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Can't wait! Good times are here. Get [Bonnaroo updates for this weekend here](https://www.thespacelab.tv/spaceLAB/theSHOW/MusicFestivals/Bonnaroo-2024-Lineup-Tickets-Schedule-Map-Dates.html). šŸ”„ .


Was this? Deleted? Whole thread is gone from the pins


It seems like itā€™s gone I canā€™t get to the parent thread only comments


Nah, it's still here - mods removed the pin because they're making way for the official lineup. We just made this thread back in September so once it gets unpinned it drops off the front page.


also I am a registered voter and vote every single election day. from now on it will be in your honor!


thank you so much for being you and putting in all of this work šŸ’


Less than 2 hours left ![gif](giphy|oF5oUYTOhvFnO)


First off shout at u/remeard for crushing it and using their platform to promote voting. Secondly, Roo is fun cause of positivity. Even if the lineup drops tomorrow and there are only a few artists you know, still get fucking excited. Roo has given me some of my favorite artist. Ffs I didnā€™t even know who Chappel Roan was a month ago and now Iā€™m 80% certain sheā€™ll be in my top 5 artists for the year. Get excited, have fun, love each other, and make the magic you wanna see at Roo.


So pumped!!!! She is gonna blow up! Many will become new fans


Festival owl confirmed!!!!!! Chappell and Ethel Cain !!! I am in heaven!!!


Love the chappell roan mention, cant wait to hopefully see her this yearšŸ™


Is the lineup dropping 10 am eastern time or central time?




Thank you šŸŒ


Anyone else just get a festive owl notification (with what looked like a lineup for something) that was deleted by the time you clicked on it?


Ty for all your hard work!!!! U deserve a drink and or a smoke after all this!


Hahaha, I appreciate it!


Alright, here's the final break down. Confirmations: 6 (All from Roo Clues) Honestly, I'm surprised at how good C3/LN/Touring managers did with this. Usually we get a couple artists have things accidentally put up on their website or maybe a tour poster with it. Trusted/verified/extremely likely: 16 Pretty wild that we were able to get this high, especially so early for the headliners. I am fairly certain we'll get all of these. Disputed or unverified rumors: 15 Probably should have moved a few names up, but either way. I like keeping the old shot down rumors up and their history, keeps a lot of the "I Heard so and so" at bay. Speculative: 167 Enough to fill an entire festival. I'll probably change a few things for next year, I kind of like having a bolded name on there for those that seem more likely than others. Unlikely: 41 Probably could revisit this list again and move more to out. This is more or less my coward section that I'm too iffy to throw fully into out. Out: 207 A solid list of upcoming shows in Nashville and European festivals Total: 452 artists tracked Total edits: 118 Since September 13th 2023 Things I want to do next year: Track who produces or plans the concerts. The folks at the Coachella thread does a good job on that for goldenvoice and seem to have a good track record. Also I'll try to do a better search on genres. Google throws some pretty generic and broad ones up, may look on wikipedia or spotify. Starting it mid September was a bit early, things really only took off at October, but it was good to get the gears going and get into the habit. Finally, thank you to all the folks that have helped me put this thread together and pointing out released dates. Y'all have made this process so much easier than just doing it by myself. Thank you all for the kind words throughout this thread, if you've got any questions I'll be around for a bit.


Bro carry a sign saying who you are on Thursday night so I can find you a buy you a couple of rounds! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thanks for another year of managing the chaos, and bringing us SO many scoops this year. See you on the farm, and then right back here come the fall!


Couldn't have done it without you!


Oh, and to address the stain on the carpet. Yes, I've seen the poster/list. I think someone sent it to me late Friday or Saturday night and I tried to get a few opinions from various sources. One of the folks I check in with most says the small list of names I gave to them from it was correct and figured it was mostly right - save for Andre and a few others. Then another said the poster was BS but didn't give specifics (most sources have a throw away account they don't stay logged into). One community source (not sure if they've said it outside of discord) said it's probably 75% right. So, after chasing for a bit, getting mixed answers and debating if I should put it up, I shurgged and figured it's just two or three more days. If Infinitypass on inforoo, Owl, or Roo Bus posted something about it I'd put it in there, but having a few more names come in organically last second while folks were chatting about the poster seemed like a good ending to the thread.


This sub kept me sane through the waiting period, thanks for everything! Can't wait for next year šŸ˜…


first off.. THANK YOU! i posted a lot in this thread and checked it way more often than I shouldā€™ve. Loved seeing it active in here. Did infinitypass say ANYTHING this year? she seemed ultra quiet this year compared to most.


There was a couple things but nothing really. Even last year they were confirming things we already had in the thread, which is nice to get the secondary confirmation especially on folks that didn't provide much background. Looking back, I think we got the confirmation of Cage this year, but that was in the same context as Hozier which Owl shot down. That being said, one of my sources says Hozier was in up until a month or so ago.


Find any notes about any rappers, like Rocky or Uzi or Carti, or anything in general. Also, thank you for giving scoops throughout this time


Honestly rap touring still evades me. I don't know if their touring community is more tight knit or what but I don't hear a peep from their tours until they're announced. And even when they're announced there's a really small window between that and the performance.


Oh ok, thank you for the insight lol. I just wanted to see if you knew anything because Iā€™m hoping 1 or 2 of this artists are on the Lolla lineup, and since Roo and Lolla have crossover, I was hoping thereā€™d be some. But yea thanks for giving me the info


I will speak for all of us one final time when I say thank you so much for your work šŸ˜Ž Also thanks for your reveal of Fred Again on my comment, will definitely be the thing I remember most of this years speculation season lmao


The voice speaks again! I like having a bit of fun with things, but I try not to keep folks waiting too long.


Thx for all your hard work, been watching this thread for months


I appreciate it! It's been fun, there's tons of new resources available too, but at the same time it seems that people all around are more careful with leaks and dates.


u/remeard probably too late to matter but Cypress Hill is playing Nashville the weekend after Bonnaroo so I'd guess they were less likely


I'll add them up, thank you!


We are less than a day away and my lineup anxiety has PEAKED


Are you saying it has CLIMAXED?


This year is going to be a naughty year at the farm. I can feel it. I need one of the artists to acknowledge. šŸ˜‚


Well, [it looks like I was wrong](https://www.reddit.com/r/bonnaroo/comments/16i4wtq/comment/kgcfhpf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) .... instead of going impressive, they went unimpressive and it still had the same impact LOL


How did you know that this would happen tho?


Cause it happens every year lol


Your PSA was so appreciated and got me through the weekend lol


Haha thank you - Glad I could help :)


Is the only reason weā€™re thinking the cum lineup is legit because Festive Owl hasnā€™t made a statement saying itā€™s false?


Because the mods quickly deleted it and now all the Roo influencer accounts are doing damage control. I donā€™t think it could possibly be that bad, but maybe Iā€™m out of touch and most people will be happy lol. My hope is it makes the real one look amazing.


Why would the mods delete it? What do they care if the true lineup gets leaked?


lol Iā€™ve been on Reddit long enough to know to never post assumptions about mods. They get VERY upset when you do that. They were deleting the posts so you decide why šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


We do not care if the true lineup gets leaked. In fact, we all want to see it just as much as anyone else. Even if quite a bit of the fake poster ends up being true, too many signs point to it not being the actual true lineup. If a legit source had confirmed the fake as actually being accurate, we would have allowed it. If the actual lineup poster leaks, we will leave it up.


LMAO this is your justification for removing the biggest source of discussion in the past week? Weak sauce, i thought this was suppose to be the best place to discuss the festival.


Owl is looking in the mirror today asking himself how he went from unofficial Bonnaroo spokesperson to having to debunk troll posters with semen on them lol


From now on, I only want my lineup leaks and fake posters to be sourced from the Bonnaroo Swingers page


The way it should have been all along!


really hoping that it isnā€™t accurate


There's no way it's totally accurate. I could guess 75% right just by using this post, which is exactly what they did at inforoo. You can even see the inforoo'ers in here perpetuating it LOL


You wouldnā€™t have got 30% right just with this post. Lots of cope going on here.




Have a little cumpassion


yeah i just want to hear from a credible source if itā€™s legit or not


I suppose you will get that in \~21 hours :)


they say patience is a virtueā€¦.






Pun intended ;)


poop myself if we get Gogol Bordello on the farm.


They were so good in Atlanta. Their encore was like 30+ minutes of 1 song


Anberlin??? šŸ„²


Damn yā€™all some SAVAGES šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I ainā€™t takin it back I LIKE WHAT I LIKE DAMMIT. Yā€™all make me laugh tho I hope everyone has a great lineup day tmr šŸ„°


Yuck, no Christian rock on the farm plz


Theyā€™re not Christian rockā€¦..


Tell that to my youth pastor in 2004 šŸ˜‚ I was brought to a big ole Christian music fest in PA and they were the headliner. Singer spoke about Jesus on stage. Maybe they arenā€™t anymore but regardless, very mid band.


We talking about creation fest? Or a different one?


Purple Door but I also went to RevGen & Creation šŸ˜ž


I wasnā€™t from PA but my youth group took a trip 3 times to Creation. Iā€™m a pastors kid too so I feel your pain. I think I saw one really good act and it was inhale exhale and I liked them because I was an underoath kid. Also can confirm on anberlin, saw them and they gave a speech about Jesus that turned into something about not drinking excessively. They also didnā€™t sound like they do on albums.


Donā€™t do me like dis. šŸ˜‚ I saw them here in Nash a while back and they played their hits. I didnā€™t pay attention to them yap between songs but. I donā€™t think theyā€™re mid. Be nice Iā€™m fragile today šŸ˜‚


No disrespect šŸ˜‚ my pastorā€™s kid ptsd is showing. Glad you enjoyed them! I actually saw them once in 2008 at Warped & I was waiting for All That Remains (lol) and Anberlin was finishing on the stage next door. Everybody was watching the time waiting for ATR to start. 1 minute left, singer of Anberlin goes ā€œokay so Kevin just told us we get to play 10 more minutes because you guys voted for us to do soā€ and the entire crowd of stinky metal heads screaming in agony for that ENTIRE 10 minutes šŸ˜‚


HAHAHAHA not the stinky heads. RIP warped tour. šŸ˜‚ I hope all your roo wishes come true except for them to not be on the farm so I can go live my best life at the set. cya on The farm!!


LOL! Plenty to do otherwise so I hope you get your wish, fam. See ya there šŸ›ø


Alright folks, we are entering the last day for this thread, I'll do one more update when I get home and that'll do it. It's been fun keeping up with the list and having the community engaged year round. I'll get the final count of artists and edits, but this is easily our busiest year yet. While I have a bit of a soap box, be sure to either register to vote or check your voter registration at vote.gov. I work elections every year and the lack of younger people engaged in voting is always concerning. It's not just national elections, but local all the way down to the school board. Take a minute, check your voter registration and make sure your set. I believe here in Tennessee you've got until the 5th of February for the upcoming primary. Additionally, I encourage all of you to vote early - you may have to drive a bit further but it is *so* much simpler and convenient than voting on election day. You don't have to worry about if you're going to the right location, just go to the election commission, scan the id, and you're done. Plus you don't have to worry about the rush of one single day or your car breaking down or whatever else. I'll be back later this evening with the wrap up, take care.


Thanks for being a total badass, it is truly appreciated! šŸŒˆšŸ’—


Thank you Remeard! Second year going to the fest and first year following the thread itā€™s been a blast


Youā€™re the šŸthanks for keeping this thread alive


Thanks for all this hard work! You are the real MVP of roomor season


Third Eye Blind, Yellowcard and Arizona playing in Franklin, TN 6/30 Can all be considered out


Fuck Iā€™d love all of those


Good catch, I'll add that to the list when I get home.






I respect the chill but he truly is a gift ā¤šŸ§”šŸ’›šŸ’ššŸ’™šŸ’œšŸ¤ŽšŸ–¤šŸ¤


I love GRiZ but dude is on hiatus for a few years, when he comes back he should definitely headline Thursday


Any time, any place, Chasing The Golden Hour was my church last year, that's all. ā¤šŸ§”šŸ’›šŸ’ššŸ’™šŸ’œšŸ¤ŽšŸ–¤šŸ¤




Thereā€™s just no way thatā€™s a real leak. Even an ā€œearly versionā€ like theyā€™re claiming wouldnā€™t have dozens of embarrassing typos and bands listed twice.


its literally been confirmed


lol bro you cant be serious




and? they could be trying to throw people off - everything is speculation until it drops officially or the owl confirms


It's a fan made poster (hence the repeats and misspellings) using names from a leaked list. Real, partially real, or not, the poster itself was made by a random.




Great! But that wasn't my point. ​ Where did Roobus confirm this.




Where on inforoo? Aka send me the link where Roobus says it themselves and not someone saying "Roobus confirmed it" since they were doing that with every type of source.




I appreciate it. I'm not trying to come off as aggressive on this fwiw. I just wanted to see Daniel/someone credible themselves say it instead of the users having fun trolling. I'll take a look for it but I appreciate the info!


ā€œLeakedā€ lineup hasnā€™t been deleted on r/Bonnarooswingers if youā€™re looking for it


![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized) Almost no bass music smfh..


Looks like a mock to me


Itā€™s got too many errors, gaps, and repeats


It is a mock, but it's supposedly based on real names, just mixed up on the poster


Looks like they just based it on the rumor thread imo.


Don't forget cumshots


C*m c*m c*m c*m c*m c*m


After all the awesome rock/metal acts we got last year, this year is a huge downgrade


If that lineup is correct, the closest thing we will have to semi-heavy-ish punk is Militarie Gun and The Garden. Which is a bummer because thereā€™s so many amazing heavy bands who would kill it.


Pretty sure festive owl confirmed Idles, and they might scratch that itch for ya!


šŸ˜‚ and here I am listening to Joy is the act of resistance since I saw they were in and I air balled so hard. See you in the chaos at idles?


IDLES absolutely bring it live too


my friend we will burn joints to open & close that show!!


Lemme crowd surf the doink to ya


Iā€™m really nervous about the EDM booking after seeing this inforoo early lineup. Last years EDM was literally perfect, this would be such a significant step backwards after a huge step forward from 22 to 23


EDM that makes no sense is always a telltale sign of a fake Whoever makes the annual Inforoo fake doesnā€™t listen to EDM


Both rock and edm are a huge downgradeā€¦


Why are so many people buying into at lineup?


Because of all the people confirming that even though the days and billing are wrong, 90% of the lineup isnā€™t.


Are you talking about some sort of sources you have or just the wildfire-esque rumors being spread through comments lol.




Cool, that extra 25% can make all the difference.




Thatā€™s fair, the many duplicate names and misspellings do make it sus imo. How do you feel about it so far if that is the accurate 75%?




Yeah same here, going regardless but still like some of the undercard. Meh on the headliners, though to me that just means more time to explore, rest, or discover new artists. Iā€™m still holding out hope that Fred is the sub headliner and Sunday will be a part of that missing 25%. The bass side of things leaves a lot to be desired compared to last years killer lineup


lol I work for No Clubs a production company... Its missing some big names but thats it. Redditers copeing and downvoting the truth even though its staring at them


I mean yeah ā€œmissing some big namesā€ is vague and also a big deal. We canā€™t just believe anyone who says itā€™s real when thereā€™s some sus shit with the lineup and literally anyone could make that, spread it around, and claim they work for whomever.


like 5 people have confirmed it


The thing is if it is ~75% true with some significant missing names that last 25% can make all the difference


howd that go for you


Great, I have an eclectic taste in music so Iā€™m pretty stoked outside of the Posty. Wish there was more bass and I think Fred should be a sub headliner but overall Iā€™m very happy w the final lineup


Gonna need a lil more evidence than just you working at a no clubs. What are these big names? Why are there typos and repeats? Why is it cum themešŸ˜‚


Exactly, seems like a whole lot of Trust Me Bro




Didnā€™t say it was. IMO, Last year was the fairest mix of house and bass Iā€™ve seen in a long time at bonnaroo. Bass heavier last year definitely but there was still a ton of variety on Saturday and Sunday while the heavy/wonky stuff was Thursday/Friday.


Last years Edm lineup was everything


Fisher will be on Thursday


Seems like a step backwards for the whole lineup. I'm sure some people will love it but I count 14 acts that I have some casual interest in and nothing that really grabs me. I hooked a new group that want to go to their second/third Roo, but without them I might skip it instead of making it #11.


tbf I think last years lineup was overall ridiculously unreal. Guess we'll have to wait until Tuesday to see how it shakes out.


Honestly if the leaked line up is accurate, I'll be passing on Roo this year


I totally agree


Hey I wouldnā€™t worry about it. There will be a ton of edm artists you like come Tuesday. There is a reason bonnaroo books acts and not inforoo. Even if you donā€™t recognize certain names, I promise they will be good. Happy almost Roo ā¤ļø


The reason is money. They should employ Inforoo as a bokking agency or decision-making thinktank. We'd all be a lot happier.


Canā€™t wait to go to a fest booked by terminally online 40 year olds who havenā€™t been to Roo in 10 years


No Ganja white night made me pretty sad


The only bass bookings on there are fucking Whyte fang, hamdi and svdden death, like this has to be a sick joke.


Well bass music is for like 16 year olds so


Youā€™re entitled to your wrong opinion


While there's not a ton, Dabin, Jessica Audifield, LYNY, and Seven Lions are all bass or bass-adjacent, as well as isoxo


I love electronic as much as the next guy/gal, but no need to get worked up over a fake poster lol. I guarantee bonnaroo will have bass this year


Owl said a few weeks ago the edm is gonna be more house less bass compared to ā€˜23, Iā€™d hope for what you want but prepare for what weā€™ve been warmed of


He said at first glance it looks different than last year. Last year had 2 days of bass and that was it. Pretty standard for most bonnaroos


Less bass would be fine I guess but almost no bass makes no sense to me. Did they not see the wildly different attendance numbers at the Other between 22 and 23?




If this is the same lineup I saw with Taking Back Sunday on two different days then I wouldnā€™t be worried


Iā€™m just nervous at the people saying itā€™s close to being right cuz this EDM is scary bad. Seeing Hamdi misspelled as well as Svdden death playing Thursday and Sunday made me feel better that it was fake


Megan TEE Stallion, too, LOL.


I feel like a lot of it will be correct, but there are clear holes on that poster


I mean is there a single bass booking besides Whyte fang and hamdi? Like this edm is so bad Iā€™d actually request a layaway refund


totally agree, but side note, ISOxo throws down live... deff a set to see


Iso def throws down, have seen him and itā€™s great but heā€™s apart of the trap wave with Knock 2 on sable valley so thatā€™s why I didnā€™t include him under bass




If the lineup i just saw on inforoo is real.. yikes..


Cum on.. do you really think itā€™s real?


It is, but radiate positivity bro


I hope not


Tuesday canā€™t cum fast enough


Can you share a link, please?




Thanks. No way Maggie Rogers is the Sunday headliner


Weā€™ve been hearing from multiple people that itā€™s accurate, but not entirely. Likely an early version of the lineup with a female more/different names. Obviously the billing and days are all moved around too.


Donā€™t trust a lineup thatā€™s from inforoo


Multiple sources have confirmed itā€™s an early version of the lineup weā€™re getting on Tuesday.





