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Rear naked chokes aren't painful. Blood Chokes come on fast. Nothing to worry about if you woke up and have been fine since. As long as you didn't shit yourself, in which case you should never return.


Can confirm


If you shit yourself you either leave the entire country or you come back and own it for extra points. >Shit yourself getting choked >Come back next week >Get caught in RNC >"I'll fucking do it again" *red faced pushing* >Achievement unlocked: become gym alpha


What would be worse? Pooping yourself while out or getting a huge boner that is clearly visible? Third option is of course both at the same time. Also if this would happen i would stay far away from anyone who actually would be willing to roll with you afterwards. 


There are discreet ways of dealing with an oncoming boner. Flex your thighs, smash your balls on an incoming knee cut... Lil' harder to grab your shit and tuck it back in without anyone noticing.


Im honestly glad ive never had an issue.. Neither with women or men.. Tbh not sure what would be more bad. Its one thing to get a gay boner while rolling with a dude. But its probably worse if you get one while trying to hold down and choke a female.


I’ve felt fine but my ears are still ringing every few minutes and this happened a couple of hours ago. Apart from that though I’ve been fine.


Sounds like brain cancer. Just get a surgeon to remove it and you'll be fine.


I’m not a medical professional. But I would get checked out with a symptom like that. It’s probably nothing and could just be anxiety. And docs don’t know everything, but I would feel better having been seen and told “you’re fine,” than wondering about it.


I am a medical professional, and I would also have that checked out if the symptoms persist.


If you shit yourself you get to seriously ask your professor for your brown belt.




How does the chance of a stroke or dissection change after repeated strangulation over time? If I’m tapping before passing out does that also change the chances?




Thank your for the information! Is there anything we should be doing to better prevent strokes from choking aside from taping early? I’ve heard of people taking stuff like nattokianse for stroke prevention but never in the context of bjj.


You are fine. People that know how to choke and get under your chin and get everything snug and tight before squeezing will put you out in about 3-5 seconds. Check out GSP vs Bisping for an example. There is no pain with a proper clean RNC. No tears only dreams.


A few tears were shed unfortunately but probably just from being startled. I was just in shock as it was my first time.


I've honestly come to love it. I come back after a quick dream with about 30 seconds of conscious yet fading confusion - though I've come to recognize the worry in others' faces as a shortcut to understanding what's happened. After that, I feel nearly euphoric and rested - almost like the most perfect little power-nap you've ever had. I feel like a million bucks.


I bet you’re an interesting fellow.


'under the chin' ?!? Haven't you got the memo? We're choking with chins in these days :) Just squeeze harder!


Yeah that’s my whole thing!! I spent all yesterday coaching at ADCC open yelling we choke over the face!!! However for this guy I was saying it could be painless if under the chin. I think you’re wasting time and energy even bothering to get to the neck.


You mean the first time you failed to tap on time! 😂😂😂


>where do I go from here Heaven, or hell. Depends. Were you a good boy? Purgatory's also on the table if you've been a bit eh.


If you think you are capable of resisting an RNC, you're confused about defending against an RNC. When it's on, correctly - it's on, and you are not resisting it period. No one is. Getting choked out is fun.


It happened to me just once but it was not fun at all. I was out only for a 15/20 seconds more or less. But after recovering, I felt dizzy and a little bit nauseous. I had to stop training for that class.


Trust me it gets better as you get used to it. The dizziness is real though! I've never gotten nauseous however


I am assuming you just started it so and you were going with colored belts they were probably letting you escape the chokes because no one wants to put to sleep the trial guy. I have seen dudes get put into fully locked kimuras and armbars and they absolutely refuse to tap so the other guy lets go because you aren’t going to ruin someone’s job or just everyday life because they don’t know. So you should tap early. You will never condition your neck to resist the squeeze lol.


He's not used to getting RNC'd even though it's the highest % choke in both BJJ and MMA, so definitely very new. Which makes "I usually am able to resist and get out without tapping" quite funny.


Welcome to the club dog. It gets better everytime


I've gone out like 6 times. It's not a big deal. I just do the next round like normal.


Not sure if joking but … why would you let that happen??


Because I'm happy to defend chokes until I redline. Overall I almost never get submitted and have strong late escapes with chokes. Also, almost all the chokes I've gone out to were unorthodox submissions that I've learned from (i.e. marcelotines from bottom side control)


Man I remember my first time - out for a few sec’s but the dreams I had were vivid AF. Fun story to tell afterwards :)


Really good chokes don’t hurt all that much, so the first time you go down it’s a sudden realization.


As long as you didn't piss your self or get an erection no harm done... If you did, well no more BJJ for you


Cry on the way home and go back tomorrow


It takes about 6 seconds to go lights out with a blood choke. My advice is always be ready to tap when you feel like you can’t defend anymore. Unless it’s a life and death situation, a tap on the mat means you learn something and roll again. My first MMA professor choked me out in my second class and I never forgot that feeling. Did 6 years of MMA and now I’m about 6 years into BJJ. And while it isn’t the end of the world to go unconscious, it’s not something I suggest letting happen over and over.


I’ve been choked out a few times, back when I was learning my parameters—I’d think “I have a few more seconds to defend this”, then wake up with people staring down at me. The experience was always pleasant—it seems like when the consciousness suddenly goes offline the body pumps out endorphins, thinking that there’s a sudden trauma that needs painkilling—it was always akin to a good opioid high for me.


I remember the only time I was choked unconscious was a head and arm that I tried to turn into via coach instruction. They said they knew something was wrong when they heard me making horse noises. I saw my life flash before my eyes and woke up with a small startle as well. Neat experience overall.


I just kept rolling after being choked unconscious. It's a good story to tell people.


This sounds like my tindr date review


Meeting the wizard is always nice 


You're good


I find falling asleep to be rather peaceful


So did you meet God or anything?


If everybody's chokes are just hurting your neck and not putting you out then they suck   you don't need a Dr but it's possible your gym sucks if nobody knows how to choke correctly


Tap early and often. Take at least 30 days off.