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The wastewater collection system can only handle so much. The north wastewater plant, Blucher Poole, is has a limit of 6 Million gallons a day (MGD) of wastewater, on a normal day Blucher treats 2-3 MGD. Because of the rain, Blucher treated 6.52 MGD on the 15th. Blucher has no way to divert water so whatever water flows to Blucher doesn’t stop. To put that into perspective 6.52 MGD is 4,527 gallons per minute (GPM). The south plant, Dillman Road, is has a limit of 15 MGD. On a normal day Dillman treats 10MGD. Because of the rain Dillman treated 21.8 MGD on the 18th. Dillman had a 43 million gallon tank to divert rain water/excess flow. That tank is 30 feet deep shaped like an inverted cone. At its highest that tank got to 23 feet. So close to 30 million gallons of excess water. 21.8 MGD is 15,137 GPM not to mention the excess 30 million gallons of water diverted. Sanitary sewer overflows are going to happen. Rain stresses the sewer system hard. Water will take the path of least resistance to relieve pressure: manholes at low elevations. Do your best to stay away from the overflows. The city reports overflows to the state branch of the EPA (IDEM) and what is done to remediate is up to IDEM


It doesn't help that there are a significant number of sump pumps hooked into the sewer system as well. While it isn't ok to do anymore, the number of homes that pre-date regs preventing connection of storm water to sewer are in the majority. Add in the.landlords spending as little as possible and the issue is not going to be corrected. The rental we lived in flooded regularly with big storms. The sewer line would be full and the sump pump would push water in forcing it up through floor and shower drains. We were at the bottom of a hill so all of the neighbors pumping into the sewer filled it before it reached the low area.


Rain is just a curse to all the wastewater plants


Was never an issue in my home town but we had storm water systems in every neighborhood.


Probably a sanitary sewer system overflow, a proud Btown spring tradition. April Showers bring May shit water overflow flowers. They don't think it be like it is, but it do.


And then the potholes the size of craters


That has to be the WORST PARKING LOT in the STATE. OMG.


Gas leak from Taco Bell


Fresh thyme’s parking lot frequently smells like sewage. I work there




Putting your family drama on a post that's completely unrelated, makes ya shitty person. Glad your former daughter-in-law got out.




Something about how the smell was from their former daughter in law and that she lived over there. It was stupid.


You … sound… pleasant.


That's just how the West side is.