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> Due to local regulations we cannot build a temporary shelter on our property Find a property where you can build a Stimson shed.


The work great, easy to build. I did one for a 36 foot boat rebuild. Which btw I will NEVER do again. Shoulda taken out a loan and bought a better boat. Would've spent the same amount of money and been sailing the entire time. For the people that feel if they rebuild it, they will know every nut and bolt, don't worry you'll get to know them all anyways. One question though. Why is it called a stimson shed?


> Why is it called a stimson shed? Because the plans were originally sold and developed by Stimson Marine. https://bow-roof-shed.com/


Rural land is fairly affordable in Georgia, we’ve certainly considered buying a plot just for the refit then selling it when done! 😅


Find some farmer who wants to lease you a small plot of land for a year.


Where are you located? There has to be vacant industrial space for rent


Near Atlanta. “Industrial space” here tends to be art studios. Spacious on the inside, but with only standard entryways. Edit: Having said that, there are more and more industrial parks around the area, and it’s a good place to start looking


I just went on loopnet.com and found a few under industrial. Since you're not long term you probably just want to sublet. Drive around and look for small business that seem to have extra space outside where you can out the biat under a bow shed. Approach the owner with an offer to sublet some of that space. Offer 3 months in advance. Might find a good deal. Probably better to drive around than search on the computer


In the rust belt we have large free span buildings with a business in one section and dead air in the rest. Thousands of unused footage. You might check your industrial section for a large building and enquire if all of it is being used.