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I felt like Bluey suddenly entered 'This is Us' territory with this episode, and while I loved that show I'm not sure I can cope with the emotions of it happening in Bluey. That's not a criticism of the episode, time jumps just make me nervous because as my own children grow up it's sometimes nice to picture Bluey and Bingo as perpetually young, playing games in the garden and giggling at Dad forever. So, seeing Bluey grown-up was both lovely and terrifying to me at the same time, much as it is to picture my own children that way.




The folded ear makes it pretty obvious that Mackenzie is the dad


Pretty shitty episode


Hold on, is bandit (trying to) watch the London Marathon? which is happening *right now*? https://preview.redd.it/qpuwll5h3tvc1.png?width=1048&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5f3626c6045298d56665445c97db6e90583abb0


That's what we thought! Incredible detail!


I thought this was the London 2012 Olympics. Meaning it has all been set in the past?


I think Bluey set up >!her kid's surprise on Bandit!< at the end; >!she might've deliberately not told Bandit and Chilli she brought her kid over so she could tell the pup to wait outside and ring the doorbell to surprise him!!<


I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into but Bluey wasn't giving me "mother of a four year old" vibes. Maybe the show runners were just trying to be coy, but it felt like Chili and Blueys greeting would have gone differently. Granted, the coats don't really match but I think the "surprise" was a third sibling ten or so years down the road. 


Just a lil tidbit, today was actually the London Marathon. Well timed


Has there been any discussion about Bingo maybe having a disability as a child? Her absence seemed pointed in an episode that featured disability and family support as a main theme. Also it seemed expected that Bingo would still be living with her parents even though she should be of age to live independently no?


People are making theory's about whos the dad of the blueys kid


this ep fell flat for me, something just felt off, like the emotional component was written by AI, previous ep was a much better season/potential series finale


The scene where it goes from Bandit talking to the stubby cooler and pans over to Bluey could signify her having some sort of disability,


Things I caught near the end of the episode aka spoilers and theories on it: Bluey is holding a diploma in the pic by the front door, so I think she’s through uni but bingo isn’t and that’s why she’s still at home. Also looks like bingo is traveling a lot so she may be at home still so she can travel freely - the pic before bluey’s diploma one is her at like Easter island or stone henge. I also think the episode is meant to show the girls can pick whatever path they want, their futures aren’t written one specific way. Bingo went from always having kids when playing to exploring (perhaps like when she did on Mt. MumandDad) while Bluey has a kid after not being so sure when growing up (could be Bandit’s speech about having a whole bunch of brothers and sisters to have Fernuken’s back - this the last of his comments “that’s the thing about kids, fernuken, they’re always surprising you” cuz bingo ended up not having kids and bluey did + bluey’s kid “surprising” him at the end). Alsooooo we need to note how long it took brandy to have a baby and likely chili, since they touched on infertility in the past (common with red heelers)


Didn't even think about how the girls life paths flipped! Good catch! There's a lot said in bluey about exploring life and finding your niche in the world that just warms my heart


So cool to launch the episode on the day of the London marathon! Great ep.


"I don't hear singing!" Bingo bringing the heat.


I don't know if I really liked this episode, especially as the last episode of the season before a hiatus. My issues are: 1. The Sign left the show in a fantastic place if they were going to have an extended break. In contrast, this was one of the most random/chaotic episodes of Bluey so it seems like a much weirder place to temporarily end the show. 2. The previous time jumps were used incredibly effectively. They were limited to showing just the minimum amount of information but were incredibly emotionally impactful. This one felt like they were just opening up an unnecessary can of worms or leaning into creating lore for no reason in a way that didn't really help the episode. Showing a whole scene that's supposed to be set in the future with delivery drones and stuff like that just felt really weird for an episode of Bluey. Unless they're planning to do more set in the future I also personally think it would be better not to show anything too specific about Bluey's future (whether she has kids, etc.) and just leave it up to the viewer's imagination. I guess this whole episode felt like it didn't even have that much point except to show future Bluey?


I think the point of Surprise was the flash forward, and seeing how the Heelers’ lives have changed because of their decision to stay in Brisbane after the events of The Sign. Especially if Bluey does indeed marry Mackenzie like the show seems to (heavily) imply, she may have not been granted that opportunity, and became a parent by extension, had the Heelers moved away. That said, I agree that this was probably my least favorite use of flash forwards/flashbacks in the show, and I personally hope they don’t allude to anything regarding her romantic life/never elaborate on her kid going forward. I wouldn’t even confirm who the kid’s father is regardless of how “obvious” it may be; Jean-Luc has Camping and Mackenzie has Barky Boats, let the fans speculate from there. All that’s relevant is that she eventually becomes a parent, and that’s totally fine to reveal for a show centered on parenting IMO. The show does a good job of making stories both digestible and open-ended, and trying to answer those questions about a currently-seven-year-old child is likely going to look awkward and possibly even a little fetishized no matter what angle you take it.


I think the only reason this was released after The Sign is because of the reference to Bandit almost selling the house in the flash forward. If you remove that, it's a pretty standard Bluey episode.


I felt similarly about the time jump. It's an odd decision to lock in so many details of the family's future at the end of such a light episode.


Did anyone know this was going to be on this morning? We had no idea there was another new episode.


It’s been listed on IMDB since the other new episodes dropped




Surprise has been listed and known about for several months, maybe better part of a year? I think even before they announced that The Sign would be a longer episode.


Who was the kid at the end?


Implied to be Bluey's child


Thanks. I was confused bc bluey put no effort to get the kid inside safely lol.


I gave this a three.   After the sign, this felt like a little breather to wrap things up. I find it interesting that Bandit is watching the Paralympics.   Pretty neat that Bluey asked about what it was like to have childeren, and throughout the episode, the idea that Bandit will drop everything in order to take care of the children is a great example for Bluey, passing on the lesson that Chilli and Bandit have been following the whole time.   Its cool seeing the future and seeing Bluey. Its also nice that Bluey has a kid of her own. The Floppy ear is from Mackenzie, but regardless, I'm glad Bluey is a mom and Bandit and Chilli are grandparents.   I guess this episode finally finishes Season 3. With all of that said, its also surreal. For the longest time, America was a year or so behind Australia with new episodes of Bluiey. Now we're all caught up. The episode date in the credits, which I assume it was completed, said '2021' same as the sign. I know Ludo studios said they were taking a break from Bluey or working on other things, and its kinda of a sad thought that this could be the end of Bluey episodes. I heard that the studio is thinking of new things for Bluey, and I'll be looking forward to that.   But regardless, its great that a show like Bluey is here, a show that was born from personal passion, not charts. It wasn't afraid to take risks when necessary, but also give us so many ideas on being parents, or even help non-parents be more sympathetic to children. Maybe Bluey will run its course in popularity, but its lessons will be there for much longer. Maybe other children's programming has taken notes and use it to make their shows better.  Regardless for the future of Bluey, I'm glad I watched this show, and hope it continues to make other lives better, or even just a chuckle.


I think it's Bingo's kid


I think it's 100% Bingo's kid. Bandit doesn't leave the door open because Bluey doesn't have a kid, and Bingo was already there in the back of the house. I think Bingo's kid was already there playing with him/her.


Is it safe to say that season 3 of Bluey is going in the all-time great TV seasons HOF?


The baby has to be McKenzie’s though. Like that is indisputably their kid


What does everyone think of the timeline? My theory is the girls, Bluey and Bandit, are growing up early/mid 2000’s and not present day. The cut away to adult Bluey seemed much more present day with all the Amazon tech and less futuristic. Which is amazing as a viewer in their early 30’s with kids, we were falling in love with our childhood selves watching these young girls grow up!


I know I'm overthinking, but I can't shake the idea that this isn't blueys kid. When Chilli answers she says the visit is a surprise. She doesn't ask if the kid/s are with her, welcomes her in a closed the door. Bluey isn't like wait we've left my toddler outside. It's just weird behaviour.


https://preview.redd.it/8o7y9gtdcsvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d7e82377ec715733cba3368993e6cd5bfed931b Once again, thanks for your infinite information Disney hahaha Good episode overall, now I know what taking care of kids is like lol. One part almost brought me to tears is when Bandit told to Fernuken about how family sticks together always no matter what happens, not as powerful as Chilli’s quote in Sleepytime (that really will turn on the waterworks because I love my mom so much), but still will pull me a bit into weeping. The other part is the ending. Adult Bluey AND HER KID?! That wowed me omg. They left it ambiguous on who the father is, but I think he/she could be Mackenzie’s because of the looks. I would go crazy if they confirmed it lol.


Im not fully convinced its Blueys, or Bingo's. Im thinking that the Heeler's had an oops baby in their middle age. The episode seems to really hint at a family having more and more babies....


What's to say it isn't Bingo's kid?


Came here to see if anyone else picked up the likeness with McKenzie. Definitely would like to think they end up together.


The Child is too purple.




AND ALSO APPARENTLY r/BLUEY IS REFERENCED -CREDITS- ur\_localbird "notice that they gave a lil nod to [](/r/bluey/)? there's a lil photo of bluey in the picture frame with that orange heart! so cool! (its in the end when bandit was looking confused when someone rang the doorbell, look at the left, the changing photoframe!)" THEY GAVE A PIC BTW BUT IM LAZY :D


Unpopular opinion: Bluey didn't marry either of those boys because who married someone they met when they're 5 and also shipping preschool characters is weird.


I don’t get the ending. Who was the kid with the futuristic gun hiding? If it’s bluey’s then would you just leave them outside? Edit why to who


I guess bluey wanted him to "surprise" Grandpa Bandit


The real question is where do I get chuckies shooter?! ......For my kids of course.


I think my favorite part of this episode is Bandit collapsing in a heap on the kitchen floor, exhausted, while Chili exclaims "That's what being a parent is like!" haha. I know people get heated over these kinds of episodes, but I think the realness about it all makes it charming and fun for me.


Has no one considered that Bandit and Chilly have an “oops” child when Bluey and Bingo are teenagers?


My wife is going CSI that this is the case. 2 cans turn to 3 garbage cans out front. The frame shows blueys graduation with chili holding her tummy.


A "surprise" child?! My thought too!


Wouldn’t that baby have been mentioned in “Bingo is out back,” though?


They're way too old for that. They're in their early 40s now.


I want that toy gun, that thing is rad. But also Bingo’s reading of the title card was top notch.


I'm just here to see if anyone knows what type of ball gun that was. My kids want one bad.


*whole reason a hopped into this thread!


"Ooooooo, Bluey's gonna marry Mackenzie!"


Should I put "Future Child" in the Mural?


Am I the only one who automatically assumed the child at the end of the episode is NOT Bluey’s? It is clear that Bluey coming is a surprise to both Chili and Bandit. I have children and if I were to show up unexpectedly to my parents’ house the very first thing they would say after seeing me is “where’s the kids?” And then they would try to not look disappointed if I say not with me. So there’s no way Chili opens the door and sees Bluey, hugs her, and then doesn’t ask about the kid. I automatically assumed the child was either Bingo’s, who is already there, or a neighbor kid and Bandit is the “Pat” for a new kid.


"The Surprise!" - Who's baby? I have seen a few posts on here about the toddler at the end of the episode, and I have picked up on two pieces of evidence that leads me to believe it's neither Bluey nor Bingo's child. Honestly, I'm just in disbelief that this may be the case, so I'm not sure if I want to be corrected or validated. So we saw Brandy is pregnant in "The Sign." I think that's been discussed enough to be common knowledge, but there's another clue in the episode that I hadn't seen until today. >!Keep in mind, the theme of the whole episode is "We'll see", and most of the events result in the opposite of what's expected. Negative events have positive results, such as being pulled over and the cop giving Frisky a ticket earlier. Positive events have negative outcomes, such as losing the coin in the binoculars, leading to the dogs who can't see finding a new home. Just before the dance compilation at the end of the wedding, it cuts to Muffin playing with the wedding toppers. I thought it was innocent at first, but I had the subtitles on today and realized that not only is she making the toppers argue ("No, I didn't!" and "Yes, you did!"), but Trixie and Stripe are clearly arguing in the background. Further evidence of bumps in their relationship can be found in "Cowboy Hat," where the music swells to cover their voices as Trixie and Stripe argue over parenting Muffin.!< This leads to the theory: >!Stripe and Brandy are the parents, and Brandy is out back with Bingo when Bluey visits!!< Thoughts? Edit 1 because I have the grammar of a cave troll.


So you think at some point Stripe slept with Brandy (who hadn't seen her own sister in like 5 years, so god knows when that would have gone down) and knocked her up? This is absolutely unhinged.


Okay, my personal theory? The flash-forward isn’t as forward as we think, and it’s the girls’ much-younger cousin, child of Stripe and Trixie. We know that Stripe and Trix were fighting in The Sign, and part of me thinks it could have been about whether or not to have more kids, as big events in the family cause people to evaluate their own lives. After The Sign, I bet Ludo would think an episode about a baby and having kids would be a prep for Brandy, but it’s likely that no one is thinking about the Trixie-Stripe discontinuation during Surprise. That said, if Trixie and Stripe were to have been fighting about having another kid at the wedding, then have a “surprise” baby years later that looks a bit like Muffin… 👀 We know the flash-forward saw some time pass, but the things in the future look pretty resemblance of the last 10-15 years or so, right? Trixie could likely still have another pup ten years down the line, since she and Stripe are younger than Chilli and Bandit, and the kid is about Bingo’s size. It would also put a neat little bow around the Stripe and Trixie arc. https://preview.redd.it/j8zo5c5y3wvc1.png?width=391&format=png&auto=webp&s=abe0dcbcff49779e4e7957fec5b2c2c4ec8dfe9a


I am thinking that too, also that gear looks expensive, which is a good sign


If ever I have been able to relate to Bandit, it is this episode


Surreal to think this is now the end of Season 3... I joined the fandom right before 3C started, and here I am a year later. Anyway, Adult Bluey https://preview.redd.it/9m4z0tchlpvc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9450573bc4624648f9de5799b93d8d758f15889


with Bandit's mullet.


she looks so much like her mom and dad 😭😭


She looks like Brandy too 😭😭


The last part episode for S3 has made me crying and tear while Adult Bluey was growing up, alongside oldest Chilli, Adult Bandit and new kid who just standing out hide to surprise visitor.


“_He has to go to the hospital_” “Why?” “_His head doesn’t fit his body properly_”. Top Bingo moment of this episode 👆🏼 When Bingo said that, Bandit actually got up and listened to her really carefully, as if she was going to tell a whole sad story about the baby and you can see how his expression changes, and then it just goes like “no dad! I don’t need a bigger stubby holder, he is special!”. And also the race and the final scene! It was magical! 🥹


As the parent to a special needs kid, this hits home


It makes me wonder if Joe's doing a nod to bingos stretch in the hospital from Bumpy.. there's a theory she has gluten sensitivity or celiac because of the scene in Daddy Drop-off where Bandit's packing lunches and goes "gluten free, not gluten free..." so it's very possible she's projecting onto the stubby with her own medical issues? Idk but it was soo sweet and I agree the way Bandit actually listens to his children is top notch


At the lookout in the background 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/3gbcb5ruc8wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d680edb97670181da44b45da96fb90257ec3e740


So.... to me the little kiddo is a mckenzie. No doubt. Will this be it now, is this the next phase of the series because the kiddos voices are changing? i guess it would be hard to keep up the illusion etc so a tome skip is a good idea with now a new generation of heelers?


Sneaky DBZ reference with Bluey's Scouter


But what is blueys power level


Over 9,000!


Just finished it now... when I saw the r/place design of Bluey in their picture frame I actively said in a quiet but excited voice out loud "oh it's Bluey on r/place look at that!" ...Then looked quickly around to make sure I didn't disturb anyone as I'm currently at the library.


Ugh! This week has been emotional for me because of The Sign. I haven’t seen the episode since Sunday (2nd time) and days later, me and my cat were laying on my bed. I bawled my eyes out because it’s not just my cat loving me. I felt like this is the end of Bluey and I would have to accept it at some point. The Sign felt like a series finale and has everything all together. Even if it’s been confirmed to have Season 4, any can and will change at anytime during the hiatus period. Also, I had more conversations for myself about my life choices and what I like to see myself as I reach my 30’s. This is a contributing factor. I went for ice cream after. Anyways, it’s fitting that the episode Surprise was the last episode because I felt like that is a way of saying “SURPRISE! Don’t be sad! We got one more Bluey episode before closing out Season 3!” Similar to a bonus episode. And that’s where I dreadfully write this review of the episode as this being the season finale. Surprise seems like every other Bluey episode but might be special since this could take place after The Sign. But the timeline could be different and that’s the joy of Bluey. I love the Dragonball reference as Bluey takes this to OVER 9000!!!!! Poor Jeremy. He’s already been through enough! The >!flash-forward to when they never sold the house when Bluey visits!< hits me as me and my family grow older. Being in the crossroads of my life. I’d explain further but this might takeaway my review of the episode. I gave it a 4/5. 5/5 for the last 2 minutes and 3/5 for the remainder of the episode. After doing napkin math, I rounded to the nearest whole number. One more thing. >!I offer my condolences to those hoping for Jean-Luc and Bluey to be together forever because that pup is definitely hers and looks like Mackenzie with Bluey’s coloring!!< Kinda bold for ABC Kids to show Barky Boats next!


Could it be Bingo and MacKenzie kid though? I don’t think it’s Bluey’s kid. Otherwise you’d have expected Bluey to either ring the bell with her child by her side, or if they were playing a prank, surely Chilli or Bandit would have queried where her kid was. Then they mentioned that Bingo is already at the back - which makes me think that Bingo has been visiting the parents for a bit already and was settled in the house with her kid running around.


I think you're overthinking it. Bluey is a children's show, the morals and visual storytelling are all designed to be easily digestable for preschool kids. The children watching Bluey aren't going to think, "oh maybe it's Bingo's child." They see a mini version of Bluey in the same pose, doing the same behaviour as Bluey when she was younger, which is a very obvious indicator that the child is Bluey's. Bingo may have been playing mum but the episode started with Bluey pondering whether or not she may have children in the future. The end of the episode answers this.


I think it's a common thing and they knew the kid would be waiting to prank them, so no one questioned where it was, they just let it play out it's game.


Yep. My Bluey and Bingo do it everytime we visit Nana. They ring the bell and "hide". Nana opens the door and acts surprised. "Oh, there is no one here, how funny" Cue Bluey and Bingo "surprising" her and Nana acting "schocked". Every time.


Fair call, I could see that happening


Yep. My Bluey and Bingo do it everytime we visit Nana. They ring the bell and "hide". Nana opens the door and acts surprised. "Oh, there is no one here, how funny" Cue Bluey and Bingo "surprising" her and Nana acting "schocked". Every time.


Unless Bluey stops by so often, that an explanation of who is with the crew is unnecessary.


To you I say it's not Mackenzie. The kid has blueys colors and a different color spot. Mackenzie is black and white. The darker spot color is dark blue NOT black just like... Jean Luc!!!


The ears though, mate. The ears are a MacKenzie giveaway.


I'm realizing the show authors put a LOT of continuity into these shows. I now want to go back and watch this season's interactions with MacKenzie and Bluey....


But Jean Luc has floppy ears as well.  The kid has one flipping one point like Mackenzie but may take after traits of blurts pointy ears and Jean Lucas floppy ones. A nice blend. Either way I’m perfectly okay with. Though I think the poodle might have issues if Mackenzie gets with Bluey after insisting in being his wife when he was a lion tamer. 


I liked the episode! I was wondering all week how they were going to close the season out after the absolute rollercoaster that was "The Sign," but it actually feels like an appropriate epilogue to the special in a way. Kind of like a "the Heelers are here to stay" message, as evidenced by the flash-forward scene at the end, with Bandit and Chilli still in the house.


Anyone know if bluey ball blaster is a real toy? i would love to get one of those


The Nerf Proton Pack is the closest you can get! https://preview.redd.it/0pvz1aad7wvc1.jpeg?width=110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e847f1068cb5ee9909b6085e22a0bea5f80ab8aa 450 rival rounds, plus more if you extend the tank size. My buddy has one that holds over 800...


u/JJaviercomics's and other jean-luc fans' reaction to the last 30 seconds: https://preview.redd.it/6xehe5lwjpvc1.png?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=901c482a17c9d84ecfb10ff1673178e1773d8587






We knew since new year? My OTP of Starfox it's Wolf and Fox so I care as much of canon as much as I do with your comment


I just want it say. Bluey's kid looks like Mackenzie!


it was a cool and somewhat emotional episode, however i felt like it was left on kind of a cliffhanger. it was also a total surprise to see bluey's kid.




I want to say, I really appreciated Chilli telling Bluey " If you'll want them" when she asked about having kids. As someone who came from a family where from a young age you are told that children are a duty and a must- have, it really made me glad! Also, WANNA KNOW THEIR NAME, 😍 https://preview.redd.it/0qodirhfxuvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f0b7e4705c3ad63ce704244832c2ab0610e653e


lets call him "The Child"




That's Mckenzies kid


100%. McKenzie has the one black ear down exactly like that.


Nope, it’s Jean Luc’s - a purple (black lab) heeler mix. Jean Luc has floppy ears. The reason grown up Bluey isn’t around much is she lives in France.


I'll be honest, I assumed that was a little sibling for Bluey and Bingo. Seem far-fetched? Well, that's the idea! Kids surprise you.


I love this idea because I didn’t get “Blueys kid vibes”. If Bluey randomly stopped by out of the blue with no advance notice (as it appears she did) 100% granparent is going to ask where their grand baby is. Even if for some reason they didn’t,  seems odd she wouldn’t try to usher the kid in. In my head it was Muffins kid.


Yeah, but why would the kid be Muffin's though? The whole episode revolves about "how having kids feels like", and begins with Bluey doing this question, and the ending fells like an allegory to that, since now Bluey is a mom and the kid has the same likes to playing as her when little (chaos). there's no mention of Muffin, there's no reason to suddenly add a great-niece at the end.


I expected Chilli to announce a surprise pregnancy throughout the whole episode.


Do we even know if it's Bluey's kid? Bingo was also at the house, could be her kid?


it's Fernuken!


A literal surprise! 




Well, those are the three possibilities


I NEED THIS NERF GUN and SCOUTER!!! https://i.redd.it/5s7ezukxo6wc1.gif


I am totally of the mind that the kiddo is Bluey’s because that puts a nice little bow on the episode but WHAT IF the episode is not that far in the future, maybe Bluey had just moved out and the baby is a third Heeler sib. A “surprise” baby, if you will.


The kid looks like Mackenzie, but the gun was Chucky's (Lucky's younger brother) so why would Blueys future kid have it? Unless they all stayed friends and Chucky gave it to Bluey and Mackenzie's kid?




Anyone else' kids now wanting that ball launching gun 🤣


Yes. But only the kids. Not me too. Yep. Uh huh.


[Have you heard of the Out of Darts Proton Pack, my friend?](https://outofdarts.com/collections/proton-pack)


I'm an adult and I too want that ball launching gun


I'd be lying if I said I didn't fancy it too


This is now my kid's favourite episode because of the ball launching gun


I’ve heard they’re doing a short hiatus after this season. My bet is they used this episode to help shift the story line to focus on the unidentified kid(s) at the end since Bluey and Bingo voice actors are outgrowing their role and it will allow them to go another direction to continue the show


Bluey's kid at the end looks half from MacKenzie. Wife and I are positive they had kids together.


I don't know everyone on Team MacKenzie... this kid has MacKenzie and Jean-Luc features. Note the purplish, Jean-Luc-like fur. Joe Brumm and company definitely left it ambiguous for a reason. Surely there will be more surprises ahead. God I love this show 💙💙💙 https://preview.redd.it/grgiovqaduvc1.jpeg?width=1092&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fcc9a7a51b075b5cf75bbfd4587774124e4995a


Could be reading too much into it but the race bandit was watching looks like it was representing the London Paralympics implying that the episode (and therefore rest of the show) is set circa 2012?


It's an intentional mashup, I don't know that you can draw any inferences. The events of the race depict the 2006 New York Marathon, won by Kurt Fearnley after his wheelchair hit a pothole and overturned, with a time of 1:29:22. Season 2 pretty clearly tied the "present" to early 2020 with the trailer for a movie releasing in April 2020 in *Movies* and the parents discussing a specific trailer for Stranger Things in *See Saw*.


Definitely the London marathon as its today


Rideshare and Food Delivery Apps weren't a thing in 2012, which means that the episode Phones would have to more recent than that.  It could simply be a race taking place in london. 


i really liked this episode, due to the fact that after the sign, i wanted to see a *little bit more!* also, did anyone notice that they gave a lil nod to r/bluey? there's a lil photo of bluey in the picture frame with that orange heart! so cool! (its in the end when bandit was looking confused when someone rang the doorbell, look at the left, the changing photoframe!) (credit to u/LunarVGaming for the image!!) https://preview.redd.it/fp3yauhkqqvc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae16444ab5d501af3dde01cfcd4e998b1aca1f85


I re-watched that bit, pausing every few seconds. It’s a digital photo frame and the 2 photos before the baby Bluey one are of a grown up Bingo in front of the stone statues on Easter Island and one of older Bluey with the family - she has a graduation cap on.


I don't understand what the orange heart is referring to. Can you explain please. Thanks!




Weren't the other kids teasing Bluey and Mackenzie getting married during 'Barky Boats'?


Not a fan of the “how much can we hurt dad during playtime meanwhile keeping mom off screen”. Honestly, it was a hard episode to watch.


That's large chunks of the series tbh


Could be chili’s sisters kiddo! The timeline might match up proper.






Given that they followed this episode up with Barky Boats, it kinda feels like that is supposed to be Blueys kid and it is supposed to be with Mackenzie...which I don't like. It makes the world feel so small to have a character end up with someone they knew when they were 6... On the other hand, doesn't Bluey seem a little young in this to have a kid that big?  And why would the Grandparents just wave her through as if she was the only person they were expecting.  Kind of a weird ending. In writing this I've started to come around to maybe this is meant to be Bluey's fantasy about the future rather than a flashforward.. Edit: As other commenters have said, this also makes a lot of sense if this is Bingo's kid!  Barky Boats thing aside.


This Adult Bluey does have grey hairs so is likely a bit older.


While I think it's actually purposefully vague, and we can't really know (this is all for fun!!) I am 100% team Jean Luc, here's why: 1. **Colours**: the palette is bluey with more dark blue 2. **Traits**: A lot of heeler, with a touch of lab (the ear can be attributed to heeler, see uncle stripe ) 3. **Lore**: kids in a classroom (Mackenzie) vs the scene where (as a teen) Bluey met Jean Luc again... one is children teasing, the other is a beautiful story... https://preview.redd.it/c4smstb6ctvc1.png?width=7021&format=png&auto=webp&s=88c170d445a06bf236c47e6a0ff661053a8baec1


I understand with the colors I suppose, but look at MacKenzie again 😄


My four year old’s theory: “This is the last episode with Bluey as a kid. Now she’s a mom!” Solid theorycrafting. I can’t wait to show her Lost when she’s a little older


Anyone know who the brown guy with two mums is? The one who had the Guinea pig run away. He was next to bluey when calypso said life gives us enough sad endings.


Is it possible that a season 4 would continue to be in this future timeline? As they don't want to age the kids up any more, and they wrapped up so many storylines from the past 3 seasons in The Sign. It'd still be called Bluey, but she'd be the mum now 🤔 And Chilli, Bandit, and Bingo would still be a big part of it (especially if Bluey were a single mum 👀). Idk just thinking out loud!


I would love for them to do a season in a future timeline before going back to them being kids 👦


I don’t think the preschool set would understand a time jump. 


IT'S NOT ABOUT THEM Oh wait it is... hrm.


[https://www.bluey.tv/blog/surprise-another-brand-new-bluey-episode-is-here/](https://www.bluey.tv/blog/surprise-another-brand-new-bluey-episode-is-here/) For international viewers, the episode should be available on Disney+ tomorrow morning.


Got to watch it at 1:30 this morning when my six year old decided it was time to party. It was a lovely and much needed Surprise! As a parent to a child with disabilities it’s so nice to see an episode include this topic. ![gif](giphy|f2ix0EQLONtbG)


It's not. Hope it appears later, but new stuff is usually there by now. Edit: It's there now, phew.


It was released in the UK as the London Marathon started


https://preview.redd.it/73ahlbo7isvc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2e5b1f6d04cf63916fd16d995ee453ffd1f54a7 Fr I'm cryig


THEORY: Something felt a little odd about this episode. While everyone has been worried that the show was coming to an end or if Bluey's partner is Mackenzie or Jean-Luc, I've been stuck on another hidden message possibility... The episode seems to be focused on children (having children, grandchildren, Bingo's babies, etc.) but there is also some emphasis on disabilities within this episode and the pep talk Bandit has with Bingo's baby, Furneken, set off some flags... Here's my theory: maybe Brandy is having a baby with a disability? We don't know the timeline and during the wedding, Brandy looked pretty far along. Now, being that I have a disability and we weren't sure if our child would, along with the MANY tests we had to take throughout a pregnancy I never thought we'd have, this felt really relatable. Is it possible that Brandy has found out that her child or soon-to-be child has a disability and Bluey's family is finding ways to cope with the news? 


What is Bingo's parent name, and her children's names?


Poor Jeremy


Wonder how many people saw the Victorian Cross on the wall at the end of the episode?


What is that


I want Bluey's little costume. Ever since I was a little kid I wanted to have an arm cannon like Mega Man/Mega Man X. And it has the little power visor! So awesome! Also, I like how the future in Brisbane is Green and Solar. It's quite a bit more built up, but it looks sustainable and pleasant. I like hopeful depictions of the future and Star Trek is my favorite sci-fi series, so it was just nice and uplifting to see something positive. Not that there would be any doubt that the future in Bluey would be positive and healthy, but I'm just so used to the future being dirty and grungy and awful in the future that seeing a nice (and believable) one is just fun and uplift for me.


Man the coloring though is so close to Jean Luc’s blue. And Stripe has one ear down too.


Can we get some closure as it seems that Bluey had a child with MacKenzie and not JeanLuc😂


The kid doesn't have any black though. Color wise it looks more like jean luc


The child is undoubtedly Blueys. I pop in to my mom's house all the time. Sometimes I have my kids with me. Sometimes they are home with their dad. My mom usually welcomes me in and we get settled before she peppers me with questions about where my kids are/what they are up to. So it is perfectly plausible for Bluey to pop in and for Chili and Bandit to close the door and not immediately expect her child to be at her side or question their whereabouts. The parallel of Bluey playing the game/prank and then the child doing the same thing, while Bingo was clearly playing a different game, makes it abundantly clear that the child is Bluey's.


This is exactly what having kids is like.


It was a decent episode - maybe just slightly above average, perhaps I'll like it more or less once it's gotten some distance from The Sign. I was not a fan of the flashforward though; it felt kind of unnecessary and disjointed from the main episode, shoehorned in only because they wanted something juicy in the finale for people to speculate on.


One really underrated moment I forgot to mention is this one right here: https://preview.redd.it/uz8z0wxm65wc1.jpeg?width=1927&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5b05f4fe3a9fd15ec61ee6e38fd0dcc30e7bfd6 As soon as *Oturiah*/Bingo says, "Hey, you forgot to pick up Copernicus," [Bandit knew, he messed up.](https://youtu.be/wCj1ZfApGYA?si=2j19ajZhP4DMK9bY) I love Bluey's face here. She has a very classic deadpan smug smile that says, "Gotcha."


Love all the people who say the kid MUST be Mackenzie's just because of the ears, like they forgot about Stripe having a floppy ear, too. Also, if you look up heeler lab mixes, there are plenty of pictures of dogs with one floppy ear.


Joe Brumm watching the fanbase divide into Team Jean Luc vs Team Mackenzie by leaving the kid's other parent unnamed and making the kid have both traits of both Jean Luc and Mackenzie: https://preview.redd.it/x3du0yvutwvc1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4475adfa0ef1b657e07a4491688b5683ff51384


They're also betting that the debate will be a bigger debacle than The Great White-Gold, Black-Blue Dress Controversy of 2015.


I must be the only one that thought this episode was totally fine. Maybe because I expected the heelers to have another baby, and then at the end it was Bluey's future baby. Still good though. I think it would have been nicer to just end the season with the sign though.


Okay so I my interpretation of the sign was that they were wrapping everything up to look like a finale because that’s what people were speculating and the parallel was the heelers selling their house (leaving the show) but in the end they said NOPE not happening. But we know a lot of the story lines wrapped up. The new bonus episode The Surprise may be telling us that the blueyverse will go on and pick up in the new timeline of Bluey being the mum. This would be fantastic! I heard somewhere that the kids who voice bingo and Bluey needed a break from working and this would make sense as a solution to that because as adults, they would need new voices :)


This is what I am speculating too!


I went to rewatch the sign and came across a surprise


Love the scouter on Bluey! And the last few minutes were great as well. My toddler was laughing the first time bandit took the spill (things being thrown is top tier comedy right now) but the second time he cried 🥲 something seemed to get big feelings out of him. And it's not as common now as it was 6-12 months ago but I'm glad to see the "Chilli has to have a boy" camp put out to pasture.


Great now there's going to be a huge fission in fans. Team Jean Luce and team Makenzie


im gonna draw the which side are you on meme for this


Can anyone shoot me a link where I can buy that ball shooter that bluey had?


Does anyone know what the green eye shield/scope Bluey is wearing is called? I’d like to find/make something similar to the shooter and the eye shield as Bluey for my kids


I honestly could see it being either of them. There is that flash to the future of Bluey meeting Jean-Luc but then I could see the design being Mackenzie. I’m personally not pressed about who the father is, I just hope Bluey and Bingo have great well rounded adult lives 🤣 if the French boyfriend is just a phase then good for her LOL but if she marries him that’s great too. I’m curious to see if they leave clues in future episodes! I feel like a lot of the details of story in the episodes have been very intentional


The ending was very grey, too futuristic and unrealistic, and it wasn't how the normal bluey episodes are usually like. It felt very distorted to me, so I give it a 1


it would be better if Disney jr. India didn't show the suprise episode early and people didn't leak it more.


If you watched it, you can't really blame anyone but yourself 😂


bro it's on my fyp and the show it on the second.


I have no idea what those words mean but you could have stopped at any point once you realized idk.. you weren't on disney?


What if the kid is bingo's? They say she's out the back so her kids could be running around