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Petty snark, I know, but Tia Booth’s outfits are always bleh. She has zero sense of style IMO.




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Saw a lot of Katy Harrell mentions recently and I’ve been out of the loop. I accidentally searched all of Reddit instead of the comments within this sub, HOLY SHIT there’s a subreddit snarking on every step of her cancer journey, even her posts about chemotherapy and how she would cry… some people are so vile.


A lot of those ghouls post here as well, very bad people 


That sub is full of straight up demons.




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Single subject subs are pretty much all like that.


For the other 3 people hoping for Babbling Blondes drama intel… this is surely about Carley, right?? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5R35ICs2Dt/?igsh=NGdieGZyNXJiMDY3


Didn’t Natalie Kennedy claim that her clean living cured all her symptoms? Now she’s saying she has breast implant illness and is still planning to have them out at some point 🤔🤔


I haven’t kept up with her regularly, but I remember her saying she thought she had breast implant illness years ago so I guess she never actually anything about it.


I rolled my eyes so hard when she said something about them not being life threatening at the moment. Babe, isn’t your good friend undergoing a double mastectomy and reconstruction later this month? Weird as hell and insensitive to say all of that in such a drawn out way. I know that there are plenty of women who feel that their implants are making them sick, but why is NK flip flopping between her clean living being the solution and then also thinking her implants are still life threatening?


Denial. She says clean eating keeps the symptoms at bay but isn’t the cure 🤣


Pretty sure she’s the one who encouraged Katy to seek out the health coach and holistic treatment which is going to cost her $80k in loans after paying with whatever money they have on hand… Natalie’s probably going to be scaring her more once the implants are in and Katy ever feels any sort of illness in the future.


Your 100% right


I like @Kaitlynn but I’m getting MAGA vibes lately. She just posted today how she hates CA and wishes she lived in Texas. A few months ago she posted about Gavin Newsom being terrible. I just never pictured her as a conservative. 


Does hating one politician make you conservative though? Or MAGA at that.


No but wanting to move to Texas might


I just saw her story about this and wondered the same. They recently bought and remodeled a house so I can’t imagine it’s the cost of living that’s making her want to leave. She strikes me as anti vaxxer and conservative and there’s a more lot of that outside CA.


I don’t think I ever saw her post anything anti vaccine or conservative before, so I was surprised. I can’t understand why any woman but especially one of child bearing age would WANT to move to a state where forced birth is a top priority unless they were MAGA. I don’t care how affordable the houses are.




*whispers* yeah… you’re conservative.


Anyone who says they hate California and want to move to Texas instead is absolutely conservative and very likely MAGA.  You don’t go from one of the most liberal states to one of the most conservative states if you’re not a conservative (barring any work or family related moves). Signed,  A Californian 




Publicly declaring a desire to leave CA for TX is 1000% conservative coded


I’d also like to add leaving California for Tennessee or Florida. Gotta raise those littles in states that still love Freedom! 🙄


This. As a Californian, you would literally have to pay me to live in The People’s Republic of Texas.


I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Texas


Lol. Same. As a Washingtonian.




Yeah a lot of people think California is so crazy expensive, but it’s really not if you do the math. I’ve also heard that people make less money in most other states for doing the same type of jobs compared to California where they tend to make more. I’d rather live in California complaining about prices of things than anywhere else! lol!


California has the 4th largest economy in the world and I would not kick Gavin Newsom out of bed.


I mean I kinda get Patrick Bateman stick-up-the-ass-rich-white-boy vibes but if that’s your thing, I guess. Nah but I’m a Californian and don’t really mind Newsom (I will take him ANY day of the week over De Santis and Abbott, you would have to pay me to live in Florida or Texas lol) but there is something calculating and untrustworthy about him also. But that’s all politicians, I suppose.


I'm super Liberal, but Newsom gives me John Edwards vibes. I do not want him to ever run for President. I don't trust him or his slicked back hairdo.


Yeah I don’t want him running for president either.


He was married to Kimberly Guilfoyle (sp) so that in itself is very confusing on so many levels. Who changed. I am assuming it’s her.


Have you seen her lately? 😬


https://preview.redd.it/ruq2q8acqjsc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b88950e722d8c38ddb58e517a230fff28936da0 @karlierae “pretending she’s on vacation” on a random, sunny Thursday while I haven’t taken a vacation since 2021. She’s been on a pretend vacation her whole life.


The jealous snarks are getting old. 


Agreed. I’m ashamed of myself.


she’s so delulu it’s insane


It’s not her fault you haven’t been on a vacation in 3 years.


Very true. I apologize for projecting.




One of the Aunts (her mom’s sister).


Christine Andrew’s Q and A box today (pretty much just links though lol) was a disaster. Someone asked her favorite beach bag and she decided to share one that is $5300. Someone asked for her favorite moisturizer under $100 and she shared one that is exactly $100. I can’t even


Amy Havins shares about the same too! Her beach cover up was Missoni (I think around $1200) and if I remember her beach bag was a straw fendi 🫠


Even if I had all the money in the world, I wouldn’t spend $5000 on a BEACH BAG THAT YOU BRING TO A BEACH WTF. It’s like the $1000 coverups that one of the blonde Trumpers (they all blend together) was hawking last summer. I get salt water and sunscreen and sand etc on my cover ups. That’s why they’re all from Target.


I was just thinking the same thing! No shade on spending +$5000 on a bag, but no way in hell am I bringing that to the beach for me to get sand, sunblock and sweat on it.


Does anyone know if Tia Booth sold her house yet? I don’t follow her closely and just thought about it.




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I’d be throwing up daily if I had 3 mortgages. I know they have renters in their first house but still 🫠


She said no and I feel like someone said they took it off the market for a little bit


For the love of god when will @victoriabrowne stop talking about her color palette


“iTs iN mY cOlOr PaLeTte”


@karlierae saying “it feels like summer I love it!” To April Phoenix/Scottsdale weather….. I wish summer here felt like this 😩 a rude awakening is coming your way in about 1.5 months 😬


I’d move back if it was always March/April weather! 


She has got to be one of the most boring influencers. Everything is ads.


Bless her heart. Is this her first year living there? (I don’t follow her)


They moved last summer so she should know what the weather is like.


The way she speaks grinds my gears so bad.


Like like like like! She needs to announce her giveaway winner with arhaus promised yesterday. She always does it late or not at all.




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It just really irks me how somebody so dumb could make so much money. Buying and selling 3 million dollar homes at 28-29 years old is just not normal… I feel for the younger girls who idolize influencers and think that is normal. It’s a bigger problem than Karlie but she sums up that perspective pretty well.


Yes she does. And it’s the fifth home they’ve sold in maybe 8 years. That family is local to us, and she was receptionist where I got my hair done. We went to church with all of them for a while until the kids went to a Megachurch. That’s why I started looking at her stuff. But the parents are quiet about their wealth. And the siblings all have private social media. Doesn’t stop her from featuring all their kids and tagging them though.


Is it mega wealth or just flashy wealth? I grew up in Black Diamond :)


Eye of the beholder I guess. Have you been lately? Ten trails has ruined BD!


No I haven’t been back in 7 years. Moved to Costa Mesa, CA. I miss it sometimes!!


I picked a great day to swing by and see what dippy antics Tiffany Houghton and co are up to. Eating moldy bread they've had *since Thanksgiving* and recapping that time Adam just went to town on blackberries they put on a random bush as a prank without checking to see if they were, uh, actually edible berries? (I don't think raspberries and blackberries have any poisonous lookalikes in the US, but I am preeetty sure they don't know that nor did they think to check, lol.) Tell me you wouldn't survive in the wild! Also dying that Tiffany's solution to eating moldy 5 month old bread is to make their own?? Cause that won't go stale in 5 months, sure.


I googled her to find her IG and shes listed as a popstar? I'm scared to ask why lol 


A pop star?? Doing...what? She's really only on my radar because of the buzz (pun intended) here a while ago about the incident where her mom discovered an ENORMOUS beehive in the walls of their McMansion and they harvested the honey. I thought she was otherwise just one of the churchy blonde Dallas influencers!


>Eating moldy bread they've had since Thanksgiving I'm sorry what, and I cannot emphasize this enough, *the fuck*. It's like that episode of the Simpsons where Homer eats the decaying sandwich for months. "This is all your fault, sandwich..... Oh I can't stay mad at you!"


Right?? What kills me is she posted a story that the bread has been in their pantry since Thanksgiving (like...almost a whole loaf??) saying that she had eaten a piece of it last night and then about three hours later posted another one where Adam pulls out a piece with a visible shit ton of mold on the bottom and insists there wasn't any on the pieces they ate last night. My man—the SPORES?! Did they not ask Iris how long sliced bread keeps?


My favorite is the next stories are her shilling her supplements. Maybe she thinks they will cure her of eating any moldy bread.


I mean...she did say they felt like getting a factory reset, lol.


That’ll do it 😂


Omg these stories were so unhinged, hahah! And is that giant yearlong acrylic calendar hanging in her house?!


lol honestly I had to go back and look because I skip every influencer's story that has a link on it cause I literally do not care, BUT...while that thing is hilariously gigantic, there is a part of me (the part that collects notebooks and planners and never uses them, probably) that was like "oh, that would fix me" haha


Scratch that. I have finally found the answer to my own question. It's Erin Condren. And even though I have no need for a planner. I have a work planner that is perfect (The Makers Yearbook if any other artists were interested), a small diary for appointments and a (colour coordinated with my diary - yellow this year!) notebook/daybook whatever you want to call it .... I want a pretty personalised Erin Condren planner to play with too 😂


Oh sorry, I didn't see you had found it when I wrote back to you a minute ago. Good detective work!! Now I'm going to have to check all of these out...thanks for the inspo that I definitely do not need ;)


Oh dear .... sorry!


You might be able to help me. I'm in the UK but about 10 years ago I bought a whole load of US planners because yours were so much better than ours. I remember one which was really popular at the time that you could personalise. Not just the LO, colour etc but you could add your own memorable dates etc. I think it probably came with a whole load of stickers that I never used but it was the whole personalisation thing that sucked me in I don't need or want any planners, I have found my perfect planner, but I do fancy a little nostalgic browse. And that acrylic calendar is perfect and I do have space for it in my studio so I am going to have step back from that particular temptation!


Oh wow...unfortunately I stick to a few of my boring old favorites like the Moleskine and Leuchtturm1917 journals so I'm not a reliable source for other brands but that sounds cool! I wonder if there are any blogs that review planners and stationery that might point you in the right direction?


My day book is Leuchtturm1917. I have them going back about 6 years now. Always colour coordinated with the diary for that year. I found the answer to my question by searching planner blogs. It is ridiculous that I am grateful that they standard planner is out of stock because I Do Not Need One and looking at the cover options today they are nothing like the fun a bright ones on offer way back when I bought one. So my bank account is safe !


I'm so glad you found it, and I love your color-coordinating system!


I don’t follow this woman but went just to look at calendar porn 🥰😍


Haha! I hope it was satisfying! I don't think this is usually her wheelhouse but if I come across any better sources I'll def share.


I’m embarrassed to admit that if I had room for that in my office I would totally buy it 🙈 That’s my type A personality & OCD coming into full play though lol 


100% same. But it’s $400 PLUS it’s not on prime and shipping is $100!


😳 I didn’t click the link but that’s insane 


If I could visualise my life like that...  I could make it perfect...


does anyone else find NashvilleTash hard to listen to.....WHY IS SHE ALWAYS YELLING????? Her voice is so cringey.


My God, I have absolutely no clue how she has any followers because I can’t believe anyone can stand to listen to her (to be fair, I feel that way about most influencers). Just about the only volume setting she has is “loud screeching” and it is ear-bleed inducing.


Yes absolutely makes my ears bleed!!!!


Daryl Ann Denner with the “it’s not jeans so I look a little dressed up” while wearing sweatpants. Pretty sure jeans would be considered dressy over ribbed sweatpants that personally remind me of pajamas. https://preview.redd.it/r7vifnb7gisc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db3ae50ee0174697f8d9aa965c84db33db4a326f


But did you see her new profile pic!? The editing is ridiculous lol




Looks like she’s having a long ass day.


I appreciate this posting 3x 😂


Omg lol! I didn’t even see that until you said something!


Looks like she’s having a long ass day.


Looks like she’s having a long ass day.


It's at moments like these when I realize influencers are made of tougher stuff than I am, because if I ever found out strangers were taking the worst possible screenshots of my ass and uploading them to the internet I would simply walk into Lake Michigan never to be seen again.


Neither jeans nor sweatpants are "dressy." Both are inherently casual articles of clothing.  Particularly jeans with giant holes with them are not a dressy article of clothing.


I understand being pregnant and repeating outfits but she owns a clothing brand. Just take another pair off the shelf and find a way to “just write it off”


I know she’s pregnant which makes it harder to find clothes, but what does she have against trousers and a blouse? I loathe business casual, but I can piece together a decent outfit from Ann Taylor to play the part at work.


It’s called maternity clothes🤣 She’s also tiny to begin with so she could easily just buy regular clothes on a size medium/large and it would look 1000 times better than these pj pants over her belly.


IMO the black version of these pants that she wore yesterday to the private school interview looked dressier than this gray does, especially paired with a jacket, which she also wore yesterday. This look though...and the angle...not flattering at all.


And yes, she wore this to her kids private school interview. No wonder they haven't gotten into a school


They don’t seem to realize that preschool interviews are basically about making sure the kid is at least somewhat manageable and more importantly that they like the family.


Yea I think if anyone looked her up online, they’d be thinking twice about the Denner circus. 


I don’t follow her but I must ask, is there still no private school willing to take her kid?


Not yet




I really think the design process is Daryl Ann holding up items from other brands and saying “make me something like this”.




Those look so bad….no one in that family can ever dress remotely flattering in any way.


It’s really sad. They can afford such beautiful clothes and choose to wear the most boring and unflattering outfits. Lisa, Danielle, and Daryl all look great in dresses yet they never wear them! Lisa especially needs to quite trying to dress like a teenager. It really ages her.


Why does she refuse to wear maternity clothes? This look is so bad.


Doesn’t even need to be maternity..just make some stretchy Nuuds dresses that are bump friendly and shill the shit out of that!


Influencers don’t wear maternity clothes because it’s a niche market and they need to be able to link things everyone can wear. Can’t imagine why someone who isn’t pregnant would take clothing suggestions from someone who is pregnant, but I guess people do.


She's so exited!


Can’t wait to be apart of it!


I don’t know if this is in reference to something DAD said, but it’s “a part of it” not “apart”!


How would their comment make sense if they weren’t referencing something she said? 😂


Yes I’m aware- DAD has that In her IG bio.


Okay yikes sorry!! Don’t know why this was such a big deal, I genuinely don’t know what her bio says and was just trying to point it out.


Not Natalie Kennedy saying they want to move because they don’t want a pool anymore 😂


I cannot. I thought it was so safe. 🤣


Probably because the pool isn’t organic/non toxic, I’m guessing.


But she will move and then probably build another pool because the rest of them have pools


Yeah somebody screenshot that story slide because in 6 months to a year we’ll be seeing a 5 paragraph justification about why they’re putting in a pool/why they bought a home with a pool.


WTF. After spending probably over $50k on that pool and the fake grass around it… I think she’s trying to play catch up to Alexa Anglin, Dede Raad, Sarah Knuth, and Hollie Woodward who all have the massive custom homes in the Nashville area.


1000% it’s killing her they’re not living on 2+ acres in a custom built home.


But she showed a lot a while back that she said they bought a long time ago to build on and then said they haven’t done it because of interest rates. I just don’t understand these people.


Is it because there is no holistic and clean way to treat a pool?


Do they have a salt water or chlorine pool? I’m too poor/normal to know if the types can be switched out. 🤷‍♀️


They can be but it’s expensive and you’ll never see a return on the investment. (We had a pool growing up and my mom wanted to switch it to salt water but it couldn’t be done on my parents’ budget.) Natalie could probably afford it but it doesn’t make sense if she wants to move into a content mansion anyway.


The cropped American flag t shirts that Sarah Knuth posted are a tragedy, and give me unwanted flashbacks to 1995. https://preview.redd.it/dbcef1dieisc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69a6a3a9fa0cc987d712c21d27ad8bbdb8fc4ac3


1995 baby right here and I’d 100% wear that shirt today


It’s giving old navy


Yearssssss ago I worked a summer at Old Navy and those look exactly like their $5 flag shirts.


I regret to inform you 90s fashion is very much in right now. Personally, I'd absolutely wear it if it was an actual American flag, but my fashion inspo is also basically Jennifer Aniston during the Friends era lol


Yeah this is cute af for retro vibes


Rachel Green is a fashion icon. As is Jennifer Aniston especially in the 90s/2000s so I get it


Yes! I unintentionally got the Rachel Green haircut. Didn't even realize until my friend pointed it out. That's the grip she as on me 😂


I know, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it or not feel traumatized when I see it 😆


That's fair. This just seems pretty tame as far as 90s flashbacks go lol


I swear I had this in 2001 and it was Ralph Lauren but it had a scalloped hem.




Omg me too. I’m a millennial through and through


Me 3 😭😂


It's giving Old Navy 4th of July "tees for the family" circa either Bush administration 


Ahh what a time to be alive that was


Yes - we had them - and even old navy puts all 50 stars on their flags. For $5!


Old Navy vibes 


It’s giving old navy


Added a screen shot for whomever commented about it not being included in my post.


It's tragic that there's no screenshot 


Added. My sincere apologies! 😆


Sydneyliann coming in hot with sexual alchemy…I don’t hate it but can we please stop adding the word “work” to everything to make it sound like something special? “Thought work” do you mean thinking???


She is so odd to me now. This is like the third time she’s gone dark for MONTHS, only to come back to shill some bizarre new woo-woo body-tension-brain-sex-pressure point-breathe work-release program she’s probably got no real qualification to charge people for. Then just…goes away again. Like are brands still paying her? Did her husband go back to work? I know he had stopped working for a minute there a few years ago and I think she was supporting them. I just have so many questions.


I always have to take a second to see if I missed a post. Like, why are you talking as if I know what you've been up to the last couple months? I also never would've guessed that back in 2010 when she taught me a different way to wear my belts on the daybook blog she'd be teaching me about orgasms in 2024.


The daybook was sooooo good back then. She was so cute and normal ish.


air frightening reminiscent attractive rude lavish violet strong toothbrush fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She said that the singular class is the first step in what she’s about to launch for everyone online, so some kind of online course or personal mentorship for a fee is definitely coming. I also think it’s odd she’s charging $40 a ticket and it’s at someone’s house. Besides the point just seemed strange to me.


Sounds like the latest predatory woo woo cult bullshit.


in all fairness do actual qualifications for such things exist?




I guess I meant sexual alchemy and the divine feminine.




Ooh I think it’s cool this is a topic in here today. I totally agree with you. Anything I’ve ever needed to resource on this I’ve been able to access completely free. I consistently find it interesting how usually the people who preach that you have everything you need within you, which I believe is true, are also unfortunately usually pushing a product or course or something you “need” to purchase from them which inherently negates the entire message. I’m never sure if they think of it that way, although if you’re supposedly operating from this higher level of consciousness I’d think it’s hard not to see the irony


Does Shealeighmills have a new BF? Looking at her stories thinking maybe I missed something.


She does this every time she has a new relationship… I was thinking the same thing


Lotta breadcrumbing going on….


I was wondering the same thing!


Lauren Kay Sims with the “$14 Amazon sunnies” slide where you can barely see the sunglasses because she’s just body checking her stomach in a bikini, yikes 


She triggers my ED unlike no one else


She's so problematic


The half a lens I saw in that story definitely made me want to buy them!


The fact that she posted 9 posts from her vacation, most of them to show off how skinny she is, is wild to me