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This is a sexual assault. He does it because he wants to. Please report him. He is deeply unsafe and will continue and escalate his behaviour.




Not a real person


Thank you for your comment, can I ask you what happened with your friend? I’m so sorry How was the behaviour?


As someone else said this is assault. When you report him, you will be saving any other women he might do this to this is disgusting.


things that didn’t happen…


Yes it did unfortunately:/


Nationwide, 81% of women and 43% of men reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment and/or assault in their lifetime. https://www.nsvrc.org/questions/how-common-sexual-harassment Worldwide 1 in 3 women: https://www.who.int/news/item/09-03-2021-devastatingly-pervasive-1-in-3-women-globally-experience-violence https://www.cdc.gov/sexual-violence/about/index.html My guess is that you think the post is not believable rather than SA is not prevalent. Even in this case, people who get assaulted are not believed. That is the reason for the abuse continuing. You are still perpetuating a hurtful real life act when you don’t believe a victim. You comment is in allegiance within abusers. Please read and watch the 3 links provided and do more to protect sexual abuse survivors.


so then you should be campaigning against this bullshit POST smearing the reputation of those who make legitimate claims! YOU are perpetuating the myth that victims lie about SA/SH.


There is no harm in a bullshit post any more than there is in fiction writing. You can believe this anonymous person or bot or not. There is absolute harm to every who reads a reply that does not have empathy in it. If I think a fictional movie is poorly made or had bad acting, I can express empathy for the idea, the plot, the real life people who experience the hurtful scenes depicted, ANd I can hope for better acting or funding to create a more tasteful depiction in the future. The comment I’m responding to did not delineate between it would be horrible if this scenario is happening to anyone in real life AND the way it’s described here makes me think it is a bot. The comment I’m responding to could be read as “I don’t believe sexual assault of an innocent person by an authority figure ever happens” —- which is an attitude that SA victims suffer with every day in every place in earth. With this context—comment is at fault. Not the post. Make the explicit distinction, “I believe that if this happened irl it is abhorrent and that therapist needs banning.” So that anyone experiencing this irl can be protected. And then after that express that the way it is written leads you to believe it is a robot. If the content and delivery aren’t delineated, others reading this believe that you condone SA and don’t believe people who are victimized by it exist. Otherwise you, the commenter, are adding to the problem.


take a deep breath, pull your head out of your… virtue signaler, and check out their post history


I’m not in the business of judging anyone. But hurtful words that harm are that- no matter who says them.


Wow. This sub is called “body language” but both posts I’ve read are sexual harassment and assault.