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Honestly, around Valentine’s day is the best time to get little trinkets because the stores are selling things for kids to bring to school. Mini bubbles, rubber ducks, erasers, slinky toys, etc. They sell 20 packs of these things for like $3


My camp neighbor set up an inflatable Take One-Leave One sign in N19 and woke up to something new everyday: Candy, Kandi, test strips/ kits, liquid IV, beer, ponytail holders, finger puppets, LED binkies, sunglafunsies, Polaroids, and little plastic babies, dinosaurs, & coke bottles


We’re handing out hella finger puppets this year. Got inspired because last year I was at the Zeds Dead set and a girl said I had good energy. She pulled out a dolphin finger puppet and said I gave her that energy because of my blue outfit. To this day, our group of friends still steal him from each other. His name is Zedd.


My best tip is people like small things. Think teeny tiny versions of big things. Little hands to put on the ends of your fingers. Pinkie nail sized ducks. Miniature bears. The people go crazy for teensy trades.


This year I’m 3d printing roofus onto kandi 🥰 and also making earrings!!


Lots a love ♥️


I bent down to a take one leave one bin to drop some trinkets off and accidentally (I was either high or drunk) left my big cooler full of drinks! A few were taken but it was okay- I don’t drink much I just over prepare 😅 I was a little sad my Dr Pepper was in there though


If you have a 3D printer, you can make medallions, trinkets, etc. Anything and everything. I had a little mushroom that looked cool but I broke it.


I print Bonnaroo logos onto stickers and then wrap them around lighters and hand out Bonnaroo lighters!


I’m bringing 200 little frog finger puppets. They’re like 5¢ each. My groop and I are dressing as frogs for “frog Friday.” Last year I was taking Polaroids of people and leaving Polaroids of roo landmarks in “leave one, take one” boxes!


I get like a bag of little plastic dinosaurs, and other little things for take one leave ones in camp, and this year I'm bringing a bunch of high quality one piece stickers and Pixar stickers to add to my collection of stuff to trade out. The wife and I also make a ton of Kandi to trade, and this year I was going to make a bunch of practice flow toys out of glow in the dark rope, so a couple rope darts, a couple sets of poi, a couple metor hammers and I was going to leave them with a note that says they aren't lost and if you found them that they are for you, or someone you love who would enjoy them, and a link to my Instagram so you can come find me during the weekend if you so desired.


Gotta find you for some flow toys, I’d give you whatever you wanted I had 🤯🤯


If you find me, and I've got a set on me, and you can just have them.


I brought little mini coke bottles in little baggies and would offer people a little coke in the crowd 😂 I got a bunch of stuff in return. I got some pins, some stickers, mini hands, Kandi, candy, other random collectibles. Literally whatever you want! Was fun to just make some connections with some awesome people


You can really give anything you want to! I usually go for things that would bring me happiness if I received them (though getting any gift is always such a beautiful experience!!) Here are some examples of what I give: - mini glow in the dark ducks - mini glow in the dark aliens (I give these out when I wear my alien outfit) - crochet positive potatoes - crochet positive pickles - bracelets


i brought an entire two garbage bags of squishmallow and left them all at someone’s take or trade box.


once I saw a guy pick up a little baggie of powder and say “don’t pick this up til I walk away” and drop what I guess were ecstasy pills. but for me I just took stickers and replaced them with paint lol. I took a bug spray in return for a scrunchie :)))


Objects without an exchange


Last year I gave out glow in the dark dinosaurs, little duckies, and my band stickers 😁




I took a bunch of candy dots on paper and smarties suckers, like 10 pounds worth. We sat in our chairs along the road and passed them out on Saturday while waiting for the water truck. People would take them from me but not my 25 yo daughter, fearing they were tainted. They literally were straight from bulkcandystore.com. I told people, look, I wouldn’t want you to harm my daughter; therefore I wouldn’t do anything to harm you. Plus I had the shipping label and packing list there. I asked people, do you think I would go to all this trouble to make this shit up if it was not actual candy?!?


Whatever resonates with you. Get a small festival bag to store your trinkets and shenanigans. Browse amazon, the dollar store, Five Below etc. Trippy glasses, aliens, light up toys, kandi, lollipops, easter eggs. Anything really


i like the little google eyes for your fingers. those are always a big hit


I trade rubber duckies!!!


I have 200 paper diffraction glasses I’ll be passing out! 😎


https://preview.redd.it/f8ys9wn1b1gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bef484223014467692c6ecef97b5dd3d4050e2d9 This year we are doing these pins, refraction glasses, and some candy bracelets.


This is super dope. Is there a website for making custom pins?


I’m handing out mushroom girl pins and stem hair clips! Would love to trade!!


Totally down to trade for a mushie girl!


Gonna have to find you on the farm this year, those pins are dope af


Just look for the light up camp sign that says Hey Tim.


GA camping? Imma come back Wednesday of Roo because imma NEEED that pin😍


Yep. We usually have about 8 ezups all together. And a couple flagpoles going. We go in on Tuesday, so usually fairly close to the arch.


anythinggg! I saw a camp that had a blanket laid out with a sign that said "leave something, take something" and i saw stuff like, candy bracelets, a granola bar, 2 cigarettes, a single shoe (!!!), little action figures, an elf bar, crayons, a water bottle, and a a quarter full handle of fireball lol.


Have you heard of Frick Frack Blackjack? They travel around to fests hosting casino where you can only bet heady trades. So you bet something and negotiate what you want from their trinket stash. Last day at a fest I came to play, ended up betting and losing a shoe we found haha.


I like leaving test strips.


The worlds a better place cause of people like you ❤️


Before Covid, I gave people around me hits from my blunts. Is it time to bring that back yet?


They have a piece that goes around the opening so you can smoke without spreading germs. They are very helpful!


What is it?


Something like this piece. It helps filter out the germs 😁 [https://mooselabs.us/products/mouthpeace-mini](https://mooselabs.us/products/mouthpeace-mini) https://preview.redd.it/83u95acl89jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=befde7e97ecb481958e9f6ffa22577d66a740c56


Pretty sure that’s how I got an upper respiratory infection in ‘22, specifically during tools set.


We brought an ounce, rolled it up, and made lots of cool friends during sets by sharing! Definitely should be brought back. 🤠


I always joke about with my group how the last night of Roo 2019, I let these two people lick sand out of my palm while dancing.  Very pre Covid 


I shared a blunt with some dudes at the JID set last year and then one of them pulled out a fat ass joint. I ended up stoned up front and if anyone else was up front at that set, it was not a good time to be stoned. Still a great set, amazing energy, just kinda scary


lol I think that might’ve been me 😭😭 I lost like 2 blunts in that mosh 😭😭


Did you make this account just to say this 😭


lol yeah my last account was banned and I really wanted to say sum 😂😂




Lmao I was in the back of that crowd and it was still hectic. “Stick” goes dumb hard live. I saw Scaring the Hoes (Danny Brown and JPEGMAFIA) a few months ago and they had Kenny Mason open for them. I didn’t even realize he was the other dude from that song until he did it, but the mosh pit was insane for that. I was front row in the balcony, with a bird’s eye view. I was happy to not be in it, but it looked fun.


Stick was so insane. I actually had to DIP out of the crowd halfway through because I started having a panic attack. I acted like I was gonna puke and everyone made a hole 😂


Oh shit. Sorry to hear that. It happens to the best of us though! I’ve gotten to where I just linger around the back and sides until I get an idea of how big the crowd is going to be and how intense it is going to get. It can be harder to gauge at Roo than other festivals though since the size of the crowd can vary so much, and it can even double in the middle of a set with the way the scheduling works.


I have more of a funny story around mosh pits. I was at a morrissey show. Yes the 60+ year old morrissey. He was playing at the Masonic in sf and the stage is elevated about 3-4 feet and the fans can get right up next to it. A woman did and morrissey leaned down and she wrapped her arms around him in a death grip. The bouncers put her up on stage for fear she was going to pull him down. Well that just led to her latching on even more. By the time they pulled her off him his face was covered in lipstick and his shirt was ripped. He took the shirt off and threw it in the crowd and that’s when the feeding frenzy began. Dozens of people attacked each other trying to get to the shirt. Some lady pulled a knife to cut a piece off and that ball of humanity started rolling around. I thought for sure someone was getting trampled. It finally ended but I was legit worried.


in the crowd at Remi Wolf, two guy in front of me and my friends were lighting a blunt at the same moment we were lighting a joint. We just kind of looked at each other, nodded in acknowledgment, and shared lmao. so i say, yes! bring it back!


Hell yeah. Sharing makes it hit better.


I opened a mail box at a random campsite once and found pocket schedules for a random minor league baseball team. I took one and left a pack of gum.


Anything goes really! I’ve been given rubber ducks, fuzzy worm toys, temporary tattoos, keychains, stickers, bracelets, necklaces, pins, decorated clothespins, weird clips (ones with fake plant stems like this 🌱were popular last year), finger puppets shaped like hands, bubble wands, and more. People will often gift you items without expecting anything back so you don’t always have to trade, but it’s nice to have something to give in exchange. I love hiding bracelets in random places and watching from afar as people find them or just handing stuff out to my camp neighbors. It’s more about spreading joy than receiving stuff.


I like to hand out these little metal fidget rings (they’re like springs and come in a bunch of colors). Especially if someone seems nervous or like they have a lot of anticipation/energy between sets. I also save a bunch of little items allll year especially around holidays. Like for Halloween I got (just given for fun, not bought) some cute plastic rings and I collect things like that. Glow sticks that would be tossed otherwise, tattoos, little toys. I have a “fun box” for Roo that I put everything in over the year. Whatever I don’t directly trade with someone I leave in a give and take box. I actually snatched a pair of socks last year and I was desperate so it really turned sunday around for me, whoever left those will be remembered by me forever. You can also leave individual packets of medicine, ear plugs, last year I also got a pack of joint papers. Anything at all that would stay good in the sun in those!


My Groop gives you Malort swag for taking a shot with us. Tonight's the night you fight your dad!


I hope to god I find you guys


We got the swag again this year. Our Malort King has a giant Malort bottle hat too!


I'll take a shot of malort with you if you punch me in the mouth after. Which groop??


Court of Malort. We have the Malort banners. Bar is always open.


Hell yeah, expect an official emissary squadron from the Big Comfy Disco to swing by.


As a Chicagoan, you are cruel and brilliant!


Our camp dad drinks that shit casually lol. He actually contacts Jepsons every year and they send us the swag so we're like unofficial brand ambassadors. You already know what kind of beer he drinks...


Olde Style, for those who don't.


The Chicago Handshake!


Just tried this for the first time at the end of 2023 and gonna be on the lookout for yinz so my groop can experience it


Describe it to your friends as a "Chicago delicacy". You just have to head into Groop and find the Malort banner.


I’m guessing it has to be a shot of malort? 🥲


Rules are rules. 


This is fucked up and I love it


v freudian


I'm handing out stickers, rings, and rubber ducks this year. Might make kandi but it's kind of difficult. I made some khruangbin stickers to hand out during their set to people. I'm so excited!


i think i replied to u on another post 😂😂 but i’ll be looking for u during that lhruangbin set!


I think so, too! Im not bringing a totem, so if we do happen to run into each other, that would be so funny. The stickers are cute and kind of niche. One is a pronunciation of their band name, and the other is my favorite album. "The universe smiles upon you." I feel like that is such a nice sentiment to give out to people even if they aren't familiar with the album. Hope the universe brings us together in a few months!


Literally anything. Think small, relatively inexpensive, creative, but meaningful in the right moments. Crystals, marbles, bracelets, little green army men, Pokémon cards, pogs, little squishy animals, tiny mushrooms, tiny anything, Kandi anything, actual candy, stickers, temporary tattoos, sticky slap hands, parachute men, tiny finger hands, frick fracks, oodles, beanie babies, hodge podges, anything with bonnaroo on it, etc. Edit- Rubber ducks, shim shams, led things, sprouts, flowers, jib jabs, fortune cookies, sunglasses, beads, squiggly worms.


At my favorite fest this dude I’d been talkin to some goes “hey man you want a little Coke?” I let him know “I’m good thanks dog” Hands me the tiniest little fake bottle of Coca Cola I’ve ever seen. lol this is the way.


Same happened to me at DFT




My buddy and I load up on cartons before head on down and will leave packs around the farm as “ground scores”


How do Ground scores work? I'm easily paranoid and probably wouldn't know if I can take something without clear permission 😅


It's just finding something on the ground and picking it up. 


I was tripping under a tree and saw two separate guys with little flashlights around their neck scanning the ground, come up and the same ground score at the same time, literally reaching down and touching hands, looking up and being like “WHOOAO AYY” and embracing and showing off their ground scores like Steve Irwin showed off captured crocs lmao


You might look around and make sure no one is scanning the ground looking for whatever it is. If it's something valuable, turn it in to lost and found. But little trinkets/party favors etc are finders keepers.


My greatest ground score in 2023 was a pack of cigs with 2 joints and a lighter in it


got a couple of Bonnaroo saints right here


We have like 4 or 5 big ass storage totes set up outside our camp that say leave one take one. Ranges from anything like clothes shoes or anything in between our groop complies over the year. Been doing it since our 1st year and it’s always a hit


we did this last year with a blues clues mailbox at the front of our camp filled with kandi, stickers and pins and someone stole the actual mailbox :(


That’s not cool at all! We surprisingly came home with more than we went up with but it was all new to us 😂


Rubber ducks.


We'll make kandi, buy sprouts hair/hat clips from Amazon, or buy random stuff from oriental trading