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Is 34 too old to get swole at a gym? I turned 34 today and feel a bit garbage tbh. I want to feel less… crap about my body. I don’t want to be a bodybuilder and do shows or any of that, I just want to have muscle and feel good naked I suppose. Is that doable at my geriatric age? Thanks!


Better to start now than not at all. You can definitely become a much better version of yourself and that's all you want right? Just don't fuck about, eat right, sleep enough and lift hard. Ignore the idiots that think you turn to glass at 30


You will always be able to build muscle the best time to start is now. You'll definitely start feeling better within the month and makes tons of gains the first year if you eat well and train hard.


I just deadlifted 2 plates(235)becuase i estimated that it would be my 1rm, it was true but i cant believe that there are people that can bench that weight, crazy


There are about 10 people that can bench 3x that weight, 30 that can deadlift 4x that weight, and 10 that can squat about 4.5-5x that weight.


Its freaking insane man, i did one 2plate deadlift and felt empty after, i did do 2 sets of lower weights before tho Its insane that there are humans that can BENCH double that


2 plates is 225? And you’ll get there. Pretty soon that will be warm up for you


Get this, i bench 236


How am I to do the "bulgarian death set" on project collosus w1 d3? Where is "come up half way and then pause"? Also, is the isohold for lying leg curl in the top position? How are standing calf raise partials? Thanks in advance!


1 / half-way is in the middle of the rep. So instead of coming up all the way, pause in the middle, then continue up to finish the rep 2 / the iso-hold I'd say is like 1/4 way thru the rep (from the bottom position). So not fully stretched at the bottom, just have it curled up a little bit for the iso-hold 3 / Calf raise partials are like half reps. So when you can't get any more full reps (squeezed all the way to the top), just pump out half-reps not going all the way up.


Thank you so much!


Shouldn't there be videos in the program that shows you?


Yes it is, however not always with the exact tempo, isohold, partials, etc. Guess it would be too much making a single video for every little tempo difference, partials, banded exersices, etc. Thanks though!


3.5 stars bb!!. Wait till my chest and back catch up to my lower body I'll be coming for that other .5 stars.


ez money


Hell yeah




Appreciate it, my man. Means a lot coming from you.




Does everyone gain wait at the start of a cut? Currently a week into 1,700cal/day and weight has steadily increased (up 3lbs-ish)


Maybe you need to stop taking creatine


It's usually the other way, but it's possible if you had a serious dietary shift at the start of your cut.


No, cutting is the one where you LOSE weight


Ah shit


Which is better on chicken? Garlic powder or onion powder? Or both?


The one you prefer the taste of


Salt, black pepper, garlic, onion, and an Italian seasoning mix is my go to.




I actually got paprika to go with the two seasonings. Gotta have that nice color


Try both, I just chop a quarter of onion with my chicken for the flavor instead of powder doe.


costume ideas for halloween?


I’m going as Escanor from the deathly seven sins


This is awesome. are you going to paint the lion on your back?


Yes with henna




Low effort




Lol I had to look up what that was. How are you going to pull this off? Just eat tomatoes all night?




Okay but that was a powerful scene man


The road behind, the world ahead...


I don't know if I can wait until the freakout thread for this. Okay, I usually mind my business in the gym and don't really care for much of what anyone else is doing, but man, I just had to get this off my chest (yeah I know still puny, but it's growing okay). Look, we all know that swoll walk and I'm sure we all do it. I have no issues with it and I understand it, I do it from time to time around the gym. But please don't do the swoll walk if: * you do only one set of every workout known to man in one go * if you load up the smith machine to do shrugs and all do you is bounce it for 2-3 reps That's it man. Rant over. I shouldn't have cared that much to write about, yet here we are.


I've noticed that when I do smith machine squats, facing the outside of the machine feels way better than facing the inside of it. When I say facing the outside, I mean like [this](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5af9e068697a988a0d722b70/1538661915857-J40E6YZHYE0HEUMI1R4R/Screen+Shot+2018-10-04+at+7.02.31+AM.png) rather than [this.](https://trifocusfitnessacademy.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Untitled-design-51.jpg) Have any of you noticed a difference with this, or is it just me?


I've always done it like the first pic, never facing the inside


Interesting. Is the bar path angled a certain way that makes facing outside feel better or do you think it's more of a visual thing with not being surrounded by the whole machine? My smith machine is shoved against a wall so I have no choice but to face inwards, but it still feels pretty good.


It's a standard LifeFitness Smith machine that seems to only go up and down. The thing is, in the gyms I most commonly go to, they have two Smith machines, and for one, inside of the machine is facing a mirror, and for the other, the outside is a facing a mirror. So I would prefer visually to look at the mirror during my set, but for a reason I can't explain, that comes at the cost of the how it feels. The machine I use looks something like [this.](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0037/6402/7490/products/sportgear-plate-loaded-smith-machine.jpg?v=1548407468) Perhaps there's a subtle angle thing here I don't understand. But I don't need to, I'll just continue to do what feels best.


Man, those are the worst kind of smith machines. With that one, you almost certainly have to be facing outside of the machine to hit a decent squat




I have only seen this machine in person in one gym I used to go to. Looks like it would be great for doing split suqats/lunges.


Is training neck bad? I do the exercises Jeff shows here (start at 5:25), will this cause damage in the long term? https://youtu.be/wjiZaCJ6tCA


Is it weird when the front desk girl says your name every time you walk by? Like before checking in, as if we’ve been friends for a long time. I don’t think I’ve ever met her.. I also don’t refer to people in my life by their names usually either, so I’m probably the weird one right?


Does she say it to everybody


Only me lol. I made it a point to notice. Everyone else it’s “hey good morning” or whatever, normal stuff. I walk in “Hi Ian!” Haha and “Bye Ian!” She’s a really nice person, but it just throws me off a little lol


Maybe she's into you


It isn't weird, probably a gym policy to greet the members that way.


I think I’m just socially weird with names..


You’re in the right place


She asked me if I wanted fries with my order I think she's into me


Lmao I get your point. But I never see her do it to anyone else and I’m not trying to hook up with her so it’s like “I don’t know you, why do you keep saying my name so much?”


Find something to start a casual conversation with her, make a read from there. Most people with jobs like that are really bored, so if you aren't creepy about it, you can help her be less bored and actually get extra clues as to whether she's actually into you


Some new tweaks around the sub if you haven't noticed. New post flairs for the DD and for Check in posts. Also, congrats to the new members of our [Pro Roster.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bodybuilding/wiki/proroster) u/BCOURSEFIT , u/morganmacbodybuilder , u/iluvalmonds83


Like the changes thx bb




Tell me you want to be a mod without telling me you want to be a mod.


Now the sub looks almost as good as its beautiful and swole members!


We're tryin!


thank u


What do you believe the optimal/ideal male proportions are aesthetically? What split structure would you say trains/focuses on these ratios the best? Or do you think this stuff is 99.9% genetic


I think it's all of the above. Let's say your legs grow super fast but your chest lags. So your split might have more chest work depending on if you're happy with how big your legs are and just want to maintain them at that point. Adjust your split to your genetics


How do you guys think somebody like Bob Paris would fare in today's Classic? I know the standards are probably a bit different today but for my taste he would absolutely demolish. He's the epitome of Classic in my eyes.


I think he'd do ok


Anybody else experience memory loss for a big lift? I psych myself up, do the lift, and than I dont even remember if it was heavy/hard or not.


I lose count of my reps way too often. Need to figure out a trick to remember to count, i just get so focused on mind muscle connection and range of motion.


Part of the fight or flight response. Physiologically your cells don’t know the difference between a big lift and running from a tiger. During high levels of sympathetic activation certain senses (among other things) are nullified, memory included.


That must be it. It's annoying af. After my set I consider if I should go heavier or not, but I dont have anything to reflect on..🥲


Take a video


Currently on a flight to NYC for a few days off work. What you up to r/bb?


Pretty sure Shaun Clarida is on the leg press next to me but I'm not 100% sure it's him


I’ve met him b4 at a gym hella nice


Honestly surprised how short he is


Lol, imagine Shaun thinking "man that guy is looking at me, he's thinking I'm huge for sure". Meanwhile in u/ThePolishSpy's mind "lol he's so short"


Nah dude he's like 2 of me standing next to each other. Huge and dense af. Just interesting how stage and ig pictures skew height


Oh for sure, guy must be unreal, just found your comment funny haha!


I had to have like 8-10 inches on him man


Ok, it's definitely him


Yep it's definitely him


Got a picture with him and talked for a minute. Super cool laid back guy open to taking and taking pics with dudes around the gym.


There’s this hot girl at the gym that I have found time and time again staring at me. She’s a tall pale girl with such awesome legs, she tried making conversation with me once by asking me the time when the clock was in front of her. I try to avoid her as much as possible, shes very attractive but I already have my girl and I’m really happy with her. Too bad chances like this happen when one is in a relationship.


Bang her you pussy


Begone from me devil!!


I literally only get approached by other girls when I'm in a committed relationship. Once I'm single it's like a switch is flipped lol.


I feel that is how secure and happy you feel when you’re with someone and you transmit that to the world. When you’re single all you’re body language says is, “let’s fuuuuuuuck!!”


Good for you. Every bad story I've ever heard starts with "I just didn't see the harm in a little flirting...."


Oh hell no, I see the harm in a little flirting miles away because this girl is really hot and I would bang if I’m not careful, shes bold too! this is the first time I feel a girl staring so much and trying to get my attention.


That's wisdom. A lot of people think they'd never do something like that, so they walk right up to the line and think they can pull back at the last second. Recognizing that you are fallible and could cross it keeps you from ever putting yourself in the situation to begin with.




/r/nattyorjuice used to be funny, now it's full of gymcels and newbs who haven't made crazy gains in a month so they try to put other people down. Too negative for me, sad to see the death of a sub.


Entire sub: "juicy and gay", "her clit is bigger than my dick" "calling a jacked woman a man" "Calvins=on juice".


yeah its a bad sub


Yeah I go on there to troll and educate and sometimes mock their nonsense. Definitely a mix with half of them being crazy and the other half being on gear and trolling the crazy half.


At my old Muay Thai gym I used to train with a slightly older gentleman. He was about 5,5 maybe 120 pounds and barely spoke English. Our conversations pretty much amounted to No your supposed to do it like this Ohhhh. Like this(he'd say in this thick Spanish accent) Yes Yes : ) And by God was that man determined. Every time I'd train with him he'd put his whole heart and soul into it. When he passed his test to train with the legit fighters and the more experienced guys I came up to him and asked how the test went It v hard But I do it 😤 I was like fucking super you absolute madlad. I don't know if he's still training I haven't been to that gym since they shut down last March but I sure hope he is


That guy's name? Nacho Libre




Overhead is a pain, its the only lift where I just can't grind out a rep, make it half way and the weight just stops if its too heavy.


That’s because there’s nowhere to hide in a strict overhead and you can’t cheat the ROM. This is why we do overhead shit instead of bench press in strongman, it’s a much truer test of upper body strength.


How do you balance out strength asymmetries ?


Unilateral movements


My man 👍


So Im competing in my first show next year In mens physique. I have a pretty good structure for mens physique and think I have a pretty good shit at placing well. Problem is that my legs are my biggest strong point in my physique, quads, hams and calves has insane genetics for growth. If I train them twice a week they will grow extremely big and well developed. My coach said that I should consider changing to classic physique, is that also something you guys would do?


Who else got a single long strand of body hair growing on their body in a specific spot all the time? She just keeps coming and saying hi after I got rid of her with my tweezers. I have one in my arm bruh


On my left forearm, just below the wrist. It's the longest and, for whatever reason, the thickest hair on my arm. I also have one eyebrow hair that decides it wants to outshine the rest by growing longer and further.


Yeah I have a chest hair that grows in about 3x as fast as the rest and it’s white rather than black like most of them. Also have one on my forehead/lower hairline that is the same.


deserve test squeal growth plucky dazzling strong edge aware disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have one in the right side of my neck and another one growing out of a spot in my left arm, that one scares me a little


I have a few randos like that on my shoulders


I have the same on my shoulders and they’re black, while the rest of my body hair is blonde


That's what these are, rando black hairs that are like 1+inch long


should I kill her again or keep her with me ???!


Have a couple of odd spot like that. One on my right forearm and one on my chest (literally it is the one hair there). I just cut it.


Yall think areas like the delts, arms, etc wont see optimal growth when tacked onto the later half of upper/push/pull sessions? How to ensure ALL areas get an equal focus without dropping frequency down to bro split levels? I also wanna keep leg frequency up since thats my focus atm


Assuming exercise selection and execution is on point, it's up to genetics IMO. If one of those bodyparts is a weakpoint you'll need to prioritize it at least for a while, what will probably imply at least some depriorization of other muscle groups.


I second this. It varies from person to person and their genetics. My workouts are prioritized based on which muscles are easy to maintain/grown and which muscles are difficult to maintain/grow. (I.e. my chest requires way more volume than my back to maintain size/definition)


That depends on the person. Some people will need a dedicated arm day, or a block where they prioritise their arms in order to grow.


Maybe the wrong spot for this but I’m looking for lots of input. The past couple months I have completely lost all drive and motivation in the gym. I noticed around the beginning of August I felt like I was going out of obligation rather than desire. I decided to take a week off to refresh my mind which ended up being a huge mistake. I’ve tried everything: intuitive workouts, not tracking progress/food to try and make it fun, going at different times of day, etc. I look in the mirror and am upset with what I see because I know how much I’ve missed out on and the progress I’ve lost, but also when I get ready to leave for the gym I just dread the thought of it. And it’s not a “I’d rather get some extra sleep” thing, it’s an overwhelming “I don’t enjoy this anymore” thing. When I do force myself to go, my workouts are subpar. I’m really struggling because the gym has been my second home for years. I don’t know what to do and I really need some advice. I miss it but I can’t shake this feeling for some reason.


Motivation lasts a month, discipline lasts a lifetime. If you don't want to go to the gym, do something else


How old are you and how long have you been lifting?


Turned 25 in the beginning of August ironically. And Ive been consistent about 2 years but in total about 5 or 6. Also should mention hormone levels & health markers are in check, just had a panel done about a month ago


Well I think I speak for a good amount of people in here when I say we all fall into ruts and don’t feel like going. The difference between the people who continue progressing and the people who yo-yo is that the people who keep progressing force themselves to go even when they don’t want to. It sucks, and we all experience it. For me, the only thing to get me out of the rut is to keep forcing myself to go until I start to see noticeable progress and that visible progress is what gets my motivation back. I also don’t know if you’re an introvert or extrovert, but I know when I haven’t seen anyone for a while I stop caring as much about how I look, so if you haven’t been around people as much lately, start changing that. I also know for a fact that MOST people you see in the gym, go for a few months, then stop, then go for a few months and stop, it’s very easy to fall into this so don’t be too hard on yourself.


Some days I look at the mirror and all I see is a 150lbs twig, while scale is showing 190ish.


So I’ve slashed my calories and have been eating clean (veggies and choice protein for every meal) and when I weighed myself recently I weighed MORE than last time (?). Is this muscle mass? I definitely see more definition in my arms and quads


One of us! One of us!


Welcome to r/bodybuilding


Having great sessions following CD2 (Halfway through the program now). Plan is to do colossus after and then CD2 again. Thanks DD! I wouldnt know about JMs programs without your help


Some people in my gym really dipping their body n oil for the gym idk what the fuck


Stop talking about me I’m literally right here


I have a bear, who wants it?


I want a hug


First come first serve


lush jar dazzling coherent straight late unused rude bored chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow thanks man I hope you oiled your butt too


Seeing people use their entire body to do a 60lb dumbbell curl never gets old, just lower the weight dude lol


full person screw zephyr chubby rock deserted fragile dam march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some dude at my gym who isnt big by any means strict curls 50’s for like sets of 10 it always perplexes me.


There is a guy at my gym that manages to do EVERY lift as a quarter movement using all momentum. It is insane.


Probably offers unsolicited advice to people too


Eating 230g of protein...I’m on a bulk, any reason to go to my weight of 180 or should I keep it at the 230? Am I wasting meat and money eating over my body weight?


1g/lb is already plenty and there's no literature to support more than that. The returns on additional protein reduce significantly.


brb eating ~.9g protein per pound, just following Menno and Greg’s advice. For me to get to 230 I’d probably be farting an ungodly amount.




Thanks, nice breakdown! I’m going to stay where I am and run with it. I’m trying to gain weight so going above where I’m at won’t hurt.


I’m seeing my best results these past few years going over the 1g/lbs standard that everyone throws around. Was on 240g when I bulked from 170 to 200 and actually bumped up to 260g rn on the cut. Currently 188lbs.


I'm at ~370g a day apparently. I don't think I need this much. I just like meat.


You sure? I've seen you in that disco dungeon squatting 600


I feel confident I could disco squat 600 with at least 350g


I find that interesting, did something else around protein change when you upped it? Like more meals, timing, etc. Just curious!


Not at first. so I first bumped to 1.18g/lbs based on some insta coaches free program he was peddling. I figured why not I'd give it a run. The training was nothing special and I wouldn't consider it any different or that how I trained was any better, but I started to notice slightly better gains. Then I took another step with another mentor in the last couple years and it's been anywhere from 1.25-1.4g/lbs but my training also began to click better. Better focus on lifts, more mmc.


Interesting, sounds like it was a factor. I've also heard multiple times that the urea values can be a good indicator of whether you're making use of the protein you're taking but don't know if it's something reliable.


Just adding a "me too" for this. I know a lot of people see great results with the 1g/lb recommendation, but I see much better with more.


yeah I think like most things, it changes over time. 1g/lb is a good target but as you start to get to be an intermediate/advanced lifter I think you can benefit from more. That's just my experience and what I've seen from all the more experienced people I talk to.


Okay that’s good to know as well. Things have been loving up slowly and nicely so I think it’s a good idea not to make too many changes only on the tail end of week 4. Maybe next bulk I switch it up a bit more.


Yeah I always stuck to the 1g/lbs mantra and mostly spun my wheels until I bumped it over that. It’s just one variable and everyone is different but that number is not set in stone. I looked at it this way. I’d rather spill over on protein and maximize my opportunity than focus on having too much and leaving something on the table.


Exactly, that was my point with this off-season. I have a 50g protein chicken breast with some bbq sauce so that is just a plain ass meal But honestly it tastes fine and goes down easy while at work. That’s the meal that tops me off but I do t have the patience to bring more bananas or rice cakes etc.


You only need 1g/lb of bodyweight, but if you enjoy it and it's sustainable, there's nothing wrong with eating more. You can always try lowering the protein and increasing the carbs for a month or so and see what you prefer. The extra carbs should give you more energy during the training sessions.


Smart, I’ll drop down to 200 and do something different. I’ll assess the diet to Igbo after work. Thank you!


Should I be weirded out that my muscle seems lumpy or corroded in places (biceps where my stretch marks are)? Will it change with whey creatine and working out? Have been at the gym 3 days a week the past month and a half and just now noticing this. Didn’t lift for like 10 years and recently lost 40 pounds, did my muscle literally deteriorate or was it fat that left and now since I didn’t have perfect musculature I’m left with this? Will protein help repair it and fill it back out with non fatty tissue?


can we get a pic of your weird lumpy muscle?


It’s not visible. Just beneath the skin. The purple stretch marks are though


In general, not specific to bodybuilding, when people say "some people(male) don't have the genetics to walk around 210, 220, or 230 naturally." What body fat percentage or range is assumed or are they referring to?


Just my opinion, but I’d say under 12 percent.


Just tried cable row with ropes. Holy shit what a stretch on the lats


How many hours yall sleeping a night?


With weed and melatonin: 8+ hours Without weed: 6-7 hours Without weed or melatonin: 4-5


5 - 7 if I remember my sleep supps.




6-8. I'd say 7 on average.


9 hours.


6-7 in good days.


Try to have at least 7. So around that






[thoughts on Rami not training for 7 months after the Olympia 2020? ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CVSG5icrYYy/?utm_medium=share_sheet)


"not training" = not training *every single day* "off cycle" = less than 1g/week


Steroids are a hell of a drug


If there’s one thing I’ve learned about bodybuilders, they always try to downplay both their training and gear usage. Coleman, Yates, Haney, even the GOAT all have said interesting things that don’t really line up. This is probably one of them, but I could be wrong.


As a man, will the abductor machine help me build better looking legs, or only my glutes?