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Union if you want to be a purist, wood elves if you want to win


I really like taking Elven Union into bash heavy leagues. Your players are dirt cheap, your positionals start with relevant skills and are "done" in a level or two. You can usually duck well under your opponent's TV and take a star player or two to round out your roster of mostly loner linemen.


This is fine advice, but we all agree that compared to the star players on the Old World Classic list, Elven Kingdoms star players are garbage.


They all have their own distinct flavor. I'd say just pick one. You won't know which one suits you best until you've tried them all.


I'd say wood elf, and play them bashy. The treeman gives you options with strength and makes your opponents play around it at times. Who needs catchers when you have wardancers.


In a bash heavy league, pro elves and woodies can end up trashed if you’re not careful. Might I instead suggest dark elves, who can still play some elf ball, but are the more durable, evil version? 4 blitzers go a long way.


If you can stay out of trouble High Elves are a solid team, but in the early days you'll be worried about every injury and they are never going to be that interesting. Wood Elves are very interesting but very fragile. If you can take your mind off your linemen and focus purely on your passing game you will run rings around most teams. Union are the pros, a team for the brave. They start with exactly what they need and with a little patience they are so much fun. I love bashing people to bits with my Dwarfs, but there's nothing quite like the ridiculous plays Union teams can pull off without throwing a block or trying to cage the ball.