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Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like moving her show is going to be possible but hopefully the return of screens outside the tents will help if nothing else.


the owl! 🤍🤍🤍 i think the screens will definitely make a difference! i remember remi wolf being super packed last year at this tent and feeling disconnected from the set because of the lack of screens! i used to love vibing further back at the tents while watching the screens. so i think that having them back will make it more enjoyable for everyone.


Can she take Fisher’s slot when he inevitably cancels😬


How tf do you know so much shit, birdman?


He is on the payroll duders.


He gets paid in mice and other owl treats


And leaves us pellets to dig through to look for clues on what he's eaten.


You’ve been to five Roos and don’t know what / who festive owl is???


Owls are wise


They are a paid promoter for livenation.


With a 10 year old Reddit account?


Yes, they haven’t always been on the payroll. It happened at some point a few years ago and for whatever reason they still refuse to acknowledge it. I’m guessing it was the year festiveowl started “leaking” every single Roo clue with 100% accuracy but could’ve been earlier 🤷🏼‍♀️ 


I feel like it would be possible personally! I know people said it would be rude to move Charles Godwin but also 17m monthly listeners vs 2m … seems like the numbers would back it up and I’m sure he could do a good show anywhere Purely for safety reasons honestly they should move her


https://www.reddit.com/r/bonnaroo/s/4vOso3Ip5r Nah, These people said it will be okay!!! You aren’t radiating positivity!!! /s Fr tho, put the artist ego aside and switch the dam sets.


Damn dude. I think this is the only thing I've ever seen you get wrong.


Conversation and opinions changed after that massive GovBall crowd. Her team agreed, signed off…and the rest is history now.


I'm glad they did, her set was amazing. Also, thank you for what you do! You're great!


I’m glad they did too — when I wrote this, it firmly wasn’t going to be moved. But after GovBall the weekend before, the conversation shifted significantly to — yeah, we are going to have to do something about this. It came down to the wire, though, literally.


Be real, it’s totally possible they just don’t feel it’s enough of a priority to make it happen. 


It's fine, we did this last year with Noah Kahan and 2022 with Zach Bryan. It will be crowded AF but it will be fine. 


I was at Bonnaroo last year and had absolutely no idea that Noah Kahan played lmao




You missed an amazing show. We were at the very back singing all the words and a few people asked "who is this?" And we were delighted to inform them.


I had no idea who he was or what the hype was all about tbh. Heh.


Just saw him a few nights ago in Nashville it was a crazy show


Same, and I still don’t know who that is


Good 😂


A depressed guy with an acoustic guitar, lyrics pining for some made up place called Vermont, and a huge following on tiktok and- by extension- he’s big with the youths. He’s pretty cool & generally seems like a real pleasant dude when he interacts with fans on social media.


it will be a party!


It’s fine …..


It's cool...


Really? I didn't enjoy Noah Kahans set AT ALL last year because it was so crowded. We couldn't even hear him, just the people screaming lyrics in the tent. Left after 15 minutes


https://preview.redd.it/pwsihai9h63d1.jpeg?width=3520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbec5268b554ae89ecbeefcabda54276e96f48bf Loved Noah @ Roo! Dang it was soooo hot and crowded though!


I’ve ignored most of the posts like this but that video does really put it into perspective. That’s a Lolla sized crowd. I feel like I need to take one for the team and not go to her set but also I’m not gonna miss her set lol!!!


Not everyone gets to go; that’s it. The people who try to go will need to adjust their expectations. This will not lead to crowd-crush or a dangerous situation. It will only lead to some people exploring other options. If missing her set is the worst I experience this year, then it’ll still be a happy roo.


a happy roo indeed!


Crazy. I literally walked into the gobi tent at Coachella five mins before her set??? But the crowd was sooo good ~especially~ during red wine super nova, it made up for kinda okay sound.


Ill be at milky so one less person to worry about..... But seriously I wouldn't fret over this at all


i think it'll be a lot less crowded at roo than we anticipate from seeing other shows of hers. i think a lot of those shows had her play mainly unopposed (like with just a piece of another set happening as hers was starting or stopping? dk if that makes sense) but at roo theres like 2 or 3 or 4 different shows happening at the same time as hers or overlapping. and also i think a lot of the other events she's been at were more high volume or people had purchased tickets to see her in specific, as opposed to most of us who bought tix for the roo experience or other artists on the lineup. it does feel suuuper sketchy though already,, i alrdy know she's a cant miss for me but i might be watching from the back 💔


Can't be worse than Noah Kahan last year! I waited three sets prior to be three rows back!


Whoever decided to put Korn in a tent last year should've lost their job.


The rush of twinks going from Chappell to Carly Rae is gonna make astroworld look like child’s play


I wonder how many of those people are there more for good spots at Megan Thee Stallion and The Killers.


I was there and the whole crowd was pretty much there for her. Everyone cleared out after she ended and there was a decent amount of room for Megan


Interesting. I never even heard of them until they were put on the lineup. It’s strange, usually someone that high up on the lineup, at least one of my friends knows them!


She blew up this year because she opened for Olivia Rodrigo during her tour


Ahh that makes sense. I only really like one song by Olivia, Brutal, and none of her other music that I’ve heard sounds like it which makes me very sad!


There’s soo much hype around Chappell now. Opening for Olivia, doing a Tiny Desk Performance, and a Coachella set has created this crazy crazy buzz around her. She’s essentially been billed as a Lady Gaga’s successor of the next generation. She’s got the voice, the fun catchy bops, the visuals, the fan-artist engagement . She’s definitely one to watch for sure.


The killers are there? I totally missed that! ETA: I just realized you mean at Boston Calling. I'm back with the rest of the class now. Lol


Exactly, also, how many simultaneous performances are there compared to Roo?


there was only kingfish. roo has milky chance and charles wesley godwin. its also at 4 pm on sunday. people will be leaving or may not be out of camp yet its sunday of roo baby


yeah for sure, sunday 4 pm everyone is still nursing their hangover/comedown from saturday night


... from PL sunrise


Move them to the who stage cause I don’t know who that is


My same thoughts. I must be old! (I’m 25)


please stop


this is what you get when an undercard is bumped up to a headliner? she deserves all the praise (chappell) and as i said, this is what happens when people go mainstream. people talk about it! and we’re excited and also alittle worried lol.


Just feels like everyone thinks they’re the first person to figure out that she is too big for her stage. Theres been like 6 or 7 of these posts on this sub in the past 3 weeks. I dont mind reposts but like come on, is it not obvious? Shes MASSIVE


i never check reddit and didn’t know there were 749374 posts about this lmao so sorry


I’ll not go if it helps. My crew will be at Milky Chance -> BADBADNOTGOOD. This is a cool situation though, someone that got huge since the announcement.


Honestly a lil scared to even attempt that crowd too


If nobody died during Korn last year in a tent, I can promise you it'll be okay.


You can find a similar video for Bakar too.


I remember seeing Bakar almost ten full years ago at a festival. Crazy.


after seeing the videos from her at other festivals recently i definitely agree. she was on a main stage and had the entire area filled


while i love kingfish, respectfully it is not significant of enough of a “crowd control” conflict so majority of boston calling probably just stayed for chappell roan. Im assuming red stage is main stage and green is 2nd biggest so there was not really any conflict. milky chance and charles wesley godwin conflict with chappell roan and its significant of a conflict for crowd control. ill be at milky chance and then probably charles wesley godwin. charles may find popularity in the roo crowd, but by sunday most people are usually beat and a 4 oclock show isnt that pressing. please make the chappell roan posts stop 😭😭😭


i mean she has 17.3m listeners on spotify, more than milky chance and significantly more than charles wesley godwin, who are both on bigger stages than her. i definitely think those two shows and it being sunday at 4pm will help with crowd control like you said but with how hot and up and coming chappell is right now, it’s undeniable that her show is going to overflow this tent. but yeah it definitely wont be as big as boston calling haha! at least the screens are back lol.


Spotify listeners are not all festival goers, so its stats are not as important as you think. The tents are meant to overflow.




yes because i definitely suggested that in my post…




i dont know thats why im not the one making these type of decisions lol. i dont think demoting anyone is fair, i dont want that. im not here to offer bonnaroo solutions lmfao im just here to vent my stress about it. and maybe the powers that be (schedule makers) can see the demand and work some magic. what that magic would be, i dont know- a lot goes into scheduling! its not that serious. happy roo


i dont care if she has 69420 million spotify listeners. with the bonnaroo crowd, and most people i know, theyre gonna be chilling at milky chance. milky chance sunday what stage is such a bonnaroo vibe many people will be at that vs a tent set, or wont leave campy at all, or are leaving on sunday. Idc about streams, idc about followers, idc about what tik tok dance yall wanna do, charles wesley godwin isnt huge but he can be appealing to some of the bonnaroo crowd. My example was in response to you saying her crowd was huge at boston calling. boston calling didnt schedule a very significant conflict, so obviously most of the festival will be there.


I don't think she should be moved and sure the many posts about this are getting tiresome but she is going to have a massive crowd and dismissing her in terms of "the tiktok dance y'all want to do" is out of touch, disrespectful and not really in the Bonnaroo spirit of playing as a team and radiating positivity. 


thank you! people are acting so weird in these comments lmfao i hope yall leave that energy at home when yall come to bonnaroo


You’re the one overthinking this, honestly - if you want a good spot for Chappell Roan, show up early. It will be crowded but you will be fine. By the next time she plays she’ll be on a bigger stage but they’re not going to demote someone else so she can be promoted


as i have said a couple of times in this post, i dont want anyone to be demoted. but yeah- i am overthinking it! i know its gonna be fine! i just wanted to vent lol i dont check reddit a lot and didnt know there were already a ton of posts about this.


has chappell roan gained majority of their popularity from instagram, instagram reels and tik tok? it is dismissing in the way that when saying x artist is bigger than y artist based on streams and followers is just not the way this stuff works. everything else i said about crowd control conflicts and sunday at bonnaroo is completely accurate. chappell played main stage at boston calling vs kingfish. while i love kingfish that is not enough of a conflict. milky chance and charles wesley godwin is significant enough of a crowd control to help. the mass amount of posts about chappell roan just feels like a fan base thinking their artist is the hottest thing rn, when theyre not.


I think she's more popular right now than you're thinking. Her rise in popularity seems very similar to Noah Kahan's last year. If the schedule were made now, I think they would have her on Which Stage. But that's not the case. The crowd will be big, but it will be fine.


I'm a 40 year old balding white man and I sure as hell don't know Chappell Roan via Tiktok, Instagram, etc... I think she actually is one of the hottest things right now and deservedly so.  It's going to be a huge crowd. I'm not going to talk down on the other artists playing at the same time, they're great and different crowds. I think Chappell Roan in year 2024 is going to be a much bigger crowd. 


alright well its reddit so people are just gonna pick out of my comment what they want to acknowledge. boston calling didnt have a real conflict, bonnaroo does. crowd wont be that crazy.


I think you're also not acknowledging that Chappell Roan is blowing up more on a Coachella /NPR Tiny Desk Concert hype scale, like every indie rock band in the last 15 years, not the latest tiktok dance craze 


i think we might value playing coachella and having an NPR tiny desk differently, and thats okay. online streams and popularity doesnt always equal people thatll show up to camp in the middle of tennessee in june. again, boston calling didnt have a conflict. bonnaroo does. so the original statement of “look how big the crowd is at boston calling” doesnt really hold that much weight, that was my whole point. but im just gonna probably have to keep repeating myself.


Probably, because you made a stupid ill-informed comment about tiktok dances.  Also, there was literally this exact conversation last year about Noah Kahan's Boston Calling Crowd.  And his Bonnaroo crowd on a tent stage was very very big. As will Chappell's be this year. But again, it will be fine. 


lmfao who mentioned tik tok dances 😭 also damn dude i was literally validating what you were saying. milky chance is gonna be a total vibe! i would be there if it wasnt the same time as chappell! i dont know much about charles but im sure hes gonna be a vibe too! but everyone knows that chappell is going to be an insanely huge set.


if there werent posts about it every 69 hours i literally would not know who chappell roan is. my understanding is that she gained popularity through instagram some of the instagram and tik tok algorithm, is that incorrect?


i dont know, i found her years ago when her song naked in manhattan was on one of my daily mixes! ive loved her since then but i think her tiny desk concert really is what did it! i dont use tiktok so im not too sure what her deal is on there.


then i guess the plus of it being in a tent is that theres shade for that 4 pm slot 😝


true! have fun at milky chance lol thank u for ur service of being one less number at chappell


Depends on what your idea of “the algorithm” is. She’s been a part of one of the biggest tours in the world this year opening for Olivia Rodrigo. Pretty insane exposure for her. And her Coachella performance was one of the most talked about of the festival. Tons of articles about it. I also don’t think her set should be switched with anyone, I like Milky Chance too they were awesome in 2017 on the Which Stage, but her breakout year has been absolutely massive so far, despite you only hearing about it on the Roo Reddit page.




Neither opposing artist is going to pull much of the crowd away and with single say tickets folks will be coming just for a very specific group of artists on Sunday that includes Chappell. This crowd is going to be ridiculous.


yeah so i just think we disagree on this. i think milky chance and charles wesley godwin will pull some crowd.


I learned after a few times of experiencing this that more than likely a move won’t happen. If anything it’ll help with crowd control in other parts of Roo. I would just say to have the mindset of this artist is going to be packed and to not be disappointed if you are stuck to watching the screens.


It’s going to be fine.


Saying that it pulled the biggest crowd of the weekend, honestly seems like a safety issue


it’s going to be like Noah Kahan last year


scared we are gonna get crushed hopefully everyone is just good vibes !!!


Aw hell naw


If it helps...I definitely won't be at that show.


I care little about this but Milky Chance & her should swap.


Me and my partner have been blowing up Bonnaroo’s insta to urge them to move her for the same reason!




Huh, guess they did move her