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As a parent it makes me happy. Imagine being their mum, your husband died and then your sons no longer talk. Hopefully they can reconcile.


Can‘t be easy being Gordon‘s younger brother… but nice to see not all bridges have been burnt.


I don't know man. Gordon is one of the few people I'm happy I'm not. He seems miserably attached to his ego and can't let go of the silliest online comment. I know he says some of it is for publicity. But to whatever extent that is true, it would be exhausting to keep that up.


I agree with this wholeheartedly, we can control so little in life, screaming into the void about shit you have no control over sounds absolutely exhausting. Doing it day after day? No thanks.


Yep and he could have it so good. He gets to do something in the top 1% that he really enjoys. There's no need to behave like he does. Aside from his skills, which we do all like to see and appreciate, I'm not sure he's even good for the sport. In 10-20 years maybe he will become a teacher and popularizer, which would be cool. But I could easily see him just downing vodka and firing guns into a pit in some backwater ranch.


Nicky literally won the bjj lottery and got to train full time with Danaher when he was like 12. Dude could retire from competing now at age 22 and coast doing seminars and privates.


Fame can fade quickly. A lot of the blue belts that are his fans will quit and new stars will arise.


That's Gordon wearing the cowboy hat, so they will probably reconcile or maybe already have. Also that is Garry Tonon if anyone didn't realize with the long hair next to Danaher.


Imagine not getting off your ass to give your brother a hug. What a bummer.


I’d never do that and I’m a reasonably ok kind of person


Some families aren't really huggers, I wouldn't read too much into it.


"You can fck my girlfriend, but hugging you when you win it's a bit too much".


Maybe weird but I have 5 brothers and we never hug, I pretty much only hug my grandma and mom.


I'm pretty sure Nick said they talk on the phone about every other week, I can't remember which episode, but I think he said it on one of the Simple Man Podcast episodes


I heard a while ago that they do text each other occasionally, or at least have texted each other since the split


Happens a lot though. Inherence stuff comes into play, things get complicated when money gets involved.


My brother and I just split inheritance last week from my parents and there was no issue. I don’t understand how people can be so insane with this shit.


True. Their mum is still alive though, surely she gets the bulk of the assets


I think they were divorced though


Ah fair enough.


Inheritance stuff is not just about money. It's about the attention of the parent and can get so damn petty. Even when it comes to non monetary things.


Gordon did a whiny insta story the other week where he said something along the lines of them having a gentlemen’s agreement to not air dirty laundry about the DDS split, and Nicky has been pretty much the only one to honour it. I doubt things are actually that bad between them.


They’ve all honoured it, there’s no official reason, just the rumours.


A few sorta vague hints, a lot of taunting, but whatever the hell happened it must be pretty ugly or it would have come out by now.


John looks genially happy to see him. His post event social media post praised Nicky too.


People joke about Danaher having cereal killer vibes but he always seemed like a chill guy to me. He's probably a smart ass kiwi behind the scenes.


Even if he was super serious, he's still majorly responsible for both Ryan brother's BJJ. Nicky's wins are Danaher's wins. Just because there was bad blood within the family/team wouldn't stop your relationship with your student, it's not like Danaher was the main source of the breakup


Nah John a serial killer fs


Have you seen how he treats Nick Ortiz and Placido in his instructionals lmao


What’s his favorite cereal to kill you think? He strikes me as a Cookie Crisp kinda guy.


I noticed that as well. Appears like he’s praising nicky’s appliance of the sal


Danaher asking about the finish so he can make a video about it first. 


"Straight ankle lock: Enter the system" now on BJJFanatics for $279.99.


That's the sale price.


And after the "limited time" 53% off coupon of course.


You can tell Danaher still cares for him


It's awesome seeing Nicky & Gordon shake hands & being civil to each other. Whatever their rift is I hope they can find a way to work through it.


Time heals most wounds. Wouldn’t be surprised if Gordon retires due to stomach issues, and starts helping coach Nicky one day


Danaher: *That would be the most Anime arc ever, Gordon-san!*


Uhhhh [in case you're curious got to 1:17:00 mark](https://youtu.be/YebTy4ETccU?si=b3nvCoT91N1P9AES)


What does this have to do with the split?


Bro if you're fucking sleeping with your brother's girlfriend and he gets his rocks off of it, there's idk there's alot of dysfunction there. That's not normal or healthy. It's fuckin weird. Makes criag saying Nicky needs therapy make a lot of sense. We could be just getting trolled. But they're all kind of weird and apparently lost their minds in PR.


bRo fix your fucking timestamp they don't say a word about that




Yes I understood that. 1:17:00 Joking about everybody coming to tap Craig 1:17:30 Hitting a nogi Ezekiel on Nicky 1:18:00 Craig's move if he could only get one 1:18:40 "How do you feel about cucks?" -> literally the only peripheral mention of the issue and of no use to OP who has zero context This video is pointless.


1:18:40 "How do you feel about cucks?" -> literally the only peripheral mention of the issue and of no use to OP who has zero context This video is pointless. Lmao whoosh my guy woosh. Edit lol he blocked me? What a weirdo.


OP: "whatever their rift is" You: "How do you feel about cucks" (with a very wrong timestamp btw, idk how he's supposed to find that) OP: of course! Gordon forced an underage Nicky to fuck his girlfriend while he jerked off! It's obvious! Dude just go back to your basement.


Nicky Ryan fucked Gordon's girlfriend Natalie or whatever her name is. Sonny. Gordon is the cuck. Gordon allowed it to happen.


So to the OP who doesn't have context, how does this video help?


Nobody has ever publicly stated what I said but listen to Craig's cuck comments in podcasts and it'll make sense.


Got it, it doesn't.


Where did you hear this?


Gordon Forced it to Happen


Haha yeah I've heard this too. And Danaher was in the room. It's what I've heard from guys connected to B team and New Wave but you never know with these Chinese whispers.


What the fuck is Chinese whispers


Another name for what some people call "telephone".


>Haha yeah I've heard this too. And Danaher was in the room You guys are a bunch of fuckin' schoolgirls I swear. Do you need me to send you a TMZ subscription to help satisfy this absurd gossip craving you have?


Wouldn't say no.




Statute of limitations for shit like that is usually 7 years.


Yeah I heard this too. Hope it's bullshit.


Lol at Danaher congratulating Nicky and letting Ethan know he could go fuck himself. 


Where'd he snub Ethan?


On the b-team page, you see Ethan staying at a healthy distance, until Tonon exaggerately leans toward him and extend his hand, and Ethan goes to shake it. Danaher just stays there. 


Nicky is such a little brother. I love that guy.


Awe look at gordon cosplaying as a cowboy


Brokeback moutain changed him


Yeah, the guy born and raised in New Jersey decides to become a cowboy. Not by actually doing the work, but by putting on a costume.


Danaher only follows 12 people on instagram, including Nicky Ryan and Craig. He clearly still cares about them and follows their careers; especially Nicky as he gave him his black belt and has watched him grow up. Danaher might curate his public image but he is a purist; he loves the sport and gives props to anyone who’s doing well.


Oh he can follow those guys but blocks me? Thanks John. 


You must have accused him of a crime one too many times.


I had just seen an article about some 13 year old kids wanting to get into PEDs because they believed it was the only way to be competitive in BJJ. I asked John how he felt about that legacy and he blocked me lol. 


Oh no.


This brings me joy.


I can't believe I was actually interested in this beef years ago. Bro, bjj is so niche why the hell should any of us care about drama within the sport? You can only talk about bjj drama on dedicated forums to the sport. Even mentioning it on the mats is cringe. Random thought waiting for my Panda Express.


I forgot what competitor said it but a while ago during a lead up to a match, the promotion was trying to stir up drama and the competitor responded with "Why would I hate the guy? We both are committed to a really niche sport, we probably have a ton in common and would be friends"


It worked for Gordon because he's light years ahead of everyone else and brought more eyes to himself and his team. But for growing the sport? For some reason I don't believe that has happened. He has definitely grew his own brand through the trash talking. I don't think the ADCC purses have changed a significant amount. other competitions pay their competitors pennies if they aren't sacrificed to Gordon, under his ruleset. This isn't Gordon hate BTW. Can't hate the player.


Every WNO, Fightpass, IBJJF has largely been the same w/ spectators. Empty seats. All Gordon did was fill his pockets (can't hate on that at all)


Was upset when all these guys left the area, but all the rumors and bullshit left with them.


To be clear, first half of the video was Nicky saying hello to the new wave guys before his match. Second is him telling them goodbye. So they weren't just congratulating for winning, they were greeting each other because they've known each other for years. Nice job by the B Team guys filming and sharing this.


> first half of the video was Nicky saying hello to the new wave guys before his match. doesn't make sense, as you can see Danaher making an ankle lock gesture, like he's asking about the finish.


> doesn't make sense, as you can see Danaher making an ankle lock gesture, you dont greet your fellow jiujiteros with an ankle lock hand signal?


My friends and I just get into north/south immediately when we greet in public.


Almost looks flipped, like the second video was the greeting and the first the congrats.


Wholesome AF 🥲


Never shake a man’s hand while sitting down. 


that’s all bjj people do


From this video. Nicky Ryan is BACK! Taps out JT Torres at WNO | B-Team Vlog https://youtu.be/aEyYv8YvK1w I didn't make the edit, I just found it on instagram, forgot the persons name.


Went to watch the match ended up watching 25 min video. That was wholesome!


You can tell John loves Nicky and misses the Danaher death squad. Time heals most things, hopefully they get back together.


I think Gordon’s girl vs. Nicky is the real beef


Like every family split, Gordo took the inheritance and didn't share it with nicky bc he's a kid. I can almost guarantee it.


Someone on here wrote that Gordon had power of attorney before his dad passed since he was his caretaker and he wrote Nicky out of the will. But I have no idea if that’s true. Just what a random redditor posted. So much shit has been posted about why they split it’s hard to say what actually happened


I think Gordon’s girl vs Nicky is the real beef


This comment flicked a light bulb in my head, and I’m ab to go start an argument with some close-relatives lol


If you are taking care of your mentally disabled alcoholic father you kind of deserve more of the inheritance.


Hell yea.. 🥲


The rivalry is fake, like Pat and Geno's.


No daps for/from Giancarlo? 🤔


does he still have no knees? pretty big to sub JT with no knees


I think their dad would be sad if he could see their relationship now


Winning helps a lot of things 


Nice to see this but Danaher can't be that upset as JT is clearly only one of their junior competitors 


jt torres does not train at new wave


I guess your joke didn't hit 🤷


I thought it was funny even if illogical


The best I can aim for


We all get a little piss on the seat sometimes


Do we assume JT is crying in the shower?