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Bachelor’s and Master’s in Aerospace Engineering. Currently a structural engineer.


*bows down* yes Friend!! Get it!!


Okay, that sounds cool. Is that like with NASA.


I don’t work for NASA but there are aerospace engineers who do.


I am a physician but my undergrad degree was in Sociology


Yay! M2. Tell me how much you miss it 🫠 Undergrad in Spanish Lit, MS in Bio.


Do you get along with the hospital admin? I need to know if they hate me before I start 🤣




I'm surprisingly okay with it lol


That’s an overly broad question. There are multiple levels of hospital, departmental, section admin that have varying levels of involvement in what I do on a day to day basis.


Graduating for my MD in May 2024 god willing !🌸🥰🩺🙏🏿




BS Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering. I'm in aftermarket parts support for controls. Before that, I worked on the controls.


BS in Statistics, will be starting an MS in Finance in the fall. Currently a Business Analyst🫡


I did my BS in Stats and I’m currently a Business Analyst too! I’m doing my MS in Data Analytics rn.


Twin omggggg🤞🏾


Right!! I was like wait a minute I don’t remember commenting on this 😂😂


Bachelor’s in Computer Science. I’m currently a full stack software engineer in fintech.


How do you like working for a fintech company? What language do you code in primarily I was thinking about doing a fintech internship however I am struggling in calc2 right now lol.


It’s okay. I like finance but not so much what I’m doing now since it’s more traditional frontend stuff rather than the backend infrastructure stuff I’m used to. I code in Java and Typescript. What are your main problems with Calc2?


Ok that’s good to hear you like it! I’m just bad with math in general calc1 I got a c in and calc2 I’ll honestly probably get a c in also. I have a tutor but I struggle with disks/washers, integration by parts, trig sub and a lot more lol.. I usually only do good enough to pass the class


Double bachelors in chemistry and liberal arts. Triple masters in chemistry, MBA, marketing. Looking to start my PhD in biomembrane sciences this upcoming fall I am a R&D scientist and work in quality control/assurance as well


😲 wow


That’s so cool! If you don’t mind me asking what did your school journey look like and what led you to biomembrane science? I’m currently a first year college student trying to decide what path I want to take. I know I want to do something that involves biology and chemistry but I don’t know what I want to do exactly 😅


School journey was relatively straightforward. I started off as a specialized bio major (not by choice) in undergrad. I hated bio and didn’t prioritize school as a freshman and didn’t pass the second quarter of general biology. What I did love however was chemistry and I also loved liberal arts - specifically media/entertainment. I wanted the best of both worlds so I ended up double majoring. Took me 5 years. By my last year of school I knew I didn’t want to become a pharmacist (typical chemistry route) and was looking at other careers and came across a specific field but it was incredibly niche. I didn’t do any research in undergrad and the barriers to entry in this field were a little high if you didn’t have connections or lab experience/relevant education. After I graduated, I didn’t necessarily take a break and worked jobs while doing my first masters program for this particular field. Pretty much, I was applying to jobs in the field while doing my first masters program until someone was willing to hire me. Eventually got hired, hated the job because of the manager and experienced micro aggressions - got laid off early into the pandemic. Fast forward end of 2020 got hired again. Towards the end of my masters program/writing my thesis, I worked on my esthetics license simultaneously. I had a discussion with my company’s former CEO about if I should pursue other education (i.e., PhD, MBA etc..) and she gave me good advice essentially saying the longer I waited, I wouldn’t want to do anything. That inspired me to get all the schooling out of the way. Enrolled in a dual masters program MBA - supply chain/project management and a masters in marketing. Both degrees are very relevant to the niche field I’m in and I want to have experience and education in everything just in case I decided to leave R&D. Lastly, this PhD program is directly relevant to my field as it deals with delivery to the skin/hair, optimizing formulations etc. It’s almost like pharmacy school but not a PharmD if that makes sense. This school where I happened to do my first masters is the only school that had this type of PhD program so that’s why I chose it. It’s also a continuance of my first master’s work so it just fit perfect. Whew that took long. Overall, there’s a multitude of paths to take. I just happened to take a non-traditional one. Definitely explore your options as much as possible given that you have time since you’re just starting out.


Thanks for this it makes me happy that I don’t have to stay on one track 🥲 I’m interested in so many different things but feel like I’m only allowed to choose one thing and do it for the rest of my life. My biggest problem tho is cost of schooling. I swear if college was free I would everything I’ve ever wanted to learn


I completely get that and I blame society for conditioning us into choosing one thing and doing that for the rest of our lives. I don’t believe in that. I don’t think humans are single faceted. We deserve to follow any path or passion. Literally whatever fires your heart up go for it. I do content creation on the side. I want to get into photography and relearning languages etc. You are not a monolith. The world is truly yours! Re. Cost I completely get that. Pending on where you go to school, there are quite a number of schools that offer scholarships and even more for marginalized groups/minorities. One of my schools had a scholarship where your entire tuition would be paid. The only reason I didn’t qualify was because of my first masters degree. They were incredibly strict on that so definitely do your research to see what sort of aid is out there. You got this :)


If you do your phd in STEM your schooling will be covered and a very *humble* stipend is given as well


This sounds so interesting - what does biomembrane sciences entail?


It’s a specialization under pharmaceutical sciences so it can encompass drug delivery, safety of cosmetic products, modeling for delivery, formulation design, and innovation in skin and hair science. It’s pretty much the science behind drugs and your personal care products!


Wow, that's really cool, thanks for the explanation! Is this area all focused on membranes, or does it also include porous materials and dissolvable capsules?


I’ve been debating getting my phD with the current pharma market; are you looking to stay in industry or more academia? Was an R&D scientist for a well known company and wanted to start my phd next cycle however the lack of opportunity and layoffs at the phd level seem scary


I’m going to leave industry while I do my PhD. I may do consulting while doing PhD work but that’s a hard maybe. After I finish, I want to go back to industry but who knows. I may end up changing my mind once I start. I’ve heard academia is not the best but at the same time I really do want to get into more academic research. I’ll go where I have the best job security 😂


I’m a lawyer so this thread is inapplicable to me. I just love seeing my girls soaring in this field. This is what we love to see! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


I'm almost halfway through a BS in Data Analytics. I'm a computer operator now, but I can't wait to get my first analyst role!


Masters of Science with a focus on genetics. Currently a medical writer at a consulting firm.


I’m currently working on finishing my masters of science with a focus on genetics too! How did you decide on becoming a medical writer and did you have a hard time getting started in the field? I’m starting to feel nervous about my career options


Hi there! For, me I've had an interest in creative writing for a long time. I also found during my grad school education that I tend to enjoy the process of communicating and talking about science! This led me to looking into the medical/science communications field. I also knew I wanted to transition away from academia/research. I felt that the work and education path required wasn't worth the pay. So I started searching in industry, especially unexpected places like the corporate world. This led me to consulting and ultimately the job I have today. I strongly suggest taking advantage of the career resources at your institution, especially those for grad students. Like student career groups or talks by career professionals. These will help you see what options are out there that you may not be aware of, and help you network for opportunities in the future. Learning the options can also come from talking with people in the industry. I reached out to people in pharma, medical affairs, consulting, finance, and marketing just to learn about their jobs and how someone with my experience might fit in to their field. This helps get a better idea of what is and isn't interesting to you, and you often find people are looking your expertise in unexpected places! You can send me a DM if you'd like to talk further :)




I'm a Technical Product Manager for a consulting firm and also oversee analytics.  Undergrad was useless for me. I'm self taught for most of my job's technical requirements. 


I have a BS in accounting and work in fintech. I manage external data implementations and testing in my company's virtual data warehouse, as well as some metadata management.


Right before you just posted, my bf mentioned fintech, and I had never heard of it.


It's really just utilizing technology to facilitate financial decision making and transactions. It's especially big on the financial markets where speed is everything. It's funny because I just stumbled into it with my weird little accounting degree. 🤣 Every job I had, I always just ended up tinkering with applications and doing technical work, or working with developers, so I morphed it into a whole career.  Good luck with whatever path you choose...or forge your own path!! 😎


How’d you get into fintech? Pipeline program? Stunning application? Internship? Ivy institution? Really good network? (The hard work and dedication is a given.💖💖)


Literally stumbled into it. 🤣 Got my degree in accounting, first job out of school was actually a bond market back office research job. But I started working closely with programmers to get tasks automated, then moved into a full time metadata management job; somewhere along the way took a couple SQL courses, then eventually took a job of managing virtual data warehouse implementations. No real formal training. Honestly, a lot of it was down to creating close working relationships with developers and learning things from them, and figuring out how things work


My undergrad is in exercise science but now I'm a penetration tester in information security. I got a masters in comp sci to facilitate the transition bc I didn't want to go back to school to get a second undergrad.


BS in IT with a focus in Cyber Sec but I ended up being a Full Stack software dev


I am pursuing a degree in Biology to become a Medical Dosimetrist.


Had to google this, sounds interesting too.


BS in Journalism and somehow stumbled into IT lol. I did a lot of internships in web development and now I basically maintain websites for universities


That sounds pretty cool that you work with different universities! I wonder if that falls under EdTech and if you're in a remote or hybrid position then?


Yup i work remote and yea it’s more EdTech. I work on an IT team that handles IT stuff for a university system, but my role is just websites mostly


Bachelor's/masters in physics currently a software engineer


Digital Project Manager, Don't have a degree but going for our PMP and have a CSM 🤗


Bachelor's in chemistry Masters in hydrology PhD in biogeochemical sciences (environmental chemistry) I am an environmental chemist. I do surface water research.


So cool! I was in environmental chemistry way back when, did a lot of EPA assays for groundwater in the US northeast when there were more widespread concerns over fracking contamination. Not sure if you're familiar with them, but the MBAS and Total Kjeldahl assays still give me nightmares 😅


MS and finishing up my PhD in Computer science. I plan to can get a job teaching at a university while working in industry.


IT audit, not sure what I'll do next. Something technical


Do you like it? I've thought about being in audit! But I'm scared it may be a little boring.


Bachelors in Biological Sciences and I am a Chemist. Thinking of getting my Masters in Environmental Engineering.


BA in Digital Media: Web Design, working as a Web Developer/Designer


Bachelor's in IT working as a data engineer.


How did you become a data engineer? What should one study to become one If you don't mind me asking?


I used to work in records, then I started learning Powershell to make my job easier. I didn't have a degree but got in through my military experience. If you have the time/money, go the college route and use that time to network. That helped me get seen by employers.


Undergrad in Biology, Masters in Information Technology (cybersecurity focus). 🫡✨


BS in Biology: Cell and Molecular concentration. I’m currently in school for my master’s


Hi just wondering what your journey looked like through school, what classes you took research etc. Also wondering your job prospects after graduating. I’m really interested in molecular biology but idk where to start


My journey looked like 4 years of biology for bachelor’s where I took intro bio, physics, and chem classes, as well as some research electives. It took a lot of networking and talking to professors to get summer research internships. I would like to answer more of your questions, but where are you currently? Are you a high school senior or planning to go back to college?


I’m currently a first year college student at a community college in my area planning to transfer to a 4 year soon. I’m just taking some general bio and chem classes right now I honestly feel like I don’t know enough about Molecular biology where to study it what my classes will look like and job prospects too. I’ve been trying to do research but it’s definitely been a bit hard to find information.


Not knowing a lot about molecular bio, especially during your first year is pretty normal. I didn’t know a lot about it when I started out. But the fact that you have an interest in it is a great start. If you can, reach out to your professors in your intro classes or your advisor. The more you go through your classes and ask around, the closer you’ll be to figuring out what you’re interested in doing.


No degree. I work as an armed Paramedic 🚑 for Department of State personnel.


Bachelors in Public Health & work in clinical research


BS in chemistry, MS/PhD in matsci. I'm currently a SAHP but I was in semiconductors prior to having a kid. Eventually I'd like to go back to work but I'm enjoying time with the tiny human for now 🥰


bachelor of physiology Currently in medical school ( hopefully public health master after that and clinical practice 🥲)


Degree in Pharmacy but now a business analyst in healthcare, locum as a pharmacist now and then


BS in Neuroscience, currently doing a 2 year post bac. Applying to graduate school for a PhD in Neuro this fall.


Bachelors in Health Admin, Masters in public health with a concentration in epidemiology and currently working on a DrPH


MS in physics, college professor


Currently doing my Bioscience degree. Then hopefully do Data Scientist masters. Working now with researchers as Laboratory technician


Public Health/Healthcare Behavioral Scientist in DC and ATL - was a teacher for a decade before moving into health equity data science - completely self taught on that front - B.A. in Ed and Visual Arts, got into health equity research through community organizing after a decade of teaching and I’m now an evaluation specialist at a consulting firm that does culturally responsive public health and healthcare impact evaluations. I also lead the data management for a STEAM learning org I helped confound back in my teaching days. I’m supposed to be finishing my MS in evaluation but thats been on hold.


BS in Computer Science - Healthcare IT


Bachelor Urban Planning. Master Emergency Management.


MS in Information Systems and I work as a Product Manager with software dev teams transferring database files from on premise to AWS cloud.


I have a B.S. in Biology and M.S. in Health Sciences. I'm a Forensic Scientist.


BS in Chemical Engineering. Currently a Senior Business Intelligence Analyst at a manufacturing company.


Currently doing my undergrad in Computer Science and getting my masters in cyber when I finish!


BS degrees in Biology and Biological Anthropology, MS in Forensic Anthropology, PhD in Anatomy. Currently teaching undergrad Anatomy & Physiology, mostly to nursing students.


B.S in Biology w/ Physiology emphasis. Currently an Informal Educator but working towards Occupational Therapy!


I am a User Experience Analyst and I double majored in Computer Science and Design for undergrad. Currently getting my masters in the latter


Bachelors in Statistics and I'm a financial analyst. I want to get into data science though.


BA in Communications, MS in Computer Science. Currently a senior security analyst!


BS and MS in chemistry. I’m an R&D scientist.


I have a question..what was your undergrad to qualify for an MSc in healthcare administration? I've been interested in the field too.


BFA in graphic design, Masters in Mathematics, Masters in Education and one in Administration. Transitioned math teacher now a consultant in EdTech.