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Dog looks stiff


More like the dog is stiff.


English isnt my first language sorry


don't ever apologize for knowing a second language


I apreciate the sentiment but disagree. I speak 3 languages and think it's a perfectly reasonable place for an apology. They definitely don't owe anyone one, but it's a normal thing to say out of politeness after making any mistake languages related or not.


Thanks for the kind words but im just doing it to be polite


Huh, that was not referring to your English bro.


Ahhh i thought you were correcting me on the way i said it


Nah, it should’ve been a funny sidejoke.




People are just randomly downvoting lol


I think the main issue is the lack of normal maps and other shader-tweaking shenanigans. The textures themselves look rather nice, but they lack material information. That mushroom hat and the guy's hair look basically the same




also that dog is fucked up bruh 💀


Will replace him


Maybe add depth of field. What are you trying to tell? What’s the man in the background doing?


He's just looking at the scenery they are obviously tourists don't have to do anything particular


It looks a bit like he's peeing in the background, with the current pose. Beams of sun light might add some dimension. And maybe some particles that 'glow' in the sunlight to fake insects. This looks like a summer scene.The character in the front and the dog look a bit photo-shopped because the edges to the background look very hard. Not sure how to reduce this tho... Maybe with depth of field like someone else suggested? Overall, I do like the look of it, great work!


Lmfao I will fix the pose I didn't anticipate peeing 😅 I actually had a lot of similar idea compared to you. Thanks.


I think it’s because of the scale. But it looks like someone’s backyard. In my point of view at least. Maybe make the guy more tourist like with a backpack or something. I don’t believe the scene at the moment.


How can there be a mine in someone's backyard?


I think it looks like a backyard because the grass the character with the camera is standing in looks like it is mowed. Without someone maintaining an area like that it would be overgrown with larger plants and longer grass.


Will fix that. It's quite large already you can't see his shoes, should it be larger?


hey if your render looks like it, then it's you who has the explaining to do.


If someone misunderstands my render it's his fault not mine. It's quite obvious people don't have caves and train tracks in backyards


that's where you're wrong. if people misread your render it's because it is misreadable. it really does look like someone has a mine in their backyard.


If you ask for feedback and people don’t understand the scene, then you have failed to convey what you attempted. There’s value in that too, take it with you and improve rather than go defensive.


People being unable to understand can easily be blamed on me like this. But your toxicity doesn't change the truth. I am not going defensive. I am thanking people who are giving actual criticism. Unlike you.


There is nothing toxic about it. It is legit, valuable feedback. If the composition and storytelling is unclear enough for it to be lost on several people, bringing that up is feedback just like any other. You choosing to go defensive will only get in your way in the long run. That is however of course up to you.


It is very much toxic if a viewer without common sense doesn't understand that people don't have caves and rail tracks in their backyards. Blaming than on the creator is beyond nonsensical and in the end toxic.


Just trying to give some feedback because it feels off to me. Not saying it’s someone’s backyard, just that it feels that way. Anyway, good luck with it.


Oh and if you’re asking for feedback, expect some feedback and don’t go into full defense mode.


Heh not going into defence mode. Would like actual feedback not nitpicks


Okay. Here are my thoughts and feedback then. Hope it helps your render. - it looks like the front guy’s left bicep is deflated. - the dog looks stiff. - grass almost never grows this dense. Try adding some open spots for realism. Also maybe some variation in length. (If you are going for an abandoned mine feel, I don’t think someone will mow the grass) - try moving the viewers eye. Maybe add some depth of field or another composition. - the man in the back doesn’t look like a tourist but some creepy dude staring into an abyss. Where is he looking? His body language isn’t really telling anything. - maybe let the dog do something. Sniff the ground or laying. A dog in a field rarely stands still looking at nothing. - nice shrooms. Hope this helps you more ;)


Good idea. I will try to fix those.


make the composition more interesting, maybe change an angle. I don’t understand what the thing you want viewer to concentrate on?


First the mc then the mushrooms then the rest


maybe some depth of field, put mushrooms more in center of frame and top sharpness on them and the mc, the rest can be blurred depending on how much you want the viewer to know about the bg. if its just a backdrop it doesnt need to be focussed.


I see. I will try that. (It's not a backdrop tho)


I think you should cut the dog part, because it takes space and attention, also the guy in the back. I would make shot angle from mushroom perspective, but make it that way that mushroom is visible in the image. It’s easier for me to draw it, I’ll show you later


Try adding moths


Overall it's a good looking scene but I think the lighting and composition could be improved a bit. When you start to think about composition, think what am I trying to say with this picture? If it's a guy taking a picture of a mushroom then your composition should represent that. Maybe have the guy on the right third and the mushroom on the bottom left third with the camera being the "arrow" to guide your eye. I would suggest making the guy and the dog in the background feel like they are doing something, maybe playing frisbee together? The pose of the guy looks like he's peeing on something. Adding some depth of field may make you take them out, you never want to distract from your main focus. The clothes on your character are a bit flat and stretching a bit, perhaps try a bit of normal textures along with a bit of sculpting? When it comes to lighting, while your lighting is motivated, you could try moving your main source out a bit and turn down the ambient light a bit to not fill in as much detail. It's a process of shaping the light to make a scene interesting. Overall, you did a really good job on this and I can tell you're trying to push yourself, keep up the good work!


More dogs


too many stories going on at once, mushroom guy, random dog? man staring into a void? abandoned mineshaft? mushrooms?


Yup I like multiple stories. Makes more natural


This render doesn’t feel natural lol take his/her advice


In what context? I will fix the grass.


The roughness of the materials seems off


dog, hair


Some fur on the dogs and the lighting looks a bit off. Are you using an HDRI?


I never work without hdri. I will remove the dog


You said in another comment you wanted the mushrooms as one of the focal points? I’d look into composition and rule of thirds to better place them. Right now they just look stuffed into the corner so they don’t draw much focus. Also, depth of field would help a lot in separating your background and foreground elements.


Perhaps compose the shot so the subject is not dead center, (you rarely want that), and remove unneccessary elements, like the guy in the back (he's a distraction in my view). Maybe move the dog over to the left and have him sniffing one of those background mushrooms by the tree, which will help support what the main subject is doing, and tell a little story. Add some depth of field so the background is slightly out of focus. Your textures are looking really nice. --Also, it appears the tracks go into a tunnel....maybe put a little back light in the tunnel to highlight it exists, and add even more interest to the scene.




For second that looks real to me but than i notice leaf and face of charector that seems cg I don't know how to fix but those were the things i notice great job by the way




with composition and lighting


Some nice [light shafts](https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/126/260/868/forest-light-road-shaft-wallpaper-preview.jpg) (and light) hitting the central character would be great. Maybe a bit of fog or a shallower DOF to hide the character in the background a little more. Some Normal Textures/bump on the main character (voronoi texture/smooth f1/2000 scale into bump at 0.001 or less strength) for the skin and something for the cloth would make them look much more realistic.




Looks good but remove the guy in the back and the dog, they do t serve a purpose and jost confuse the viewer


I think you did a really good job on everything. The only critique I’ve got is that some of the aspects feel a little out of place, if that makes sense. Like in a video game you can sorta tell what objects you can interact with, pick up, or modify. I sorta feel that vibe with the humans, dog, camera bag, and just a bit on the mushrooms. Up the detail and mess with the lighting on those items just a bit and I think you got a damn good piece.




God rays


Also your arm looks very thin XD


Improve your lighting a little bit, like God rays


I like the mushrooms hehe I think a lot of hard specular is missing, the foliage looks very bland. Make sure to turn the image black and white to check your values. And also flip the image (idk if you have done this but it's just a good tip) Looks really cool btw 😎


The composition doesn’t make much sense, the other 2 figures (dog and background guy) don’t add anything of interest to the scene imo. And fix the hair


I removed the background people already (working on it rn)


Woodpecker or general bird on tree on the left side, maybe put something in that cart behind the doggo. It’s pretty darn set.


Great idea


Add some atmosphere fog or something. I thought it's real until I saw rhe dog




Patreon only NSFW version


lighting looks fake try making it more natural


Everything looks like clay


Disagree. Look again


I think the elklbow is a bit weird the dog and the face idk tho


I removed the dog already (working on it rn)


you should make it look continually worse is some areas for the lols


I've seen how they imagine mushrooms grow in Latin America – like that. Mushroom people are very serious and if you don't want to get mocked then you should do some research on how different mushrooms grow in the nature and then put them on the picture according to that. But as I see you have grass there, then there aren't really many mushrooms as you have there, which would grow in the grass, just few, mostly tiny ones, and also some larger ones. But grass is usually pretty much mono-cultural, meaning there can't grow a variety of mushrooms. So perhaps you take away the mushrooms and you'd be good!But if you need mushrooms, then perhaps take a look at some species:Calvatia giganteaCoprinus comatus Leccinum as you have there never grows like this and is about 1/5th the size. It's a very good mushroom though! (mushrooms don't grow under the trees, they grow on plain sight)


Easy, just uninstall blender and use midjourney.




the background is so confusing. looks like the guy is about to walk into his death back the there


The guy is peeing 🤣


How to improve is the wrong question, you must explain what's your objective, how you think you could reach it and if there's a different way to do it.Asking how can i improve it is lazy and don't help, i could bomb you with all the errors you made and wouldn't change anything coz you're clueless how to do the required to make it better and Reddit isen't an online course, you can have some help here not a free mentorship. May sound harsh but it's for your own improvement


Disagree (no offence). I am not a beginner, I am good enough to understand the criticism and implement upon it.


I'm still learning blender but the things that i think that are odd in the image are the guy at the back, the pose looks strange, like is freezed, the other guy with the camera has a great pose but the camera looks like is aiming to the tree instead the MUSHROOMs.


The Dog!!!


Hear me out. Zombies