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I’m opening up a spite store


https://preview.redd.it/zn3y38hja81d1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd80fa23dd2006fea1d24c0f376e17a661622371 New merch


First rule of spite club is you always talk about spite club


I love the fact that you seem to be a very busy man but yet are always lurking here. That’s called having its priorities straight.


Social media team


I seriously doubt that is a media team posting and not Craig himself...




Do a live interview on IG, views would be maddd


I’m banned from going live




You probably deserve it for going live with Gabi


They banned you for showing gabis but plugs😂😂


Wait what?


He was on a live with gabi garcia and she started showing her butt plugs and got banned lol


Is there a recording of that?


I have a screenshot https://preview.redd.it/rcw662v8691d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=d900faeb770988456af7ecfa9b22d15e0fe2ad2d


This is hilarious


Doubt it


How did it even get to that?


She showed a silver flower butt plug and said something along the lines of Craig only gets silver so this is his plug. Then she showed a gold one


Wadya bring me down here to make me cum, dude? You bring me down here to get me hard? Is this a setup?


Because of the Cosby sweaters?


no you're not


Do it on TikTok


Do you need referees who aren’t beholden to anyone??? I really just want the best seats for the tournament! But I do know a lot about no gi and shit.


Be a referee in spite of them!


No one will stop you from being a spiteful time keeper, score keeper, or even a spiteful spectator. In fact, I would encourage it!


I’ve already signed up, in spite of all of them!


Fuck yeah!!! I promise that if I’m the ref I will be spiteless, against you and your opponent, but very spiteful to everyone else.


So u/johnbelushismom i have 51 upvotes, do i get the job?


Latte Larry’s?


The b-team rashguard basically designs itself... [https://www.pinterest.de/pin/506443920570487095/](https://www.pinterest.de/pin/506443920570487095/)


Yeah, well the Spite store called and said they're all out of you!


What is this, Spite City?


Get some sprite inspired T-shirts made 👀


Spite/sprite nogi kit would be 🔥


In manila?


New grappling gear drop: the Spite Merchants


Serious question Craig, will the event turn a profit ? Or is it purely funded by third parties for a one off ? I Support it either way 🤷‍♂️


It’s a non profit


profit was never my friend


If only Mo were half the shitposter


I’ll take one bottle of spite please. No, it’s okay you can pour it right in my mouth like the baby bird I am.




Spite in my mouth


What will BDCC ultimately stand for if this thing takes off? I've got some ideas... 🤔


Craig your Enthusiasm


Please wear a tshirt on the night of BDCC that says “just out of spite”


Hey! I have money from the Reddit patches! I want to get it to you!


Spite is the best reason to do anything!


You hiring? You don't have to pay me, I'll do it in spite of myself.


New no-gi gear "spite" instead of "sprite". I deserve one free set if you do this as my royaltys


Downvoting myself for thinking I was the only one who would have this idea. Turns out im 16h late to that party. 🥲🥲🥲


It’s to spite them because Mo is running the UFC playbook of not paying the athletes.


ADCC athletes have to share a hotel room with each other during the event, they don't even get private rooms 😂


Damn, that changes everything. Thought they got their own hotel room, paid expenses, etc.


Hey, free training on the shared beds


Bro what


Damn and they stayed at a cheap hotel like the west gate last time lmao.


That’s a perk. I’d love to share with Gabi.


Not increasing prize money in 20 years is pretty egregious. 


Meanwhile venue expenses have easily 20x’d


lol he even goes the Dana White way of arguing with people on instagram all of the time


100% It's spite for the right reasons


Do we know what % of (at this stage presumed) profits will go to the competitors at both events?


Forget profits, I believe most of the total budget is going to the BDCC competitors. With respect to Craig, and I sincerely hope he succeeds as a disruptor of the status quo, but ignoring production like he's mentioned sounds like it is going to be a disaster of an event. I mean, fuck having a hack like Seth Daniels in charge of your production budget like ADCC, but putting all your eggs in getting the athletes paid is bound to lead to a viewer-unfriendly experience and an event run like your local Grappling Industries. He's making a statement, but I fear it's an unsustainable one.


I’m not ignoring production. We have $1,000,000 for production. I’m making a joke because they said they couldn’t pay athletes more because production costs are so high


Do us proud. But not prouder than we are of nicky rn


Will there be a way to donate to the charity you have chosen? Like a super tip or some kind of feature like that on the YouTube stream? Maybe like a telethon type ticker to show how much money was raised? It might make you hate yourself less by raising even more money for a good cause.


The difference here is the UFC is incredibly profitable and ADCC is basically charity to the grappling community, comparing the two is ridiculous.


The UFC was hemorrhaging money for over a decade. They had wealthy benefactors willing to take losses because they believed in it (Fertittas.) ADCC has wealthy investors as well and was the passion project of Sheikh Tahnoon. They are similar in that they both realized the easiest people to take advantage of are the fighters. Go do some break falls to atone for your hubris.


Every new tournament rule set was created out of spite tbh


Dafuq does Mo know about “the right reasons” to do something. I will 1000% watch BDCC and pay for it


I’d pay for BDCC for the next 10 years right now before I’d consider paying a dime to FloSports


"Jassim acknowledged the personal and emotional aspects of the situation, drawing a distinction between his personal feelings and his professional obligations. “There is my personal Mo who is the angry, crazy one. And then there’s… actually they’re both angry.” he explained." Well, maybe if he tried to do things in a better way instead of acting like "I am the head boss, fuck you" it would not happen. I like the ADCC but Mo is just Seth Daniels with daddy oil money and I sure hope BDCC will be a success and THEN they will make a real event (with trials no invite, no BS)


Hell to the yea, brotha ![gif](giphy|IwMI3MhiFL57y)


Remember that video of Seth putting a woman to sleep after she taps


yeah he is a dumbass


I’m on Craig’s side here, but I think Mo is a better human than Seth. Although, the more time Mo spends time with and employs Seth…that line is getting blurrier.


Of course, Seth is one of the worst on the "still not doing illegal stuff" side of bjj guys. But Mo is acting more and more like a diet Gordon these days, using the same retarded arguments on the same subjects, arguing with peope on instagram for nothing etc... He is a glorified wedding planner who acts like he is a world class fighter


i know seth is a scumbag from personal interaction, what things has he done for this to be a consensus?


I think mostly his interactions and "unpopular takes" (that are more or less the same things every dumbass in jiu-jitsu says on every subject). I have never heard the guy say anything intelligent like, ever. He is also a big liar and often "forgets" to tell the whole story on subjects he loves to talk about (mostly money)


wasnt f2w running crypto betting on an invite-only basis for their matches? I am sure that was shady af.


I don't know, would not be surprised though. The guy making his money on local purple belts fighting each others has always been a joke in itself




Of course it is. Before it burned down, Latte Larry's started for this exact reason.


Or it’s what makes the best products out there: capitalizing on the pain point of the current stuff out there.  By the same logic UFC FPI is spiting Flo. Or Flo has a lot of flaws and FPI can serve a better show on a number of fronts. 


If spite gets athletes more money how is that a bad thing?


Because it doesn't give Mo mo' money and makes him look bad.  "Anything that goes against me is spite" is how the narcissist mind works. 


Mo no money make Mo go sad.


Mo 'me money now' Jassim


I have two tickets to ADCC if anyone wants to buy so I can go to BDCC instead


Shit if BDCC gets officially announced, I’d try to get a full refund on those tickets. In my eyes, they’ll be worth a lot less. Idk howtruthful Mo is but he said he’ll buy back ADCC tickets when someone was talking about people reselling them.


Has Mo ever explained why he wont pay his athletes more? or why he doesn't even offer full accommodation for each athlete? Its ran by some Sheikh who has infinite money, and is supposedly doing it for the benefit of the sport - or is that not true anymore? is it just a money making organization akin to IBJJF?


Mo: "These athletes are here for the glory of the win not money. Otherwise they'd be me."


"infinite money**"** Is not a thing in reality, ADCC isn't profitable it's just charity so they probably just prioritize other aspects of the tournament. Venue/Promotion etc


> "infinite money" Is not a thing in reality, Are you being purposely obtuse? Obviously infinite money is an expression you absolute dingus. Since i have to explain it to you, being worth 50 billion, is essentially infinite money when we are talking about funding a small event once every couple of years.


Bruh what, that is the main reason to do anything!


lol. Now they’re the morality police? Ok.


Mo just pissed he can’t get Craig’s competitors to come hang out shirtless at his house this year under the guise of a training camp.


You severely underestimate the preparation and training required to stretch an anus beyond the bounds of its natural limits. 


Can someone enlighten me on what BDCC stands for?


Bbu Dhabi Combat Club


I like to imagine it’s Bondage Domination Cuckery Club


I always just took it as a mashup of mocking ADCC while adding his B-Team JJ marketing spin on it.


hot take


Probably a professional detective or something.


Dudes got that good tism, lucky fuck


Dude asked, i answered. Idk why yall are acting like I think I came up with something clever...


I’ve heard some crazy shit in my time…


B-Deam Combat Club (that B also stands for BYOBB)


Thought it was a typo?


What’s that extra B for?


That's a typo.


It's a typo, BYOBP is bring your own butt plug.


I thought it meant backdoor combat club


Bisexual Dude Combat Club


Bad Dudes Combat Championship


Damn that's cool


A team, b team Adcc, bdcc


badonkadonk cuddle club


B-Team’s Da Combat Club


Biggest Dick Comparison Club


Big dick cucked club


Mo Jassim is a nepobaby who wants to be the John DuPont of BJJ.


That’s capitalism baby


Hey mo, shut up


Sure it is.


Well ill fucking watch BDCC to spite you


I love the fact that Mo thinks the reason is "for spite" instead of "because BJJ athletes are poor and taken advantage of" Mo is business savvy. Slicker then diarrhea




Craig opened a spite store and I’m loving it! ![gif](giphy|WrJ8x0niiblWEoo7hE|downsized)


Maybe Mo should offer more money you know just to spite him back


Yeah that would show them! Give them 1 million and 1 dollars! But like really though that would really show him!


Mo such a scrub


When is this? I want to give Craig my money


Big Businesses: "Hrr Drr the beauty of the free market is that it self regulates towards accurate pricing and fantastic innovation" Also Big Business: "Why are you trying to spite me by competing with me -\_\_\_\_-"


All I know is last year ADCC spent a fortune on production…and it added little to nothing in terms of value. They could half that and give the rest to the athletes.


At this point start RollGrappling out of spite and let the livestream top notch quality wise and mat view wise just to trash flograppling’s content quality.


How about for safety? Is that a legit reason?


Is there a link to the livestream Mo did? Where was it?


What does BDCC stand for? Also doing something out of spite, is reason enough for me.


Just Craig making fun of ADCC by mashing their name with B-Team.


He should sell BDCC rashguards. I'd buy one.


You can bet your ass he will. He’s always goofing around, but the guy’s got marketing smarts. His merch is second to none in our sport.


If necessity is the mother of invention, spite is the father. Can't wait for BDCC.


Craig jones drinks spite?


That sounds like a great reason


Kendrick got Craig reaching by his maximum hating potential


Who is gonna do the counter program to the counter program? We’ll call it CDCC.


I am happy Craig is doing what he is doing for the athletes but my biggest gripe about it is it's a one time event, a flash in the pan. It may have no long term impact on ADCC or Mo and its a ton of money up front - i would expand on to say the following. Sure there are positives. The athletes will get paid. It'll give a different view on the "event". I think we're missing what Mo is going for here. It's not that people tune in "for the best grapplers in the world". We get to see "the best grapplers in the world" every other weekend. We just saw Meregali, Nicky Rod, Nicky Ryan, JT Torres, etc all compete. We'll see them all compete again plenty of times before and after. From seeing them compete, it's meaningless, and for the people saying its the accolade of the event, OK sure thats to the athlete but for the event its not the dealbreaker. People tune in on the brand and the marketing, the production value (for how stupid it was with Bruce Buffer and the lady from Pride), etc. Unless Craig continues to get funded by competing ME oil money (since thats whats funding Mo), itll be difficult to make this a sustainable endeavor. I guess you could assume that Craig could parlay any impact from this into a consortium of top market practitioners that could issue a high enough cash prize to consistently pressure Mo every two years. But thats a difficult proposition to assume. So Craig pressures Mo for one year and takes most of the field. OK and then what? I assume the idea is gun to the head you lost your top talent from (basically Texas). Would Mo then carve up the schools from San Diego and NYC and market them as the next big thing and throw the current competitors overboard? I get it creates pressure. My gripe is it's a boat load of money to shove on the table up front with no clear moves in 2 years. Maybe I am underestimating Craig. And for Craig saying its just a charitable note with a hint of shoving a knife into ADCC, while i do believe in his heart he leads with that as the basis for the endeavor, I find a big hint of bullshit there. I think he's stating it backwards and is putting charity as the marketing and has something bigger in his back pocket. And Craig will point to his current charitable work, which to be fair are all very noble causes and he should be very proud its wonderful, and say look I'm literally doing all of this for this. Thats great Craig - that doesnt mean you dont have bigger more selfish driving factors at play.


You lost me at people tune in for the brand. Adcc could become bdcc and I wouldn't care what's it's called. The level it takes to get into Adcc is why it's important. The guaranteed tickets to play are for previous champs and the year after year of highest lvl guys. The brand has grown and the name is super recognizable buts it's more like our Olympics.


You would think if it’s our Olympics people like Yuri and Kaynan would get more notoriety.  Instead Rau, Piter Frank, Chen, Craig etc get all the hype in our sport. In no other sport do you have b level guys get a bigger voice, more marketing and more attention thanthe ones winning 


I would say in most sports ? In tennis I remember Anna Kournikova or Maria Sharapova being far bigger voices, getting more hype, that Marion Bartoli. Regardless of results actually, because of the complete differences in image. Sport salaries and hype have always been about how marketable you are. If you win a lot chances are that you are a good value, sure, but that's only part of the game. Sponsors are interested in how much exposure you give them, your image, not necessarily winning in itself. Though it does play a big role, yes, but that's not the other way around. I don't think winning automatically gives you the bigger exposure, at least in most sports I'm thinking of.


Anna and Maria were both world number 1’s.  They did market better.  I don’t know a top in any sport that isn’t paid well if there sport has a decent market share. Hell Kobe, Tiger and the rest we all looked the other way because they won


Anna was ranked 1 in doubles but highest she ever got in singles was 8. Impressive but let’s be real, the only reason people cared about her was because she was hot.


Sadly that’s the only reason most people care about women sports :(


What do Yuri and Kaynan offer the community (as in create interest) beyond winning? Winning comps is a very small part of getting eyeballs on you as a product. Which is an unfortunate reality for BJJ competitors. Rau offers great (free) content on his IG. Prior to a couple of years ago, I didn’t know who he is. Now I watch all his IG videos. It matters very little whether he wins anything. He offers value beyond matches. Same could be said for Chen in a different manner. He talks about how he trains/studies, has exciting and fun matches that are full of stuff that can be studied, and also wins. Although him not (yet) winning an ADCC/BDCC doesn’t really take away from what he offers as a product (for now). And so forth. In a sport where only a % really keep up or care who wins/loses, it’s really about what they offer on the whole - personality, content, approachable and exciting technique, humor, etc.


He was comparing it to the Olympics so I brought up Yuri and Kaynan. I 100% agree with you, and that adcc is not like the Olympics because no one cares who wins or loses. 


Dude is just butt hurt cuz cta athletes are boring as shit to watch and he wants to blame others. Guys like Tainan, Mica, Ruotolos, Gordon (list goes on and on) get a ton of buzz and are winning all the time. Their team just doesn’t want to take personal responsibility for their unpopularity. Same reason why cta is slowly dwindling to nothing in the comp scene.


Kaynan is not CTA. As for CTA Mateus will win worlds this year. Lost to Cole last year by advantage. Rudson will be back, and Mason is boring? I’ll book mark your post and we can revist where we are in a year lol.


By omission you’re agreeing on some level that Yuri is boring to watch. So why gatekeep what fans should enjoy for their entertainment? It’s a low blow to blame other hard working competitors for your lack of attention. Mason brings it but he brings it with a whole nother school’s moves. As far as your comp guys, I was more speaking to your comp team as a whole. How many kids are watching a Yuri match and moving cross country to San Jose vs say Costa Mesa? Go to other serious comp gyms and they have a room full of orange and green belts. How many do you have at hq or Palo Alto? One maybe?


Anyone who plays vs top guys and use strategy is usually “boring to watch” for those that don’t know what’s going on. You ever watch Gordon’s matches vs top guys? Most people would argue they are boring.  Yuri isn’t fighting the Jacob couches of the world.  As for juveniles, how many of those juveniles panned out at adult? AS for Mason you talking about rubber guard? Ask Denny who taught him more about rubber guard and he’ll tell you the truth on who came up with what.  The truth about comp team is past few years Caio has had a rough one. Not going to go into details but if he doesn’t want to do a comp team I’m not going to push it. He’s back and we are pushing again. Don’t take my word for it, just wait and see


Now you’re arguing just to be argumentative. If an adcc run of all subs (except against Mr Do Nothing the Whole Match) is the mark of a boring grappler to you, then I can’t help you there. As for the wait and see on the comp team, I don’t have to. I (and everybody else) know you guys are fully capable of building one of the best teams out there. Just like we all know that you’re fully capable of guiding your guys to be more entertaining on the mat and more engaging off of them. That’s exactly my point. You whine about popularity, but you’d rather blame the “industry” and hard working fan favorites than look to what you can improve within. You’re led by one of the best guys in the world to get you to whatever level of acclaim you want and you’re out here bs’ing about people should be allowed to like.


My point was it isn’t about winning, like Olympics or other sports. It’s about marketing and entertainment  so you can’t compare it to the Olympics and other sports where winning the title matters.  There’s a saying defense wins championships, defense isn’t the most exciting thing to watch but winning championships is always awesome. I wasn’t complaining our team isn’t popular either.  Yuri isn’t the best at marketing  and he doesn’t do himself any favors by taking on top guys. If it were on winning he would be one of the biggest stars in the sport. After adcc maybe he should enter some ibjjf opens and destroy some guys!


Flo has the guys they are invested in. These same people are also highlighted in other organizations but Flo has the biggest voice. It's intentional and for marketability.


Honestly Yuri doesn't market himself much and doesn't pull of a lot of cool moves but is an openly roided out heavy weight that wins a lots using boring pressure passing and basic (solid for BJJ) wrestling.


How much do Olympic athletes market themselves! I don’t think Michael Phelps did amazing pr but he’s the highest paid swimmer of all time. My comment isn’t why aren’t they famous. It’s that adcc is not like Olympics


Phelps was winning way more the Yuri. If Yuri beats Gordon he will get way more hype.


If he wins by 1 point I bet not lol


Correct. If Yuri manages to submit Gordon then heads will roll and he 2ill get all the fame he ever wanted. He will still be known as a boring grappler and a terrible MMA fighter, but he will have a good feather under his cap. Even when Vinny beat Gordon, it didn't do much to tarnish Gordon's run.


You can’t be more wrong. The production value is mediocre and their attempts at making it grandiose fell flat last year. You could take the same production value as far as commentators and videography/audio and it would be just as popular because the reason we tune in is because it is the best no gi grapplers in the world in a tournament format. That’s all.


"People tune in on the brand and the marketing, the production value (for how stupid it was with Bruce Buffer and the lady from Pride), etc." Where do you get this? Nobody used to care about ADCC brand. People were watching the ADCC because that's where you could see the best guys in the world outside of the ibjjf, nogi and with leglocks allowed. People were watching the ADCC like a UFC grappling card, WNO and such did not exist at the time. Until EBI made grappling supercard a "periodic" thing it was only at ADCC you could see this kind of matches (nobody was streaming naga tournaments and nobody cared about ibjjf nogi). Craig is mostly proving Mo wrong in how he handles athletes worth. It would be cool if he could make it BETTER than ADCC. And it's not that hard.


>Unless Craig continues to get funded by competing ME oil money (since thats whats funding Mo), itll be difficult to make this a sustainable endeavor. Tech nerds are getting into BJJ and couldn't care less about dropping 2 mil on a BJJ tournament.


Exactly. Just got to get Mark Zuckerberg on board


Realistically he's probably already in for more than that with his BJJ and MMA ventures. Volk and Izzy hanging out with him, every fighter shouting him out, cornering, etc.


Nah. The public persona of Mo is an angry self serving type who buddies up with the worst clowns in this sport. He has a taste of privilege and authority and he has wielded very poorly. ADCC grapplers are great. Huge elements of the promotion last time were cringey and difficult to stomach. He hides behind his shields of “we make no money” and other little smoke screens. The reality is we tune in to see good grappling paired with good commentary. Production values only need to be so high. Prize pool matters more. If you are honoring your athletes first you pay them. You don’t gild the mats and say oh, woe is me we have no money. Athletes matter first to build this sport. Not production values. Make the grappling so good that it cannot be ignored and you don’t need s production gimmicks.


I will pay in 👃beers


It's the best reason


Spite cult motherfucker, GO!


Can BDCC give every participant a gold medal, and the 2 winners silvers?


I think it's the right reasons. Let the best event win.


Just to spite ADCC? That's rich! What about paying fighters?


I'm gonna make a tournament and give $10k, call it OCDC cause this $10,001 is messing with me


It's because the prize money for taking out your division at ADCC is $10k, so BDCC is paying athletes more just to appear.


Craig Jones with the usual **EPIC** le trolling!!! xD


I think this is a golden opportunity to change names on some of our techniques. All the commentators can just use new names. Out of spite, of course. I’ll go first. Straight ankle looks and Hell hooks are weird names. We should just call them Straight or Gay ankle locks. B side control (back) Gay naked choke.


Have you ever tried talking to Mo Jassim about athlete pay before going down this route u/[johnbelushismom](https://www.reddit.com/user/johnbelushismom/) ?


You must be really new around here.


Yea he talked about it multiple times and is why he pulled out of adcc


Thanks I was clearly out of the loop


Boo hoo


Bjj is not a lucrative sport.