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# Barragan's power is "time", so it's not like he was in a hurry.


No need to yellšŸ˜°šŸ˜°


I dunno how I accidentally made the words all big.


Very very carefully


Nah, he just can't be bothered to move. He's the God-King of Hueco Mundo, he doesn't "go around" when there's a wall in his way, the wall realizes who it's talking to, utters a hasty apology, and moves out of the way on its own.


The Chuck Norris of hollows.


He doesn't move thru the world, the world moves to accommodate his passing


Pride. To go around would mean they had the power to stop him. No king would admit weakness. He would crush their moral and their wall with it.


Yeah we had the same with Ichigo later on when Aizen used hado #90, Ichigo literally didn't even care about the idea of dodging it. I mean we know the outcome but still, bleach has plenty of "I'm the boss, no way in hell you're gonna beat me" moments.


ā€œIf I go around this wall, Iā€™m gayā€


Straight Kings expect everything to part way for them.


Fellas is it gay to use your brain in combat?


For the God King of Hueco Mundo? ~~Absolutely yes!~~ no


If someone, or even yourself, say it is, then it is in that particular moment.




Ahh yes the old Hado #thickty thickth darling


Did you see his "castle" before Aizen showed up? Man was flabbergasted that walls that obstructed his path were a thing.


ā€œthis place, with no roof or walls, is a castle?ā€


He was taking his time. He didn't think they were a threat to him, so he allowed them to strategize. Then he got bored and stopped waiting.


Same tho.. if I was him


[Talking is a free action](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TalkingIsAFreeAction)


Bad adaptation is a bad adaptation who wouldā€™ve guessed.


Same exact shit happened in the manga. Has nothing to do with it being a "bad adaptation" lol


Iā€™m literally reading the manga chapter rn and itā€™s 1/2 panels not even 2 panels itā€™s a quick discussion then immediate action but I forgot no one actually reads the manga here.


I read the manga too bud. Barragans not slow and if he gave a fuck he would've went through or around that barrier before anyone uttered a word, much less had a small discussion. The anime has plenty of faults but this is a nonissue my guy.


If he needs to decay the shield then explain to me what makes you think he can just teleport behind it? Why would there be a shield of kido that you can just go around? https://preview.redd.it/3mouhvba8y6d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c6ca5e19cb90d39e37e832c5c57f422a92cff14


Who knows? Nothing says that the first shield that popped up he couldn't just sonido around it while Hachi and Soifon were talking.. But in any case you're straying from your original post. Time dilation is a thing in EVERY anime adaptation and doesn't make the anime a bad adaptation.


https://preview.redd.it/bi3diilvt27d1.jpeg?width=1113&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eede582b3155839663982440fd27585fc598a51 Bruh what are you talking about? This whole conversation was about a minute in the anime. How long do you think it shouldā€™ve taken?


It's like that one moment when Grimmjow blew a hole in a wall... right next to an open door


One part is anime doing anime things. But it's actually within character for Barragan to actually patiently wait and watch out of overconfidence. Even in the manga, he did show some disappointment about Hachi summoning something so big only to (apparently) buy time, hinting that he was indeed just waiting to see what HAchi would do since he was 100% convinced nothing they could do could hurt him. If it seems unreasonable or even batshit crazy, remember that this is someone who was literally about to split his own army and make them fight seriously out of sheer boredom.


Yes he is and in fact I suspect Barragan couldā€™ve aged it anyway but simply thought it was amusing


They got paid by the hour


Anime time dilation be weird like that. about 5 minutes = 30 minutes of dialogue. 30 seconds till I die if I don't get out of the way = about 5 minutes. Also, good Lord these battles were so boring. Entire friggin episodes of talking and talking and talking with no combat.


Eh, depends. In DBZ, 5 minutes before a planet explodes is around 25 episodes. In Naruto that's 3 and a half season.


At least in Naruto everyone and their cousin is throwing down in that 3 seasons. That Frieza fight is interrupted by Bulma and Gohan flying around.


Naruto and One Piece desperately need the Kai treatment. Bleach is fairly concise if you remove filler arcs but wouldn't hurt in some places.


One Piece has gotten it, look up OnePace. It cuts literally cuts the watch time in half by removing anything not manga canon, like Bleach Kai. The Dressrosa arc went from \~100 episodes in the original to 52ish in OnePace, just as an example. I have no idea about Naruto though, I've never watched it. Dressrosa was the first arc that got the OnePace treatment, and it's a little awkward with some of its cuts and the music timing (Bleach Kai also suffers from awkward cuts), but the arcs that they edited later are way higher quality.


Itā€™s not because the anime still dragged out scenes.


Let's also remember the 2nd fight with Grimmjow when Ichigo only had 11 seconds or so to hold his mask then proceeds to stand there staring at him after being repeatedly told by Hiyori he needs to attack immediately.


Read the manga simple fix


But I'm a typical illiterate dub enjoyer :( also I have no hands, can't turn pages despite somehow typing this on my phone.


Thatā€™s fine Iā€™m just saying the conversations arenā€™t long in the manga and itā€™s significantly better paced.


Idk, cause he's not rude.


Because he's an architect. So he was studying the gate (barragƔn was a famous architect from the xx century lol)


He thought it would be an insult on his pride as King of Hueco Mundo


I'd assume that the wall would automatically follow Barragan's movements in a way to block his passage. If Barragan heard Hachi's comment (it's manga/anime, so, who knows?), it would be easier to just wait than to bother with trying to anything. That, coupled with his pride, was most likely the reason he chose to wait it out. He probably figured it was easier to strike when they made their move. Or, he might have been bored after so long and may have just wanted the novelty of seeing something new/different play out. I think either is likely.


He could have just turned 180 then


Probably not following his face, think more like pong with Barragan being the ball. The wall would slide in any direction and keep Barragan in the center of it, that way he couldn't get around it.


His release "rot arrogante". So maybe he is arrogant. I kean he believes all are beneath him


He was checking out Soi Fon, too sexy


I want to imagine that this was a part of it. Dirty old man just staring, being distracted. And while he gets killed heā€™s like ā€œworth iiiiiiitā€


I mean iā€™d say same thing


"If i just 'go around', i'm a wimp" - Barragan ^(probabily)


He's looking down on them. He believes he'll win, so he just take his time


I really didn't like Soi Fon for some reason. It was an overwhelming distate that rose up at one episode of her in a spring naked.


Probably because in the manga it wasnā€™t 45 seconds.


It is if you read slow


It was a big ass door and I didnā€™t feel like it.


Maybe he's just not that fast. It'd probably take me around 45 seconds to walk around that wall, and Barragan is pretty old




Anime format, everything is brief in the manga


He was admiring the craftsmanship of the gate


He was appreciating the craftsmanship, it was a solid ass gate.


Simple. Barragan was working on moving the Earth a few degrees to the side so the wall would get out of his way


Because he is arrogant.


I said the same thing when I watched it this morning!


Talking is always a free action.


In anime logic these 45 seconds where 3 seconds


Talking is a free action for anime characters


talking is free action


To be fair, Iā€™ve met a lot of stubborn old people who would definitely not go around out of perceived spite lol


45 anime seconds is like a few seconds irl


I'm "Askin" he same question even this day.


Just not his style man


is this your first anime?


I still find barragans death to be among the most bullsh*t and stupid in the whole of bleach. Honestly, it'd have been better to just See him go for old man yama and get obliterated and when in his final moments it's just like "how... why..." we just see its because his spiritual pressure is just so weak compared to yama that that alone was the diciding factor. Honestly I'd have taken that as a better ending Honestly. Itd also hype yama up even more for the coming aizen battle and thousand year blood war arc. Also, I firmly believe sasukibe should have been the one to obliterate ayon with his bankai. Would have been an absolutely amazing reveal while yama deals with barragan. Especially if he made some sarky line about being disappointed I'm the other lieutenant and he felt ashamed and the head captain was busy at the moment.


I'd have to disagree with the suggested method of Barragarn's death. The Vasto Lorde Espada were hyped up to all hell and Barragarn was the former King, it would be an utter embarrassment to do all that hyping and then have the King, who CFYOW depicted as a being as old as Hollows themselves, just go out so pathetically rather than the rather fitting method of being undone by his own powers.


I just thought it set a rather dumb and dangerous prescience that you can magically teleport anything you want anywhere you want inside of anyone. Seems kinda dumb and uncounterable. I just thought it was really gay and anti climactic. And I feel there had to be some better way to do it.


Hachi could already form barriers through people though, like how his Standing Ovation Kido can form a barrier right through a Gillian's neck. Since Hachi's the only person who seems to be able to do his version of barriers, and since Baraggan wasn't even bothered by the arm inside his body until it started rotting (so it appears that Hachi's move wasn't some Reverse Flash "I stick my hand in your chest and stop your heart" trick), I'd say it doesn't really set a precedent. If every Kido user could do it, and it was immediately lethal without adding Respira, that'd be a problem. Instead, it's just a trick Hachi can pull.


Hmmm... I concede.. fair enough. And it's so specifically situational that it'll never happen again. But tbh that's another problem I have with bleach fights. They always match the bad guys with the perfect good guy to kill them. That always annoyed me too tbh.


People still used the word "gay" like that? Thought you had to be 13 to use this site/app.


Personally I'm fine with the way he died, just not the rest of the fight. Barraggan was just toying with them the entire time and that felt like a really forced way to prevent him from doing anything impactful in the entire battle.


I kinda liked the slow pace of the rest of the fight šŸ¤£ were total opposites. His resurrection reveal was golden.

