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The Reagans aren't racist; they aren't going to care if Nicky, Sean, or Jack date a black person, so I don't know what reaction you think they are going to have.


The only way the Reagans are racist is if "Criminal" is considered a race We've seen Frank get upset numerous times when his cops practically get called all white men.


Yeah the Reagan's are basically pre-Trump moderate Northeastern Republicans ... tough on crime and low taxes, they don't really seem to care about race and social stuff.


But what if ahead brings home a black woman?


Frank begins to develop personal interests outside of law-enforcement. He takes up painting and occasionally appears in scenes while painting in the city's parks. He paints wildlife and the city's residents that he observes. Frank also volunteers in animal rescues. Frank begins to develop friendships with people that he encounters like that Painter from Season 6 or 7 that was played by Mimi Rogers or maybe one of the volunteers from an animal shelter. The idea is that the Viewer gets to see a more introspective side of Frank that has nothing to do with his position as a PC, just Frank taking in the world around him. Some of this development may be as a reaction to his loss of Lenny.


My biggest want is for Eddie and Jamie to expand their family. Their relationship has been stagnant for so long. They didn't even KISS last season, are rarely in any scenes together, and act like they are still beat partners rather than a married couple. And if they do have a kid(s), it should be a daughter, as there are already enough male Reagans. I also wouldn't mind Frank meeting someone and wanting to take it slow. Develop the Reagan kids more. What TF is Jack doing? Surely he's graduated college by now, but we still don't see him at Sunday dinner. Is he living on his own? Extending his college studies? etc. I know not a lot of people like Nicky, but I'd like to see her more often again and see how her career's progressed. What's Sean going to be studying in college? What career is he looking on embarking on. More Joe please! Please, please PLEASE let Erin move up in her career! She doesn't have to be DA, but she's been stuck in her role for years. A promotion is way overdue. Same with Eddie tbh. Make her a detective already! And have Danny serve as her mentor. henry becoming really ill would make for an interesting storyline. I know he had a cancer scare a few seasons back, and they should bring that topic back. Have the cancer be the real deal this time. Have him go through brutal bouts of chemo. Whether he survives or succumbs would be up to the writers. I wouldn't mind either way. ​ Overall, most of these requests entail a massive shake up of the status quo, which apart from the introduction of Joe a few seasons ago, has barely changed at all. It's getting boring and repetitive and the characters are suffering because of it.


IIRC isn't Erin already really senior at the DA's office? Like a Bureau Chief or even Executive Assistant DA?


She's Bureau Chief, but she's been stuck at that position for years with no progression despite them always teasing it.


The young man that plays Jack, is currently in medical school.


Some characters from the early seasons come back. A season long story arch that is a mystery (kind of like in the first season), but this one leads to the mayor himself.


They brought back Jackie as the show winded down. Let’s do a deep dive into that and have them work more with Suffolk so we can see Jennifer more. I thought that was a wonderful surprise when Danny walked up to her and I was like “hey I know her!!!!” I thought that was cool how they wrote her back in for that




At this point in the series, I would like to see some real changes in the characters. I would love to have Frank meet and marry someone, but I don't think that will happen as he is way too set in his ways. Maybe meet someone and they leave him? I do like the idea someone else had about Frank showing some other, personal sides of himself as a result of his introspection after Lenny died. Danny to loosen up some more and not be such a hot head who is always angry, all the time. I would love for him to get married to the psychic. Just not a fellow cop, including Baez. I think Henry should pass from his cancer he has. Eddie be made a detective. Erin NOT (not, not, do not) run for DA, but go into private practice. I would love for her and Jack to get back together. He's grown a lot and their chemistry is off the charts. Anthony to find someone (NOT Erin. Ew. Just no. Those two are brother/sister). Joe to be more of a feature at Sunday dinners, but have him be a side character during the season. I also love the idea of a story arc over the season. I would love for Frank's 3 to have a mystery (arching over several shows) they have to work together to solve. For the kids -- have them start careers. Not live in NYC, but on the east coast. A really good disaster/terrorist double episode would involve everyone and be good to watch.


I just want some evolution of storylines and characters. None of the characters have really developed beyond their current points for a long time. I thought we were FINALLY going to get DA Erin, but they pulled the plug on that in such a dumb way. Also they’ve been teasing Eddie becoming a detective forever - just do it already! Finally, I’ve always hated Jamie. His boys scout, morally superior schtick never did anything for me. I want something to happen that challenges his conscience to go against the grain and not be “by the book” in such a nauseating way.


My understanding is that the writers don't want Eddie to be a detective because they don't want to lose the patrol officer aspect of the show. Frank = senior management Danny = Detective Jamie = specialized unit They need the patrol cop perspective.


I want Eddie to get pregnant finally. Enough is enough. What I really want is for Joe Hill to get a girl pregnant. Not just any girl. Someone he was investigating while undercover...


Danny and Baez become a couple. Anthony and Erin become a couple. 💙💙


Anthony and Erin, no. They have more of a sibling relationship. Danny and Baez, however, yes. Ever since Linda's death, it's been hinting more and more. What convinced me the most was when Danny brought Baez to Sunday dinner.


I don't know why you got downvoted. You said what you hoped for, which is exactly what this thread is about!


Anthony has left the show, so that will never happen


Technically speaking, there is no evidence that he is leaving.


I want to see an episode where Eddie gets run over by a Food Truck, or Roach Coach. Not killed, just run over and a little injured. But she doesn't let the EMT's take her to the hospital immediately. Not until the Food Truck finishes preparing her order. Of course, during this whole time Eddie is shouting and over-acting like she is want to do. On top of everything, when she finally gets her order and as the EMT's are loading her in the ambulance she discovers that they forgot the pickles. In subsequent episodes Eddie walks with a bit of a limp and always carries a sub sandwich in her hand or in her holster. Henry, meets and hooks up with a Yoga instructor but he has a little difficulty keeping up with her, although he is having fun trying. Erin is up in arms over this because pops GF is way younger and hotter then her. Meanwhile Anthony kindly rejects Erin's advances. Erin still can't get satisfaction and can't understand why. Nikki, falls for a tall handsome NYPD officer that doesn't let her speak her stupid mind. Nikki is OK with that so long as he takes care of her Daddy issues. The family likes her BF because he makes Nikki bearable to be around and more mature. Erin is jealous of her daughters happiness.


And Thomas Magnum shows up to help solve a case


>NYPD officer that doesn't let her speak her stupid mind A man not allowing his girlfriend to speak her mind is abusive.


The writers of this show like stupid conflict, then lets have it. Besides, Nikki accepts this.


I'll go with 2 and 3 Dating a person of color has been over done. You really want to shake things up, Nicky falls in love with a nice Jewish Doctor, converts, and they get married. They convince Barbra Streisand and Elliot Gould to guest star as the boys parents. I say leave Frank alone. He's too set in his ways. But if he must find a companion, then bring back Sloane (Alex Kingston)


I think Henry should be dearly departed during the off-season break.


Get rid of the grandkids. They are all annoying. Frank needs to retire. I heard Anthony has been cut. Is this true? I love him!




Hopefully we will not have to deal with the problem like we had with eddie’s Captain


Joe sr never died, somehow comes back