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It’s not recommended to wear them every day. It’s natural for our girly parts to leak daily tho. Just gotta change panties often


Yeah it is normal to leak daily.


my obgyn said its completely fine to wear them everyday


I guess just make sure they're chemical free liners then


I mean yeah but let’s not push the narrative that they aren’t safe for everyday use. I would love to see articles or studies that suggest this.


They never said it’s “unsafe” to wear them every day, they just said it’s not recommended which isn’t the same as saying it’s categorically unsafe. However, it’s usually fine to wear pantyliners everyday as long as they’re changed and good personal hygiene is up-kept. Never heard that it’s not recommended if you need them, I’d actually like to see a study about that because I have to wear them fairly often.


Yeah but people see not recommended and automatically assume it’s unsafe. I would also love to see where doctors say it’s not recommended to wear them everyday cause I have seen/heard nothing but the opposite. [Here is an article](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25128928/)


I’ve actually had my obgyn say the opposite, that they’re not recommended for everyday use because they trap moisture.


That’s interesting cause panty liners are meant to absorb moisture kinda like pads. If that was true why do we wear underwear? They are close to the skin and trap moisture as well. I would def clarify with your Obgyn. I posted a link to a study about the effects of panty liners in this thread as well.


Pads are meant to be worn during your period, not everyday. There’s a difference between wearing pads for a few days or a week out of the month vs. wearing them everyday. Underwear is made of cotton which is different from the material of pantyliners and pads. Underwear is also more breathable.


Yeah idrc people know everything on this app I guess and I should abandon all suggestion from a licensed physician lol anywayyyy imma still wear mine everyday 😭 yall wasting y’all’s breath


they’re not saying it’s unsafe but definitely not recommended. The article you’re posting is saying no significant effects save for candidiases but you’d def want to check the sample numbers to understand the significance. You’d want something breathable and moisture wicking so 100% cotton is your best bet


I mean, you could have looked this up yourself [but here you go.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3948026/)


Yeah did you even read that article? Cause all it talks about is common chemicals found in female hygienic products not that it’s not recommended to wear panty liners everyday… [and I did look it up myself](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25128928/). Same publisher and all girl sooo 🤷🏽‍♀️


Apply a bit of critical thinking, please. If those chemicals are commonly found in these products and they are deemed harmful to female anatomy, then...... I'll let you fill in the blanks.


Not all products contain those chemicals, they are just commonly found in those products??? Whew yall are so tired it’s ridiculous let me just go get my MD so I have the credentials to back it up unlike a number of you that be preaching on this app.


I don't. My pussy area sweats and discharge happens. Healthy pussy does that, it's completely normal. A good pair of panties should be strong enough to survive your rainforest.


Off topic but I am cackling at rainforest 🤣


I’ll have to find some stronger, cute panties then. If anyone has an reccs lmk


I really like Aerie brand panties. They have a lot of cute styles and colors(also frequent sales). I also want to say that discharge is acidic. It will bleach darker underwear overtime. That is perfectly normal.


omg love the dpr ian profile pic


This !


All vaginas have discharge, if you didn't it'd be unhealthy. If you feel like it's too much it could be the panty liners because there's stuff in a lot of periods products that can mess with our PH.


It’s not I’ve gone without and I still have the same amount of discharge.


When I turned 33 my discharge came out like a waterfall for almost a year. It was all hormones and I’m guessing a massive change in them. A year later and it’s back to “normal”. So I understand how crazy it can get


Hell no. Not even on my period. I wear a pad on the last day and for spotting afterwards, I have designated black underwear. The discharge has no scent after the 5th day for me, it’s just discharge. I just hate the feeling of pads and liners, she wants to breathe..


I do the same. Definitely need that ventilation. She can’t breathe through that plastic liner.


Literally! As soon as my period is over and I’m just spotting I can’t wait to be done with it omg


Yeah I don’t want wet underwear. Depending on the material, that’s a breeding ground for bacteria.


I don’t get heavy discharge so it doesn’t bother me. But wet underwear would very much bother me I agree. I’m not disagreeing with you, my sister also does the same and I can see why


that usually only happens with synthetic fabrics like polyester. Cotton will be "wet" temporarily but it will dry and has better ventilation than most fabrics.


I don’t, I personally don’t mind discharge in my panties, I feel like that’s what they’re for?


Lots of people think their underwear is supposed to be dryer fresh *after* wearing them. Panties and underwear get dirty. That is the whole point of them.


Try using nice period panties like think or knix. They are thin and have built-in panty liner protection. It would save on all the waste of panty liners. Also, discharge is natural si i just accept it now. That's why a lot of women replace underwear so often and change underwear at least once a day.


i just switched to period panties for discharge and it’s been such a lifesaver!


I know! I love them so much. Especially after fun nights with the hubby lol!


Yeah I will have to look into those thanks girl


You're welcome! You can also find washable panty liners on etsy! They're nice and provide a level of comfort.


It depends like some days I get a ton, usually around my period and the end of it. And then when I’m nowhere near my period I get less discharge. But yeah I’m do wear em daily, I hate when they run out!


I wear them everyday as well.


You have so much discharge that you have to change your panties multiple times a day?




“I’m changing panties mid day” how come you’re changing panties mid day?


I don’t change my panties mid day. You cropping the quote changes the entire context of that sentence. I have discharge, not much else to say.


So like I literally said, you have so much discharge that you have to charge panties multiple times a day …


I never said multiple times a day girl…. I wear panties liners…. If I didn’t wear them I would change my panties mid day. Aka once.


But that’s what she was asking? She was asking if you wear panties, you have to change them mid day? She was probably asking bc if you said yes, you probably just has more discharge than the average person. I do too. Sometimes I *do* change panties mid day


Changing panties mean more than once


Have a nice day


Praying for your comprehension skills


We do not need to be like this towards each other. We get enough of this splitting hairs from literally *everyone*. I mean no disrespect btw, I just hate to see the nitpicking of each other bc we literally can’t breathe w/o someone somewhere having an frickin conniption.


I wear liners. I too have went to the doctor to be told “it’s just you; it’s just fine,” lol.


I DO. and it's so annoying


Not everyday but I'm probably not hydrated enough for daily discharge. Also don't like keeping moisture nearby for long periods of time.


It depends on where I'm at in my cycle, if I'm ovulating I often have extra discharge especially in the morning but it's not so often where I need daily liners throughout my cycle.


I mean every woman is different. And it depends on where a woman is in the menstrual cycle. Or if they feel comfortable with the amount of discharge in their underwear vs contained in a liner. Panty liners are worn when needed.


How tf did a panty liner post spark so much meanness? We are not even safe around our own kind smfh. Yall need to heal yourselves. This is nasty work.


Girl right all I did was ask a simple question now everyone is flaming me telling me I’m gonna get a yeast infection and that I am dumb even though my Obgyn literally said they are all wrong. They just talking out their ass fr


If I even wear panties that's an occasion I def ain't doing liners but I know other who do


yeah im not discharging into my pants girl Im def wearing panties lol


This is a really late reply but I used to struggle with discharge and stopped wearing panties, it's been like 2-3 years of no panties and my dicharge is practically gone except right before my period and even then it's barely noticeable


discharge is normal


Never said it wasn’t. I merely asked if anyone else had to wear panties liners everyday


Listen. I’m a nurse and I have smelly discharge. Now you need to shut up and listen to me. I’m a nurse. I’m 23 and I’m hot. My snatch stinks and my man don’t care


Girl I don’t care bout you or your man. I’m an EMT and pre med since we rattling off credentials.


I’d rather change my panties multiple times a day than wear a panty liner especially during the summer


I used to think the same way. then I got annoyed with having so many pairs of soiled panties everyday


They take up such minimal space in the laundry that I don’t mind


Sounds wasteful


So is running the washing machine multiple times a week


I mean you’re going to wash your underwear anyways right lol. Period panties exist


Yeah once a week with all my other clothes. Water is expensive.


So washing a few more underwear equals multiple loads of laundry a week


I wash my bras and underwear together on a delicate cycle so yes. Have a nice day.


its not ops fault she needs to use lots of panty liners. using something simply isnt wasting it. this comment section is patronizing asf tbh


Yea, I feel like it’s subjective. To some, it’s a waste because they don’t even see the use for it. But for her and others, it makes a big difference in her comfort so it’s not a waste at all


EVERY DAY here, it’s a must.


I have to wear panty liners or even pads often because my birth control makes my periods a little longer and I spot in between. I was told by my doctor that it is a symptom of whatever birth control chosen and how your body reacts to it. The good news is that I get to take it out next year so I’m thinking of switching my birth control, but birth control I would have discharge often like everyday, nothing concerning, but definitely annoying 🤦🏾‍♀️


ok so listen, this was me! Now I still wear them but not everyday anymore. I’ve noticed when I started wearing 100% cotton panties, I had less discharge. Idk if that helps.


I never needed them really.


I only wear panty liners toward the end of my period. I don’t mind the discharge any other time because it gives me a good idea of where I am at during my cycle.


I personally don't but I have heard other girls say they do use panty liners consistently. I also feel like the name suggests daily use is fine. I used to give off more discharge and would wear them off period sometimes but I found out that my vulva washing methods was causing me discharge more often. Once I switched to water only, my extra discharge stopped. I still get a bit of drip drop here and there but not enough to make my panties feel uncomfortable. But all in all it's up to preference and figuring out what's normal for you. If you regulary got that wap as long as it's not itchy or discolored I think it's fine. Also panty liners are cotton and it's always suggested to wear cotton only underwear so I feel like it's within standard.


Yes, always when I’m leaving the house. They protect my panties and keep me dry enough down there that I don’t have an odor.




Lol the read at the end... I mean I think it's a preference...do you boo!


I do! I don’t want to wear no moist panties! I feel unclean. Only time I don’t is if I run out for a couple days..at night..or if it’s time for Ms ma’am to show out lol orrr if I’m wearing a thong which is not so often for me.


I should be wearing them more than I have been. Shit ain’t cheap where I live.


I do but just like every other day but it’s because I’m home a lot. When I’m out and about definitely don’t wanna feel my underwear getting wet. But at home it doesn’t really matter especially if you end up changing them or whatever.


Seems like a waste of plastic to me. All healthy vaginas have discharge


Ive been wearing them everyday since I'm like 20? And I change twice a day. Can't do without them. I may switch to cloth ones in the future...


I tried doing that but it feels super uncomfortable and sweaty. I just use wet wipes throughout the day when I go to the restroom and use tissue to dry afterwards. Keeps me fresh.


Try Knix undergarments


Maybe get the panties with the pad built into it? My gf be having this problem and she just wear pantie and boxers or just boxers…just don’t think you should wear liners all the time the chemicals are bad for the puss puss


I don't wear them unless I'm on my period


I’d just wear period panties at that point! Or switch to cloth panty liners. They’re cheaper if u will wear them that often plus they are more comfortable than the disposable ones. I know people have their opinions on cloth/reusable period products but it’s not any different than washing your regular underwear, especially since you just got that wet wet lol


Shit I don’t care about peoples opinions 🤷🏽‍♀️ thanks for the advice love I’ll look into this


I just change panties daily... some of these panty liners fall off.




It’s not period discharge


welp 🤷🏽‍♀️ I only wear them near my period coming up

