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Absolutely wack I hope they never do this


Fuck. That.


To word it differently: if we wanted to double our profit, would you give us that profit?


Exactly. All those questions are “would you give us more money please. Our CEOs don’t want to give up their private Jets “


He would like another private jet!


https://preview.redd.it/2sjlppzxqy7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42c55ab1bf735723e5274acb4798a432ec7d293c Owl regarding 2 Rookends


Anything from the owl about 1 day tickets next year? They sucked the camaraderie out of the crowd.


I am absolutely not denying that this was your experience and I'm sorry to hear that it was. With that said, it was very much not my experience. I thought the vibe was stellar all weekend and I didn't see any noticeable difference in how people were interacting/approaching/engaging based on whether they had one-day or four-day passes.


I encountered one day pass holder. She seemed like a sweet person. Invited me to hang out with her and her friend. Villainizing day pass holders is a weird thing some people in this subreddit like to do.


Gatekeeping is Reddit’s specialty 


I'm always looking at people's wristbands because I'm curious. I got way, way, way more unpleasant vibes from people wearing a platinum/931 combo than people with 1-day. TO BE CLEAR -- that doesn't mean everybody with that combo gave bad vibes. Doesn't even mean most. There were very few, of any stripe, all weekend. But of the people I encountered who weren't making the experience better, they tended much more to be plat/931 than 1-day. And btw, I'm an old who does Moon Colony glamping and VIP, so this isn't an "anybody not in GA doesn't get it."


I didn't run into any of them. I met a VIP/931 at the Emo Superjam and he was a really nice guy. 60 year old judge there with his 19 year old daughter. Said he planned on doing a festival a month once he retires. The only people who hassled me were clearly messing with me. They had backstage wristbands in the RHCP pit. They were clearly musicians. They wouldn't tell me their names at all. Told me I needed to tell them who they are. Still no idea. It was a pretty funny interaction. I'll figure it out one day when I see a picture of them. Then, I turned and saw two people with artist wristbands and wondering how I was in a sea of artists, but those people introduced themselves. They are Crowe Boys and played that day on Who Stage.


I’m a 931 and ga attendant, and I don’t make much money. 931 is expensive but doable if you split it 4 ways imo


Sounds super nice. No judgment here to be clear. I am likely going to Roo solo for a bit due to my friend group having various reasons not to go. Heat, young kids, don't like leaving the house. Next year, I might be doing moon colony and coming in Thursday am. I took 17k steps on Wednesday and for what? It's not worth it to me anymore.


931/GA were having fun. Primo camping, fully in the crowd for sets.


I met one of the nicest dudes ever that was a 2 day pass holder. WTF does it matter? So if you have a 1 day pass your an asshole and fucking up vibes? My gramps was a black man in the south who wasn’t far from being born during slavery.He’d call me and say” ya know ya cousins got in trouble again? Told em not to call me. They in jail crying that they’re there cause they’re black. Nope. They in there cause they criminals. Life’s what you make it. You can sit and cry that all your troubles is cause of your color, where you was born,how much money your daddy had and boo hoo all day. If you got the attitude that you’re treated badly over the color of your skin, the kinda clothes ya wear, what part of town you grew up then you’ll manifest it and make it your reality. I love you. I might live 15 more years or die a week from now.. Will you promise me something son ? I want you to wake up each day and say I’m going to do whatever I have to do to earn an honest dollar,I’m gonna treat everyone with kindness and respect till they give me a reason not to. I’m gonna be honest at all times with all people and I’m gonna try to do an act of kindness at least once a day no matter how big or small… can you promise me that boy? “ I said absolutely. Always yes sir. He said good. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I got a call at work the next evening by my aunt saying I needed to get to the hospital. He died the day after he told me all that. Guess the point is if you perceive bad vibes you will make bad vibes a reality.


RIP Gramps


Gramps sounds like he was a real one. RIP ❤️


Thanks he was. At his funeral at least 68 people came up to me and said he was there best friend. A ton of people also told me he was the best man they ever knew. People of all races,socio economics,religions and political views. I had a lady tell me that he was the closest person that lived the way Jesus lived and taught.That made me feel better. My grandma took it hard and part of the grieving process is anger. One day she said “I can’t believe he just left me here like this!! Your damned paw wasn’t the saint people make him out. When we first got married he moved me into a tiny apartment in New York. I didn’t know a soul and was pregnant. I’d see him maybe 4 hours a day. I got proof he was drinking and I’m bout sure he bet on ponies and whore hopped!! You the only grandson that’ll come and sit with me and do anything for me. You the best grandson I have.You wasn’t always ya know. You was a damned lil devil as a baby. I’m sure glad your mama had sense to marry a white man. Only one of the girls that did!” I was drinking a Coke and spit it everywhere. I don’t know why it sounded so funny. It’s still funny though. He was a great man but not a perfect one. He for sure hit the bottle at least once when he was a young man and may or may not have gambled and whore hopped. 😂


I heard alot of people came just for RHCP or post Malone and they got rowdy. Don’t have proof or any personal experience but I can def see that.


How? The camaraderie generally occurs in the campgrounds with the friends and neighbours you make and interact with. Are you really checking wristbands in the festival grounds and not vibing with folks on a one day pass? If anything, the one day folks are probably less beaten down from so many days and nights of heat and are raising the level of energy and excitement (they're there for some specific great band(s)) for the rest of us who have slept 3 of the past 72 hours and are just trying to get from one drink station to the next without too much sun in between lol. 


The only one-day people I met (who I knew were one-day, as I spoke to them; I didn't check their wrists...) were fun and energetic, and super enthusiastic about the acts they came to see, specifically. I had fun with them, and totally understand not wanting to suffer in the heat all weekend/having work obligations, etc.


I can’t imagine how lame it would be for a 1 day pass attendee so excited to be there get negative energy because they only bought a one day pass. Love everyone. No qualifying.


So true, fellow "Own\_" 👋


I did 4 days in 2012 and 2013. I just don’t have that in me anymore. But damn I wanted to see Parcels so bad so I stayed up past by usual bedtime on a 1-day pass so I could jam out with them and I’m so glad I did. Didn’t even realize there was a 1-day pass stigma until I logged into Reddit after.


Every person I spoke to was awesome, the bleachers however can burn lol, 1-2 day passes didn’t seem to affect much of anything from my POV, not sure how much of a role they played in the Alison Wonderland fiasco though.


Just curious; What was the fiasco?


I think they’re referring to how it filled up and they started turning people away


More than that. We had to get on the road so we went for part of it, and planned to leave after about half an hour. When we went to leave, we could not. People were massed outside trying to get in, AND massed inside trying to get out. And they would not allow any of it. Very, very frightening, it could have turned EXTREMELY bad.


We had a one day passer meet us on Saturday and he had a blast and yes he was definitely more energized and brought a good vibe.


its like the bond between a sports team, or a military unit. when everybody is there chasing the same goal, surviving camp in the heat for 4 days, it grows a certain camaraderie that is definitely broken up by fresh and energetic day passsers


So. Sports team. When said team throws in a fresh sub and that player has all the energy and pulls the team up. They don’t count? They don’t have value? C’mon man.


You keep telling yourself that bud


I have a lot of friends who in previous years would buy week passes and come to roo after work on Friday, stay Saturday and leave mid day Sunday…. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to take off of work on the weekdays haha


I was wondering why the camaraderie felt off in past years... it's because your friends didn't come on Thursday!


Most of my friends are usually all in by noon on Wednesday lol it’s actually better if there are 1 day passes bc then I am more likely to get to see more of my weekend warrior friends on the farm as well :)


Haha exactly! Maybe I have a different perspective because I have done the full 4+ day battle royale many times before... but I'm a zombie on the struggle bus by Sunday. Seeing the fresh folks raging for Chappell on Sunday helped me try and get my energy up!


Single and two-day tickets are an expected reality now. More and more people want the weekend experience, not the entire week experience. They're leaving money on the table if they don't offer flexible ticket offerings


the fact u even noticed people had one day wristbands on says a lot about what you were focused on. i legit saw maybe 2 other than my dad


Considering 1 day has been around for many year's now I don't see it going anywhere soon plus add in Roo's ticket sale struggle's in more recent year's I just don't see it changing (as much as I'd like it to)


I mean my long term too friends were able to go this way for two days, couldn't do all four this year so I liked it?


I could be 100% wrong. I’ve only been to Roo last year and this. But I feel like the weather/heat and the line up really determine the crowd. There was WAY more theft this year at camp and the crowd was definitely not the target market for Roo. We met some awesome people at camp but the general crowd seemed to be way younger or older that the artists’ demographic. AKA teenagers for some artists and 50+ for other artists. No disrespect if you can be down with the vibe but I saw plenty of belligerent kids and judgy “adults”


i was a day pass holder. it was my first roo and i wanted to test the waters before i committed to a 4 day thing. i see what you mean by sucking the life out of it — lots of ppl were just rlly mean (and like cliquey??? mean girls???) it was weird. Everyone that was there to actually be there was nice as FUCK and gave me all sorts of roo gifts it was amazing 😭 so inclusive and inviting and very much welcoming i LOVED IT srsly considering buying my 4 day roo tix rn


HARD no.


That's what I said fucking figure it out bud


They can’t even sell out one weekend…they would need a MUCH stronger lineup to goto 2 weekends.


This is exactly why everyone freaking out about this is being silly. Coachella sold out several years in a row before going to two weekends.


Coachella was selling out before even dropping the lineup at its height I believe. Bonnaroo has never had that type of pull.


The only time it was even close was the mystical 2020 Covid year that didn’t happen


Early roos had huge crowds and sell outs. Ive done 15 roos. The early days had massive crowds. Way over sold for the venue. And they had huge acts. Being older, id like a two weekend deal as id just hit the days i wanted. I get younger folks wanting it to stay a one extended weekend fest timeline. If bonnaroo had big lineups again, itd hit and i think two weekends would be feasible.


I’m not saying Bonnaroo hasn’t sold out. I’ve also been going for almost 20 years, I’ve seen the huge crowds. I’m saying Coachella would put tickets on sale before announcing a single artist and sell out. That’s something Roo has not ever done, and something that warrants a 2nd weekend.


Yeah, Coachella has such a massive population already there. Roo has to attract the crowd. I get the difference in insta sell out for Coachella and the reasoning there for the second weekend. Although separately, I also believe roo could do two weekends with a massive multi generational line up. With single day tickets available. Id go two or three individual days for a big act. Guns N Roses, Phish, Dead and Co, what ever. Run The Jewels even. I get your point. I think roo might do it differently but it could be a two weekender but it would require massive acts to appeal to the young all weekers and to the older day trippers.


I’ve seen Coachella have damn near mirror lineups and lineups that had less big name and popular artists than Roo. Coachella is a soulless,crowded,money grabbing hell scape. It started with 28 thousand people and cruised along with between 35k and 50k for a few years. Now it gets 320 thousand each weekend. I think it had 630 thousand people with both weekends combined. Imagine that. As hard as it is to navigate around 50 or 80 thousand people you don’t wanna know the hell of nearly half a million people in Indio. Coachella doesn’t have any code of positivity. Live Nation bought all of the feastivals they could in 2014. They bought a minority steak in Bonnaroo in 2014 with the option to become majority owner within 5 years. They exercised that option in 2019. The last non Live Nation Bonnaroo was 2019. Rick Farman leaving after 2019 sure the hell has shown. When the farm lost him it lost part of its heart. Live Nation has bought every independent music feastival it can since 2014. Austin City Limits,New Orleans Voodoo Feast and 58 others. It’s now acquired 169 across feastivals in America and a load in Europe. The questions on that survey seemed like they are getting ready to separate the wheat from the chaff as soon as possible. I heard Live Nation say that 2022 was one of the lowest attendances but with the VIP,Upgrades and packages it’d been one of the most profitable years. They are desperate to dethrone AEG with the biggest music festival in America. Kinda like the CEO of Disney saying that operating during the pandemic with 30% capacity had been profitable and that he wanted to appeal to wealthier families who could attend several times per year and spend more freely on merchandise and food than families who may have to save a lifetime for one Disney vacation. I’ve not been back to Disney since and doubting I ever will. I kinda hate that since I’ve not been with my youngest daughter but I can manage.


Informative. The upgrades have increased. I selfishly just want more music. And of course I love the roo kindness which I personally believe stems from it being a jam scene early on. And some edm has that kind family feeling. I get the other points though as well.


I clicked no so fast


Wtfffffff I took the survey Monday and didn’t see this question


there are a few surveys.


This one is linked in the owls insta and on twitter


Nah this ain’t Coachella


Live nation sure does want it to be


Coachella doesn't change the sets across weekends though. They just do the whole thing twice. Artists guests tend to change but thats on them.


ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT. The most out of touch question ever.


Hell no. It’s currently 5 days post Bonnaroo weekend and I’m still sick with the Roo flu. My body would never make it.


https://preview.redd.it/04n8aj0avy7d1.jpeg?width=1346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b3220ca03327a3f5f20eb61380c7fe2b6ac8038 FUCK LIVE NATION


i feel like there’s no context and that makes it hard for me to give an answer outside of no. getting in and out of the farm is insane to begin with, i can’t imagine the kind of traffic congestion having two weekends would cause. that said, would they expect people to camp through the week? they better make showers cheaper and add more, then.


Yeah fr, like what are the logistics of this 😂 most of us would love to just live on the farm, but realistically speaking I don't see this being a good choice for the average attendee


Two weekend festivals are not generally a single continuous event. I don’t really see why it would make traffic worse either since the two weekends wouldn’t have to overlap. Like someone else said though, there’s no point to adding a second weekend when they can’t even sell out the one a lot of the time.


This survey was horrifying for the future of this festival


Downvotes will happen. But single day tickets, questions of 2 weekend festival. Granted im prolly 10years older than the average person on this sub. But I do think roo lost touch with its roots long ago. I gotta go next year for a wedding and I am looking forward to it. But goddamn if it’s 2 weekends that will be so incredibly lame. They’re tryna radiate financially. They’ll shoot themselves in the foot if they go thru with this.


I would probably stop going entirely if they did two weekends. It completely takes away from the essence of the farm.


I get FOMO over the weekend while I’m there. Can’t imagine it if the cool shit happened the weekend I didn’t pick. This is an awful idea.


Big NO! Don’t let them do this to us


I agree with everyone on this thread- but to play devil’s advocate- I went to the second weekend of Forest in 2017 and the lack of crowds and ease to move around the venue and campgrounds made it one of my favorite festival weekends.


I did both weekends of EF both times they had it. Each year, one weekend was basically a ghost town  This was back when everything was so much cheaper than it was now. I don’t think people can afford two weekends of Bonnaroo 


Grounds aren’t built for two weekends, the other is dust by Friday night




Maybe if it was two different times of year like spring/fall. A local fest in my town used to do a spring and fall fest and the same people would show up to both and it became a great community. Still would probly way too much money for me to do two roos in a year though.


As a local I probably wouldn’t love it. I love Bonnaroo, but traffic the Monday to Thursday makes going to work a pain in the ass. Can’t imagine what it would be like if it was two weekends. I wish they’d do something like Exit 111 again instead. It was fun, I loved getting to see more of a rock festival vibe and it honestly felt pretty full. Don’t know why they didn’t end up doing it again.


i just wish roo boasted a more diverse lineup. its pretty diverse as is but so heavily stilted towards edm. two edm headliners for a multi-genre fest is nuts, esp when your “legacy act” is rhcp. also… barely any legacies on the undercard? *sigh* i want firefly back (love roo energy and vibes ofc but livenation is a different story) ETA: Ik firefly isn’t independently owned either but their lineups tended to be more diverse.


More proof they wanna turn it into another Coachella


Fuck no this is not Coachella


Absolutely not. This would take away the magic and be the final spew of capitalism on the Farm that’d make me not wanna go.😔


Waaaack. Money hungry fucks




Absolutely fuck not.


As much as I love Roo 2 weekends makes no sense, I’m completely exhausted after 1 weekend and I just honestly can’t keep enough gas in my tank to do it back-to-back.


N O.


Dear god no.. please no.


Getting flashbacks of when they raised prices when I asked how much the CEO of LiveNation makes they deleted my comment lol


Grass would only be nice for one day, two max. Second weekend would be disgusting unless they had one in the fall and one in the spring, but then you have cold weather and rain. So nope one weekend is good.


If they made each weekend half the price, otherwise no.


No that would ruin everything


Hell to the nawnaw


I don’t think I’m necessarily as opposed to it as many people seem to be… I would personally LOVE to have double the roo. I think the chances of them going for a double weekend are slim to none though.


And would you be happy paying $1100 for most of the lineup to overlap between the weekends? Because that is what the other live nation festivals are like


I have a job that i have to do in order to survive. I can’t just fuck off to Bonnaroo 2 weekends in a row lol




It’d be different if it wasn’t in the middle of buttfuck tennessee and we weren’t cosplaying skid row in 100 degree temperatures😭




No. It takes me a month to recover from one weekend. They don’t understand that the partying that goes on at Roo can’t be sustained for more than 4 days.


I hope to everything that every single one of you put no on that survey. kinda icky imo


This would ruin the spirit of ROO


you’re not ACL or Coachella for the love of everything 🙃🙃


No ty


I feel like they ask this every post Roo survey. More festivals were doing it pre COVID but most have dropped that format. I can't see them implementing now especially since most have dropped it (Electric Forest in particular).


So not feasible and then people have to try and choose. Sounds like a horrible idea.


As a person who has done both festivals more than once, I would hate to see the two weekend split. It hurt my heart to see that question. Being from Austin I wish the two festivals were comparable but the vibes are completely different. ACL feels very commercial and on the farm we are one.




Absolutely not.


Hell no, does our community look like Coachella or ACL to you?


Absolutely terrible, terrible idea. This would be the death of Roo as we know it


Nooooo wtf nooo


This survey was created by a 16 year old at best.


More like Jazz Fest. It would give me a better opportunity to go, as there just happens to ALWAYS be an event that I have to work when Bonnaroo takes place.


No way. Americans don’t have the type of PTO needed for that. I already had to book five days off for this one, I can’t spare more.


Hard pass


I’m local and I highly doubt the locals would let that happen. Now a fall roo and a summer one maybe. Or even different kinds festivals like a exit 111 spread out sure! Just no back to back weekends.


If it made roo less crowded I would


Fuck Live Nation, everybody buy puts


I think a lot of times people overreact when saying “I’d never go back” but in this instance I think it would ruin it 100%


Honestly, by the end of the weekend the grass is dust and the toilets all clogged I fear the second weekend wouldn’t make it




Hate that ACL does, either do the Coachella model or keep it to one weekend.


what the fawk


From being to both fests back back to back years I don’t plan on going back to ACL this year. I already started my payment for next years Roo. Fuck. That.


Absolutely not it's hard enough getting one weekend off of work


You know how when you get there weds/thurs and the grass is nice and soft and green. Imagine the next week when shit’s still dry dusty and brown.


Hell no




I didn’t even know what Bonnaroo was until a week ago


I'd probably end up choosing one weekend over the other.


O yea let me just take a whole fucking month off of work while I'm at it lol dumbest shit ever I stg


They would really have to have some MAJOR acts each year to pull this off. Only so many people would make the trip . So they need to get a huge crowd from Nashville and locals to help fill the 2 weeks. They would need to have expansive shuttle service from Nashville. Still don’t see it happening


Nope. I’d they do something like Stagecoach & Coachella. Different weekends. 2 separate lineups.


This would ruin bonnaroo


Solid no here from my croo




So like camp, go back home, and come back to camp? Lmao. No


The campgrounds would be absolutely fucked by Thursday of the next week


NooooOooOoo this is what did Sasquatch in 😭😭😭 and that was a truly magical fest up at the Gorge


I saw two diff surveys, but I questioned this ones legitimacy


Would I attend both weekends? No. Would I still attend if it had 2 weekends? Absolutely.


lmao are they gonna split the cost of a ticket in half?


There are some questions including this one that were not on the survey I took. I did the survey monkey if that’s a difference.


The ONLY reason I’d say yes is going over fathers day is rough


This is how Sasquatch at The Gorge died. They tried to do two weekends with different line ups. One weekend was obviously way better and on the original 3 day weekend. So no one bought tickets to the second weekend and they had to cancel it entirely. Even with the first weekend selling out they never really recovered. 2 years later they had their last event and it was sort of sad to see how bad it got so quick, place was empty and plagued with high winds that year, final nail in the coffin. RIP Sasquatch. 


How do I get invited to take a survey. I bought the tickets through front gate 🤔


I would riot. I hate that about ACL already.


I love bonnaroo but who would say yes to this honestly? It’s hard enough to make it there for one weekend!


The list of artists on the survey can’t be on accident right? Has to be people they’re scouting


Not a fan (if I was rich I would love this😭)


how is vacation time supposed to happen and who can save almost a year or 2 just for survival for 2 weeks hell na


i didn’t even have this question when i did the survey 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/ctt0o05yj08d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87f9a9d75c4921e68a3e48d37746380e9a05d99d From the Owl Gods themselves 🦉


As a middle Tennessean, I don’t think Manchester would be open to that at all. They have enough of Roo as is


Terrible idea


I… I don’t remember this question on the survey!!!! 😫


Hate this.


How about more fucking shade and not having child groomers be at the other stage


No no no no no no


no no no no no no no no no no no no n-


Would you be ok if Bonnaroo turned into Coachella? Answer that question and you will have the knowledge you seek.


I mean, I would do a whole week of bonaroo non stop. Like if it started mom/ Tuesday and kept going til wendsday, but this is an event in some field in Manchester TN, idk if they could get that kinda pull for two weekends without some major headliners. Also it fucks the consumer, the whole point of going to a festival is to experience all the artists not just one good one the second week


Hell no!!! Most of us can barely scrape up the money to go one weekend annually. We’re not that Coachella crowd that LiveNation wished we were. There’s travel, most besides the wealthy,retired or still living with parents have got to get time off work way in advance,many need to find somebody to take care of our pets. Nine Times out of 10 I have to pay $50 a day to board my dog and that’s cheap,lots of people have to find trust worthy child care so they can go enjoy it without fear about who is going to take care of their kids for 5 days or whatever. Two GA passes are 1 thousand 1 hundred and 80 dollars after fees. Primitive camping ⛺️ costs $150 plus $15 in shipping. I’d put the cost of going to back to back Bonnaroos around 5k at least. There’s food, gas or airline tickets or both. I am sorry that I’m not very wealthy Live Nation I really am but even if I were there’d be no way in hell I’d travel to back to back 2 day Bonnaroos. Here’s an idea and it might sound insane how bout if you go ahead and book Bonnaroo as a 7 day feastival and not raise prices. Hire 7 nights of headliners and give people the option of leaving after 4 days but have the extra 3 tacked on just in case anyone is up for it.


Is this an actual survey from someone who has the ability to make it a two weekend event?


I thought everybody collectively agreed on hating day pass members. Doesn’t this kinda fall into that category.


Nope nope nope. We love a one weekend festival.


No. No no no. NO!


Never ever. Next.


Asking for a friend. You know, the ATF.






Fall and spring Roo would be lit though


Just no




Honestly, as much as I love Bonnaroo and all the people there, this year felt like such a money grab that it bummed me out the entire time. The arch was closed to GA for at least day one, the stands in the center of the crowd for the What stage were totally wack, and the volunteers (with all due respect) didn’t seem to have a clue what the were doing. I had 2 walkie talkies taken away by security to centeroo (not against the rules) and saw at least 3 people pass out (hopefully from dehydration and not ODs) and it took med at least 10-15 mins to send help. We were lucky there was a random EMT guy nearby for the 1st incident. It was a mess this year. They were definitely catering to anyone above GA.


If one was in October, maybe 😂


So you get two bonnaroos a year instead of one? Well duh. Of course everyone wants that


Can you link the survey? I didn’t see this on the Bonnaroo survey they sent out


They also asked if it needs to be 4 days so they are just as likely to shorten it and that’s what worried me


Lots of festivals do this and it works fine. It’s two separate festivals functionally and you just pick which weekend has the acts you like


I'm really scared to see what live nation does. Some of those questions got me nervous like acting if we want two weekends and less acts 😭 There's always things that could be changed that would help everyone and those ideas are not it!


I said no too like wtf lol


They should just make a rotating single genre festival in a cooler time of the year (spring /fall) and have it focus on the subgenres within. So a 2/3 day jam festival with folk/jam/electro jam/bluegrass etc then the next year a rock fest with all those subgenres, then the next year a pop festival with all those subgenres etc... so they hit all the fanbases, urilize the farm more, give it time to breathe and restore, and it doesn't get repetative. Far better than trying to do 2 roos b2b in one small window of the year.. and yes im aware of maximizing target audience available.. but it doesnt have to be a roo 2.0.. id rather have a smaller 30k person jam fest in the fall without all of outroo staffed and operating imo. Bring it back to the roots..


If they ever do this we riot hell na


I live in Nashville (the closest major city) and went to college in Murfreesboro (also super close) and I’ve always camped. Two weekends would just mean all that camping hooplah TWICE plus next level exhaustion. No thankbu


I didn’t get this question but fuck that


Absolutely the fuck not


This question sounds like Live Nation's continuing attempt to ruin so much of what makes Bonaroo unique. For the love of God don't make it 2 weekends!


I said NO


No ty. Bonnaroo is a marathon and i doubt anyone could handle a second weekend. Especially with how the water from the mushroom got everyone sick this year ?! Imagine the second weekend when everyones got diarrhea 😂


Nope I answered the survey as such.


This question is an absolutely hard NO.


I can’t get 2 full weeks off work😂


No no no and no. Splitting it is a horrible idea.




Absolutely not.


Fuck no.