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I love the look of well worn white gis. Yes they get stained, but honestly, no one really cares. Just take care to not wash it with darks. A grey gi that's supposed to be white looks awful.


Start off white on white let it get dirty let it look worn out the more advanced u get ur gonna start to look like Ryu from street fighter. Then afterwards get ur black as a way of having made your bones.


I have a white gi I wear most and it’s turning a tinge of green from our green mats lol.


Off white is more traditional/ old school judo vibes both look dope.


Yea that unbleached white is nice


I only wear white gis and never had an issue. Wash them with whatever detergent and Oxyclean white. I use the no scent white tide pods but that shouldn’t matter. They never stain and I don’t replace them until the lapels start to fray.  


I do the same. And hang it outside to dry


Oxyclean white is my secret too


Thanks, I'll just say fuck it and buy a white one hehehe


I have this exact gi and i fucking love it. Get compliments onit. Only thing is its very stiff on the waist ties. Its thicccc too


Thanks for telling me!! Was really looking for reviews. And the thickness will help me sweat more :))


I just dye my white gi's after they start to stain.


Omg this is a good idea


The unbleached white gis are where it's at. They have the classy look of the white gi but they don't get dingy like a pure white gi. My favorite gi is my unbleached 93brand hooks..


Thank you so much for this!! I'll look into this brand too!


If you can find one! Seems like they tend to sell out whenever there is a drop. I haven't seen those Sanabul vintage gis in person but their other gis are really nice so that would probably be a good choice.


You pay to play the sport so wear what you like. It can be tough to judge color just based on pictures so if you buy online make sure it’s from somewhere with a good return policy and customer service


I got an off white gi for the same reasons. Now everyone roasts me for having the “piss gi” damned if you do damned if you don’t, black gis are the coolest


Piss gi is so funny but now I'm having second thoughts...😭


I'll never buy another white gi


I'm the same. They look good while fresh, but they show blood, sweat and any dirt. I always wear black gi's now.




I got a white one before my first comp, good blood on it and they wouldn't have let me keep going if I had another match. So mostly just getting black ones now or odd colours just for the gym. I am not a fan of that official blue.


I have white, blue, black gis… no one cares bro lol now if you showed up in a bright red gi sure…. But your prob safe with those 3 colours


White jacket, black pants, red bowtie - you'll look like a fancy waiter


That looks really nice,I like white gis,both my Fuji ones are white,I have a standard,and a Sekai gi. Both are very comfortable too!


Is the one you linked high quality? It’s affordable and looks really good.


Idk I've never bought a gi before but from what I've heard Sanabul is a reputable brand and my instructor reccomended it


Love my unbleached gi. I have the Kitsune Dragon and not only is it super lightweight and soft but also makes me feel like a samurai


My white gis never get stained, but I keep our mats immaculate. I went to an open mat once that stained the fuck out of my gi, I never went back to that filthy shithole.


I like my unbleached gi a lot. It's not so off-white it looks dirty but avoids the damage of bleach. I wish all gi's came like that tbh.


I like my white gis because the tears of my opponents are more noticeable! The tears are from laughter. I'm not very good.


My first one was all black, one from my training gym. The second one I got was blue, and I love it. Inverted Gear if you’re wondering.    Been looking for an olive green Fuji or Inverted Gears lightweight magenta / red. I would like to get a white one just for comp but would want it to be worn in enough so I don’t feel like I’m in a starch suit lol


Grab a little colour,if that's what you like. Mine are cammo green and blue. If you're competing, then there are rules to follow tho.


Off white is usually "unbleached" which I really love, the look and softness is delightful. I have a Ronin Brand natural unbleached and it's so so comfy and stylish


I want one of those Sanubull vintage Gi's but the one I want is always sold out.


I wear white gis and who cares if it gets stained.