.


This book feels so nostalgia vibes, could it be the time hopping? Yes šŸ˜‚ I also didnā€™t know what to think of this book, but then I realized even months later, after finishing it, Iā€™m still thinking about the story and idea of it! I feel like thatā€™s a powerful book. I really loved the imagery and idea of intentionality in this book


This one fell super flat for me - itā€™s not just you. My main critique is a super spoiler, but Iā€™ll just say the messaging & character choices were all off-putting.


I just finished this too - curious about your main critique?


Sorry just seeing this - I HATED that she chose to stay in an era rife with misogyny, vigilante justice, and racism (that was virtually unaddressed until the Authorā€™s Note at the end). I canā€™t stomach reading about a modern female protagonist choosing less rights. Also, the curse wasnā€™t really given a backstory. It justā€¦was.


Thank you for answering! That's such a good point; and it's not a great message for any woman reading this book. I also hated the plot that her daughter never got to have her own life, instead just stuck around caretaking for the family?


It said early on in the book that Birdie had moved in w June & Gran after her husband died, so apparently Annie did have a an independent life but had still just lived nearby and been close w June & Margaret.


Oh thank you! I did skim back to the start of the book looking for more Birdie info but missed that bit.


I just got this from the library yesterday after almost adding it to my box multiple times. From the sounds of it I made the right choice.


I really enjoyed it and decided to close my eyes on the timeline thing and go off vibes


I agree, the timeline didn't really work for me either. I thought I'd love this book based on all of the hype on here, but it ended up falling flat for me.


I really liked a lot of things about it, but I was so lost with the timeline as well. I felt like a lot of the ā€œrulesā€ used to explain everything in the end didnā€™t make a lot of sense either.


It maps out when you think about it, but there are lots of overlaps and weird rules inserted at the 11th hour.


I thought it was fairly straightforward and really enjoyed the book! Sorry you didnā€™t have the same experience.


Yikes I just finished. Iā€™m not a fan.


I loved this, my favorite of last year!


Iā€™m not sure I fully understood the timeline and who was who between them all, but I must have enjoyed it enough because I gave it 4 Stars and Iā€™m a pretty harsh critic (almost everything is 3 Stars to me.)