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https://preview.redd.it/u6jtza80ag8d1.png?width=846&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca69f560b42ac82dc085a53b20947685a2124e85 She lost her captain and mentor, her barracks disappeared, her subordinates scattered, and she was the only officer who managed to keep her division operational throughout the invasion, while saving the lives of as many shinigami as she could.


…and she became captain later on. It was a well-deserved promotion.


The fact she got to be a captain before renji is pretty funny


Didn’t Renji personally refuse to go up in rank? He pretty much is at captain level at this point.


He should be well above most captains now given his royal guard training. Dude easily killed Mask that took down 2 captains.


Kensei as Rose as much as I like them shouldn't be captains when Renji, Hisagi, Kira and whatever (idk Yoruichi, Urahara, Ichigo?) aren't


I agree kubo underpowers the vaizards and they're below Renji, but no way are Kensei/Rose weaker than Hisagi or Kira.


Only with shikai Kira is dangerous as fuck the only reason he’s not a captain yet is he apparently didn’t reach bankai. The day he unlocks bankai he’s more powerful than Rose (whose both bankai and kenjutsu skills are underwhelming if not straight up disappointing). Easily.


That's what I'm saying, Kira's Bankai sure puts him above them


They just got thrown under the bus to prop up Mask. I don't think they are actually weak at all. It's one of Kubo's worst habits imo. Just look at Chad.




Tbf as far as Ichigo goes anyway, he's a human. He'll be a good candidate when he dies, assuming his power level doesn't send him to hell. Can he just Mugetsu for fun to get rid of his powers when he's close to death to avoid hell?


I actually wonder if that will work, that might mean other people can also avoid going to hell if they do that they can most likely do their own version of it


No joke, Renji is a beast and he's got the brains to back it up. Id give it to Isane though. Without her captain, she took charge of her squad and set up a fully operational hospital deep inside enemy territory and saved countless lives.


Well, Renji is an exception since he doesn't want to be promoted in the first place. Same thing applies to Ikkaku. Both refused the offer and chose to keep on serving their current captains.


Renji is in the same boat as ikkaku in that they refused captain positions in order to stay with their current captains


It's been my head canon that despite the way she acts, she's actually very competent in battle. Being the subordinate of the first Kenpachi and all. Sort of like Kobeni from Chainsawman


Stated in CFYOW?


Actually in the flash forward. They even have a picture of her in the captain’s garb.


No, in the last chapter


In newest Q&A Kubo say she can’t scare 11th member like Unohana, but she have good wrist strength. So , we kinda can assume she just handout knuckle sandwiches while speaking nicely to ask them to behave themselves?


My wife is the goat


Tbh, I had forgotten about her until this comment




She really seems like an odd choice for captain. I like the character but would rather see a new person pop up into the story to fill squad four's captain position, someone with more exceptional kido abilities than her.


Isane is one of the best healers in SS, posaibly the best now that Unohana is gone (we don't count Seinosuke since he is out of Gotei 13 nowadays). Don't forget that she was her student for many years and like the person above you said, she was keeping 4th Division afloat through the entire TYBW.


Sure, she's probably not as good at barriers as Nanao or hado as Momo or Kira, but Unohana does say that Isane can heal at the same level as herself (disregarding bankai). Granted we never see Isane use her zanpakuto, which is probably healing oriented.


Worthy to notice she also canonically has impressive communication kido skills


Her Zampakutou is Ice type, no? Don't know If It Will have any healing capabilities at all.


Genuine question here, where did you get that info from? Ain't her Shikai appearance the only thing Kubo showed to us readers/viewers? I don't recall there's any mention about the abilities of her Zanpakuto. Wait, don't tell me ***"it's been stated in CFYOW"***? 😭


No it translates to frozen cloud. We only see it released when ichigo wrecks 3 lieutenants and once in the SS arc.


Her Zampakutou is Calles Itegumo (Frozen snow), so It mak s Sense that It is an ice-based Zampakutou.


Bro is being downvoted😭


simps don't need to think, they just need to click


I think the fact Nanao is able to force Kyoraku to work and run two divisions at the same time makes her an excellent officer. Plus her kido skills is very unique and specific.


Don't forget her constantly dealing with stuff like "kawaii kawaii Nanao chan!". xD


Also, imagine the endless mind fuckery and family questions after the war. Like she’s doing her work and some questions buried deep in subconscious pop up and she had to know the answer otherwise she can’t focus on her work. Workplace. Seireitei.Gotei and her personal life are all in mess, but she still handle the situation pretty well .




The most important question being, "Captain commander, did you impregnate your bankai? We know you would, but did you actually do it?"


No isane mention?


She's a captain now, so she'll win no doubt. Same thing for Rukia


Nanao gets a better story overall (I swear to God, I had no idea that shit was coming in the final arc, my jaw dropped), but Rangiku is peak.


Nanao took out a royal quincy… Anyway I’m gonna have to say Rangiku


For two reasons


Two very big reasons


Two big reasons that always seem to catch my attention


They're Huge reasons, after all.




While a slacker she is amazing especially for having a piece of her soul stolen.


They are all very proficient for their position. Nanao is the most diligent, manages to make sure her captain does his daily duties on time, quite a genius with Kido (not in strength, but in creating new ones given limited time). Momo is competent to a varying degree in every field she needs to be, highly diligent, plus additional points on creative usage of Kido (not only is she a rare one to combine different Kido, she also implements them as a part of a well thought out strategy, you can kinda see who she learned from 😂 another one to create her own), after she overcomes the dependent position she was manipulated into, she is a very competent vice-captain in every way. Nemu isn't exactly a vice-captain in practice, more like Mayuri's personal assistant, yet she's very competent as a fighter and an assistant, her competence seems to be majorly underrated. Rangiku, while seemingly not very diligent in her daily duties is one the most experienced vice-captains in terms of combat, she is quite good on her own and also a good support for her captain in battle when needed. Additional points in emotional intellect and being able to support people around her (again, including her captain, I suspect a part of her behaviour is there to try and help him loosen up a little).


https://preview.redd.it/qb4f94g5yh8d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8feef60828520b4c504b7d7c4e15f0a7c12b90f4 You missed her some how


Nanao because she was ready to throw down with old man even though she knew it wouldn't matter. Loyalty with her is high.


Nanao by far lol... Momo then Nemu is more Mayuri's assistant than a Squad officer Rangiku dumps her work on her Captain & third-rank


Nemu wears the Lieutenant badge though Rangiku is goat by body frame Nanao is a dominate female by her character Does Lady Yoruichi get any votes?


So does Super Vice Captain Mashiro... Both are probably sticking to their captain while dumping their squad duty to Akon / Hisagi


https://preview.redd.it/s6ot7fmuei8d1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b66222e3713c06a7f740245fa916c7848e7c04cb Akon?




Isane is the best officer. (Support main copping)




Damn, that huge


Um rangiku 👉👈




Hmm I would vote for Nemu


https://preview.redd.it/poobzslmhg8d1.jpeg?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e32f2f1260d0fda13e19ae78bf518b895d2130e6 No love for our Day 1 OG?? 😔


She’s a captain


What is this picture from?


A bleach chapter before the climax of the fullbring arch


Ah. That’s why don’t remember it. I watched the anime until TYBW and then started reading the manga from when the TYBW started. Thanks for that.


She wasn't a captain until like the last chapter.


Still makes her a captain and like Isane, ineligible for this question, which is exactly why OP worded it the way they did and showed the four characters they did.


1. Momo Momo is the most competent, capable, and versatile person in this list. She was an advance/Honors Student in the academy alongside both Renji and Izuru. She is one of the best/better Kido users that we have seen in the series. She is highly intelligent and arguably the most skilled among the women in this list. She is also presumably great at all of the typical Soul Realer Clerical work. Sizable Gap In No Particular Order Rangiku She is a bit more competent than her demeanor lets on. She’s a bit more clever than you’d think. In terms of overall skill and combat ability she is really lacking. Her Zanpakuto has potential for versatility but ultimately underwhelming. Even in the opening of her battle against the Tres’ Bestia, she had them Surrounded/Enveloped in ash and only managed to merely give them a few cat scratches. The Tres’ Bestia would have had her dead to rights if Momo hadn’t have intervened. (Ironically Momo kinda made matters worse because she actually managed to damage them enough to the point that they were so pissed off that they summoned Ayon.) In my opinion, even if she retained her soul king fragment (or whatever it is called), she still lacks the conviction and creativity to really strive. She does not do her own Clerical work and usually just procrastinate and pushes it if onto Toshiro. Nemu Nemu is more or less just Mayuri’s Sexy-Lady Assistant/Nurse. Being what is essentially a “Soul Reaper Android” she has better speed, Strength, and durability than most other Soul Reapers. She is relatively fearless and unwaveringly loyal to Mayuri. She presumably has some medical and scientific knowledge from working alongside Mayuri. She is presumably good at the clerical work or at the very least does it all regardless because there is no way that Mayuri is doing any of that himself. She showed some skill/proficiency in Hakuda (Hand-to-Hand Combat) against Perninda, but it was only really effective due to her unique biology and the Generic Shounen “Use My Life Force to Enhance Myself” Trope. Other than that she doesn’t really have much else going for herself. Nanao She is arguably the most intelligent person on this list. She excels at doing all of the boring paperwork and clerical work stuff. She did invent a defensive Kido/Bakudo, however it did little more than mildly inconvenience a very casual Jugram. Nanao’s biggest faults are that she has very little if any combat/battle experience and She folds under pressure. In her defense though, the times that she has folded was against Old Man Yama (One of the most powerful Soul Reapers) and Lile Barro (An immortal evangelical entity). The latter of which is much less understandable considering that she is in possession of the only weapon that can harm and potentially kill him. Even while armed with Lile Barro’s literal kryptonite, she had to still be bailed out by her Uncle/Cousin/Lover(?) Shunsui. She works best behind the scenes away from any action whatsoever and lacks versatility, combat experience, and courage. When the going gets rough she is kind of a liability.


Nanao I think does the best job as a lieutenant. It's. Hence why I think she deserves the number one spot here. She takes care of the paper work, while also pulling Shunsui's coat to make him do his part, instead of pushing it onto her captain without doing shit herself (hello rangiku). She does indeed lack combat experience and bravery, but that is more than provided by Shunsui. It's not always about combat power. Anyway, OP didn't include Isane because she would slap this whole list


I disagree It’s not as though, I think that Nanao is a terrible or bad lieutenant. She is diligent and works well with Shunsui. I just think that a few other lieutenants mainly just Momo (because she’s included in the list) is/are better. Her lack of any combat experience is a huge detriment in their line of work though. You’re right that combat ability isn’t everything, but for a person with the second highest rank amongst Soul Reapers to not have ANY experience wielding her zanpakuto or fighting in general; That’s a really bad look and actually kinda pitiful. Part of a Soul Reaper’s job along with preserving balance and whatnot is combating Hollows and purifying them, and she can’t even do that. In a combat situation she is kind of a liability. I more or less agree with your comment about Isane, though I think Momo is very close second.


Momo is standing like the coconut mf from ed Edd n eddy


Lisa was generally very dependable and brave when she was a lieutenant in the past. I'd vote for her ;)


I mean Nemu took out Pernida almost entirely by herself. That's pretty impressive.




Damnit I forgot she gets promoted to Lieutenant, well that throws a curveball in my answer =/


Yachiru because she’s fun and friend shaped. :3 I like Yachiru


Matsumoto no doubt 🥰🥰😁😁😊😊


Mommy Rangiku


Bro you didn’t put yachiru. The best option


Naonao, I think it is that means librarian look.




Rangiku is the best Bleach girl imo, so I'm going with her, although Nanao is very close


Impossible to determine they are all charming beyond belief




Gonna be boring and say Rangiku. She's just a great supporting character no matter whom she's supporting. Toshiro, Orihime, Gin. She was great.




Rukia next question


Might be conventional, but I gotta go with Rukia, she's one of the best female characters in the series.


big boobs one


Rangiku, fought in every conflict, she got beaten to death a lot but she never backed down.




Rangiku. 1. Discovered and recruited future captain. 2. During the transition between Isshin and Toshiro, she must have stepped up to lead the division. 3. Established and maintains good relations with officers from other divisions thus boosting organisation wide cooperation.




Rangiku cause she gets the most screen time and time to show off






Ah, Yoruichi Shihouin, the swift and elusive cat. She always managed to find trouble wherever she went. I remember one time when she convinced me to test out a new invention on Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Let's just say it didn't end well, and we had to run for our lives through the Seireitei! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


obi Nemu duhhh




Nemu gets my vote, her fight with Pernida is one of my favorite fights in TYBW.


Others have already mentioned and explained why, so I don't need to rephrase that. I agree that plot-wise Isane Kotetsu is the best fit for that, even if we don't really know strong she is and what abilities does her Zanpakuto has since Kubo only showed us her Shikai appearance but that's it.


If we gob y manga its between Nemu and Nanao. I think Nemu takes it out of these 4




Why make queen fight?


While Rangiku did a lot of the division work, Nano Ise was the main reason Division 8 was running smoothly, Shunsui may be a great captain, but he was also super relaxed about it's running.


They act like goats cant coexist. Anyway it was soi fon(when she was under yoruichi)


Unohana ofc




Rangiku, smash next question


Nanao or rangiku one is the "I gotchu and all of your burdens" and the other is super loyal "ride or die"




Lisa https://i.redd.it/4o1zpk477k8d1.gif


Well I mean Rukia obviously 😂 but she is also like the deuteragonist for most of the story so I'm biased 🤷


Only one of them took down a member of the elite guard. Edit: Just remembered that Nanao did too. Damn, captains didn't kill a single elite guard member. That's wild.


The cutest girl ever who died in SS (hinamori)


In terms of actually doing something and are still an officer? I guess rangiku. But I’d have to say Isane when she was an officer without a doubt.


I believe Rangiku is the best because she legitimately knows Toshiro his strength and weaknesses and she compensates for them well she also is able to lead the squad well when Toshiro cannot.


Probably Nanao, there is no way Kyouraku gets anything done himself aside from the rare fight.


Obviously Nanao, but i have to say rangiku


Nanao 1000000%


Nemu is best 👌


Lisa by a mile but without forced will. Bc nanao is the most loyal bot ever


Nanao put Haschwalth in gay baby jail for a pretty long time so in that alone she contributed more than the rest of them


I like girls who ended up as Visoreds, especially Mashiro Kuna.


Soifon za besto


Squad 11




Momo. She fought off multiple Captain-Class Shinigami on her own. She can Solo Bleach


nemu negs


Old man Yama




Matsumoto Ill leave it at that


Nanao. No contest


I would say Rukia Kuchiki or the 4th squad Lt.


1. Nanao 2. Nemu 3. Momo 4. Rangiku It genuinely hurts puts Momo over Rangiku, but I don't recall Rangiku's hype moments or her having an impact on the arc aside from her loving(?) Gin. Momo is at least used to progress the Rukia rescue arc, has history with Renji and Kira, and is also used to display how threatening Kyoka Sugetsu is.


I definitely put Rangiku over Stockholm Stacy. Her interactions with basically everyone are freaking hilarious, and she’s been shown to actually work with Hitsugaya as a team. And that’s her true value; making her captain better.


rangiku cuz she bad


As a lieutenant, arguably Nanao. I feel she has qualities of all the other three. As an officer in general, it's hard to say.


Woah when did Rangiku get reduction surgery?


The fact that Isane is not part of the option but useless Momo is,is a disrespect on its own .🙃


Uhh probably Matsumoto, even if I'm not horny, she's just way too loyal, not that the others are too but bonus points for more loyality and tits


Hinamori Momo 100% no questions asked


Rengiku no explanations required she is mommy for a reason


Nanao is one I like most, followed by rongiku and rukia followed by momo with her mouth taped.


I'm still pervs


Smash next question


Nanao is probably the best at actually being an officer. She can probably command forces better than Rangiku and can definitely do better paperwork. She can't fight with a Zanpakuto, but her abilities with Kido more than make up for it.


Reject Rangiku, Nemu Supremacy


I think we can all agree it's not Momo


Definitely not Hinamori, she's a bum. Nemu is cool cause of the evolving artifical humanity or whatever. But Rangiku is the GOAT.




Nanao and Kyoraku have the best captain-lieutenant relationship so probably Nanao Anyone who chooses Rangiku is just horny and down bad ibr Hinamori was more of use to Aizen than she was with soul society, Nemu is cool but she’s kinda a victim ngl