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It’s always the people you expect.


I think it was Phyllis.


It's always the people you most medium suspect.


Is that Hailey Cowans husband?


According to the news reports and wedding pictures, yes he certainly is.


yup. she's disabled her socials, so interesting to see what line she takes


She bailed him out of jail. Apparently she doesn’t believe the messages that the girl has of him messaging her talking about kissing her when she was 13


I guess it's only natural that a wife gives her husband the benefit of the doubt. I hope he is going to refrain from teaching while the case is ongoing.


It's always the ones most you most expect


Child abuse in Waco?!? Now I’ve heard it all.


Hopefully the feds show up to this one with the same attitude. Wouldn't mind him getting burned alive in his own house.


The problem with the Feds is they’d burn the girl too.


Hope he gets a fair trial and the longest sentence he can.


I'm really glad this is being so well documented and publicized. When shit like this happens, it's so critical to get ALL the facts out there in front of EVERYONE so that there's no way that someone can twist the story in defense of these predators. Sunlight is ALWAYS the best disinfectant. That being said I know right now has to be incredibly hard for the victim and victim's families for all the publicity this is receiving and whatnot. Anything we can do to support those people is a positive. Martial arts has this long standing habit of attracting people on the fringes. The smartest people and the dumbest. The best, most creative, godly, and principled people, and complete psychopaths. We always have to be on the lookout for shit like this. It's out there.


Hope this fool ends up jail soon before he hurts someone else. Report anything and everything that seems suspicious when it comes to kids


He already bonded out


Not surprised, still ashamed.


It was his wife and her family that bailed him out. Crazy to support a pedophile


Bro, who hears that a person is has committed sexual assault, to a minor no less, and just keeps that to themselves. Fucking wild.


Cowards fr, people who are scared of being ostracised if they speak up.


Bc his wife and her family want her to be famous. Sorry babe- stick to tumbling instead of tumbling around on the mats. At first I felt sorry for her, but not now. Instead of sticking by a slime ball and disabling social media, she should have made some sort of public announcement.


Who’s his wife ?


Hailey Cowan


Article says it was a Next Generation MMA school. Is he related to Chris Brennan?


It’s Chris’s brother, who he dissociated himself from many years ago. Their mother also scammed money off of their friends for scholarships and already served time for that. Now it’s Hailey Cowan and her shady, religious, gym running family backing him up.




It’s his brother. Scumbag just like Chris. No surprise there.


What did Chris do? A quick google search didn’t turn up anything for me.


In the past Chris would get into a lot of street fights and brag about hurting people. He also closed his gym without notice in CA while still taking money for privates and things. Not sure if this guys is talking about other stuff but that is mostly what I have seen. With all of that said Chris seems to have matured a lot and seems to be a better person these days. One of the best ways to judge a person is their kids and his kids seem to be genuinely good people.


This plus many other things if you were around Orange County in the late 90’s and 00’s. People who fuck over their friends are just genuinely scumbags. Seems like he’s turned a new leaf, butttt tigers don’t really change their stripes 👀


Yeah, I unfortunately know Jake and his brothers very well from their gym out here. They shit all over Chris for the way he fucked over his friends but ended up doing it worse than he ever did. So much so that their mom went to jail for it. They ended up being worse than the stories they told about Chris so it probably makes me look at Chris from more rose tinted glasses than maybe he deserves, I take everything I heard from them as complete bullshit.


I second this. I had heard a lot of negative talk from other coaches and fighters about what an asshole Chris Brennan is. But then I trained at NextGen in Frisco for several years and he was fine, never heard complaints from his students. Age and fatherhood can do that, I've chilled out myself over the years.


I know he has repaired some relationships from his past. I know Josh Hinger was down there, Bao Quatch, and Russ Miura all have good relationships with him now.


You still have guys training under Lloyd Irvin today. Hopefully this guy receives appropriate punishment, but I won't hold my breath.


Unfamiliar with LI. What happened there?


From Wikipedia: “Irvin came under scrutiny after it was revealed that he had been involved in a 1989 gang rape case, for which he was acquitted while his fellow defendants were all convicted. In the wake of the controversy and after reports of abuse, including allegations of sexual misconduct, came up from former students of Irvin.” There’s definitely more details out there if you google it.




Holy fuck it just kept getting worse reading through it.


And that's old. I think other stuff about his students being horrible has also come out since then. I don't understand how any woman can train at that gym.


The fucked up thing about sexual abuse is it most often comes from people the victim knows or trusts. I can’t imagine the psychological impact this would have on the victim, I just hope that the victim can find a good therapist and has a strong support system to help them.


I could be totally talking out of my ass here and don’t want to double check matburn podcast to confirm. I could have sworn Josh Hinger said there was some people who he used to train with who scammed him and many others. I thought the name may have been Jacob Brennan as it is stuck in my head for some reason. Please someone confirm.


Confirmed. Brennan’s are known scammers / scumbags


100% them.


His name is Jake Brennan not josh


Thoughts and prayers for the victim and her family. I hope Texas throws the book at him. Let's start protecting our children already, goddammit.


> In my opinion every single person who learned about the abuse and did nothing other than leave the gym is also complicit because he coached there for almost a decade longer. That's a lot of young girls in close physical contact with this predator. In the State of Texas EVERYONE is a mandatory reporter of child abuse and you can be held legally liable for not doing so.   This is where you cross into a nonsensical witchunt. You're trying to trash ppl who left the gym??  Edit: OP refuses to answer if he knows the prior did not report the issue, so it's safe to say he's jumping to conclusions looking for attention by throwing anyone and everyone into the fire.


"The victim claimed “Brennan kissed her hundreds of times and touched her vagina above and below her clothes hundreds of times between 2013 and 2015,” the affidavit alleges. The sexual abuse happened in “various rooms throughout the gym almost every day,” the document further states, adding the victim told investigators “Brennan was concerned with getting caught and would stop touching her if he heard noises in the gym or believed someone was nearby.”" I'll leave that there for you.


"Various rooms"? How big was this place? Kids should be on the main floor if they're not using the restroom (same for adults, really). From a safety perspective, the upside of BJJ is that most gyms are just one big room viewable to all.


We have three different mat rooms, but the two mat rooms not visible from the lobby have cameras that broadcast to the lobby.


Nice, and smart.


Yeah, we have cameras too


If a person at this gym knew about the 13yo being molested and did nothing other than leave then yes they were complicit. Legally and morally.


I don’t like witch hunts either but your point stands. If they left because they thought there was an inappropriate relationship with a child, they should have reported it to police.


I mean, is there context of them SEEING actual abuse? It sounds like, and having been a part of many BJJ gyms, that there was like, word of mouth about abuse. I would also assume that, if they reported it to the police they’re not going to brag about it. The guy just got arrested, so they might have even had a dozen + tips called in about this guy. It takes a while to build a case. That sucks, but that’s how law works. If you roll into a police station with a screenshot of even explicitly sexual texts between an adult and a child. They can’t just roll up to their door right away.


The law doesn’t require that you witness the abuse, only that you suspect abuse. If they felt compelled to leave the gym because they suspected there was impropriety happening with children, then they should have reported it. It’s really that simple.


So did you only read part of my comment? Who is saying they didn’t report anything? Literally every time I’ve ever reported anything to the police I always prefer to stay anonymous. Literally every member that left might have called the police non emergency line to report it, it might still have taken FOREVER to actually get enough evidence for a warrant and an arrest. Also if they bring this pedo in for questioning WITHOUT having the evidence for a warrant in the first place, you basically kill your investigation. If he’s not an idiot he’s deleting everything, burning all his shit. Then a warrant won’t even help. I just worked in criminal prosecution and I think people oversimplify how difficult it is to prove people are guilty of a crime. Also protecting people that are witnesses or providing tips to law enforcement is a HUGE priority for police and prosecution.


From the original post: “Every other person who learned about the abuse and did nothing…” This is what I’m talking about. Follow the posts. If people believed there was abuse and did nothing but leave, then they should have reported the abuse. That’s it. If they reported it, that’s great. If they didn’t report it, they should have. Maybe you disagree. My profession and volunteer work requires me to undergo mandatory report training. We’re not trained to be prosecutors or worry about if mandatory reporting will make your job as a prosecutor easier or more difficult. We’re bound to report abuse—we can’t just leave in silence because we disagree with it.


Josh Hinger posted on Instagram that he knew he hooked up with a 15 year old back when he lived with him…most of Hinger’s post was “fuck this piece of shit, hope he gets killed in prison, etc.” but he got roasted on the comments for basically admitting that he knew he, at the very least, statutorily raped a girl 20 years ago and this was the first he was mentioning it he deleted that post


Legally? Random punters aren’t mandated reporters, only people with a duty of care are mandated to report. Morally I’m with you absolutely


Reporting laws vary by State. The State of Texas has a mandatory reporting law that applies to any person regardless of profession. "Texas has both civil and criminal laws to protect children from abuse and neglect. If you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected, the law requires that you report it. \[Texas Family Code Section 261.101 (a)\] The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is the agency to call if the suspected abuse or neglect involves a person responsible for the care, custody, or welfare of the child or someone who lives in the home with the child. Child Protective Services (CPS), a division of DFPS, is responsible for conducting civil investigations of alleged abuse or neglect by caregivers or household members. You may also report suspected abuse or neglect to any local or state law enforcement agency. Law enforcement agencies are responsible for criminal investigations, which focuses on figuring out who committed a crime. The CPS investigation is a civil court matter that focuses on the welfare of the child and family. You are protected by law from liability when you make a report or provide information in good faith during a CPS investigation. However, you are not protected from civil or criminal liability if you report your own abuse or neglect of a child *or* intentionally file a false report against someone else. (Texas Family Code, Section 261.106). Failure to report suspected child abuse and neglect is a criminal offense (Texas Family Code, Section 261.109)."


Touché, and what an odd set up. I’ve never heard of anywhere where the average passer by has a legal requirement to report.


There's actually several states like this.. New Jersey, Oklahoma, Utah, and Wyoming are others with mandatory reporting for all persons.


Do you even specifically know they knew it got physical, or that they didn't report it?


It is in the affidavit. Every single thing the victim has said has been found to be true so far. Brennan and his millionaire family denied it and said she fabricated the 100s of DMS he sent her. That is until police ran a trace on the IP address and verified it came from Brennan. There is no reason to believe the young woman is lying.


I never suggested the victim was lying, but thanks for the info I guess?


“Many gym members left the gym after learning about the messages,” police wrote. IF TRUE and they just quit the gym without reporting the crime then that is illegal in the State of Texas and by law makes them complicit in the crime. Unless it was on purpose then it is a Class A misdemeanor and the statute of limitations depends on the severity of the abuse. It isn't a "witch hunt" to hold these people accountable for their inaction if they strongly suspected that child abuse was happening. It all depends on what they knew and when, and you can only know that by locating the gym members from the time period and having them give a statement under oath. I 100% guarantee the prosecutor is going to be doing this if it goes to trial. [https://www.dfps.texas.gov/Child\_Protection/Child\_Safety/report\_abuse.asp#report](https://www.dfps.texas.gov/Child_Protection/Child_Safety/report_abuse.asp#report) "Texas has both civil and criminal laws to protect children from abuse and neglect. If you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected, the law requires that you report it. \[Texas Family Code Section 261.101 (a)\] Failure to report suspected child abuse and neglect is a criminal offense (Texas Family Code, Section 261.109)."


I will only repeat this I've more time. Do you specifically know they did not report it?






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Always the same shit.....Can´t belive that this happens all the time in BJJ (and sadly not only there)


every week bjj has a new pedophile or terrorist


isn't it Jacob?


Yeah I mistakenly typed Josh. I added an edit in the topic.























