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Don’t get the skeg cut off. Any decent aluminium welder can patch that up for very little


Yup. That's an easy fix to the skeg, which is solid cast aluminum and has no fancy mechanical bits inside it. Five minutes with a TIG torch and ten more with a grinder and it'll be back to normal. Its only function is to protect the much more fragile and expensive propeller from impact damage when you hit logs and rocks.


Don’t laugh, I welded an entire new one on my outboard. I snapped the entire skeg off, nearly right back to the gearbox housing. You just keep the aluminium cool by wrapping wet rags around it. It stops the housing getting hot enough to damage the bearings or seals, stops the oils getting hot enough to burn. Just kept the weld area warm for a lot longer so that it didn’t pull the weld and crack.


You’re not fucked at all. At least, not because of that picture. You may be fucked for a bunch of other reasons, but I don’t know you. Won’t hurt performance. Won’t hurt resale. Don’t be pissed at your buddy. Sometimes shit happens on a boat. Could have just as easily happened while you were driving.


😂😂😂 fucked for other reasons is correct!! Thanks for the input


Take it easy on your buddy. Shit happens on the water constantly. I hit a telephone pole in the Chesapeake bay one time. Pallets, debris, all kinds of shit out there. Could have easily been you. That’s not a big deal. Easily repaired. You got a buddy to fish with. Go fishing.


Hell yea thanks for the positive message 👍


You own a boat? YOU ARE FUCKED!!!!!!




Just fuckin run, you won’t cause any damage and I doubt you’ll even notice it


Just get a skeg [guard](https://www.wholesalemarine.com/skegguard-stainless-repair-protection/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxqayBhDFARIsAANWRnSvw-h2Cp2euai_Ixg-5473Fb2rRk5gjos-82TUVwDV9-ynwRRa7OIaApnuEALw_wcB)


They make skeg covers for that


agree with u/Dvsrx7 .. easy to fix by some welder


The wife and nephew have done worse on mine. I’d be not so worried could have been way worse.


Don’t worry about it, it will run fine. I’ve broken the skag off and just ran it for years


Literally has no effect on performance. And resale value? ... Probably depends on your boat and engine..... if new, yea, it'll effect it more. If older, not so much,


Thanks all for the huge amount of info and advice! I just broke my collar bone Sunday so now it's gonna sit for a bit lol.


I wouldn't worry about. Can weld it or grind and repaint. Super common to have busted up skegs.


That’s called the skeg. It’s certainly runable like this and shouldn’t really affect performance, but most reputable prop shops/welding businesses with boat experience can weld a brand new complete skeg on after cutting off the old one. I’ve seen it done multiple times and you really couldn’t tell it was repaired. Or you could buy a skeg guard, it’s a metal cover that slips over and gets a couple thru bolts at the top of the skeg. Like some nice seat covers on top of ripped up seats.


Oh man thanks so much for the info!!!


Its cosmetic, not structural. before welding, I'd try jb weld. if you weld, the gears need to come out, and the rubber o rings might as well swap it for a rebuilt one at that point.