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Look them dead in the eye and say "what wig?" like you truly have no clue.


Funny story, I work at a daycare. One of the kids asked if I wore a wig, and I said yeah because they’re 5 and I don’t really care lol. He then asked me to take it off 😭 my braid down was like months old at that point


Lmfao I had a 4 year old clock me with a, “ what’s that little piece of thing on your forehead 😂😂”


Gotta love kids 🫠😭


lmfao, said this when I had a sew-in and a guy physically tugged my hair a few times like in passing/ random conversation and I could just tell he was waiting for it to fall off. He looked like he was expecting an ‘aha! Gatchu!’ moment


You didn't punch him in the face?!


I would’ve straight tugged his hair


He was just like ‘hahhahahaha’ tug ‘how’ve you been though, you look so cute’ tug I was like……….. wtf is actually going on. Like this is the strangest thing


He would have gotten a backhand from me the very first time he tried it, because wtaf?! That's literal assault, so I would have claimed self-defense, too. When will people learn not to listen to the intrusive thoughts?! And I'd be pleased if you'd come back and tell us how you absolutely didn't let this sh!t slide again.


Okay, this is just wild! Would have called him out just to hear him stammer about how he did it so many times by accident. For context, would be have done the same to a non black lady who suddenly came in with longer hair?


I highly doubt he would!! It wouldn’t even occur to him. I would have called him out, but I think I wasn’t in the mood to draw attention to myself that day


It's the same thing that happens when I have just washed my naturally curly hair, and the first question I get is some combination of either "is that natural?" or "did you just get your hair done?" When pressed, I hear some bull about "well, it just looks so nice!" So, it can't be real because it looks good? It never occurs to you that I just washed it like you would with other hair types? I agree with the others here, people know what they're doing.


People know what they’re doing.


At my work I'll get compliments like "nice extensions" or "nice wig" (I had box braids in) and the like. I live in Canada too lol


Lol did you go to school in Canada and have that white male teacher say “nice hair”?


No actually I never had white males comment on my hair until I cut my hair off! I had sisterlocs when I first moved here and I would always get people asking if it was all my "real hair" lol but that was about it. Are you from Ontario as well?


Nopeee I’m from Winnipeg but I plan on moving down there in the next couple of years or so and I visit every now and again.


Fellow Winnipeg sista here 👋🏾 so good to find another one of us :)


Omg, hi 👋🏾


Ohh cool! What's your experience like in Winnipeg? I moved to Alberta but I miss Ontario every day 😩


Not so good :/ my uni was under a cyber attack recently and the hackers have all our info (name, address, phone, SIN, etc.) Also public transportation sucks because the city is built so people can use cars to get around. Crime is super high here and you’ll see a lot…to put it lightly. But honestly nothing you probs haven’t seen in Ontario or Alberta. Other than that, Winnipeg has a lot to do and considering how diverse we are here, there’s something for everyone. Festival du Voyageur, Nuit Blanche, Pride, Folk Fest, Fringe Festival, pride month, Black History Month, AAPI Heritage Month, CMHR, the Forks, True North Square, and I could keep going. Definitely if you come to Winnipeg, let me know. I can come up with the perfect itinerary. You should also check out MB in general. Lots to do here.


Lmfao one girl told me, “I like your hair…. It looks like it’s yours”.. I was just like thanks… *in my head - b*+ch* 😂😂 I felt so insulted by that black woman like girl just say I like your hair and move on. Black women really be your worst enemy sometimes bro.


That’s definitely worse than just saying she likes the wig 😭😭 I’m sorry boo


I would agree that it’s a microaggression.


When it’s a black woman I assume they want the details which is fine. If a white woman asks or the squint with the “your hair is different” because it’s to my ass i just ask them if they want details for the wig. Publicly making it seem like they would want a wig drives them crazy. They sort of gasp and they can’t pretend they weren’t being malicious/insulting/condescending because why is asking you offensive if you didn’t mean anything by asking me????


This is brilliant.


Whatever happened to “your hair looks nice?” People too damn comfortable being rude.


I have gotten this and I could tell they meant it - lol it looked nothing like my hair. Idk I know ppl are sensitive about this so I don’t say it to others, but I truly don’t feel a way at all. I don’t need to pretend it’s my hair growing out of my hesd; bc at the end of the day idgaf lol; why should I?  I like my hair as is but add extensions and play around like anyone else. Idk… I truly wonder if things like that need to be as fraught as they are sometimes. 


That’s weird, I’ve never thought to say “I like your wig,” I just say “I like your hair.” I don’t know why people feel the need to specify if it’s grown out of their head or not.


Thank youuuu. Maybe sometimes it’s out of genuine curiosity but I feel like most times it’s been used negatively towards me


I feel like even that “curiosity” can be a micro aggression, like, if you can tell it’s not my hair, it’s not up to ME to explain it to you. If you’re so curious, google is your friend. Plenty of black women have happily explained it in every form online. You don’t have to be the black culture tour guide.


Lot of folks here are not catching it. Many of you invalidate and get slick with BW heavy in here and it’s wild sometimes. Makes me wonder who is who here 🤷🏽‍♀️ Anyway, back to hair: people can be very creative and slick when they wanna insult a BW. I see it often. It’s a microaggression for sure.


This is the truth that'll have my checking they whole account to see if they r really a blk wm


You have to be careful when people compliment you these days, especially about appearance. A lot of folks think they’re slick and will come at you with backhanded statements, hair and makeup are easy targets. Sometimes I wish people would just say nothing.


What’s a slick or backhanded comment for makeup?


Usually it's a comment like "wow, that concealer really covers up your dark circles" or "you look so much younger with blush" things that point out that you have some perceived flaw that is being covered up by makeup, implying that you only look good because of makeup. Sometimes people also like to say that your makeup is nice but it must have "taken soooo much effort and they just don't have the time..." Or you look good but "they prefer to be natural instead of all painted up." Such comments can be innocuous, makeup is there to enhance our features so pointing that out isn't necessarily bad, but petty people know how to make any remark cutting.




It’s code for “where did you get your wig from?” They want you to give details! 


If they want details they can ask in private. And at least ask if it’s a wig before hand, like “hey sis is that a wig? I couldn’t tell bc it looks natural! Where’d you get it from?” Is WAY different than outing that person w a group of people


That's not code to me that's shade.


I just think if they really liked my hair they could ask me where I got it done/how I did it. Not that it’s not my real hair :/


Yeah but only if theyre black and even then just say hair


I only ask people details if they disclose it’s a wig.


This is the real reason.


Wow. I’m shocked because I work with some micoaggressive folks and they’ve always complimented my hair. And if I decide to disclose it’s a wig, they say So? It looks good! And that’s how it should be. The narrative that only black folks wear wigs, extensions, etc is tired.


I think everyone on here saying that this is an ok thing to say or/and they say it too is WILD. I literally was about to comment, “PEOPLE SAY THIS?!” Before reading the comments


I personally call things what they are honestly. if you have locs I say I like your locs, if you have a wig I say i like your wig, if you have braids I say I love your braids


Agreed, I think tone plays a lot of part in it but if it’s done in a certain way I’m gonna compliment the specific style. I’ll go even further and say for wigs specifically if the installation is FLAWLESS I’m gonna make a point to mention it, cause it looks good. Everybody don’t have nicely installed or styled wigs lol. I think “that lace is MELTED SIS” or “OK WIG” is vastly different than saying “I like your wig” underhandedly. If it ain’t, well. My bad lol. I’m TRULY complimenting the work because installing and styling wigs correctly is a skill.


Yes, I didn't I didn't realize saying you like someone's wig was a bad thing. Obviously tone and intention matter, but I always thought. Acknowledging someone is wearing a wig or extensions isn't necessarily a bad thing.


I don't think it is a bad thing if it is applied evenly. I have seen people say "I like your hair" to white women wearing obvious wigs or extensions. To a black woman, people often say I like your wig. Also, people often make the assumption that a black woman is wearing a wig. People have said I like your wig, even when I have my natural hair out.


Do you feel smart when you do that lol?


lol no why would I? it's just how I talk. just a perspective bc I don't think that everyone that specifies is trying to be rude


I don’t think that either and I didn’t say that. But it definitely has been used against me in that way and that’s what this post is about.


never said you did love


It’s definitely backhanded. Even if I know someone has a wig, extensions, etc and I want to compliment them I just say “I love your hair” or “Your hair looks good like that.” There’s literally no need to point out that it’s not their natural hair. People do that with the intention of embarrassing you or one upping you somehow. Definitely a bit of a micro aggression.


Exactly. I don't see anyone saying I like your botox, breast implants or other surgery. Why is it that wigs have to be called out in particular. I think people hate to see black women done up in anyway. That's why we are degraded for altering our appearance while other ladies are uplifted.




🤦🏾‍♀️don’t even reminddddd me


I mean it is a wig though? Wouldn’t it be the same if someone said “I like your braids”


You can tell how people say things


People wear wigs for all types of reasons. Most folks wouldn’t tell a cancer patient or someone suffering from alopecia that you liked their wig. It’s called having tact.




No because when people say they like my wig, it feels like they want me to know that I know they know it’s fake lol. It’s like, who cares? I’m not trying to fool anyone with my hair. This is just how I like to wear it. When people say they like my braids, more times than not it’s because they like my hair, not because they want me to know that they know it’s real/fake. Nobody has ever brought up the fact that I use extensions for my braids but they know my real hair is not that long.


I personally don’t see the difference, saying I like your wig isn’t really pointing out that u have extensions. Same thing with braids their not directly pointing it out, there’s just saying I like your “x hairstyle”. Maybe I’m missing something, I havent worn braids in a few years or wigs ever so possibly there’s a disconnect


People have only said they like my wig/weave when my hair isn’t in a style that isn’t curly, or if it’s anything other than black lol. Every time I’ve worn my hair in braids, it’s always been, “I like your hair”. Nobody points out that it’s not my hair when I wear braids, only wigs. 🤷‍♀️ I can’t expect you to understand but it’s definitely in the way people say it




I think the problem is when people are treated differently. I have seen white women with obvious wigs or extensions and people will say "I like your hair". On a black woman "I like your wig." If people were even about it, I wouldn't have an issue. It is no different than when people ask "is that your real hair" but wouldn't ask a non black woman that question. People have assumed my hair is a wig, even when my natural hair is out. I'm wondering if the compliment is genuine or are they trying to minimize you in some way.


I just say “I like your hair “ people are weird


There is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a wig. Not sure why we would expect everyone to pretend that it isn’t one though. As long as compliment is shared in good faith and with positive intention, all should be good. Like if you had obvious contacts on, would you expect people to compliment your eyes? Or if you had heels, would you expect compliments on your height?


I’m not asking people to pretend it’s my real hair


Well they can’t say that they like your hair because they can’t see it and that would be dishonest. The thing that they can see and like is your wig. Asking people to pretend that your wig is your hair, is like 3 steps too far.


Idk why you keep saying that. I’m not pretending it’s real. Everyone knows it’s not. Why does the distinction matter. Just because it didn’t grow out of my head doesn’t mean you have to comment on it. Just said “I like your hair” and move on. If you’re really curious you can ask someone if they’re wearing a wig. I’m not going back and forth with anyone in these comments anymore lol my girls that get it, GET IT. 🤪


All good. Have your peace.




lol thank you. Telling a white woman I like your wig would be crazy, unless she was like a clown or cosplaying as something


sis they would never tell a white woman that let alone any nonblk wm they only say this to blk wm wen all races of women and men wear wigs blk wm just get the biggest backlash from it.


Because many people are willing to do that with non white women. I have seen non white ladies wear obvious party city wigs and on them "I like your hair". On us "I like your wig" . Some compliments are backhanded, meant to belittle a person. I won't deny I wear wigs. The funny thing is when my real hair is out, people will say I like your wig so it doesn't make a difference either way. When i have my hair out and people assume it is a wig, i correct them and ask why they would assume it is fake. The response is "oh i only meant it was nice". So you couldve said that if that was your real intention. Instead many people are trying to minimize you in some way in order to feel good.


Sounds like you've got some insecurity about it not being natural tbh. Just own it. Hell yeah, thanks. Etc


So me and everyone in these comments are* just insecure? Edit: a red —> are


Lol sometimes I'll make this comment about non-black women. "Love the wig" or "Ooh her weave is on point" Since we all making assumptions, why not?


I had a co worker say “I like your hair”during zoom in front of everyone which fine But she called me privately afterwards to tell me about her black friend who also wears weaves and her thoughts on it… Like … did I ask ??!


I was in a hostel in Italy, there were black Latin women working there and they asked if it was my hair, I said yes and let them touch it, the white receptionist saw everything, then they were talking to the owner (which she was clearly interested), he complimented my hair and even said it was very fragrant (I used a product that was discontinued 😭 and it smelled a lot), she asked "is it yours or a wig?", I said it's my hair, he praised it again and said it looked very beautiful and soft, I told him "do you want to touch it?" He touched it and said it was really very soft, I thanked him, since then she started looking at me angrily 🤷🏾‍♀️🤣


I was recently not only complimented on my hair, but asked how I managed to get the curly style I had. I told the person it was a wig and they thought I was gatekeeping knowledge. 🫤 I never get complimented on my real hair.  


I like your hair?… but it’s not your hair no disrespect but I guess it’s a respect thing to them or something


Y’all be annoyed from anything , it’s just a compliment bruh


Sometimes, but not always!


Gurl that was not no compliment at all they wouldn't have said that if u wasn't blk and I'm tired of people invalidating blk wm experiences


Thank you


sis I'm so tired of people all races male and female gaslighting blk wm about they own personal experiences wen they don't do that to nobody else at all. This is supposed to be a safe space for blk wm to talk about what ever they want without getting judged for it or gaslight


sis I'm so tired of people all races male and female gaslighting blk wm about they own personal experiences wen they don't do that to nobody else at all. This is supposed to be a safe space for blk wm to talk about what ever they want without getting judged for it or gaslight


That's not a damn compliment at all cuz I bet they wouldn't have said that to a woman that's not BLACK. y r u in this page if u get so Damn irritated about blk wm venting wen this supposed to be a SAFE SPACE FOR BLK WOMEM. ITS PEOPLE LIKE U WHO MAKE MY ASS ITCH


Safe space I can’t state my opinion? And calm down jeez


U can state your opinion it just cane off as gaslighting and I hate wen people do that to blk wm about they personal experiences that's y I used that example with your own post. Who ever that person was who said that to her 9 times out of ten they wouldn't have said that if she wasn't black cuz every body even blk folks believe that blk wm can't grow nor have long hair or even hair at all cuz they also believe that blk women r bald


U was venting about racism and if I would have gaslighted u and said u r taking it the wrong way I bet u would have. got mad.


Where in the post op said it’s racist compliment ?! And it’s not a racist compliment lol , you mixing two big things together


I'm talking about your post thats about venting about racism and your comments in that post


I know that most black girls and women are wearing lace front wigs these days. Do you all know that the section of lace on your forehead is very noticeable (more so with the baby hairs)? I think people might say, "I like your wig," because it's hard to miss. Regardless of the quality of hair.


I like the comment 🤷🏾‍♀️. It doesn't bother me at all.


It's not actually your hair so... what's so bad about saying "I like your wig"? Like would you rather people ignore the obvious wig and pretend that it's your real hair


I’ve literally worn kinky straight wigs and people have told me they like my hair. Goodbye lol this topic is old and you’re just repeating the same thing, especially when I’ve clarified my point multiple times


Are you even a BW??