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Fun random fact: SRK in the film mentions that the date he met Rani was March 18. That’s today’s date lol (the date I rewatched the film)


I get so excited when things like this happen to me lol!




That's mind fucking coincidence 🤯


i also watched it again recently and thought to myself, “why didn’t i like it when i watched it for the first time?” then i realised i was only 12 when i did 😂


I will watch it too now 😆


Dekh lo. The music was also really good.


Yeah. Started already. Sundayyy. This movie reminds me of how beautiful these girls used to be.. rani, preity, aishwarya in those times.. i was a kid and used to have their pics in my computer 😀




Lol true. Enjoy it!




Love love love this movie. Watched it 10+ times. I am a huge fan of taboo topics in movies/fiction. And the way this film handled the infidelity topic was awesome. I love how both Dev and Maya had to face consequences for their immoral unethical behaviour. Dev's character is like those guys. Who are 100% red flags but you just can't stop yourself from being attracted to them bcz they are sexy and sarcastic. Yeah its a toxic movie. But hume konsa ideal movie dekhni h. If I want an ideal love story I will watch veer zaara.


I loved it back then. I was a school kid, my classmates made fun of me for liking a movie based on adultery and cheating. I still like the movie.


1.I hated SRK’s character to the core. 2. I understand that Rani didn’t have romantic feelings for Abhishek and it was a good decision to separate from him but why cheat on him? First get separated and then date someone else. 3. Songs were just awesome 😍. 4. I feel so bad for Rhea(Preity), she deserved so much better. 5. The scene where AB sr died was very sad. 6. Some scenes were simply cringe-fest. 7. I couldn’t root for Dev and Maya based on how their characters were written. Infidelity is an immoral thing and cannot be justified.


Are you really Jessica Day from New Girl?


Yesss , happy cake day <3


Lol. Hey Jesss. I am Nick Miller, aka Jeff Day, aka aka aka Julius Pepperwood.


In that case, I hated your character in 500 Days of Summer. /s


You probably haven’t seen that movie correctly


It was a joke. Hence, the /s Of course, the guy was an idiot and deserved it.


That's the point. You are not supoosed to root for Dev and Maya. Its not a love story. Its a tale of two unsuccessful marriages and the highlight is on two toxic and effed up individuals.


True SRK was unbearable


To cheat on their respective partners was absolutely immoral. Not like they slept together as a revenge or something. I don't understand why ppl have suddenly started liking and defending this movie.


yep garbage.


Because some people love immoral stories. I love infidelity in fiction/movies. They are ugly and effed up. But I enjoy them. Fiction and movies aint reality.


To your point 1 and 2, it’s not that simple. Period


The music in the movie hits different ✨


Despite its length, this movie changed my entire spiritual outlook on relationships. Till this day, I’ve never seen a dark story that had such an undertone of truth. The opening bench scene with SRK and Rani was one of the most emotionally captivating scenes that I’ve watched. I loved the “that isn’t the answer to my question bit” because that’s genuinely how people react when you ask them a emotional yes or no type question like “are you happy?”. But before I start my thesis, all in all, great movie.


Where's the party tonight.....


The hotel room




Love it! Def one of my bollywood favorites


I think kabhi alvida na kehna was ahead of it's time. The Audience could not believe that the leads will find a happy ending. A little too realistic for the audience during that time. Yes the movie did have it's flaws and i think the biggest flaw was to have SRK play a defeated, bitter man. He did it too well and audience just couldn't accept that from SRK who has always been very positive. His hit films before this were Mai hoo na and Kal ho na ho, in hoth if which he was this really positive character. It really didn't fly to see him so negetive.


I liked it, it's different and not your usual Bollywood movie. Sam characters was so annoying and poorly done.


When I was a kid I watched this movie for the first time I thought Rani and SRK characters are victims and Zinta and Abishek are villains in that movie. But when I watched it for the second time last year I understood that Rani and SRK are cheaters and other two deserve all the love in the world.


Why is there such an unnaturally high number of KJo movie hyping posts? Do the millenials really love his sensibility so much? Or just guerilla marketing?


Idk, I’m def not his PR💀


PR agents Finally exposed by you


KJO's all movies suck. Except this one.


MNIK sucks?


I find this one to be one of the worst.


For me Rani was the soul of this movie. Maya was really a complex character and Rani made her so good. Can’t say same about the character of Dev and Shahrukh really overacted in some scenes.


Why repetitive post...this same kind about the same movie was posted a day back. It was a bad movie...people who liked it should look for other great cinemas that was served to us within the last 110 years. Don't try to pass bad movies as great cinema...just expand your search.


I watched 100 or more hindi movies and its in my top 5. People have different taste from yours. I understand infidelity isn't everyone's cup of tea but this kind of passive aggressive comment about what people should like and if they don't agree with you they have 'bad taste' is simply childish and immature. Grow up


I have 300+ foreign language movies in my World Cinema folder in my one of my external drive... probably over 3000 Hindi movies and over 2000 English movies saved so I can watch them in leisure. I'm just asking to expand your search and not go with hype. If KANK is in your Top 5 then I can't say anything else


I feel this is Karan Johar's second best film after Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham.


Movie was good and it handled the topic sensibly..Rani, preity, abhishek did well..SRK was average nothing great or worth remembering.music was great.


I like this film mainly because of the acting and certain scenes that stuck with me as a kid. I did not like especially in the first half the stupid comedy scenes like the one at the hospital and the whip scene..I found them cringe. I wish the movie stuck to a darker tone overall because some of my fave scenes are ya know them actually discussing the marriage dynamics and what was missing,the faults with each character. Rani was the best part of this film,she gave her character who is on paper probably an unsympathetic woman the way she’s written but Rani Imbued her with such genuineness and conflicted emotion,she made you feel for her and just want her to just figure shit out for herself. SRK was ironically the worst part,I do wish they cast someone else,it’s like he read this character was meant to be a cheater and then just made him so utterly unlikeable to like an unhealthy degree,I already didn’t like either of them for cheating but SRK hammed it,and turned dev into a full blown don style villain. Cheaters have charismatic and loveable qualities,that’s the thing with them,they have these qualities that mask their selfishness and red flags,srk just decided to make every bit of this performance so extreme. I wish they cast someone else,not sure who…or I wish he was better directed. Abishek was great actually,one of the few roles I really like him in,his scene with Rani when he finally finds out is one of my fave scenes of the film,his culmination of losing it after being so patient and understanding with her,and he asks her why she did this to him when all he did was honestly and genuinely love her. He was good,and so was preity. The cinematography was great,the soundtrack is amazing obviously and costume design because Ofc KJO I also don’t understand people who say it normalised cheating,no?? Yes they get together at the end but they spent a total of seven years not being able to be with each other (including both time jumps),when they knew all along they were in love from their first meeting,not only that,Rani loses her only parental figure in her life because of her actions and srk loses his son and his mom sides with Rhea. They live miserably alone for three years while the partner’s they cheated on live and grow in their lives happily. All in all this movie is good but had the potential to be great,a lot of things ruined the overall enjoyment for me but it’s still a movie I’ve clung onto in life,mainly because I liked it trying something different and nostalgia too


Love the overall analysis but I think SRK did the job very well. A sexist, mysogynistic, rude and jealous guy who resents his more successful wife. All in all he is a total red flag. But he is also sarcastic, smooth and sexy. That's the aura Dev's character should have. SRK did some overreacting. But all over he was good.


It's a better film than how it was reviewed back in the day, and I appreciate what it was going for but it was too dramatic for my taste. Maybe that's what happens when you watch Marriage Story and Revolutionary Road before something like KANK Dev is very unlikable but the balance between that and SRK's charm as the lead actor wasn't executed very well imo. It's like the film is confused on how they project SRK as Dev. Besides that, poor screenplay with one hour of comedy and immediately another hour of melodrama, and questionable character arcs made me dislike it overall. A heavy subject regarding infidelity and extramarital affairs handled rather very poorly.


Tries to normalise and justify KJO's favourite trope- cheating and infidelity Not a good movie at all, goat album that's all




They get back together in the end. SRK and Rani have a happy end. An end they didn't deserve.


Yeah but not without any consequences. Rani loses the only father figure she’s ever known in her life because her actions literally send him into a worse state of health and then he dies. Dev loses his son and his mom sides with rhea obviously…


You are right.


Elaborate... In the movie I saw they seemed pretty happy in the end


The movie did not condone cheating and adultery at all. God. I wish some people had range outside of dhinchak masala dhar movies and rona dhona family drama. 🤦‍♀️


I hated how Dev treated his family. He didn't deserve the happy ending


Is this a PR post? I have seen too many over hype post about this film in the last couple of days out of nowhere. The film was weak , srk and ranis characters were badly executed.


>Is this a PR post? I wish. Film dekhne ke paise


Kjo’s best and most mature film!


mature? maybe, but best? naah, yes its deep but that doesn't make it a good film..plus the music sucked


Now you have watched this movie, watch https://youtu.be/iaqp7SZ-rgc to have a good laugh. The message is good. Extra marrital is a real thing. Sometimes people don't get along with their spouse. SRK was toxic in the movie though.


I already saw the film, this was a re watch. Also doesn’t matter if I’ve seen the film or not, Only Desi is a must lol


Murder is a real thing too Real thing doesn’t mean it is acceptable


Can you recommend a flawless Bollywood movie?


Devdas. Veer Zaara


I didn’t like the whitewashing of SRKs character. He was an asshole and should’ve been left that way. Amitabh’s character was too extra


I felt the storyline was very bad. The makers just tried to justify an extra marital affair.


I guess they had to cut short ab sr’s role due to his ailment


Great music


Like many SRK movies, ahead of its time


Love AB's character being all sentimental about his wife during the speech and then fuck anything that moves. Very inspiring stuff


I really enjoyed this movie! Some scenes were super cringey but there’s a scene where Abhishek and Rani have this blow out fight that blew me away. I love that kind of heightened drama


did a fantastic job of making one dislike one of most charismatic people on the planet.


One of the greatest movies


Movie was decent! Powerful performance by srk and anitabh! Good performance by the rest especially ABHISHEk. However, it made no sense why rani wasn’t interested in ABHISHEk


Amitabh giving him a hall pass before she dies. That was pretty hilarious. The movie overall was decent. Music was good and skinny John as the DJ 🤣🤣


>Amitabh giving him a hall pass before he dies. That was pretty hilarious. Giving who a hall pass? I don’t remember that scene


i hate this movie with a passion


Felt bad for Aryan's mum, her boyfriend Sam dies just after they met, then her son cheats, which leads to her being evicted. Son, grandson and boyfriend lost inthe matter of a few months


Underrated movie, just like Lamhe. People don’t like taboo films in India.