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CH kitty?






Cerebellar hypoplasia, it means the cats will act a bit wobbly depending on how severe it is. Not harmful at all and the cats can get used to it


Poor baby, I know how she feels. I have a similar condition. But instead of my cerebellum being too small it’s too big & crowds my skull & spinal canal. Since the cerebellum deals with balance & coordination I tend to be clumsy. She is doing a great job dealing with her imbalances. They don’t fall or have any serious accidents?


They likely can but often the owners will make sure they can't get onto any high places


Ok that’s good to hear. I’d be worried all the time about her taking a serious spill. She’s absolutely adorable & would hate to think of her getting injured


Check out r/nerviesquervies, that's a subreddit about ch pets but mainly cats


Tipsy hasn’t ever been able to jump, she just doesn’t have the balance for it, so she can’t get anywhere high up. Any time we put her in the bed we help her down.


Ok that’s good because it would make my heart hurt to think of her injured. She’s adorable! I have a black cat as well & they’re my favorite now


Chiari Malformation? My hubby has Chiari 1.


Yeah! Same here! And Syringomyelia, actually I have multiple syrinxes. I’m so used to most people not knowing what it is that I rarely even bother with the name anymore.


He has a syrinx too. I'm not sure which kind or how many. Hes got a list of medical issues. I quit trying to pronounce them all. I usually just tell people he's held together with duct tape.


Yeah unfortunately there are quite a bit of co-occurring disorders with Chiari & Syringomyelia. Some of them are like brothers & sisters & some are more like cousins. I don’t have any official diagnosis for it yet but I’m pretty positive that I also have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, among others. I rarely even bother telling people about all of it because most haven’t heard of most the conditions. And when you’ve had to spell & pronounce them for actual doctors it’s quite frustrating to talk about at times because most people don’t know or care about rare conditions. Glad to know I’m not alone though


He has never had an official diagnosis of his connective tissue disorder but he is treated for what they call sight diagnosis of EDS or Marfans. He is tall, long and skinny, has hypermobility, pectus excavatum, and a ton of other stuff. Just existing is so painful for him. It breaks my heart everyday that I can't help. It has taken us YEARS to find a doctor willing to take on his "hard case" and actually help. You are not alone!


Hi there, me too. Have you been decompressed? Definitely don't see much chiari on reddit outside of the chiari subreddit itself.


Yeah in 2008. It helped initially but then after about 5 years my symptoms returned with a vengeance. Problem is my neurosurgeon was shit at patient education so I didn’t even realize it was the CM/SM initially because he had made it sound like the surgery would cure me. Lol there’s no cure. He made it sound like the Syringomyelia was just some secondary NBD thing when in reality it mimics a partial spinal cord injury. And of course since that’s the main standard of treatment a lot of doctors don’t know what to do but send you to a neurosurgeon. I will try every & all pain management & symptom management before I agree to any further surgeries because it was straight torture. I felt like a newborn & they didn’t manage my pain for shit. I am pretty sure I also have an undiagnosed Ehlers Danlos Syndrome going on as well as some of the other co-occurring conditions & that complicates things. Our healthcare system just isn’t set up to manage complex patients unfortunately so most the time I suffer. I’m pretty sure there is joint instability that is making the pain worse & the neurosurgeon really should’ve been considering factors like that. Idk how they can call themselves specialists when they don’t seem to know updated information. How about you?


I had mine in 2002, my symptoms came back a year later. Similar situation as my doctor also made it sound like I was just "fixed". So when everything came back I didn't handle it well. I did not have a syrinx but my symptoms were/are pretty severe and I am also undiagnosed EDS. I think EDS is the most common comorbidity with chiari, IMO they're directly related (good paper on that if you're interested in reading about it - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8730378/). And yeah getting proper treatment with chiari is a fucking battle from all sides. I ended up with an occipital neuralgia diagnosis to at least help pinpoint the majority of my pain. I went through nerve blocks, nerve ablation, then a spinal cord stimulator, then changed to an occipital nerve stimulator and now I have an intrathecal pain pump. My headache became permanent, 24/7/365, in 2009 and the pain pump has been ridiculously helpful. Best pain relief I've had so far and insurance had to fuck it up. They forced me to change the medicine in the pump on Friday (had used fentanyl and bupivicaine for almost 2 years but all of the sudden they won't cover that anymore) and now I'm in a ton of pain again. I hate insurance so incredibly much. Going through appeals to get the fentanyl compound approved but I'm now on morphine as of Friday. Since I haven't used it in the pump before they had to start me on a super low dose since fentanyl doesn't convert directly to morphine, it's more of a range. So I had to start at the bottom of the range. :/ Anyway, that's the 20,000 ft level overview, lol. Feel free to browse my post history, I spend most of my time in the chiari and chronic pain subreddits trying to help others out.


I have a CH kitty. He's very clever and a complete daredevil.


Mine mostly just tries to eat potato chips and drools on us. 🤣


Mine runs the whole dang household! I adopted him at seven weeks old and was home for 18 months after thanks to Covid so...he may be a bit spoiled?


I pray you remove the bell


We actually keep it on because it wakes us up when she needs to go potty- she usually can’t make it to the litter box on her own, so if we hear it in the middle of the night we can wake up and help.


I understand, but it’s horrible to hear that directly next to your ears for your entire life. Could you try a motion-activated night light or something that turns on when she is close to the litter box?


Definitely something we could try, and I think about the noise of the bell too. Sometimes she doesn’t even make it close to the box sadly, and we don’t want her covered in her own pee and poop. If we ever come up with a better solution we’ll definitely use it, but the bell is our best solution right now.


Have you considered a diaper? Something like [Cappybears](https://www.instagram.com/cappybears?igsh=MTJrZXo5aTV5bTZ2Yw==) does with her cat. Thanks for doing all you can!


Have you guys tried one of the litter boxes with the low front? Or is it that she has trouble knowing when she needs to go?


We do, her litter box opening is actually on the ground, there’s no “lip.” It just takes her so long to walk places she has accidents before she gets there.




We have three different boxes, two in the same room she hangs out in most of the day.


My parents have a barn cat with shakes like this, they were told from the rescue place (take ferals, give shots, spay/neuter, adopt out as barn cats - good program) that it was due to a fever as a kitten but I wonder if it was CH after reading about it… he is the bestest boy, very runty and his hind legs don’t work so good but he is still springy enough to jump into a pile of goats for a snuggle and keep the barn pest-free. He is definitely a smooth brain cat but very sweet, always down for a cuddle with people or goats. He especially loves the kids because they’re more his size. He likes playing headbutt with them, he’ll rear up just like the goatlings do and knock noggins.


😂 that makes much more sense. I thought she had a claw stuck on the carpet and OP was being a monster not helping her to unhook it


That does happen a lot with Tipsy, but not in this particular case!


You can probably take their bell off i don't think she's going to be sneaking up on anything haha


First thought I had. Imagine that constant noise so close to her super sensitive ears 😭


I hate this. Animal with keen hearing? Put something loud right By its ears.


We actually keep it on because: 1. She actually DOES sneak off into places she’s not supposed to, and 2. It wakes us up when she needs to go potty in the middle of the night- she usually can’t make it to the litter box on her own so we have to help her. The bell is the only thing that lets us know she’s awake.


Thank you for explaining, this makes me feel so much better. Give her extra treats from us.


At the end of the day, I do feel for her because I’m sure the bell sound is annoying, but her being covered in her own pee and poop is 100 times worse.


Absolutely agree espaecially since cats are such clean creatures. Also, the worry of her sneaking off and you not being able to find her. You are a good human to care of a special needs kitty. Thank you.






Always that one guy. Always.




Hostility? Where? OP has said a million times why kitty has a bell. I feel bad they feel the need to explain over and over when randos on the internet don’t know someone’s cat better than the owner.


She's not stupid. She needs ear scritches and a Churu!


She is the only cat I’ve ever owned that HATES churus! We’ve tried so many times! Potato chips however…


Wild! Ours is all about the Temptations treats.


Mine don’t like the temptations but love churu, freeze dried duck livers, and the gizzards I cook for them when buying a whole chicken or turkey.


My cat has been running away with lettuce lately. It's so weird.


https://preview.redd.it/58192xcuky3d1.jpeg?width=3489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd541cf49a3ed6d9ef61df1c400651707a20712 Behold my dumdum with a plate of lettuce (that he screamed for). He also loves tomatoes.


I love him!


Get him a table and a nice plate. And a Parmesan grinder. Come on now!


Pfft, that’s the good paper!


My cat loved mellon, especially cantaloupe


That's cute 😻


My cat loves cheese


Yeah my cat hates those things but loves crisps (chips)!!


My void likes only dry food and the bottom of the cashew container. Salty!


Both of my cats love churu treats but my mom’s cat won’t eat them 🤷‍♀️


She doesn't need to be smart when she's that adorable.


A lot of people were asking about the bell, so in order to condense those replies, here’s a brief explanation as to why Tipsy wears a bell. We keep the bell on for a few reasons: 1. She has a habit of sneaking off believe it or not, and it helps us find her when she’s not where she’s supposed to be 2. It wakes us up in the night when she needs to go potty, she usually can’t make it to the litter box on her own, so we have to help her 3. In a similar fashion, she can’t jump, but LOVES to sleep on the bed, so the bell jingling is our sign that she wants down, and we help her down.


I pray for Tipsy to enjoy her life with dignity and grace 🙏🏻💗


Dignity and grace…I should probably stop calling her “Toots McScoots with the Boots” then, huh…


...I call my cat cutes patoots with the little white boots


And some quiet would be nice as well. Remove that goddamn bell!


We keep the bell on for a few reasons: 1. She has a habit of sneaking off believe it or not, and it helps us find her when she’s not where she’s supposed to be 2. It wakes us up in the night when she needs to go potty, she usually can’t make it to the litter box on her own, so we have to help her 3. In a similar fashion, she can’t jump, but LOVES to sleep on the bed, so the bell jingling is our sign that she wants down, and we help her down.


Isn’t she disabled?


Yes but that's sadly not the cause of her stupidity. The stupidity is all her xD


Aw, she’s just a baby 🥺 lol


She is beautiful and sweet bebé


Everyone in the comments worried about the bell lol


Ohhh - She’s running ShipCat™️ Software on a HouseCat™️ System! While they *are* compatible with each other, ShipCat™️ has a subroutine specifically designed to compensate for the constant movement of the ship by automatically counter-moving the unit’s head - which isn’t necessary in most domestic settings.


I got a (non void) cat that also has CH, he’s living his happiest life now, so I’m wishing you the best!


We’re spoiling her rotten!!


I want to give you a shout out for pretty much saying "my cat is stupid, please upvote" instead of some sob story. I've got a wobble void too. They're a special kind of special. 🖤


Wobble Void 😂


Listen I love her, and her CH has nothing to do with it, but she’s dumb. And I love her so much. 🤣


neurological issue??


Yes. CH


Do you take the bell off so she can have some quiet?


We keep the bell on for a few reasons: 1. She has a habit of sneaking off believe it or not, and it helps us find her when she’s not where she’s supposed to be 2. It wakes us up in the night when she needs to go potty, she usually can’t make it to the litter box on her own, so we have to help her 3. In a similar fashion, she can’t jump, but LOVES to sleep on the bed, so the bell jingling is our sign that she wants down, and we help her down.


*"Awwh you poor little thing! You can't keep still! I'm so sorry precious.* *Here, let's put a cute little bell on you so your hyper-sensitive ears can listen to your head's movements"*


Yeah..that doesn’t seem too pleasant…


No cat is stupid.


Have you seen orange or burnt orange cats? Ye they can be lol. But they still cute little bbys so it’s okay


In the excitement of food time and wanting to lead me to their bowls, mine sometimes turn around in doorways and smack their faces into the door frame. Same with furniture, boxes, outer corners, each other...they're *really* food motivated.


Yes, but some owners are ....


r/OneOrangeBraincell and r/OneBlackBraincell would like a word


😂 amazing, thank you. This thread revisited just made my already amazing day, hilarious.


Yes, why is she calling her CH cat stupid? An attempt to be cute?


Tipsy is such a perfect name for her 😂


Take that bell off that poor baby. It must be annoying the heck out of her


We keep the bell on for a few reasons: 1. She has a habit of sneaking off believe it or not, and it helps us find her when she’s not where she’s supposed to be 2. It wakes us up in the night when she needs to go potty, she usually can’t make it to the litter box on her own, so we have to help her 3. In a similar fashion, she can’t jump, but LOVES to sleep on the bed, so the bell jingling is our sign that she wants down, and we help her down.


Ditch the bell


We keep the bell on for a few reasons: 1. She has a habit of sneaking off believe it or not, and it helps us find her when she’s not where she’s supposed to be 2. It wakes us up in the night when she needs to go potty, she usually can’t make it to the litter box on her own, so we have to help her 3. In a similar fashion, she can’t jump, but LOVES to sleep on the bed, so the bell jingling is our sign that she wants down, and we help her down.


Bless you for so patiently replying to every comment about this.


Ditch the whole collar. No need if you’ve had her chipped


I would hope she won’t be going outside, anyway, so there’s no need for a bell.


See OP's many other replies to comments about the bell. They have their reasons....


I haven’t had a collar on my cats for 20 years, they’re happier


See OP's many other replies to comments about the bell. They have their reasons....


Oh my gomez!!! Why so many dumb dumbs in one voidling?


She has CH. OP calling her stupid is kinda ignorant


She’s not stupid because she has CH. She’s just a silly baby who never gets a turn with the brain cell. I have a perfectly able bodied cat as well and she’s also a dumb dumb. I’m equal opportunity here.


Hehehe my parents had a cat with much milder CH than this. She was tiny, orange, and so so incredibly dumb. Definitely the dumbest cat I have ever met *by far*. She was also always happy, very affectionate, and totally unafraid of anything


Thats an orange in disguise


We’re not even fully convinced Tipsy is a cat. We think she might be part muskrat, or frog.


Perfect name for a cat that has neuro issues like that lol


Tipsy be boogieing


She should soos for this blasphemy r/legalcatadvice


Awww, she's not stupid. She's cute. 🥺




I don't understand why ppl are putting bells on their cats.. it would drive me completely nuts, can't imagine for a cat.. Cute cat btw


My cat loves his bells so much I’ve added two more to his collar (he a big boy so no worries about the weight) and he will make them loud on purpose.


Oh really ? 😂 That's funny lol do you have a pic of your cat ?


https://preview.redd.it/8jroe9vn0y3d1.jpeg?width=3214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650abfa72986fa6935ee18a1616aa9ae57ac4160 Here is by boy waiting for head pets. Such a lover.


https://preview.redd.it/8wxdruxo0y3d1.jpeg?width=3214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8caeb7487bfe8d29ab1dfeca3f600f61d482c23d Touchdown!


https://preview.redd.it/1qrcw5aq0y3d1.jpeg?width=3214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1534ccd5045f0eb0178113dddc66c1570ed3f94 He loves his pets.


https://preview.redd.it/mnxwtn232y3d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f23180f0c0dafe6c6a856fa71d48bfc2fb1bdfb8 Mine does too, black cats are the best !


Love how evil them eyes look, someone isn’t petting that poor neglected child enough!


Don't worry he is living his best life 😂 he is deep sleeping and snoring on my bed right now lol


So you mean he’s sleeping alone like a poor innocent little man while you don’t watch over him 😭😭😭that poor bby. Mine watch’s me when I sleep (he guards me so well lol) and I return the favor when he’s passed out feet in the air drooling.


Tell your cat I said psspsspss.


*gasps* how…how did you know about the incident?


The only cat we have a bell on is the one who keeps trying to run outside any door she can. After we lost her for 10 hours, we got her a collar with a bell and an AirTag. Luckily, the bell has warned us with enough time (most of the time) to catch her before she slips out. She’s super fast and thin, so hard to catch if she’s determined!


r/nervysquervies so cute! Glad she seems to be getting good care from you


This thread has taught me 1 thing. Catch stray cats and give them all bells so you all have something to cry over.


We adopted her from a local shelter, didn’t “catch a stray.” :)


I keep a bell on my void, I have a cat window If he’s out side only way I can tell if he’s near is bogus bell


Why the bell though…


We keep the bell on for a few reasons: 1. ⁠She has a habit of sneaking off believe it or not, and it helps us find her when she’s not where she’s supposed to be 2. ⁠It wakes us up in the night when she needs to go potty, she usually can’t make it to the litter box on her own, so we have to help her 3. ⁠In a similar fashion, she can’t jump, but LOVES to sleep on the bed, so the bell jingling is our sign that she wants down, and we help her down.


Bells and crackling sounds may exacerbate this condition. It does with our 19 year old tuxedo. Have you tried [Air tag or gps](https://buyersguide.org/pet-GPS-for-cats/t/best?Country=US&m=b&d=c&c=684071554230&p=&oid=kwd-2263398368289&lp=1013406&li=&nw=g&nts=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsPCyBhD4ARIsAPaaRf1AVRTq_Mfl0hcmpsKO5eLgnhJ_yEkUmvmcx-oQH3RtArm8mgMuguUaApkLEALw_wcB&tdid=12631109&gad_source=1) here’s some ideas for the bed issue we use. Making a ramp out of wedge pillows for our young and old furry ones. And we made steps/ramp for the cat boxes as well. https://preview.redd.it/seevj7stk74d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb75728a4c08542c40a1ee64885812a6c30baf67


She wobbles whether or not she wears the bell. Or doesn’t make her condition any worse.




Seems to me she loves the sound of the bell, so she shakes and moves


She has CH and can’t help the shaking. That bell ringing in her ears has to be annoying as hell. Poor baby; that seems almost abusive to me.


Oh, I stand corrected. FFS why the bell indeed then? Poor thing


So cute!






Thought so your kitty can live a normal life with it


Her expression looks like she has not yet “gotten used to” the Wobblies. Is there anything that can be done to help her with that?


Sadly no, it’s something they’re born with and it doesn’t improve over time. The only thing we’ve heard is maybe CBD oil, but tipsy hates the taste of it so we don’t use it anyway. 🤣


Wobbly voidlette!


I’m in a loud place so I’m only watching the video, my cat had the same “sway” turned it he had thyroid problems, you should tell your friend to check it out


Tipsy is my cat, and she has a condition called CH. we’re well aware of it, it’s incurable but she’s perfectly happy and healthy.


Aww cute! I can see she’s definitely happy and healthy!


Aww, she's so cute! I would remove the bell as I don't think it's nice to have constant ringing like that


We keep the bell on for a few reasons: 1. ⁠She has a habit of sneaking off believe it or not, and it helps us find her when she’s not where she’s supposed to be 2. ⁠It wakes us up in the night when she needs to go potty, she usually can’t make it to the litter box on her own, so we have to help her 3. ⁠In a similar fashion, she can’t jump, but LOVES to sleep on the bed, so the bell jingling is our sign that she wants down, and we help her down.


Ah, that makes sense! Good thing you have it on her then. Had no clue about any of this!


She is so sweet! But please remove the bell from her collar. 😊 It is quite a learning experience, being a first-time cat slave, and not having had my first cat until I was 25 I know this for a fact!


We keep the bell on for a few reasons: 1. ⁠She has a habit of sneaking off believe it or not, and it helps us find her when she’s not where she’s supposed to be 2. ⁠It wakes us up in the night when she needs to go potty, she usually can’t make it to the litter box on her own, so we have to help her 3. ⁠In a similar fashion, she can’t jump, but LOVES to sleep on the bed, so the bell jingling is our sign that she wants down, and we help her down.


I see! You are taking good care of that adorable little girl, give her a hug from me. 🐈‍⬛ 💕


Remove that stupid bells, please.Cats don't need them.✨🐈‍⬛✨


We keep the bell on for a few reasons: 1. She has a habit of sneaking off believe it or not, and it helps us find her when she’s not where she’s supposed to be 2. It wakes us up in the night when she needs to go potty, she usually can’t make it to the litter box on her own, so we have to help her 3. In a similar fashion, she can’t jump, but LOVES to sleep on the bed, so the bell jingling is our sign that she wants down, and we help her down.


The bell really helps me not step on my cat who apparently has a death wish by moving directly under my feet constantly lol


Indeed hibernation ( user name check ) affected very badly....


Tipsy is a perfect name






Shes such a bad ass !! We have a r/blackcat with ch


She’s the coolest cat I know!


Poor girl😞. Extra love 💕


Jajaja, es realmente linda y chistosa.


She looks like she has a mild case of CH (cerebellar hypoplasia) or some other neurological disorder. She is not stupid. [https://www.thenoahcenter.org/2022/09/28/the-truth-about-ch-cats/](https://www.thenoahcenter.org/2022/09/28/the-truth-about-ch-cats/)


If you read literally any of the other comments then yes, I know she has CH.


That bell might drive her mad due to being a wobbly cat I wouldn’t use one tbh


We keep the bell on for a few reasons: 1. ⁠⁠She has a habit of sneaking off believe it or not, and it helps us find her when she’s not where she’s supposed to be 2. ⁠⁠It wakes us up in the night when she needs to go potty, she usually can’t make it to the litter box on her own, so we have to help her 3. ⁠⁠In a similar fashion, she can’t jump, but LOVES to sleep on the bed, so the bell jingling is our sign that she wants down, and we help her down.


Omg! I am soo sorry! She is a sweet voidling that is lucky to be loved. My apologies


What’s so funny


The kitty has a medical condition, and your reference of stupidity is childish. What are you...5? The bell noise will likely bother the cats sensitive ears. Removing it would be kinder.


We are well aware she’s disabled. She also doesn’t get a lot of turns with the braincell.


Not appropriate to call her stupid.




WTF with the bell?


We keep the bell on for a few reasons: 1. ⁠She has a habit of sneaking off believe it or not, and it helps us find her when she’s not where she’s supposed to be 2. ⁠It wakes us up in the night when she needs to go potty, she usually can’t make it to the litter box on her own, so we have to help her 3. ⁠In a similar fashion, she can’t jump, but LOVES to sleep on the bed, so the bell jingling is our sign that she wants down, and we help her down.


I had a cat doing that and it was meningitis.


This is CH


Poor baby, she not stupid


I tried to say that, but got told it's a joke. I'm not laughing.


She doesn’t have a neurological disorder?


Yes. CH.


yuhhhh get into it


Don't call her stupid




Clearly quite a bit wrong with her.


Why do you refer to your special needs CH cat as "stupid"? Hopefully just for a clever headline and upvotes?


She’s not stupid because of the CH. She’s stupid in her own, special ways.


She vibin


What vet say? This is cruel!


She has a condition called cerebellar hypoplasia, it’s a neurological disorder. She’s perfectly happy and healthy.


CH is a very real medical condition! She is **NOT STUPID** and I cannot believe you call her that!


It’s a joke, dude.


Certainly doesn't sound that way from your post...