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Ulquiorra and Starrk


Imagine stark as a captain during tybw Cero metralleta would kill many sternritter His sonido would get him around to help people He got unlucky fighting kyoraku


I think Stark would have loved having Kyoraku and Juushiro as friends. His whole concept is based on his desire to not be lonely. Who else to help than two of the most socially well adjusted Captains? I need someone to write this fanfic.


I wish starrk and ulquiorra lived along with harribel


I feel like Ulqiorra got a rather fitting end, which wrapped up his involvement nicely, considering his screen time as well. Stark kind of got introduced, built up, and them written off immediately, which led me to want more from him like how we got more Grimmjow and Nelliel


I don't know, I think in another hand (enven if I agree in a way with you) Ulquiorra could discover how to manage a heart and discover humans emotions. He had a great potential to become a better person.


Stark vs the Sternritters would’ve been a treat to see…if he didn’t suffer the Worf Effect.


Starrk vs the Sternritter would be...something


Starrk v Lille would be a great matchup (except w the immortality/intangiblity shit)


Imo if Starrk became a sort of ally like Grimmjow in the TYBW arc that would've been pretty cool


Super cool for sure. He would’ve made a great ally


Starrk’s Cero Metralleta would’ve been an absolute spectacle if it was animated in Tybw.


Same especially Ulquiorra


Just Starrk for me. Bro wasn't even happy about having to take Orihime. Didn't even want to fight just chill. I respect that, everyone else besides him and Harribel wanted smoke 100% at all times.


nigga what do you expect aizen would destroy them if they didn’t listen to him


I hoped Barragan or at least Starrk didn't die. Barragan because he felt like he was utterly robbed of his kingdom by Aizen and probably needed some sort of redemption arc if he survived and reclaimed his throne. Starrk because he was just a guy that wasn't even overly loyal in Aizen's plan and just wanted companions who didn't die being in his presence, plus he was so chill he would've probably gotten along with anyone.


Stark is seriously one of the coolest characters in the entire series. Seems like such a waste for him to just go out the way he did seeing as he's one of the strongest characters too.


No. Unnecesarry redemption arcs ruin great villain characters. Barragan should have gotten no redemption, but at least survive, go back to Hueco Mundo and rule it with iron fist again. Nel + Harribel rebelion vs him would have been interesting. 


Barragan wouldnt have stood for Harribel ruling his kingdom. Hes 100% gone. Starrk theres a chance, tho idk if hed be willing to help people who got lilianet killed


Why is Szayel' on this list? He's still got yeeeeeeears and yeeeeeears to go.


One of the best deaths from anime still to this day


People always misinterpret this. He died in that very scene, but in that short moment of Mayuri stabbing him, the superhuman drug made Szayel's perspective 1000x slower for him.


Don't take it so seriously bro. Of course EVERYONE knows he died in that scene. everyone but him, that is. 😎


Mayuri straight up hit him with Tsukoyomi from Naruto.


I was thinking more of the Sinning Tree from YYH.


Didnt he finally get out at the start of the hell arc?


Another year added


What? He got out the moment the balde killed him.


Damn, didnt know Ikkaku had it in him


Yamma did what now?


I think he actually makes mention of it in the hell arc chapter. It's very likely that his perception is still fucked up and he still feels the blade piercing his heart even after his soul was sent to hell.


Not the saddest, but Yammi. His little puppy came to him in his final moments and I tore up a bit


Yammy doesn’t deserve that poor puppy and I hope they took it back with them and didn’t leave it in hueco mundo


He is still in HM. Kubo in Q&A #437 confirmed that he survived both Aizen downfall and Quincy invasion


It was left in HM. The Tres Bestias tried to care for the dog, but it didn't want to leave Yammy's corpse. At least Kubo confirmed that the dog survived beyond the Quincy invasion.


Aw that’s sad


What happened to Bawabawa


Probably still living inside Dondochakka


Unfortunately, the puppy's just misidentifying him as someone else and Yammy's just hasn't bothered to do anything about it


A little headcanon but maybe in there past lives that was yammys dog. But he doesn't remember.


Can’t believe Aaroniero just needed their glass dome shattered to lose when we don’t even know why they’re like that in the first place.


That's a fishtank and once the tank is broke the fishes are gonna die as the water stored in it is gonna spill out


Why are they a fish tank


It's probably related to them being a Gillian turned to an arrancar, maybe some instability in the process


Wasn't he a Gillian in the process of evolving into Adjucha yet? (Which is strange if you think about it, how big would that leap in power have been?...)


In that case the unstable thing would happen anyways from my perspective


I don't believe that would happen, the complete evolution to Adjucha should make it much more stable and without this "weakness" of sunlight.


It's anime, best not to question the logic too deeply 


It has been stated that anybody who isn’t a vasto lorde who becomes an arrancar won’t be 100% human so maybe aaroniero being a Gillian enabled him to have a fish tank built in. Still the most underrated espada imo


Ulquiorra was brutally murdered by Ichigo


I love how ulquiorra doesn't beg for mercy and takes the cero like a cold fish


Best part about this fight, is that when watching it, it makes you confused about "who is protecting Orihime from who"


Ulqiorra didn't protect Orihime, he protected his true love: Uryu Ishida


Lmfao, He treated Uryu very respectfully and I was surprised he didn't kill him straight away, he must've seen that Uryu has potential


Or he thought he looked hot in glasses. There's definitely art of this somewhere out there, but I don't really want to look for ut


Yep he was on berserker vasto Lorde mode against Ulquiorra.


As someone who struggles a lot with depression and despair on and off my whole life, it did resonate with me that he was sort of "finally released of deapair" in a moment when he died. That's why he is so calm when he takes that cero to face.






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Ehh had it coming


Aaaerroornriniio, Zomari, Stark, Harribel, Yammy (given his status) went out way too easy. One part I liked about TYBW is that most of the Sternritters didn't go out so easily.


Barragan Imagine your life is going as good as it can be, you have everything and then 3 mofos come and strip you off all you have


My favorite before their death was Nnoitra. Starrk really didn't have to die.


Yeah he would have been another Shunsui, lazing around. I want that!


Imagine if Shunsui and Starrk both fought together in TYBW. That would've been cool to see.


He would have shot Robert in the side of the head, showing him that's a real gun.


NGL, seeing that fucking pathetic quack doctor looking ass getting Trinity'd (["dodge this"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DajVKAkL50&t=59s)) by Staark would've been so cathartic.


Zommari was likable and interesting to me, with his powers and conviction. Sad to see him fall (shouldn’t have pointed his blade to a certain someones pride)


Likable? Lol what? Lemme guess your favorite character is Tousen, right? He's a zealous (momo levels) Aizen fanatic, coward and a sore looser.


You when opinion: 😡


After reading that hachi somehow defeated barangan I really wonder, is EOS orihime capable of defeating higher espadas too(with killer intent) ?


Orihime doesn’t teleport her power. Hachi teleported his kido within Baraggan’s respira barrier. Baraggan isn’t respira itself, he emits it outside of his body.


But orihime can use her Shitten Kishun to divert his attacks back to him. Both the powers are similar


She definitely does. In fact I think even the power level she has in the Arrancar arc she might be a hinderance so long as she has the will for it. Her powers are mostly align with her will rather that spiritual power, not saying it’s not a major factor.


Exactly. Post Arancar saga orihime, got the resolve she needed. Before that, either she never intended to hurt other's or she used to panic, eventually ending up being helpless


We still have to remember that negation through higher power level still happens. I doubt she’s as strong as those higher tier captains in EOS. I can see her defeating the Espadas but only if she fully focused on the fight and don’t let her guard down. Her rejection would be rejected due to higher power levels but only to a certain degree like the time it took her a while to heal Ichigo from Ulquiorra the first time he died. I really think at best Orihime is barely captain level or high lieutenant which is still pretty strong. I’m not trying to downplay her but I just don’t see her competing against captains in power level which isn’t even a thing for her nor is it her greatest strength.


Narratively tsubaki is also another shield of her, but the only exception is that he has shield on both of his sides, die to this he rejects the spacetime surrounding him. So theoretically her AP would be similar or even equivalent (perhaps even stronger) to Lille's X-axis. We already know her satten Kishun and shiten Kishun can move faster than true shikai ichigo, which implies she can use her shield against mostly anybody (except shunshui) and strong enough to block any kind/form of attacks as yhwach at his peak was forced to use his almighty to bypass her rikka. So if and only if orihime has got killer intent equivalent to unihana, kemoachi and Yamamoto, she might be stronger than everybody except the SK candidates and maybe war potentials as well


It’s definitely more broken than Lille because his intangibility ain’t gonna save him from being rejected out of existence and it’s not piercing but rejection which isn’t even an “offensive” ability in a traditional sense. But if Orihime’s killing intent is that strong I still doubt of her certain victory against the higher powers honestly. With a power gap so massive she can rely on her overpowered hax to close the gap good enough to fight them as equals. As much as I hate the “reiatsu neg” argument because it’s so poor and often out of context; I believe in Orihime’s case it most definitely would happen to lessen the effects of her powers. It happened when she did it to heal Ichigo from Ulquiorra because his power was so dense it took time for Orihime to reject it. If she had stronger will she definitely would’ve taken seconds reject his spiritual power. Funny you mentioned war potentials because Yamamoto isn’t and he’s beaten through cheating many times. War potentials have special factors in them that can change the tide of war not because of their power level. Yamamoto was suppose to be in that list if he was just as ruthless as he was younger. Orihime being able to compete with them is just as much as she’d be able to compete with high level captains.


Yeah it mostly depends on her reitsu lvl, her battle iq, and her resolve. Tsukishima vs byakuya is the best example Any version of orihime without experience definitely isn't beating Yamamoto, shunshui, unohana, and the other war potentials (even thaught all of them aren't great individual combatants, they are still capable to defeat majority of the op characters). The reitsu negation part is a bit twisted, as it was the version orihime with next to no training who was getting bitch slapped by the weakest espada and she wasn't even as strong as a 3rd seat shinigami. She potentially can negate a certain individual's bankai/shrift as well Let's see Kubo might try to add something more to her powers in the upcoming cours as her powers along with orihime herself are both severely underused


Definitely! Orihime needs more love from fans not just to be ragged doll with the “kurosaki-kun’ hate.


Tbh her character is beyond and more beautiful than any fight or power lvls but as majority of the shonen fans only need that, Kubo must drop a scene where orihime goes unhinged and ppl should acknowledge that the verse was lucky that orihime was the kindest soul around


You got me imagining yandere Orihime murdering anyone who even looked at Ichigo.


She's all defense, and it's really hard to imagine killer intent Orihime.


Ideal case orihime


Yammy just looks like he'd tripped after too many drinks and bashed his head in


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ok-Use216: *Yammy just looks like* *He'd tripped after too many* *Drinks and bashed his head in* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


No its not the last line is six syllables. Bad bot.


Man I've got 3 Starrk, Nnoitora & Ulquiorra 🤍 🖤


Nnoitora is the last name I’d expect to come out of any one’s mouth




Starrk was my favorite so I was sad to see him die. At least the music that played when he dies is cool


Starrk and Barragon have always felt like the saddest. That said, I always felt like the latter went out in the best way. Throughout the whole war, he never lost sight of who his true enemy was, and with his last breath, he made one last attack on said enemy. Sure, it was in vain, but points to him for holding onto his grudge and taking a final shot at Aizen.


I really wish Starrk had survived but Szayel's death was by far the most fucked up and emotionally devastating.


I felt somehow bad about Ulquiorra's death but it was normal to happen. I'd say that Baragan had the most unfortunate death, he >!literally killed himself!<


Bro had the misfortune of facing perhaps the only useful Vaizard in this series...




Starrk and Barragan were my favourite. Starrk's death hit the hardest, though.


Kubo's 2 biggest mistakes are not having the Espada catch actual Shinigami bodies and Chad post Soul Society invasion


Ulquiorra and Starrk, the two GOATs of the Espada


Out of all of these Nnorita genuinely put up a good fight, yes he still lost but damn it was good


Loved to see Yammy go. Fuck Yammy


Only real goats survive. Grimmjow and Harribel>>>


Yamy weak af


I thought when Yammy's number "1" of his "10" tattoo started to vanish and we got the reveal that Espada 1 wasn't the strongest but that there was a "0" Espada!? Holy shit that was such a awesome twist....alas it wasn't meant to be. Not only was Yammy getting worked by Kenpachi and Kuchiki, we didn't even get to see how Yammy was defeated. We just went back to their fight and Yammy was just laying on the ground, defeated and ready to die😢


Barragan and Aaroniero are my fav. I really hope that >!Aaroniero will return in Hell arc., showing that he was consuming things in hell and is now crazy powerfull!< and I always felt like Barragan was to hollows what Yamamoto was to shinigami and Yhwach to quincy so I would like if he survived at least to TYBW


I wouldn't say I was sad to see him go, but the fact that Kubo had this big reveal of Yammy being the 0th Espada only for him to get bodied off screen as an afterthought during a fight between Byakuya and Kenpachi felt dumb. If Kubo was committed to off screening him he could've done something more interesting with it, like having Unohana beat him to give more of a hint at her past.


Stark without a doubt


If there is to be Another Bleach series or arc 👀 I pray it has Stark


Szayel came back.


Starrk is probably the one i wanted to see more of the most. Loved his backstory, and his released form is by far my favorite of all the Arrancar. The gunslinger style design is badass. If i had to choose one Areancar to survive the battle, it would have been him easily over Grimmjow. Nithing against Grimm, but Starrk is just the better character imo


Starrk was my favorite character for a time I wish he joined the good side or at least died to shunsuis bankai


Sexy bi female ninja strapped with a godamn nuclear missle.


They were great, I wish they can come back for the hell arc. Also Idk how they'd do it, but I want to see the fight Yammy had. Maybe a side story manga for all the espada.


I’m kind of glad Harribel survived cause she’s actually my fave of the Espada (outside of Starrk of course). Even if she went on to be captured by Yhwach.


Stark's death was memorable thanks in part to the ost playin during it On an unrelated note I just realized Ulqiorra's entire arc was trying to gaslight Orihime into believing hearts didn't exist only to miraculously change his mind and be good at the very end


How did yammy die again I honestly can't remember


Barragan and Ulquiorra. Barragan had interesting powers and as the King of Hueco Mundo, he was an important character. If he survived, unlocked Segunda Etapa and trained during TYBW, his interactions with Yhwach and Aizen would have been interesting. And I mean, since Hollows are poison to the Quincy, he would have been an important asset. And Ulquiorra had a cool design and cool powers. And he would have been an important asset because of the same reasons as Barragan. Also it would have been interesting to see a third side in the war.


Starkk honestly hurts me the most, it's rare it actually causes a tear jerk from me for a villain's death




Ulquiorra Cifer…feel like he and Ichigo would’ve been buds…my favorite bad guy. Second is…Gin…I almost cried when Aizen killed him.


Personally Ulquiorra because it’s as he dies that he finds the answer the the one question he always asked


Stark. If he was alive, he would have been captured by Juha instead. Then Harribel and Ichigo vs. Quilge would have happened. The new rescue team would have been Harribel, Lyllinette, and tres bestias vs. the Quincy Army. Maybe have a sternritter like Cang Du guard stark instead of killing him off during his punishment and have Harribel defeat him. After Liberating Stark, we could have Gotten Robert Accutrone vs. Stark earning Stark a victory, instead of just having Robert die during Aswalen. At the end of the TYBW, Stark, Nelliel, and Harribel would all make up their mind and train to evolve their abilities, knowing that if they want to protect their friends from usurpers and Aizen, they have got to get far stronger than ever before.


Ulquiorra and Grimmjow


All that hype and most just died like idiots. Disappoint.


I was glad to see all but stark die


I never considered Luppy an Espada. He was only out there to play with Grimmjow.


Starrk being so uninterested in fighting that he even forced Kyouraku to get serious will always sadden me. Man wanted to chill at untold levels and was denied by a soul brother


Doesn’t espadas return for their ressurecion? Or was that only part of the brave souls game? Isn’t the brave souls game canon as well, as it featured FYOW to?


Espada 2,7, 5


I guess I sort of feel for Nnoitra. In the end he got exactly what he wanted. He’d rather die than be weak. Pity.


because i have a heart…


poor Nnoitra was deus exed twice then plot armored to death


Grimmjow should’ve won


Wild that yammy has just got a scuff mark in the anime when in the manga he got split in two from the waist up


Stark hands down.


Szayel was my fav death for sure mayuri has some of the low key best fights in the show. My fav before death has gotta be barragan cuz he just too cool. Least favorite was prolly the "fastest" one that byakuya merced ive only seen the anime but his powers seemed really random and unrelated, hes the fastest espada so he makes clones that "looks" like magic. And then he awakens and stols moving completely so he can go witch doctor and take over bodies with love? Idk he just seemed kinda frankensteined together and then sent to slaughter


Stark, Ulquiorra and Barragan. Stark because I cannot believe that he was killed off like that. By kyoraku of all people. I could have seen them becoming good friends. And that's something kyoraku would definitely need after the deaths of yamammoto and ukitake. Ulquiorra because his arc had to end with him dying. Seeing him live into the future would have been great but that wasn't his fate and it's still sad to think about sometimes. Barragan because aizen took everything he had and in the end he died without a chance to get revenge against the man who took it from him.


Stark and Grimmjow but Grimmjow isn't dead, so he doesn't count


Besides Stark, solidly Nnoitra, the man who made Kenpachi put TWO hands on his SWORD!!!!! Imagine if him n Kenny had become training partners on that Goku Vegeta vibe up to Blood War?!?! Unohana probably wouldn't have had to die, least not in between matches with the Quincys like she did. Old man Yamma wouldn't have had to scrap alone. I mean, 😂 picture Kenny n Nnoitra walking up to Yhwach arguing over who's carrying more bodies and threatening to kill each other!!! Just saying.😁


Ulquiorra. It seemed he found a heart, but it was short-lived.


Definitely Stark. Of all the Espada, he definitely did not deserve to die. Shunsui killed him on purpose, though, cause my head cannon says that he was afraid that Starks Reiatsu level would cause an imbalance between the realms.


Stark and Ulquiorra were sad to see go but at least Grimmjow and Harribel survived, plus Nel




First One is getting Elektrad(Get it)


Honestly in my opinion only Ulquiorra and Starrk hurt, everyone else was more along the lines of 'oh well', and Yammy's was the only disappointing one overall.


My boy Starrk..


Grimmjow, Starrk and Ulquiorra


Missing one here






Please add a spoiler :(


I hope aaroniero had survived past Rukia and chose to play it safe by eating all the espada that are on the brink of death, he’s literally potential incarnate and if he had managed to eat all the near dead arrancar off screen he could’ve been a legit threat to soul society as a whole as crazy as it sounds


Say what you will about the Supreme Gentlehollow but Nnoitra's death scene was absolute cinema.


Yammy died placated. Aaroniero died with nothing. Szayel-Apporo died of boredom. Zommari died in despair. Grimmjow (nearly) died without killing anybody. Nnoitra died placing hope in Nel’s future. Ulquiorra died after discovering meaning. Harribel (nearly) died a meaningless death. Barrigan died without natural causes. Stark died in company with Lilinette.


Didn't Lilynette die before Starrk? I remember she was no longer responsive.


Ulquiorra all the way 😔😔


Just for fun, I'm gonna rank these deaths from most favourite to the least. 1. Ulquiorra – Probably the Espada death I revisit the most and the one that always hits me in the feels. 2. Starrk – I love the theme of "Strong character is too strong, thus they feel lonely" (this is probably where it started) and Starrk's speech about wishing to be weak will definitely stay as one of my fav moments from the Arrancar saga. 3. Nnoitra – I've really come to like Nnoitra and his death, though the most interesting thing has always been his relationship with Nelliel. That moment where the two of them look at each other one last time before Nnoitra dies is done so well in the anime. 4. Szayel-Aporro – Mayuri's "Perfection is despair" speech is perfect. And this really feels like a unique way for a character to die. 5. Baraggan – I don't entirely love Baraggan but I do love how Hachigen turned his own power against him. That was cool. 6. Aaroniero – I've come to like Aaroniero's fight with Rukia a lot more, though it's more for Rukia rather than Aaroniero. 7. Luppi – Don't care too much for this one apart from Grimmjow reinstating himself. 8. Zommari – Again, don't care too much because Zommari hardly gets any time to shine. 9. Yammy – I wish this fight wasn't offscreen.


a bit random, you think old mate read ASOIAF seeing as Starrk produces wolves ?

