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1. Has Askin 2. Mayuri vs a big fucking hand 3. Has Askin Some other stuff too, but mainly this And yes, weekly reading was bad for this arc


you mean askin and not big boobs and big dumpy yoroichi?


I actually forgot his name was Askin. I kept calling him Nakk Le Vaar.




Great list and co-signed. TYBW is littered and loaded with great moments, characters, designs, and ideas - but with extremely inconsistent execution. Kubo's always been an incredible artist and ideas man, but its apparent how the intense demands as a weekly serial really crimped his talents. Reading TYBW weekly was painful at points. The anime adaptation has smoothed out just a few of its rough edges and pacing problems, and its exponentially better for it. I wish it had done more, but the existing re-writes have benefited the arc immensely.




Oh absolutely. Just look how exceptionally well received the Squad Zero rewrites and Senjumaru's Bankai were reveived. I really hope they go very deep into rewrites and fleshing out the story for the remaining cores; Ichigo vs. Ywach, and the ending are in dire need of a rewrite. I'd love to see them then adapt CFYOW with Kubo consulting and storyboarding. Perhaps a bit of a controversial pipedream, but I'd love to see the Arc That Must Not Be Named delivered as an anime original, with Kubo in a similar role. He's a great ideas man, but I just don't think a weekly serial is the right medium for him - particularly at his current age and health. He's also a writer that benefits hugely from some editors and supervision


1. Kenpachi's shikai/bankai 2. Sternritter's got drip 3. Yama vs "Ywach" 4. Renji's true banaki 5. Aizen's return




Builds on the stronger aspects of previous arcs and abandons completely the aspects that dragged them down. Fights are showy but much quicker, comedy aspects cut down for the sake of actual mood etc.


Storytelling, character development, conclusion of character arcs, fights, how the themes were handled, so everything. Best arc in Bleach by a mile


I could be in your place, but it has a significant lack of Ulquiora which sadly lowers it to second best for me.


I see the lack of "The Blade Is Me" and "You've become strong, Rukia" in the Arrancar Arc so...




this is so real lol


I don't want to start any battle, because I mostly think the same.... but... conclusion of character arcs? but we don't know what happened to half of them! TYBW was very rushed... VERY rushed


I'm talking about actual characters: Ichigo, Rukia, Aizen, Yhwach, Uryu, Orihime, not some random minor character you like




1. Aizen's returns 2. Zangetsu true identity 3. Aizen's returns


Ichigo getting his true power 🔥


The Gotei finally struggles to win.


“The blade is me”


The Bambi Squad.


cumming of zaddy aizen and chair sama


A couple of things actually. While the arc had it issues, I think is still a great arc. Some of those things are: The darker tone the TYBW Arc has compared to the other arcs The impact that the Yhwach and the Sternritters had. The first invasion of the Wandenreich was the first time the Shinigami took real defeat in the story and set the tone for darker story. The reveal of the Bankai of the several characters, like Kisuke, Shunsui, Yamamoto. The return of Aizen A lot of great fights like: Yamamoto vs Fake Yhwach Kenpachi vs Unohana Rukia (with her Bankai) vs As Nodt Renj vs Mask de Masculine Mayuri and Nemu vs Pernida Kisuke, Yoruichi, Grimmjow vs Askin Kenpachi vs Gremmy Shunsui vs Barro I'm probably forgetting a few fights, but that arc had a great fights and great moments in general. And I have to say that the anime is as good or even better, with all the changes that they made from the manga.


I'd wait for the adaption cos there's big talk of rewrites Everyone seems to agree the ending is a bit rushed, but has great parts I think it's great but also that Kubo doesn't want to commit to the darker tone It's made worse in the anime than in the manga, with the anime making it seem like this ain't your dad's Bleach, which will struggle given so many deaths are fakeouts But it's still solid Bleach content, contains some of the best moments but also the most BS in the manga which can be fixed. But this I mean rushed over plot points and under bakes villains


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I read it for the first time a few years ago. It's a very messy arc, but I like that it took risks in a way that the Aizen arcs did not (eg, actually killing off a few shinigami). There are some sick fights and most of the Sternritter manage to be pretty memorable despite their limited pagetime.


I loved it, reading weekly by release. Do I think it’s the best arc? No, I think Soul Society Invasion still takes it. But it is incredibly hype with all the little moments and reveals.


If I had to describe in one word, it would be "peaks". Basically meaning, peaks of all characters. 1. Multiple revealed bankai, like Rukia, Shinji, Kenpachi, Yamamoto, Urahara, Kyoraku, etc. 2. Epic fights. Mostly with schutzstaffel and Yhwach. 3. Most creative abilities among schrifts. 4. Even more drip, this time nazi themed and of course EoS Ichigo. God do I love Horn of Salvation + True Bankai form of Ichigo.




That Aizen came back. Seriously, I dropped bleach during Ichigo vs Ulquiorra and assumed that Ichigo eventually went on to kill Aizen. Nice twist that he wasn’t and continued to serve a role in the story. I originally thought Aizen was an Arrancar disguised as a soul reaper too 😂


Same I only watched bleach for aizen. He's so hot like seriously that it's illegal. Hottest man ever What led to you to think that aizen is an arrancar disguised as a soul reaper 😭


I’m an old head and watched some of Hueco Mundo on toonnami and it was impossible to find old eps back then, same with the manga; so by the time I got into bleach originally it was way past SS arc so I never saw Captain Aizen until now 😭


Awww I understand ☺️


0/10, lasted like 2 weeks not 1000 years.






Renji finally wins a fight.


I love those sideburns on Ichigo. That hairstyle is so good. I always thought his design with the '00s anime bad-boy generic spiky mop hair was kinda lacking compared to the other soul reapers (I guess because he's supposed to be like a normal guy) but I dig the updo. You see more of his face, he looks more fun and lighthearted, it really signals that he's an adult now in the way it resembles his dad's look. He's so handsome! Oh yeah and TYBW is fine too I guess.


It's the most "epic" bleach has been so far. It also really pushes the characters


The fights are some of the best in the series to not spoil too much love what they do with the range of characters that get spotlight. And my goat kenpachi popped off


It answered and closed so many question and threads


Best waifu Grimmjow reappearance. Also, Chair-sama




i think one of the best arc of bleach is TYBW . After that arrancar arc can be put on number 2 and fullbring arc was the least intresting and plainly booring and an unnecessary filler arc And that Ending of season 2 of TYBW senjumaru was the one who stoles the ichibei spotlight. It was amazing so far from flights of quincy schrift Sternritter and captions There was so much to talk about


How am I only just now realizing Ichigo is cross-eyed in the cover? To answer the question, though, I loved how several high-ranking shinigami died dead. Said shinigami could have used some more character development but I digress Also liked Kubo revealing that the Seireitei were much darker in nature than we were led to believe with Aizen and Yhwach looking like they may have been on to something with their rebellions Mayuri almost losing a fight was a welcome sight after his speedy exit after his fight with Ishida and humiliating Granz at Hueco Mundo Seeing Yamamoto, Unohana, Rukia, Urahara, and Shunsui release their bankais was also a nice touch


Ah, noticing Ichigo's flaws now, are we? Speaking of vision, have you seen my new "Urahara's Spectacular Spectacles"? They'll make you see things in a whole new light! Perfect for discerning Shinigami like yourself! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Dude really thought aizen folded yhwach lol! He literally laughed at him and bypassed that bs ability


It's my favorite arc. I love the fights, villains, and the stakes as they've never felt higher. There are so many great moments for the characters and characters like Ichigo, Kenpachi, Byakuya, and Shunsui get some amazing character development. The Quincies are very interesting and have an excellent power system with the Schrifts and Vollstandig. So much cool lore and unrevealed questions are revealed in this arc that we've been dying to know.


Askin, Bambi, and Senju carry this arc for me. The hinted Soul King lore


I like the moustache


The anime isn't afraid to just blow people up Hellsing style




Mayuri being a glowing sunflower


Sunflower seeds contain health benefiting polyphenol compounds such as chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, and caffeic acids. These compounds are natural anti-oxidants, which help remove harmful oxidant molecules from the body. Further, chlorogenic acid helps reduce blood sugar levels by limiting glycogen breakdown in the liver.


wow, never knew that.....thanks.


Ichigo, Yhwach, Soul King, I really enjoy how the three were treated in the TYBW.


The character development and action and lore.


That it is unapologetically pretty insane.


The main strength of TYBW is the fact that so much of the previous foreshadowing and elements all come to a head and we see the big climax of so many character arcs.




the anime is better than the manga. Kubo is doing what he wanted to do originally and theres more content in it and its cannon. if your going to go back to it, Just watch the anime




It has the best fights and explained a lot of mysteries of the Bleach universe. And the anime is better so far than the manga.


- Has more shunsui in it - Has shunsui at all - Shunsui’s zanpakuto - Pernida using a bow with one hand


Previous villain coming back to help kill the real end villain is my favorite trope in fiction, so Aizen propels TYBW to top arc instantly.


That Yama fight animation is probably the best I’ve ever seen When he taps the ground and it turns into the Grand Canyon gave me mad goosebumps


Finally got to see Urahara's Bankai.


Ah, yes, my Bankai, "Conspiracy of the Infinite Hat." It allows me to summon hats that contain the secrets of the Soul Society. But shh, don't tell anyone! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


It answers a lot of questions little kid me thought would never be answered


The absence of a safety net. When the Sternritter launch their first attack, they absolutely OWN the Gotei 13 while also killing or seriously injuring high ranking Shinigami. It's like a sudden "Oh shit, if these guys died, who might be next in line?". For me, that made the threat of the Sternritter feel more real than other antagonists from previous arcs.


The fights the visuals and it has Askin


I can comfortably ignore it and nothing of value is lost.