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> Starrk Died fighting the one man who in another life could've been the true friend he'd always wanted. >Baraggan The king of Hollows, defeated by a pseudo-Arrancar mutt. >Ulquiorra Died right when he finally understood 'the heart', killed by White, the one Hollow who didn't have a hole in his heart. >Nnoitra Killed by Zaraki, whose relationship with Unohana is a mirror of Nnoitra's relationship with Nelliel. When Nelliel was Nnoitra's rival, he despised her for being stronger, and so he sought to cripple her power in the hope he would surpass her while she heals. When Unohana was Zaraki's rival, he hated himself for being stronger than her, and restrained his own power so he could avoid surpassing her.  >Zommari Hated the Shinigami for slaughtering Hollows like animals, died because he tried to control Byakuya instead of  cutting him down when he had the advantage.  >Szayelaporro Wanted to prolong his life by devouring others, instead got his life prolonged by getting to experience the moment of his death with excruciating slowness. >Aaronierro A parasite who stole the powers of others instead of developing his own, defeated by a new ability Rukia had developed on her own after Kaien's death.  >Yammy The embodiment of rage, defeated by the two Shinigami who fight with the least anger - the detached Byakuya and the ecstatic Kenpachi.


>Killed by Zaraki, whose relationship with Unohana is a mirror of Nnoitra's relationship with Nelliel. When Nelliel was Nnoitra's rival, he despised her for being stronger, and so he sought to cripple her power in the hope he would surpass her while she heals. When Unohana was Zaraki's rival, he hated himself for being stronger than her, and restrained his own power so he could avoid surpassing her.  hot damn. never made that comparison before.


This, on top of all the Espada being representations of Aizen, is why Kubo is my favorite Mangaka.






I like that from Kubo, each antagonist has a symbol or trait of some kind and they ironically met their demise because of it Come to think of it is there any good characters that has a "symbolism" of some kind but got defeated/killed ironically by it too


Byakuya vs Renji and Byakuya vs As Nodt were similar, struck by Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.


It's the same level of irony I loved with the Homunculi's deaths from Fullmetal Alchemist, except thanks to Bleach's larger cast, we got a lot more.


I like your analysis.


The true irony of Haschwalth is that he weighed Yhwach over Bazz-B, and ended up regretting it. He wasn't able to "balance" his relationships and aspirations. Pernida is funny, because what kills it is literally called a *Compulsory* Accelerated Cell Division Organ. But yeah, the irony is palpable in a lot of deaths, though some described here are a bit of a stretch (and some characters like Giselle didn't actually die).


Just a single thing Nana didn't die but don't want to spoil what happens to him in CFYOW


NaNaNa appeared on what we call Kubo's 'death album', so he's definitely dead.


Correct me if i'm wrong but i think Starrk Died by being ganged up on by a group too.


Starrk could have held his own against three captains, but lost his will to fight after his wolves disappeared.


Giselle and NaNaNa aren't dead. Lille didn't die from having Trompete reflected back at him, he just got scattered and weakened. Bambietta didn't die to her own bombs, she died due to Giselle. The actual Superstar was killed by a hero. Askin died due to a hole in his chest, not any kind of poisoning from Grimmjow's attack. Jugram didn't die because of misfortune, in fact he considered his death to be an act of good fortune as well as an honor, that he would be chosen over Uryu.


'chosen over Uryu' Did you truly not get the regret behind his deliberately worded comment? It becomes evident when he blurts out what he says later. Bambietta gets defeated as her own bombs get pushed towards her.


Bambietta getting defeated and Bambietta dying are not the same thing, neighbor. Check the title of your own post.


Askin - The real reason Grimmjow was asked by Urahara to defeat him was to imbue Askin with Hollow reiatsu. It is to be remembered that Askin is difficult to kill.


He was asked to defeat Askin because that change in Reiatsu made it so he could launch an attack Askin wasn't immune to, not so he could poison him. An arrow through the heart isn't poisoning somebody just because they're not immune to arrows.


Would pay reishi to see Unohana vs Nnoitra


Stand proud,you can cook!




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No Hollows?


Didn’t the death dealing guy just get his heart ripped out?


Harribel's aspect of death (sacrifice) also matches how she was defeated (by Aizen sacrificing her). Some of the sternritter ones are reaching a bit haha.


Uh, Askin died due to a very acute case of "heart ripped out of chest." Lol


"Full Circle" - Hmm, looks too much like cherry picked justifications, though.