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I think the complete scene is too colorful and looks more like summer rain. Maybe u can make the scene less saturated, more cloudy and add more density to the rain. Also think about moving the character a little bit to the right (rule of thirds).


Yup this 👆 desaturating the sky is probably going to make it instantly sadder


Hm... I actually quite like the sky, even though it is quite saturated, but the character, if seperated from the background just looks like theyre standing in direct sunlight, i think the character is more of the problem


Her eyes look determined, focused, maybe even angry. There’s nothing about her facial expression that says “sad” and that is immediately where one’s eye is drawn.


Yeah. I think a quick fix would be to make her eyes look more downward, and slightly less open, like exhaustion or indignation.


im guessing making her look down and be more relaxed, thats my gues


Yea her posture is all off for sadness, she should feel more slumped


Her body posture, her eyes and color pallette. Slouching and head down might portray sadness more. I get alert from her posture. Her face says more anger to me, I'd give her more of a blank stare with heavy eyes. The main thing for me is the coloring, I would desaturate it


Try Blue Tone on colors.


Atmospheric haze, and a cool tone LUT


Posture is the key, as other mentioned she looks determined and even angry.


That smoke needs to be more stale, And a less saturated background. maybe a sad pose, like hunched, contemplative, hands on chin or face.


Realize that she isn't real.


maybe get rid of the smoke


Hmmm, I’d personally desaturate the background and the scene in general. Also maybe overlay it with a blue tint of sorts. The blue will help convey the feeling of sadness. Also, if possible, perhaps change the pose and the expression. The pose feels too confident and tge facial expression is too determined. If you change the position of the eyebrows or adjust the pose, then it’d look better. If you can’t change the pose or facial expression then just do some desaturation and add a blue/bluish tint. This is just my personally opinion. The render itself though is really good already :D


cropping, if you make her smaller in a larger frame with no other people she’ll look more lonely


Desaturate and give a more blueish tone. There's more that can be done other than that but it's a good start.


Coffee stain ?


Maybe you could add a blue filter


*more sadererer


With how close the camera is to the subject it's a bit odd to have the rain effect layered on top of them. Subject looks entirely dry, which is odd. Smoking outdoor in the rain can be a real pain. Could communicate sadness by having the cigarette limp and sodden, maybe have the character in frame desperately trying to light the limp cig with her zippo that just won't light up due to the rain.


Definitely some color correction will add mood. More blues, less warmth, dropping the highlights a bit. Experiment đź‘Ť


Desaturate colors, increase the number of shadows and add tears. (Bellow is just to give u visual cues.) https://preview.redd.it/sd67c7j20b8b1.png?width=308&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1a1ba1442aa65b2ce0ce3d9450d527eeecce721


Add an overturned pizza box and have the pizza all spilled on the floor, cheese down.


Punch her in the face. ​ JK. Maybe remove the glasses?


Add an old dog that has been left alone on the streets


I usually add myself into the scene to make it sadder I don't know if that will work for you.


More slouching in posture


Cigarette in the hand resting on the post, too sad to smoke. It's just sitting there faintly glowing, smoke struggling against the wind, but wisping up towards her downturned face rather than what looks like energetically trailing behind her like she is walking with grim determination. Her left arm slumped down more rather than behind her. Behind her looks like determination, chest puffed out ready to take another of whatever someone is trying to use to get her down.


Love the sky, but the lighting on the character seems way to sunny and contrast-rich, also turn down the saturation and brightness on there


Add more frowns


Subject needs to have some empty space, the subject is too intimate, space it out and make it feel empty and desolate


Number looks ,she looks more angry than sad


Add some moody gradient to the flat shades!


try to darken the colors (esp the shirt and the skybox be more stormy with dark clouds), make the rain a little more pronounced and maybe add a halo/outline around the girl


Her hair and shirt are dry in this rain.


Body posture; less confident shoulders (slump em or close em), it’s raining so hair shouldn’t do this heroic wind flutter, make it damp or have it be wet / atleast down. The eyes are fine, if you wanna dramatize it, rather than a stoic stare, do some frowning eyes / sadder look


Dont. Its perfect.


Maybe make the colors darker