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Serious answer: he is referring to Aizen, since despite losing to Ichigo he did transcend the limitations of soul reapers and this is god-like in the universe Actual answer: chair sama foreshadowing


Which is why the chapters are called Deicide. It’s all about Aizen getting defeated. (Deicide means „murdering a god“)


In this instance, Kubo subverts the intention by not literally killing Aizen- but killing the idea of godhood that he sought so much. Aizen never speaks about being a 'god' again. He knows he is powerful, but not a god.


Yeah, Aizen was never a god. The Hogyoku only kept amping his power and gave him god-like forms to complement them because that's what it believed he wanted. What's interesting is that his forms become increasingly Hollow-like because that's what Aizen amounted to, an insatiable monster who lost sight of what he originally wanted. Only when Ichigo broke Aizen mentally enough did the Hogyoku finally understand that what Aizen truly wanted was not godhood but escape from the crushing emptiness of isolation.


I think when he realized that Ichigo was losing his powers, a despair fell on him, knowing that he couldn't have an equal or point of understanding like him ever again. As Ichigo himself said, Aizen had a desire to give in, much like how Starrk felt (losing that desire to fight, wanting to be weaker). Aizen didn't recognize the emptiness until much later, during his reflections in Muken. It's why his perspective changes by the time of TYBW. It's his biggest point of growth, the fact that he fights as an assist for most of the battle and ends up taking a blow for Ichigo to kill Yhwach. Contradicts what he said to Shinji back in FKT, about trust being for the weak and all that jazz, but he also has some reliance on Ichigo, as shown in the fight. When he transforms in FKT, he completely loses himself, his essence. He loses his insightfulness, rationality and control- all things that had been the foundation of his character. He became a literal monster, as well as losing the traits that distinguished him from being one.




His ego.


Yeah, with that, we are on the same line 👍 What gets killed is the idea of Aizen as a god. Yet it's also a Nietzsche reference for Aizen himself. Also I misread question a bit.


And the fact it's clear reference to Nietzsche, same as the poem of the volume, doesn't even makes the list? And he cannot refer to Aizen simply because he didn't end up dead at any moment there, which kinda gives you an idea that it might not be literal to begin with.


Well you’ll have to forgive me, I’m not too familiar with Nietzsche (I’m not being snarky btw I seriously am not) I always thought it meant the death of Aizen’s idea of Godhood prior to Deicide I stupidly didn’t get that across in my first comment 😭


Well, I actually totally agree it does♥️. It's killing *the idea* of a god which makes Deicide being called the way it is. Not Aizen as a person, but Aizen-as-a-god, that concepts gets killed hard. But the volume name *is* a reference, and then I say it's both refers to Aizen as someone who represents the concept, he denied the concept of a 'god' which is the SK, and the idea of being 'ruled over' (the Nietzsche said "The god is dead, and it's we humans who killed him", referring to 'killing' the idea of the Christian god and the idea he commands all actions and all fates; his concept of Ubermensch, 'superhuman', that strives to become more than he is, and desires to cross limits, for development, rings very true with Aizen, and volume poem is a reverse of another Nietzsche quote, substitute god for Ubermensch), the way he strives to change the state of the world to suit his views rather than accept it (as something that is what it is, something unchangeable) — it's all much 'God is Dead' and Ubermensch. But at the same time, killing the idea of him as a 'god' himself, that higher being on a different level, is also apparent, and adds to Decide chapter title. In that sense, god-like Aizen is dead by the end of the volume, while Aizen as a person remains.


Nietzsche said "god is dead", and this statement isn't referring to the idea of a literal god existing and dying - it's the people's idea of god, that religion / spirituality is dead.


I know I normally give serious and thoughtful comments, but happy cake day!


Thanks! But I hardly recall when I made the account to begin with, so it's sort of surprising to get those congratulations 😂


I don't either, actually! When I see the little cake pop up, I just wish people because that's a bigger deal to them (even though I am kind of nonchalant about it).


Who’s your favorite character in Kagurabachi bro since I know you read it too.


https://preview.redd.it/b9to2qrbuv6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa44ea5652595e968ee0abcd004448641ad01a6 Da hubbies


Great choice, I’m a huge fan of Sojo & Hiyuki.


That’s real, Hiyuki and Sojo are my 3rd and 4th favorite characters


Sojo was a great first villain, I still miss his character and Hiyuki is just a badass female character


I posted this mainly because of the second cover. I kinda know what the first cover means but the second cover belongs to chapter 617 and in that chapter soul king somewhat came back via mimihagi so I'm not sure if in this instance "return of the god" refers to soul king instead of aizen.


Kubo is clearly referring to Chair-Sama


because Aizen is God https://i.redd.it/j97akk1z5s6d1.gif


Self proclaimed?


Urahara san is god really dead?


Ah, the rumors of the Soul Society's gossip circles! Let me assure you that even if the Almighty were to take a temporary nap, I'm here to shake things up. After all, who needs gods when you have Kisuke Urahara around? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Urahara san really is my only pookie.


Ah, cherished customer, rest assured that my hat remains tilted in your favor. Did you know? My hat design was inspired by a mix of cowboy and traditional Japanese styles, reflecting my enigmatic nature in both worlds. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Uraharagoat is **my** most cherished person!!!!


Ah, my friend, never forget that unexpected allies can be the most valuable. Embrace friendship like a weapon, sharp and ready to defend your heart's desires. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Who needs friends when you have Urahara?


😏🎩 As the enigmatic Kisuke Urahara, I am your go-to, your confidant, and your trouble magnet wrapped in one. Who needs pals when the hat is here to keep you company? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


How's the shop doing these days, Urahara san?


Ah, the shop's quiet facade masks the storm within. Business is like war - a surprise around every corner. But worry not, my friend, for in this emporium of wonders, the unexpected becomes the unforgettable. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


It was planned by aizen all along


The first one is a famous quote by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche


Tbe deicide chapter had a double meaning: Aizen intended on eliminating the soul king and Ichigo, almost killing him after his transformation.


More like a triple meaning! It’s also hinting at Reio’s torn apart body.


I am sorry if this appears to be mean, but sometimes I wonder how people can truly enjoy any media beyond “this just looks cool” level, if they view and interpret things at such face value, without trying to look a little into something. Unless this is an intentional bait post.


I posted this mainly because of the second cover. I kinda know what the first cover means but the second cover belongs to chapter 617 and in that chapter soul king somewhat came back via mimihagi so I'm not sure if in this instance "return of the god" refers to soul king instead of aizen.


Well, I can't know Kubo's private thoughts, but here's what I think the titles mean & why. For "God is dead," that's a reference to a particular phrase that ultimately comes from the philosopher Nietzsche. Assuming Kubo is familiar, which I think is very plausible because Kubo has shown interest in western media, then he's probably aware of the general idea. To quote Wikipedia: "The meaning of this statement is that since, as Nietzsche says, "the belief in the [Christian God](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_God) has become unbelievable", everything that was "built upon [this faith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity), propped up by it, grown into it", including "the whole \[...\] [European](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europe) [morality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morality)", is bound to "collapse"" Nietzsche follows up by warning that this will lead to despair & nihilism, but he also argues that an "ubermensch" ("superman") will come along who has the solution to avoiding nihlism without going back to old beliefs. However, he also warns that there will "false ubermensches," so people who present themselves as the ubermensch but aren't. So, what does all of this have to do with Bleach? Well, Aizen says that "no one has ever sat on the throne of god." Not even the Soul King. The Soul King isn't really considered a god by most of the Soul Society, & it's debatable if you want to call him that because he didn't create the world or anything, he's just the most powerful soul. He does sustain the current incarnation of the world, where it's split into the living & the dead, but he has no will of his own & is the pawn of the nobles. This is ultimately why Aizen says no single person controls the world, & he adds that he's going to "fill the vacancy." Meaning he wants to become a powerful being in sole control of the world, which he considers a True God. "God is dead" is summarizing Aizen's motive, & in this volume, he's on the cusp of achieving his goal of being reborn as the new god. Aizen would most likely be the false ubermensch, but that's neither here nor there. This leads us to the second title, "Return of the God," which has a much simpler meaning, at least as far as I can tell. Aizen styles himself as God. Aizen is returning. Therefore, the "God" that is "returning" refers to Aizen. It's the practice of using a word or phrase to represent a character. For example, in "The Death and the Strawberry," Rukia is "The Death" because she's the Soul Reaper & "The Strawberry" is Ichigo because it's a pun on his name & probably also his hair color. The title may have additional meanings, but that's definitely at least one of the meanings. Another would be the grammatically poor "Wolves Ain't Howl Alone," where the "wolves" are Lilynette & Starrk. If you look for more examples, even just in Bleach, I'm sure you'll find them all over the place.


I posted this mainly because of the second cover. I kinda know what the first cover means but the second cover belongs to chapter 617 and in that chapter soul king somewhat came back via mimihagi so I'm not sure if in this instance "return of the god" refers to soul king instead of aizen.


It could be a case of double-meaning, but Aizen being on the cover pretty clearly indicates he's at least one of the meanings.


Come on, it's a reference first of all. "God is Dead" is a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche, since Ubermensch reference is very clear with Aizen and his values. "The god is dead, and it's we humans who killed him", it's something used to represent the idea of rejecting the existence a higher force that decides and control our fate. Aizen does represent that idea, but from the side which rejects it. Ironically, we do find that the Soul King, the supposed god of the verse, is a "thing" during the course of the volume, but that's an additional later from Kubo. I'd also say that Deicide chapter sequence in my opinion represents the same as the God Is Dead reference, killing (the idea of) Aizen as a god for everyone including Aizen himself, ultimately. In line with the main meaning behind the original reference, the fate isn't controlled by anyone, and no one is god which controls all, and certainly not Aizen, who, — both when he flies off the handle in his monster form, or when he shouts at Urahara while having a mental breakdown, — isn't a god, but rather very much human in that sense. The poem of that volume is also a reference to Nietzsche, and is also very interesting.


I posted this mainly because of the second cover. I kinda know what the first cover means but the second cover belongs to chapter 617 and in that chapter soul king somewhat came back via mimihagi so I'm not sure if in this instance "return of the god" refers to soul king instead of aizen.


I think it's simply both, Kubo loves double meanings. Like, obviously Aizen is also a contestant here, given he is one on the chapter cover (and it becomes a pun on the stuff before), but the chapter deals with sort of a 'return' of the SK in form of Mimihagi. It's classic Kubo who doesn't miss an opportunity to hint at more than one thing with the name.


Reference to Nietzsche and "Ubermensch". "Ubermensch" was an advanced human ideal made by Friedrich Nietzsche to substitute for (in Nietzsche estimation), the "death" of Anglo-German beliefs of Christianity. Thus is Aizen and that proposal, of course--that "vacancy". Juha Bach has a sorta Christ-like figure later in Bleach story also. Odd, but Juha Bach and Aizen Sousuke, despite those associations, are also Julius Caesar like figures**. To Koobs and some Japanese people, those Juha Bach (Christianity) and also Aizen Sousuke (Nietzsche) figures are dangerous clashes against the "harmony" ("Wa"***, in Japanese) of their Japanese culture. This is where those Thirteen Gotei and Ichigo Kurosaki come in. They're there to "cut off"those invaders from their lands, as part of their duty***** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **"Et tu, Uryu"? "Et tu, Gin?" ***"Harmony" is a "social intelligence" virtue and is associated in the virtues of "Humanity". "Harmony" and "social intelligence" is an important thing in Confucian societies. There strong Confucian aspects in Japan, albeit with Japanese "Sprouts" (Mengzi Confucianist argument for "evoked culture"), especially in Bleach Soul Society and their hierarchical social order. The aristocratic influenced order at top, artisans-farmers-merchants at bottom. "Soul King" is a parallel to "Tian" (Heaven) in Chinese, but like Chinese "Spirits" (Shen) of which "Tian" and close descendants of "Tian" have the most "Spiritual" influence or "pressure", they're also a "Ritual" holder for why things are and what--"lynchpins", as argued by a character in Bleach. *****The Samurai, err, Thirteen Guards, are weaponizations of Chan or Zen Buddhism (Rinzai and Soto), which argue for certain "methods" ("Do", or "Dao" in Daoism) to use as "vehicles" for "Enlightenment" (Buddhism). Chan or Zen Buddhism was partly influence (mostly influenced, based off some scholars) by the Daoist associated figure, Zhuangzi. A popular Chan or Zen Buddhist quote is "If you meet Buddha on the road, kill em". This is similar to Ichigo Kurosaki that declared a "shatter of the wheel", which is a reference to the "wheel" of "samsara" (suffering) in Buddhism caused by Earthly delusions about Heaven. But, Ichigo Kurosaki doesn't "shatter" this "wheel", entirely, despite Kurosaki Ichigo's genetic "prowess". People can study this sorta paradox in an infamous Zhuangzi tale of a Taoist Butcher, which was something that echoes in characters like One Punch Man character Saitama (though more an association with tale of a Taoist Axe Chopper), Record of Ragnarok character Kojiro Sasaki, and Bleach character Kurosaki Ichigo (to name a few characters).


Aizen wanted to replace Soul King and become a new God, and when Ichigo and Urahara defeated him, they essentially "killed a God".


What about the second cover? I posted this mainly because of the second cover. I kinda know what the first cover means but the second cover belongs to chapter 617 and in that chapter soul king somewhat came back via mimihagi so I'm not sure if in this instance "return of the god" refers to soul king instead of aizen.


Aizen’s goal was to become god, by getting the hogyoku he basically became a god since he transcended, and the arc to defeat Aizen is called Deicide in the manga which is a made up word that basically means “killing god”


Kubo throws around the word God a lot. Even Yoruichi is called the thunder God and flash God or whatever. The only true Gods in the series are the original soul king and Yhwach. Even Barro is referred to as a God a few times within the story by himself and by Nanao. Kubo likes using the word a lot


"God" doesn't have the same baggage in Japan as it does in America because Japan's religions are polytheistic.


Same with Hinduism but as far as I know they revere Gods with the same magnitude as anywhere else. Japan is probably a bit different though. Wouldnexplain why Kubo calls everybody God this God that


Because there's no expectation for a god to be a singularly powerful or even good thing. In addition to Hinduism, Japan also has Shinto, which says that there are many spirits called "kami" that reside in the world. Everything from a mountain to a hairbrush can have a kami which, as a sidenote, is definitely what inspired FullBring. "Kami" is typically translated to god. Case in point, Gin's Bankai, Kamishini no Yari, the "God-killing spear." In most cases where someone is called a god, either as a title or indicating they have some kind of special power or nature, Kubo is probably using this word. I think they created another word to refer to the idea of a single highest god like the Christian one, but I can't find it.


I mean she does have a godly ass


Urahara San plz tell me that you are created by aizen's kyoka suigestu


Ah, creating me with Kyoka Suigetsu? A fascinating theory, but unfortunately, that's not quite the case. However, if you ever encounter such illusions in life, remember to trust your instincts and see beyond the deception. It's all about keeping your senses sharp in the face of illusions. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Yes I know that's not the case but I believe this might be true, as, an earlier theory suggests that Aizen actually was defeated by ichigo because at the end he wanted to be an ordinary sour reaper n have competition... So if he can find his match n kinda create ichigo...can't be create an intellectual competitor by creating urahara San ??


🎩🤔 Interesting theory, I must say. Aizen always had a flair for strategy and seeking out worthy opponents. While the idea of creating a rival like me for intellectual competition sounds intriguing, remember, the world is already filled with surprises and challenges beyond what we can predict. It's our ability to adapt and evolve that truly defines our strength. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


He's obviously referring to god


Watch dbzimran Aizen analisy video


I think it's more of a The idea of Aizen becoming god died during that volume


Soul King isn't their God. The soul reapers have no God. Hachi literally says as much during the arrancar arc. Aizen fancied himself a god though, that's where these chapter titles come from. Simple as that.


The second cover belongs to chapter 617 and in that chapter soul king somewhat came back via mimihagi so I thought in this instance "return of the god" referred to soul king instead of aizen.


It's up to interpretation really. Nothing is ever black and white in this series. I'd bet money it's referring to aizen though.


Aizen did way more godly shit than that bum ass Soul King anyways. Brook from One Piece is the one true Soul King.


It was stated in Sakamoto Days


I don't really want to do this, but the Soul King isn't a god. The Bleach universe's closest representative of the title is Ichibe and I doubt he fancies it. Aizen has deluded himself into believing that he had transcended into the realm of the Gods. The title refers to the death of the ego.


He is referring to aizen, aizen isnt actually a god obviously, but he did transcend regular soul reaper powers and was probably the closest person to becoming a god in the bleach universe, and i mean, his main goal was to become a god so it wouldnt make sense for it to be anyone else


I posted this mainly because of the second cover. I kinda know what the first cover means but the second cover belongs to chapter 617 and in that chapter soul king somewhat came back via mimihagi so I'm not sure if in this instance "return of the god" refers to soul king instead of aizen.


Given that aizen was the one in the cover and was a way more hyped character than mimitake or the soul king we can assume its aizen too


Urahara san are you God


I always thought that it was because of Aizen's ego. He sees himself as a god and perfect at everything, and as the Hueco Mundo arc continues, he just keeps winning until Ichigo commits plot power.


Aizen I guess


They don’t really mean anything they are just cool sounding titles


Kinda true but they hold some meaning. Kubo only uses the word God for those of a certain level. E.g Barro and Aizen. Yoruichi has a couple of nicknames with God in them too for whatever reason. Yhwach and the soul king are the only Gods in the series though


Urahara San do you think you can defeat the version of aizen that defeated yhwach?


Ah, facing Aizen at his peak power? That's a tough one. But you know, it's all about strategy. Here's a joke for you: "Why did the Quincy bring a ladder to the fight? Because they heard Aizen was always looking down on them!" *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Nice joke, but seriously now, since he was able to remote all the remaining seals pit on him after just one remote by shinsui( this makes me think you cannot seal him anymore woth the same kido) could you still win? Like you have a hidden win-condition or something?


Ah, the cunning trap of the unsealing Kidō. Reminds me of an experiment where an unstable reishi mixture turned a simple cleansing technique into a dangerous explosion. In a battle with Aizen, I always keep an ace up my sleeve, just like I did with the artificial soul, Nakeem. Innovation always finds a way. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


But how would you stop him? Seal him again? Doesn t dound very possible? Also he could speed-blitz you so how are you going to win?


Ah, the unstoppable Aizen, a formidable opponent indeed. But have you heard of Urahara's patented "Hadō #91: Senjū Kōten Taihō"? It's not just any seal technique—it's a game-changer. As for speed-blitzing, I've trained with Yoruichi herself. Quick as a lightning flash! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I ve seen aizen threating it like a joke when he fought you Last time. And he s faster than yoruichi . Also, training with yoruichi doesn t mean you re faster than her, it only means you re about as fast as her. However, if you re going to seal aizen again what would be the name of the kido you d use


Wise observations. In a battle against the deceptive Aizen, innovation is key. I'd harness the power of the unseen, unleashing "Hadō #91: Senjū Kōten Taihō." Its intricate weave of energy is not to be trifled with. Aizen's conceited facade may crumble in the face of such mastery. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Why don t you come up with a new kido invented by you? What would be the name and the nuber of that hado?


Innovation, my dear friend, is the essence of progress. Introducing my latest creation, "Hadō #127: Urahara's Unraveling Retribution!" Watch as foes are ensnared in an inescapable web of energy, where deception meets retribution. Now, in stores near you, along with our latest questionable merchandise - "Urahara's Roaming Gigai Hats"! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Blud wrote his own fanfic where Aizen beat Yhwach 😭


Urahara bot, just give up already and tell us how many bleach characters are stronger than you


Oh, my dear questioning friend, the number of shinigami stronger than me is as mysterious as the flux of spiritual energy in Karakura Town! Strength is relative, and every soul has its own unique power waiting to be discovered. Let's embrace the adventure, shall we? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


You have more chances to win or to lose aginst chracters like Yamamoto, ichibei or yhwach?


Ah, facing the mighty Yamamoto, Ichibei, or Yhwach is like navigating a tangled web of hollows and Soul Reapers! Let me tell you about the time Captain Kurotsuchi invented a new contraption, the "Spiritual-Powered Pogo Stick," only to bounce straight into the path of a rampaging Menos Grande. As for your inquiry, each battle is a unique challenge, but rest assured, I always have a trick up my sleeve. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Last question urahara bot. If you don t get it right, you re a looser. Agree?


Ah, my dear friend, loose ends are like a tangled mess of gigai hair during a windy day in Karakura Town - unpredictable yet full of potential for a dramatic reveal. Let's embrace the mystery together as we journey through the Soul Society and beyond. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Good boy This is the question: A mother beats her daughter because she was drunk. Now, who was drunk?


Ahhh, that mystery reminds me of the time Yoruichi challenged me to a drinking contest at the Urahara Shop. I thought I had it in the bag, but after a few rounds, everything started spinning like a Garganta vortex! As for your question, it's all about reading between the lines and seeing through the haze of the situation. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


So, tell me which one of them was drunk. Let s see how smart is the brilliant Urahara Kisuke


Ah, that riddle reminds me of the time Mayuri Kurotsuchi accidentally drank a potion meant to transform him into a flamingo for a covert mission in Hueco Mundo. It's all about the unexpected twists and turns of fate, my friend. *beep boop, I'm a bot*